The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: The Bankruptcy Trustee's Ability To Become a Member of an LLC and the Ehmann Decision, Thomas E. Geu and Thomas Rutledge
Rewinding Sony: An Inducement Theory of Secondary Liability, Rebecca Giblin
Sometimes it's fair game to shoot the messenger, court decision shows, Rebecca Giblin
Banks Reign Supreme Under Revised Article 9 Deposit Account Rules, Willa E. Gibson
Passivo Concorrencial: comprando um problema, Ivo T. Gico
Understanding the Solution for Microsoft, Ivo T. Gico
Abuse of Process and Wrongful Use of Civil Process, Grace M. Giesel
A Realistic Proposal for the Contract Duress Doctrine, Grace M. Giesel
Ethical Issues and the Nonlawyer Employee, Grace M. Giesel
The Lawyer-Witness Rule, Grace M. Giesel
Truth or Consequences, Grace M. Giesel
Single Subject Rules and Public Choice Theory, Michael Gilbert
Estate Management Software, Mark R. Gillett
Estate Management Software, Mark R. Gillett
Form 706 Software Shootout, Mark R. Gillett
Fairness in Consumer Law: A Vague, Flexible Notion, Anna Giordano Ciancio
Making State Law in Federal Court, Benjamin C. Glassman
Quasi-Global Social Norms, Rex D. Glensy
Which Countries Count?: Lawrence v. Texas and the Selection of Foreign Persuasive Authority, Rex D. Glensy
Tropical dryland rehabilitation: Case study on the participatory forest management in Gedaref, Sudan, Edinam K. Glover
Community-based forest management strategies for increasing the forest cover in Gedaref, Sudan, Edinam K. Glover, Olavi Luukkanen, and Elnour A. Elsiddig
Rights of Union Members Within Their Unions, Michael J. Goldberg
Teamster Reformers: Their Union, Their Jobs, Their Movement, Michael J. Goldberg
Morals-Based Justifications for Lawmaking: Before and After Lawrence v. Texas, 88 Minn. Law Rev. 1233, Suzanne B. Goldberg
Chantaje e intimidación: un análisis jurídico-económico, Fernando Gómez and Íñigo Ortiz de Urbina Gimeno
A New Chapter in the Argentine Saga: The Restructuring of the Argentine Sovereign Debt, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Argentina: Corporate Governance, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Argentine Supreme Court of Justice Upholds the Pesification of Bank Deposits, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
High Court Changes Affecting Civil Rights Eyed Closely by Women and Minorities, Steven Gonzales
The Road to Brown, Steven Gonzales
Arbitraje de inversión "à la mexicaine", Francisco González de Cossío
Competencia Económica, Aspectos Jurídicos y Económicos, Francisco González de Cossío
Entre la restricción y la libertad: sobre la posible pérdida de legitimidad del juez constitucional, Jorge Gonzalez-Jacome
Telling Stories, Saving Lives: The Battered Mothers' Testimony Project, Women's Narratives, and Court Reform, Leigh Goodmark
Telling Stories, Saving Lives: The Battered Mothers' Testimony Project, Women's Narratives, and Court Reform, Leigh Goodmark
Adjusting the Rear-View Mirror: Rethinking the Use of History in Supreme Court Jurisprudence, Mitchell Gordon
Rethinking Civil RICO-The Vexing Problem of Causation in Fraud-Based Claims.pdf, Randy D. Gordon
The Forgotten Supreme Court Justice, Ken Gormley
Awarding Damages under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods: A Matter of Interpretation, John Y. Gotanda
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Moving Left, Robert Gottlieb and Regina Freer
Federal-State Negotiations over Federal Enclaves in the Early Republic, Adam S. Grace
Wiley Rutledge and Executive Detention: A Judicial Conscience for His Time and Ours, Craig Green
A Liberal’s Disappointment in Million Dollar Baby, Kent Greenfield
In Closing: Fighting Might with Rights, Kent Greenfield
Unconstitutional Constitution Day, Kent Greenfield
Are Shareholders Entitled to the Residual? , Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Markets & Democracy: The Illegitimacy of Corporate Law, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
The Semi-Sovereign Corporation, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Tattoos on Our Digital Skin: Anonymity, Privacy, and Accountability in Cyberspace, Sam Grey
Regulation by Software, James Grimmelmann
Virtual Worlds as Comparative Law, James Grimmelmann
Policy Responses to Spam, James Grimmelmann and Becky Bolin
Winning Wirzburger and Defeating the Blaine Amendments: Arguing Present Efficacy Instead of Past Intent, Brendan Michael Groves
Punishing Tobacco Industry Misconduct: The Case for Exceeding a Single Digit Ratio Between Punitive and Compensatory Damages, Sara D. Guardino and Richard A. Daynard
Matching Probabilities: The Behavioral Law and Economics of Repeated, Ehud Guttel and Alon Harel
De seks is hard maar seks (dura sex sed sex). Het arrest K.A. en A.D. tegen België, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert
Grondrechten: vrijplaatsen voor het strafrecht ? Dworkins Amerikaanse trumpmetafoor getoetst aan de hedendaagse Europese mensenrechten, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert
Saving Customary International Law, Andrew T. Guzman
The Design of International Agreements, Andrew T. Guzman
An Insider's Guide to the WTOs Problems, Andrew T. Guzman
Power Plays and Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in WTO Disputes, Andrew T. Guzman and Beth A. Simmons
Die Mitwirkung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung an den Konventionen des Europarats, Beat Habegger
Globaler Marktplatz der Ideen: Vorschläge zur Reform der Uno-Generalversammlung, Beat Habegger
Machtpolitik und Völkerrecht, Beat Habegger
Parlamentarismus in der internationalen Politik: Europarat, OSZE und Interparlamentarische Union, Beat Habegger
Motherhood, Fatherhood and Law: Child Custody in Israel, Daphna Hacker
Exploring Economic and Democratic Theories of Litigation: Differences between Individual and Organizational Litigants in the Disposition of Federal Civil Cases, Gillian K. Hadfield
Feminism, Fairness and Welfare: An Invitation to Feminist Law-and-Economics, Gillian K. Hadfield
When Bankruptcy Meets Antitrust: The Case for Non-Cash Auctions in Concentrated Banking Markets, David Hahn
The Crawford Issue- The Supreme Court Sharpens the Teeth of the Confrontation Clause, Nathan Reed Haines
Corporate Officers and The Business Judgment Rule: A Reply to Professor Johnson, Lawrence A. Hamermesh and A. Gilchrist Sparks
The Fair Value of Cornfields in Delaware Appraisal Law, Lawrence Hamermesh and Michael L. Wachter
Expressions Which Preclude Rational Processing: The Case for Regulating Non-Informational Advertisements, Yoav Hammer
Toward a Rule of Law Society in Iraq: Introducing Clinical Legal Education in Iraqi Law Schools, Haider Ala Hamoudi
The High School Attainment Credit: A Tax Credit Encouraging Students to Graduate from High School, David Richard Hansen
Bonnichsen v. United States: Time, Place and the Search for Identity, Sarah K. Harding
Culture, Commodification and Native American Cultural Patrimony, Sarah K. Harding
Racism (with M. Spencer), Vinay Harpalani
Can a Buyer and Secured Party Rely on a Certificate of Title - Part Two, Alvin C. Harrell
Introduction to Check Truncation, Alvin C. Harrell
The 2004 NCCUSL Annual Meeting Draft of the Proposed Uniform Certificate of Title Law, Alvin C. Harrell
Chapman University Presents Consumer Law Symposium on Responsibility and Reform, Alvin C. Harrell and Kurt Eggert
The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: 2004 Review of Appellate Decisions, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
Introduction to the 2005 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law: The Tension Between Federal Preemption and State Law Applicability Intensifies, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Jeffrey I. Langer
Consumer Identification, Money Laundering Compliance, and Safeguarding of Customer Information Under the GLB Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and OFAC Rules, Alvin C. Harrell and Jeffrey P. Taft
Selected Issues and Developments in Consumer Bankruptcy, and the Impact of the 2005 Bankruptcy Code Amendments, Alvin C. Harrell, Jeffrey E. Tate, and Gary D. Hammond
Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Alvin C. Harrell, Jeffrey E. Tate, and Ernest B. Williams
A Tale of Three Nations?: The Role of United Nations Peacekeepers and Missions on the Concept of Nation-State, Nationalism, and Ownership of the State in Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kosovo, Alexandra R. Harrington
Resurrection from Babel: The Cultural, Political, and Legal Status of Christian Communities in Lebanon and Syria and Their Prospects for the Future, Alexandra R. Harrington
Victims of Peace: Current Abuse Allegations against U.N. Peacekeepers and the Role of Law in Preventing Them in the Future, Alexandra R. Harrington
Victims of Peace: Current Abuse Allegations against U.N. Peacekeepers and the Role of Law in Preventing Them in the Future, Alexandra R. Harrington
Same-Sex Unions Around the World: Marriage, Civil Unions, Registered Partnerships -- What are the Differences and Why Do They Matter, Leslie J. Harris
Tracing, Spousal Gifts, and Rebuttable Presumptions: Puzzles of Oregon Property Division , Leslie Joan Harris