About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2006


Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of Industrial Design: Multinationals' Strategy, Practice, and Concerns in China, Chen Zhao and Liang Huang


the evolution of efficiency principle from utilitarianism to wealth maximization, qi zhou


Clouds, Cameras, and Computers: The First Amendment and Networked Public Places, Timothy Zick


American Cities, Suburban Sprawl, And The Threat Of Terrorism, Edward H. Ziegler


China's Cities, Globalization, and Sustainable Development: Comparative Thoughts on Urban Planning, Energy, and Environmental Policy, Edward H. Ziegler

Effective Classroom Discussions, Traci A. Zimmerman

Effective Writing and Revision Strategies, Traci A. Zimmerman

Faculty Welcome, Traci A. Zimmerman

The Revolutionary Reader and the Energy of the (W)ord in Seventeenth-Century England, Traci A. Zimmerman

The Great American Crime Decline, Franklin E. Zimring

After the Disaster: Legal Ramifications of Decision-Making During Catastrophes, Nancy L. Zisk

Overview of the American Judicial System, Nancy L. Zisk

Prohibiting Job Discrimination, Nancy L. Zisk

Testifying with Immunity or Impunity: How Far Should the HCQIA Go to Protect the Confidentiality of Peer Review?, Nancy L. Zisk


The Limitations of Legislatively Imposed Damages Caps: Proposing a Better Way to Control the Costs of Medical Malpractice, Nancy L. Zisk

The Challenges of Insolvency Law Reform in the 21st Century – Facilitating Investment and Recovery to Enhance Economic Growth, with Henry Peter & Nicolas Jeandin, eds., Zurich: Schulthess Verlag


Corporate Social Responsibility and International Investment Agreements, Jacylyn Yu Jun Shi 石玉君

Documents from 2005


A Behavioral Analysis of Predatory Lending

Bringing Class, Ethnicity, and Nation Back to Race: The Color Lines in 2015

Common Law Fraud, Deceit, and Misrepresentation


Freedom or Theocracy?: Constitutionalism in Afghanistan and Iraq

Making Sense of Affirmative Action, Reviewing Terry H. Anderson, The Pursuit of Fairness: A History of Affirmative Action


The Battle for Mindshare: The Emerging Consensus that the First Amendment Protects Corporate Criticism and Parody on the Internet


Why Rent Control is Still a Regulatory Taking


The Media System and Co-operative Regulatory Systems in the Media Sector of Malaysia, Zalina Abdul Halim and Mohammad Rizal Salim


International Conflict Resolution: Consensual ADR Processes, Harold I. Abramson, Jaqueline Nolan-Haley, and Pat K. Chew


Keep your eye on the pelota: sports arbitration at the Jai-Alai Fronton, Roger I. Abrams


Mandatory Third Party Insurance: God, the Devil, and the Details, Hugo A. Acciarri and Andrea Castellano


Mandatory Third Party Insurance: God, the Devil, and the Details, Hugo Acciarri and Andrea Castellano


Prosecuting Counterfeit License Plates: A Law Clerk's Constitutional Argument, Miguel R. Acosta

Análisis del título 1a. (sobre derecho municipal) de las Sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Adame Goddard

CARBONELL, Miguel, De la libertad de conciencia a la libertad religiosa: una perspectiva constitucional, Jurídica, Jorge Adame Goddard


Derecho privado. Memoria del Congreso Internacional de Culturas y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados (Coordinador), Jorge Adame Goddard


El principio de buena fe en los contratos internacionales, Jorge Adame Goddard


Esbozo de una nueva teoría del contrato, Jorge Adame Goddard


La dispersión del régimen familiar en México, Jorge Adame Goddard


La objetividad de las proposiciones jurídicas, Jorge Adame Goddard


¿Qué significa lo "religioso" en la legislación mexicana?, Jorge Adame Goddard


Recuerdos de Álvaro d'Ors, Jorge Adame Goddard


Relatoría. Reflexión sobre la eutanasia desde el punto de vista de la teología natural, Jorge Adame Goddard


Análisis del título 1a. (sobre derecho municipal) de las Sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Carlos Adame

Derecho privado: Memoria del Congreso Internacional de Culturas y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados;, Jorge Carlos Adame


El principio de buena fe en los contratos internacionales, Jorge Carlos Adame


La objetividad de las proposiciones jurídicas, Jorge Carlos Adame


Whiten v. Pilot Ins. Co.: The Unofficial Death of the Independent Wrong Requirement and Official Birth of Punitive Damages in Contract, Dr. Yehuda Adar


Whiten v. Pilot Ins. Co.: The Unofficial Death of the Independent Wrong Requirement and Official Birth of Punitive Damages in Contract, Yehuda Adar Dr.


Knowledge and Power in the Mechanical Firm: Planning for Profit in Austrian Perspective, Richard Adelstein


Rage and critique: one Jewish girl’s story, Libby Adler


The future of sodomy, Libby Adler

INDIAN POLICE JOURNAL-Jjuly-Sept-1-7.pdf, Dr Nafees Ahmad

Popular Will and the Establishment Clause, Richard Albert

Protest, Proportionality, and the Politics of Privacy, Richard Albert

Mobilizing Employment Rights in the Workplace, Catherine R. Albiston

El Poder Legislativo en América Latina a través de sus normas, Manuel Alcántara, Mercedes García, and Francisco Sánchez

Funciones procedimientos y escenarios: un análisis del Poder Legislativo en América Latina, Manuel Alcántara, Mercedes García, and Francisco Sánchez


SORRY, BUT IT'S THE LAW: The Westernization of Islam, Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis


La nueva regulación del crédito comercial: Una lectura crítica de la Directiva y de la Ley contra la morosidad, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real


Los problemas contractuales en las sociedades cerradas, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real


Recensión a Ángel Rojo y Emilio Beltrán (directores), "La responsabilidad de los administradores", Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2005, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real


Princípios do Direito à Cidade, Rafael de Oliveira Alves


El principio pro homine: interpretación extensiva vs. el consentimiento de los estados, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal

“Los tratados de libre comercio y la soberanía en su negociación: a propósito del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y el proceso de liberalización del comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal

Núcleo duro de Derechos Humanos: Práctica Jurídica en Colombia, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal


Is the Dutch Auction IPO a Good Idea?, Anita I. Anand


Voluntary vs Mandatory Corporate Governance: Towards an Optimal Regulatory Framework, Anita I. Anand


The Detention Trilogy: Striking the Proper Balance Between National Security and Individual Liberty in an Era of Unconventional Warfare, Lloyd C. Anderson

Handbook on AIPN Model Contracts Association of International Petroleum Negotiators, Owen L. Anderson


The Rule of Capture--An Oil and Gas Perspective, Owen L. Anderson and Bruce M. Kramer

Bioethics: The Beginning and End of Life, Lori B. Andrews

Harnessing the Benefits of Biobanks, Lori B. Andrews

Patents on Human Genes: An Analysis of Scope and Claims (with J. Paradise & Timothy R. Holbrook), Lori B. Andrews


Patents: The Need for Bioethics Scrutiny and Legal Change (with J. Paradise), Lori B. Andrews


Studying Medical Error in Situ: Implications for Malpractice Law and Policy, Lori B. Andrews


Embracing Uncertainty, Complexity and Change: An Eco-Pragmatic Reinvention of a First Generation Environmental Law, Mary Jane Angelo


The Custody Battle over Cryogenically Preserved Embryos after Divorce: Advocating for Infertile Women’s Rights, Cori S. Annapolen


Can Florida’s Legislative Standard of Review for Small-Scale Land Use Amendments Be Justified?, Bernard R. Appleman


Reports of Batson's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: How the Batson Doctrine Enforces a Normative Framework of Legal Ethics, Laura I. Appleman


Good Faith Performance in Employment Contracts: A "Comparative Conversation" between the US and England, Katherine M. Apps


The Section 5 Power and the Rational Basis Standard of Equal Protection, William Araiza


Ireland's New Responsibility: Refugees Buy the Irish Another Round, Shae D. Armstrong

The liberalization of trade in insurance, Gregory S. Arnold

Federal Judicial Power Over Cases Arising Under Treaties, Dennis W. Arrow


The Choice of Titling Systems in Land, Benito Arrunada and Nuno Garoupa


The Lawyer as a Portfolio Manager: How Does the Fee System Influence on the Lawyer's Decision of Handling Legal Claim?, Christian At and Nathalie Chappe


Thwart a Tyrant by Resolving Land Crisis, Bernadette Atuahene

Toward Fundamental Tax Reform, Alan J. Auerbach and Kevin A. Hassett


Louisiana Appellate Practice & Procedure: An Overview for Legal Practicioners, Jonathan C. Augustine

Improving the Resolution of International Tax Disputes, Hugh J. Ault


Introduction to United States International Taxation, Hugh J. Ault, James R. Repetti, and Paul R. McDaniel


Drop down? Drop dead! Excess insurers not required to provide primary coverage in lieu of an insolvent insurer, Daniel A. Austin


For debtor or worse: discharge of marital debt obligations under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Daniel A. Austin


Trials of Love, Nimrod H. Aviad


In Defense of Imperfect Compliance Programs, Amitai Aviram


Network Responses to Network Threats: The Evolution Into Private Cyber-Security Associations, Amitai Aviram


Discourse of Disobedience: Law, Political Philosophy, and Trials of Conscientious Objectors, Hadar Aviram


The Cyclical Transformations of the Corporate Form: A Historical Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah


Advertisements Misrepresentation and Remedies, Narsimha Rao A.V


Accident Law for Egalitarians, Ronen Avraham and Issa Kohler-Hausmann


Accident Law for Egalitarians, Ronen Avraham and Issa Kohler-Hausmann


Emprobreciendo a los pobres, Manuel Ayau