The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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from 2005
The Limits of Equality - Wishing for Discrimination?, Yifat Bitton
Dismissing the Class: A Practical Approach to the Class Action Restriction on the Legal Services Corporation, Joshua D. Blank and Eric A. Zacks
Restorative Justice, Slavery and the American Soul, A Policy-Oriented Approach to the Question of Slavery Reparations by the United States, Michael F. Blevins
Congressional Oversight of Counterterrorism and Its Reform, Robert F. Blomquist
American Legal Education, Robert M. Bloom
Jury Trials in Japan, Robert M. Bloom
On the Potential of Neuroscience: A Comment on Greene and Cohen’s "For the Law, Neuroscience Changes Nothing and Everything", Theodore Y. Blumoff
The Problems with Blaming, Theodore Y. Blumoff
Known Unknowns: The Illusion of Terrorism Insurance, Michelle Boardman
The Future of the Casebook: An Argument for an Open-Source Approach, Matthew T. Bodie
ERISA: State Regulation of Insured Plans after Davila, Donald T. Bogan
ERISA: No Further Inquiry into Conflicted Plan Administrator Claim Denials, Donald T. Bogan and Benjamin Fu
Is There a Curricular Core for the Transnational Lawyer?, Michael Bogdan
ÉU Rätt, Sanja Bogojević
Playing With Monopoly Money: Phony Profits, Fraud Penalties, and Equity, Craig M. Boise
Tax Fraud and Inflated Corporate Earnings: Is There an Alternative to the Missing Legislative Fix?, Craig M. Boise
Importance of Enacting a New Law For Secured Transactions in Guatemala, María del Pilar Bonilla
The Price of Palliative Care: Toward a Complete Accounting of Costs and Benefits (with D. Dranove et al.), Alexander Boni-Saenz
CDP and Collections: Perceptions and Misperceptions, Leslie M. Book
Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance, and the Partner-Manager, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Late Trading, Market Timing, and Investor Welfare, University of Maryland School of Law, A Vital Intellectual Community, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Someone Else Loses, Legal Times, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Rev. Proc. 2004-51: The IRS Strikes Back, Brad Borden, Kelly E. Alton, and Alan S. Lederman
Cultural Relativism in International War Crimes Prosecutions: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Ida L. Bostian
Blocking Legal Evolution and Paying the Price: Property and Conflict in the Nigerian Highlands, Karol C. Boudreaux
The Human Face of Resource Conflict: Property and Power in Nigeria, Karol C. Boudreaux
The Role of Property Rights as an Institution: Implications for Development Policy, Karol C. Boudreaux
Forfeiture of Illegal Gain: An Economic Perspective, Roger Bowles, Nuno Garoupa , and Michael Faure
Neo-Colonial Relationships Gone Wrong: French Leaders Should Be Held Legally Responsible for their Role in the Rwandan Genocide, Kirsten T. Bowman
Seeing Government Purpose through the Objective Observer's Eyes: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Debates, Kristi L. Bowman
Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of U.S. Approaches, Elizabeth Brabec and Peter Kumble
Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of U.S. Approaches, Elizabeth Brabec and Peter Kumble
Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of US Approaches, Elizabeth Brabec and Peter Kumble
Regional land pattern assessment: development of a resource efficiency measurement method, Elizabeth Brabec and Geoffrey McD Lewis
Private International Law-Making for the Financial Markets, Caroline Bradley
Differing Conceptions of Development and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel D. Bradlow
Private Complainants and International Organizations: A Comparative Study of the Independent Inspection Mechanisms in International Financial Institutions, Daniel D. Bradlow
Retaliation, Deborah L. Brake
There Ought to Be a Law: The Disclosure Focus of Recent Legislative Proposals for Nonprofit Reform [Symposium: Who Guards the Guardians?: Monitoring and Enforcement of Charity Governance], Dana Brakman Reiser
Introduction [Symposium: Who Guards the Guardians?: Monitoring and Enforcement of Charity Governance], Dana Brakman Reiser and E. Brody
Modeling Facts, Culture, and Cognition in the Gun Debate, Donald Braman, Dan M. Kahan, and James Grimmelmann
Modeling Facts, Culture, and Cognition in the Gun Debate, Donald Braman, Dan M. Kahan, and James Grimmelmann
Is There Skill-Biased Technological Change In Italian Manufacturing? Evidence From Firm-Level Data, Massimiliano Bratti and Nicola Matteucci
Constitutional Law: Structure and Rights in Our Federal System, Daan Braveman, William C. Banks, and Rodney A. Smolla
Getting Real About Privacy: Eccentric Expectations in the Post-9/11 World, Jeffrey A. Breinholt
Who Are the Good Guys? The Legacy of Watergate and the Tangled Webs We Weave, Jeffrey A. Breinholt
Law and Who We Are Becoming, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Natural Law Mythology, William S. Brewbaker
Charity Governance: What’s Trust Law Got to Do With It? (symposium), Evelyn Brody
Introduction to Symposium, Who Guards the Guardians?: Monitoring and Enforcement of Charity Governance (with D. Reiser), Evelyn Brody
Nonprofit Organizations, Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOTs”), Evelyn Brody
The Charity in Bankruptcy and Ghosts of Donors Past, Present, and Future (symposium), Evelyn Brody
Gone Too Far: Measure 37 and the Perils of Over-Regulating Land Use, Sara C. Bronin
Va Savoir! - The Adage "Jura Novit Curia" in Contemporary France, Douglas Brooker
Practicing (And Teaching) Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Importing Social Work Principles and Techniques into Clinical Legal Education, Susan L. Brooks
Already Home: Why Tennessee Needs Subsidized Guardianship, Susan L. Brooks, Andrew J. Shookhoff, and Candice M. Richards
From Pax Mercatoria to Pax Europea: How Trade Dispute Procedures Serve the EC's Regional Hegemony , Tomer Broude
Taking 'Trade and Culture' Seriously: Geographical Indications and Cultural Protection in WTO Law , Tomer Broude
Human Rights, Sovereignty and the Final Status of Kosovo, Bartram Brown
E Pluribus Unum -- Out of Many, One: Why the United States Needs a Single Financial Services Agency, Elizabeth F. Brown
Carte Blanche: Federal Prosecution of State and Local Officials After Sabri, George D. Brown
Counterrevolution? - National Criminal Law after Raich, George D. Brown
Speaker on Campaign Finance Reform, George D. Brown
"Setting the Conditions" for Abu Ghraib: The Prison Nation Abroad, Michelle Brown
From Fictionalism to Functionalism in State Sovereign Immunity: The Bankruptcy Discharge as Statutory Ex Parte Young Relief After Hood, Ralph Brubaker
Taking Exception to the New Corporate Discharge Exceptions, Ralph Brubaker
Amministratori Spa: così la "mala gestio" . I rischi per chi dirotta liquidità altrove in vista dello scioglimento, Ferdinando Bruno
Fallimento del socio, liquidazione della quota e compensazione fallimentare, Ferdinando Bruno
La tassazione dei dividendi societari ed il diritto comunitario, Ferdinando Bruno
Procedimento ex art. 2409 c.c. e stato di liquidazione compatibilità tra amministratore giudiziario e liquidatore, Ferdinando Bruno
Scioglimento di società per azioni per impossibilità di funzionamento dell'assemblea, Ferdinando Bruno
Servizi di investimento ed obblighi di informazione nei confronti dell’investitore, Ferdinando Bruno and Federico Barbàra
Fragmented pragmatism: the conclusion and adoption of international treaties in Vietnam, Tannetje Bryant and Brad Jessup
Playing with Fire: Feminist Legal Theorists and the Tools of Economics, Neil H. Buchanan
Social Security, Generational Justice, and Long-Term Deficits, Neil H. Buchanan
The Uses of the Concept of Efficiency in Tax Analysis, Neil H. Buchanan
Modern Day Slavery in Our Own Backyard, Ellen L. Buckwalter, Meredith S. Salvaggio, Susan L. Pollet, and Maria Perinetti
Cuando las cosas hablan: el res ipsa loquitur y la carga de la prueba en la responsabilidad civil, Alfredo Bullard González
Reivindicando a los Piratas: ¿Es la Propiedad Intelectual un Robo?, Alfredo Bullard González
An Arbitrator's Authority to Award Attorney Fees for Bad-Faith Arbitration, Thomas V. Burch
Nuclear Energy and Proliferation: Problems, Observations, and Proposals, Taylor A. Burke
Equitable and Reasonable Use of Water in the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin, Prof. Elizabeth Burleson
Juvenile Execution, Terrorist Extradition, and Supreme Court Discretion to Consider International Death Penalty Jurisprudence, Prof. Elizabeth Burleson
Intellectual Property Law: Theory vs. Implementation , Edgardo Buscaglia
Undermining the Foundations of Organized Crime and Public Sector Corruption , Edgardo Buscaglia
An empirical assessment of the impact of formal versus informal dispute resolution on poverty: A governance-based approach , Edgardo Buscaglia and Paul Stephan
Controlling Organized Crime and Corruption in the Public Sector, Edgardo Buscaglia and Jan van Dijk
Controlling Organized Crimes and Corruption in the Public Sector, Edgardo Buscaglia and Jan van Dijk
Intention et lien de causalité dans le droit comparé de la responsabilité civile (la fable très peu convenue de la malice qui accroche), Mauro Bussani
El bien jurídico protegido frente a los actos de acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
El derecho a la no discriminación en el empleo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
Acoso Sexual en la Empresa. Análisis de la Ley 20.005, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo, Gabriela Carvajal, and Patricio Jiménez Trejo
Derecho romano y codificación: las sentencias de los jueces mexicanos en una época de transición 1868-1872, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
La independencia de los poderes judiciales a diez años de reforma en México, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
La regulación sobre acceso a la información judicial en México. Algunos comentarios sobre el estado de la cuestión, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
Historia del derecho. Memoria del Congreso Internacional de Culturas y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados, José Antonio Caballero Juárez and Óscar Cruz Barney
El acceso a la información judicial en México: una visión comparada, José Antonio Caballero Juárez, Carlos G. Gregorio, Margaret Popkin, and Ernesto Villanueva
Consecuencias del incumplimiento del art. 118 de la Ley de Sociedades Comerciales, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas