About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2005


House Follies, Christopher M. Fairman

Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes and Law Review Competition Papers, 3rd ed., Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk

Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes and Law Review Competition Papers, 3rd ed., Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk

Another Limit on Federal Court Jurisdiction? Immigrant Access to Class-Wide Injunctive Relief, Jill E. Family


Dead Capital and the Sea: Post-Tsunami Relief for the Southeast Asian Informal Economy, Kevin J. Fandl


Promoting International Business Development While Protecting Domestic Markets: An Analysis of the New Shipper Review Policy of the United States, Kevin J. Fandl


Recalibrating the War on Terror by Enhancing Development Practices in the Middle East, Kevin J. Fandl

Directors’ and Officers’ Liability (with annual supplements 2006, 2007), James A. Fanto


Introduction [Symposium: Corporate Misbehavior by Elite Decision-Makers: Perspectives From Law and Social Psychology], James A. Fanto


The Problematics of the Pareto Principle, Daniel A. Farber

Enforcement: A trans-Tasman comparison, John Farrar

The unfitness of directors insolvency and the consequences: Some comparisons, John Farrar and Doug Tennent


A Brief Look at Broward County Lawyers’ and Judges’ Attitudes Toward Plea Bargaining as a Tool of Courtroom Efficiency, Mohammad A. Faruqui


There and Back Again: The Progression of Regression of Contribution Actions Under CERCLA, Richard O. Faulk

Acuerdo Mexico-Estados Unidos de América para el Fomento de la Inversión con Garantía de OPIC, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez


Acuerdo Mexico-Estados Unidos de América para el Fomento de la Inversión con Garantía de OPIC, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez


Complying with Mexico's National Registry of Foreign Investment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

La Nueva Lex Mercatoria, Naturaleza y Alcances, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

La Nueva Lex Mercatoria, Naturaleza y Alcances, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez


Mexico Signs Two New Bilateral Investment Treaties, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

Mexico Signs Two New Bilateral Investment Treaties, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

Reaching the Asian Tiger: A New Mexico-Japan International Framework for Investment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez


Reaching the Asian Tiger: A New Mexico-Japan International Framework for Investment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

Reaching the Asian Tiger: A New Mexico-Japan International Framework for Investment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez

Institutionalizing Remedial Orders in Prisons, Malcolm M. Feeley

The Mission of Corrections, Malcolm M. Feeley

Legal Culture and the State of Modern Japan, Malcolm M. Feeley and Setsuo Miyazawa

State, Civil Society and the Legal Complex in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change, Malcolm M. Feeley and Setsuo Miyazawa

Letter from the new editors, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon

Letter from the new editors, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon

Criminal Justice, Malcolm M. Feeley, Jerome Skolnick, and Candace McCoy


Rethinking Rights in Biospace, Robin C. Feldman

The Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer Within Metamodernism, Stephen M. Feldman

The Rule of Law or the Rule of Politics? Harmonizing the Internal and External Views of Supreme Court Decision Making, Stephen M. Feldman


Divided by Common Interests: Transatlanticism and the Future of International Law After Iraq, Aaron X. Fellmeth


The Opacity of Transparency, Mark Fenster


The Opacity of Transparency, Mark Fenster


Reinvigorating First Year Criminal Law: Integrating Mental Disability Issues into the Criminal Law Course, Linda C. Fentiman


Juridical Discourse and Evolutionary Dynamics , Atahualpa Fernandez


Law and Human Nature: The Social-Adaptive Function of the Normative Behavior, Atahualpa Fernandez


Law and Neuroscience, Atahualpa Fernandez


Moral Intelligence: Mind, Brain an the Law , Atahualpa Fernandez


De la culpa ética a la responsabilidad subjetiva: ¿El mito de Sísifo?, Gastón Fernández Cruz


El deber accesorio de diligencia y la responsabilidad derivada del incumplimiento en las relaciones obligatorias, Gastón Fernández Cruz


La reedificación conceptual de la responsabilidad extracontractual objetiva, Gastón Fernández Cruz and Leysser L. León


La reedificación conceptual de la responsabilidad extracontractual objetiva, Gastón Fernández Cruz and Leysser L. León


A New Weapon against Piracy: Patent Protection as an Alternative Strategy for Enforcement of Digital Rights, Dennis S. Fernandez, Matthew Chivvis, and Mengfei Huang

Derecho Procesal Mercantil, Vicente Fernández Fernández

La empresa frente al derecho procesal, Vicente Fernández Fernández

La rectoría económica del Estado: historia y actualidad en México, Vicente Fernández Fernández


Deterrence and Crime Results, Marcelo Ferrante


Constituição Europeia – Balanço Teórico e Perspectivas Práticas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


Da Politeia de Platão na Filosofia Política Ocidental. Para o Estudo do Legado de um Diálogo Fundador, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


Desafios da Constituição Europeia à Teoria Constitucional, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Livro de Horas Vagas - Vacant Hours Book, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


Expungement of arrest records in drug court: Do clients know what they’re missing?, David Festinger, David DeMatteo, Douglas Marlowe, and Patricia Lee

Health Care at Lake Wobegon, Andrew J. Fichter


The Future of Public Health: What Will It Take to Keep Americans Healthy and Safe?, Robert I. Field


The "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" Defense to Patent Infringement for Today's Global Economy: Section 272 of the Patent Act, Ted L. Field

Pleasing the Court: Writing Ethical and Effective Briefs , Judith Fischer

Streamline Your Writing, Judith Fischer


The Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights by International Agreement: A Case Study Comparing Chile and Australia’s Bilateral FTA Negotiations With the U.S., Ralph G. Fischer


Towards a Basal Tenth Amendment: A Riposte to National Bank Preemption of State Consumer Protection Laws, Keith R. Fisher


Transparency in Global Merger Review: A Limited Role for the WTO?, Keith R. Fisher

A Founders' Roundtable Discussion, Catherine Fisk

Judges Do Make Law: It's Their Job, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

Labor Law Stories, Catherine Fisk and Laura J. Cooper

Review - Trade Secrets: Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial Power. By Doron S. Ben-Atar., Catherine L. Fisk

The Formless City of Plato's Republic: How the Legal and Social Promotion of Divorce and Same-Sex Marriage Contravenes the Principles and Undermines the Projects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Scott T. FitzGibbon

The Jurisprudence of the Juristic Society: The Law Must Protect and Promote a Social Order of Obligation, Honor, and Office, Scott T. FitzGibbon


El amparo administrativo y la mejora regulatoria en México, Héctor Fix Fierro

Lex Mercatoria in the mirror of empirical research, Héctor Fix Fierro and Wioletta Konradi


The Missing Preferred Return, Victor Fleischer

Freedom Denied: Forced Labor in California, Laurel E. Fletcher and

After the Tsunami: Human Rights Vulnerabilities of Vulnerable Populations, Laurel E. Fletcher, Eric Stover, Harvey M. Weinstein, and

After the Tsunami: Human Rights Vulnerabilities of Vulnerable Populations, Laurel E. Fletcher, Eric Stover, Harvey M. Weinstein, and


The Legal Fiction of Gridiron Cowboys and Indians, Matthew L.M. Fletcher


Power, Authority, and Tribal Property, Matthew L.M. Fletcher and Wenona T. Singel

Conflict Diamonds: U.S. Responsibility and Response, Edward R. Fluet


Out of Bounds: San Francisco's Homeless Policies, Alexandra Flynn


Comparative Analysis of Qualcomm Case regarding its Duty in Standard-Setting Organization and Possible Antitrust Claims Brought by its’ Competitors in U.S. and E.U., Tanit Follett

Comparative Analysis of Qualcomm Case Regarding its Duty in Standard-Setting Organization and Possible Antitrust Claims Brought by its' Competitors in U.S. and E.U., Tanit Follett J.S.D.


A Representative Measure of Psychological Aggression and its Severity, Diane R. Follingstad, Shawn Coyne, and Laura Gambone


Reclaiming the Public Forum: Courts Must Stand Firm Against Governmental Efforts to Displace Dissidence, Christopher B. Ford

Toward a New Model for Securities Law Enforcement, Cristie L. Ford


Learning Law Through the Lens of Race, Kim Forde-Mazrui


The Meaning of Equality: Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Provocation in Canada, Australia, and the United States, Caroline A. Forell

A national sales tax?, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Blue-ribbon panel releases tax reform findings, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Choosing between Defined Benefit Plans & Defined Contribution Plans, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Extreme tax reform, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Extreme tax reform, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Final Report of the Task Force for the Study of Public Retirement Systems Benefit Design and Equity, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

From New Deal to bad deal, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Individual Accounts, Yes; Privatization, No: A Social Security investment alternative, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Individual Accounts, Yes; Privatization, No: A Social Security investment alternative, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Integrate the Income and Social Security Payroll Taxes into a Comprehensive Income Tax System submitted to the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

No more secret tax tribunals, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Putting your mouth where your money is, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Reform DB plans, using personal accounts and big-fund advantage, JONATHAN B. FORMAN