The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Western Growth and Sustainable Water Use: If There Are No "Natural Limits" Should We Worry About Water Supplies? (with S. Van de Wetering), A. Dan Tarlock
Science, Judgment, and Controversy in Natural Resource Regulation (with H. Doremus), Dan Tarlock
Forgetting Freud: The Courts' Fear of the Subconscious in Date Rape (and Other) Criminal Cases, Andrew E. Taslitz
Donazione di azienda da parte di imprenditore individuale in società partecipata dai figli, Thomas Tassani
Profili fiscali del rapporto tra socio d’opera e S.r.l. artigiana, Thomas Tassani
Conditional Love: Incentive Trusts and the Inflexibility Problem, Joshua C. Tate
Metaphor, Objects, and Commodities, George H. Taylor and Michael J. Madison
A Vague and Subjective Standard with Impractical Effects: The Need for Congressional Intervention after Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White, Lisa Durham Taylor
Witchcraft and the Polis (reviewing Adam Ashforth, Witchcraft, Violence, and Democracy in South Africa (2005)), Nelson Tebbe
Appunti sul rapporto tra arbitrato rituale e sopravvenuto fallimento di una delle parti, Francesco Tedioli
Rassegna di dottrina e giurisprudenza sugli artt. 491-497 c.p.c., Francesco Tedioli
Recesso dal contratto preliminare di compravendita: profili sostanziali e processuali, Francesco Tedioli
Selective Affinities: On the American Reception of Hans Kelsen's Legal Theory , D. A. Jeremy Telman
The Foreign Affairs Power: Does the Constitution Matter?, D. A. Jeremy Telman
Are Insurance Brokers Professionals?, Barry R. Temkin
Guidelines on NYCLA's Ethics Hotline, Barry R. Temkin and Wally Larson
Tradition & the Abolition of Capital Punishment for Juvenile Crime, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Living with the Bologna Process: Recommendations to the German Legal Education Community from a U.S. Perspective, Laurel S. Terry
El Tribunal Constitucional ante el Principio de primacía del Derecho Comunitario, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
The Long Awaited Official Overhaul of UCC Section 2-207: An Essay on the Limited of Improvement, Charles Thatcher
Hostile Takeovers and Hostile Defenses: A Comparative Look at U.S. Board Deference and the European Effort at Harmonization, Tyler A. Theobald
Contesting constitutional meaning: The political Constitution and the myth of judicial supremacy, George Thomas
Missing Miranda's Story, A Review of Gary L. Stuart's, Miranda: The Story of America's Right to Remain Silent, George C. Thomas III
Discretion and Criminal Law: The Good, The Bad, and the Mundane, George C. Thomas III
Time Travel, Hovercrafts, and the Framers: James Madison Sees the Future and Rewrites the Fourth Amendment, George C. Thomas III
Justice Story Cuts the Gordian Knot of Hung Jury Instructions, George C. Thomas III and Mark Greenbaum
Vanquishing Copyright Pirates and Patent Trolls: The Divergent Evolution of Copyright and Patent Laws, Robert E. Thomas
Book Review, Sharon Hatfield, Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell, Tracy A. Thomas
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Tracy A. Thomas
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the Federal Marriage Amendment: A Letter to the President, Tracy A. Thomas
Restriction of Tort Remedies and the Constraints of Due Process: The Right to an Adequate Remedy, Tracy A. Thomas
Turning a Blind Eye to Misleading Scientific Testimony: Failure of Procedural Safeguards in a Capital Case, William C. Thompson
National Bank Notes and Silver Certificates, James B. Thomson and Bruce A. Champ
Just Say "No Fishing": The Lure of Metaphor, Beth Thornburg
Legal Archaeology and Feminist Legal Theory: A Case Study of a Violation of a Protective Order , Debora L. Threedy
Peeking Behind the Iron Curtain: How Law ‘Works’ Behind Prison Walls, Donald F. Tibbs
Peeking behind the Iron Curtain: How Law "Works" behind Prison Walls, Donald F. Tibbs
Cradled in the Declaration of Independence, Jay Tidmarsh
Citation List to A Textualist Defense of Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, and to Tillman's Reply to Lawson, Seth Barrett Tillman
Citation List: Working Papers, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Christopher Brooks' Chisholm to Alden: James Wilson's Artificial Person in American Supreme Court History citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Continuity of Government Commission Web Page citing Levinson-Tillman exchange on the continuity of Congress, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Harold H. Bruff's Balance of Forces citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Karen Crabbs Fernandes' Delegation and the Administrative State (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation) citing Levinson-Tillman exchange and other Tillman publications, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws agenda document relying on Levinson-Tillman exchange on Continuity of Congress, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Robert F. Williams' State Constitutional Law citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Robert W. Bennett's Taming the Electoral College citing Tillman's The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, citing Lawson-Tillman exchange and Levinson-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Article V, citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, citing Lawson-Tillman exchange and Levinson-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on Article V, citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Model Continuity of Congress Statute, Seth Barrett Tillman
Overruling INS v. Chadha: Advice on Choreography - A Reply to Professor Sanford Levinson, Seth Barrett Tillman
Professor Sanford V. Levinson's Assuring Continuity of Government -- a Comment on Tillman's Model Continuity of Congress Statute, Seth Barrett Tillman
The Role of Reservations and Declarations before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The Las Hermanas Serrano Cruz Case and the Future of Inter-American Justice, Jessica L. Tillson
The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act and Its Implications for Private Military Companies, Dustin M. Tipling
The True Victims of Political Nominations, Yofi Tirosh
Weighty Speech: Addressing Body Size in the Classroom, Yofi Tirosh
Analyzing the Opposition to the U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
Analyzing the Opposition to the U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
Analyzing the Opposition to the U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
Analyzing the Opposition to the U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
Overview, Jonathan Todres
The Optional Protocols to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Impact of U.S. Ratification, Jonathan Todres
The Right to Health under the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
The Right to Health under the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Treaty Provisions and Implications of U.S. Ratification, Jonathan Todres
What the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Says (and Doesn't Say) about Abortion and Family Planning, Jonathan Todres
When Should Judges Appoint Experts?: A Law and Economics Perspective, Jonathan T. Tomlin and David Cooper
The Accuracy and Manipulability of Lost Profits Damages Calculations: Should the Trier of Fact be "Reasonably Certain"?, Jonathan T. Tomlin and David Merrell
Framing the Fragments. Police: Genealogies, Discourses, Locales, Principles, Christopher Tomlins
In This Issue: In This Issue, Christopher Tomlins
Por causa da Mulher, Haradja L. Torrens
Creative Use of Samples to Teach the Conversion of Objective Writing to Persuasive Writing, Judith B. Tracy
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child; It Takes Two Professionals to Successfully Teach Research and Analysis--A Simulated Class Reflecting a Truly Integrated First-Year Legal Research and Writing Curriculum, Judith B. Tracy and Joan A. Shear
The WTO Appellate Body Gambles on the Future of the GATS: Analyzing the Internet Gambling Dispute between Antigua and the United States before the World Trade Organization, Kelly Ann M. Tran
"Pre-Negotiation" Counseling: An Alternative Model, Paul R. Tremblay
El registro de nuevos productos químicos conlleva problemas de protección de información, Jose R. Trigueros
Registering new chemical products brings data protection problems, Jose R. Trigueros
Immigration to Cyprus, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Liberating Estates Law from the Constraints of Copyright, Lee-ford Tritt
Democracy's Handmaid, Robert L. Tsai
"You Can't Wear That to Vote": The Constitutionality of State Laws Prohibiting the Wearing of Political Message Buttons, Kimberly J. Tucker
Using an Attorney Mastery Scale, Lisa A. Tucker
Before Competition: Origins of the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Frederick Tung
The FTC and Consumer Privacy in the Coming Decade, Joseph Turow, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Nathaniel Good, and Jens Grossklags
Is Conscience King?, Amelia J. Uelmen
Me, My Career and the Future of Our World, Amelia J. Uelmen
Religious Lawyering's Second Wave, Amelia J. Uelmen
Religious Values and Corporate Decision Making: The Economy of Communion Project, Amelia J. Uelmen and Luigino Bruni
Ethics: Fewer 'Journalists,' More 'Professionals', Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Keeping the Promise, Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Antarrashtriya Dand Nyayalaya Aur Bharat: Kuch Sawaal-Jawaab, Saumya Uma
Arms Embargoes and the Right to Self-Defense in International Law , Matthew D. Vandermyde
From 'Tragedy' to 'Disaster': Welfare Effects of Commons and Anticommons Dilemmas, Sven Vanneste, Francesco Parisi, Alain Vanhiel, and Ben Depoorter