The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
Derecho antimonopólico y de defensa de la competencia, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Parallel Imports, Difficulties Caused by Conflicting Goals and Regulations, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Diccionario de economía, finanzas y empresa, español/inglés inglés/español, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Eleonor Hoague
The Availability of Parish Assets for Diocesan Debts: A Canonical Analysis, Nicholas P. Cafardi
The Aesthetics of Lawrence v. Texas' Moral Vision, Courtney Megan Cahill
Introduction: Three Perspectives on Criminal Justice, Michael T. Cahill
Punishment Decisions at Conviction: Recognizing the Jury as Fault-Finder, Michael T. Cahill
California’s New Ethics Standards: A Hot Bed of Controversy, Rebecca Callahan
Facework in Mediation: The Need for "Face" Time, Rebecca Callahan
Identity and Market for Loyalties Theories: The Case for Free Information Flow in Insurgent Iraq, Paul D. Callister
Law's Box: Law, Jurisprudence and the Information Ecosphere, Paul D. Callister
Law’s Box: Law, Jurisprudence and the Information Ecosphere, Paul D. Callister
Garda Diversion of Young Offenders: An Unreasonable Threat to Due Process Rights?, Liz Campbell
Bibliografía especialitzada sobre l’Islam a Europa, Josep Cañabate
Los ‘otros sin papeles’: la inmigración española al Protectorado de Marruecos, Josep Cañabate
The Law and Economics of Wardrobe Malfunction, Adam Candeub
Missouri Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions: Criminal 2D Annotated, Charles Cantrell
La anulación de un laudo arbitral por la causal de exceso en la resolución de la materia sometida a arbitraje, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry
An Evaluation of the World Bank's New Comprehensive Development Framework, Lan Cao
Caught in the Middle: The Predicament of Children in the U.S. Immigration System, Stacy Caplow
'Tacking Too Close to the Wind': The Challenge to Prosecution Clinics to Set Our Students on a Straight Course, Stacy Caplow
Co-Teaching International Criminal Law: New Strategies to Meet the Challenges of a New Course, Stacy Caplow and Maryellen Fullerton
Co-Teaching International Criminal Law: New Strategies to Meet the Challenges of a New Course, Stacy Caplow and Maryellen Fullerton
Two Immigrants, Two Standards (reprinted in Miami Herald and Salt Lake City Trib., Feb. 15, 2006), Stacy Caplow and L. Kosseff
Contrato sin acuerdo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Hablemos en serio. Sobre la obligación de enajenar, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Momento final del procedimiento formativo del contrato y momento formativo ficticio (Artículos 1360, 1376 del Código Civil, y artículo 21.1 de la Convención de Viena sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías), Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Ni coexistencia ni concurso consciente de voluntades. El problema del círculo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Teoría y comparación en tema de irrevocabilidad de la oferta, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Lawyers’ Ethics and the Pursuit of Social Justice: A Critical Reader, Susan Carle
Legal Ethics and the NAACP, Susan Carle
Lawyers’ Ethics and the Pursuit of Social Justice: A Critical Reader, Susan D. Carle
Legal Ethics and the NAACP, Susan D. Carle
What Roberts Argued, Susan D. Carle
Codice dell'amministrazione digitale. Commento al d.lgs. n. 28 del 2005, Enrico Carloni
Nuove prospettive della trasparenza amministrativa. Dall'accesso ai documenti alla disponibilità di informazioni, Enrico Carloni
Catastrophes afflict poor the most, David D. Caron
Dedication, David D. Caron
State Crimes: Looking at Municipal Experience with Organizational Crime, David D. Caron
The United Nations Compensation Commission for Claims Arising Out of the 1991 Gulf War: The ‘Arising Prior To’ Decision, David D. Caron
Bloque de constitucionalidad y proceso de inconstitucionalidad de las leyes, Edgar Carpio Marcos
Inconstitucionalidad y derogacion, Edgar Carpio Marcos
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities in the District, Thomas Lyons Carr III, Appl.Sc., CEM
Keeping Score: The Struggle for Music Copyright, Michael W. Carroll
Christian Faith and Political Life: A Pre- and Post-Election Dialogue, Jason Carter and Randy Beck
Comentarios aos art.s 105 ao 112, Cristiano Carvalho
Teoria do Sistema Jurídico - direito, economia, tributação, Cristiano Carvalho
O planejamento tributário e o novo Código Civil brasileiro: a possível desconsideração de formas jurídicas pelos magistrados através da utilização das novas cláusulas gerais, Cristiano Carvalho and Eduardo Jobim
The Difficulty in Winning Restaurant Defamation Cases, Joshua A. Cash
Prosecutorial Ethics, R. Michael Cassidy
Deuda Pública Pensional: Constitución y legislación: Evolución y Estado Actual, Fernando Castillo Cadena
El Otorgamiento de Garantías en el Derecho de la libre competencia (Un análisis jurídico y económico), Fernando Castillo Cadena
Intellectual Property Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties and Access to Medicines: The Case of Latin America, Rosa Julieta Castro
Ação anulatória de ato judicial e ação rescisória, Alexandre B. Cateb
Sociotechnical Arguments in Scientific Discourse: Expert Depositions in Tobacco Litigation, David S. Caudill
Parades of Horribles, Circles of Hell: Ethical Dimensions of the Publication Controversy, David S. Caudill
Tax Havens and Public International Law: The Case of the Netherlands Antilles, Georges A. Cavalier
A compreensão jurídica do dever de razoabilidade, Cássio Cavalli
A compreensão jurídica do dever de razoabilidade, Cássio Cavalli
A compreensão jurídica do dever de razoabilidade, Cássio Cavalli
Identifying Mutual Interest Areas at World Trade Organisation: a Sino Indian joint perspective, Julien Chaisse and Debashis Chakraborty
Adapting the European Community Legal Structure to the International Trade, Julien L. Chaisse
China and India at the Global Trade Forum: Scopes for going beyond G-20 Framework at Multilateral Negotiations, Julien L. Chaisse
Ensuring the Conformity of Domestic Law with World Trade Organisation Law - India as a case study, Julien L. Chaisse
L’énonciation des normes à caractère non commercial par l’Organe de règlement des différends de l’OMC, Julien L. Chaisse
L’énonciation des règles non-commerciales par l’Organe de Réglement de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (WTO Dispute Settlement Body and the non-economic norms), Julien L. Chaisse
Diversification for Sustainable Agriculture in Sundarban, West Bengal, Ganesh Chandra
Potential of Extension in the Fisheries Development of Assam, India, Ganesh Chandra
Guidance from Above and Beyond, Steven L. Chanenson
Norval Morris, Steven L. Chanenson and Marc Miller
Evolution and Denial, Steven L. Chanenson and Daniel F. Wilhelm
Copyright and Open Source Software Licensing, Sau Sheong Chang
A Falcon Takes Flight: The Anti-Deprivation Principles and Corporate Groups, Tracey E. Chan
Re-envisioning Law Through the DNA Lens, Edward Cheng
Re-envisioning Law Through the DNA Lens, Edward K. Cheng
Re-envisioning Law Through the DNA Lens, Edward K. Cheng
Re-envisioning Law Through the DNA Lens, Edward K. Cheng
No Longer Just Company Men: The Flexible Workforce and Employment Discrimination (Book Review of Katherine Stone's From Widgets to Digits), Miriam A. Cherry
Markets For Markets: Origins and Subjects of Information Markets, Miriam A. Cherry and Robert L. Rogers
Extending Predation Analysis to Monopolist's Bundled Discounts under Section 2: An Economic, Legal, and Comparative Perspective, Seth B. Chertok
Jurisdictional Competition in the European Community, Seth B. Chertok
The Sleeper Scenario: Terrorism-Support Laws and the Demands of Prevention, robert chesney
A Dual Catastrophe of Protectionism, Sungjoon Cho
A Quest for WTO’s Legitimacy, Sungjoon Cho
Conventional Wisdom No Longer Applies at WTO, Sungjoon Cho
Linkage of Free Trade and Social Regulation: Moving Beyond the Entropic Dilemma, Sungjoon Cho
The Future of the WTO: Report by the Consultative Board, Sungjoon Cho
The Troubled Status of WTO Doha Round Negotiations, Sungjoon Cho