The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Minority Shareholder Remedies - Shifting Dispute Resolution Paradigms, John H. Farrar and Laurence Boulle
The development of an appropriate regulatory response to the global financial crisis, John H. Farrar, Louise Parsons, and Pieter Joubert
Piercing the Corporate Veil in an Era of Globalisation and International Terrorism and the Emergence of the Lawyer as Gatekeeper and Whistleblower, John H. Farrar and Christoph Pippel
The development of an appropriate regulatory response to the global financial crisis, John Farrar, Louise Parsons, and Pieter Joubert
Addressing the Tension of Laws in Legal Pluralism: Women’s Rights in Africa, Rebecca Farrar
Gilbert & Sullivan and Scalia: Philosophy, Proportionality and the Eighth Amendment, Ian P. Farrell
Bringing Diplomacy to a Boil: Options for Agreements in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
Clearing the Air in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
Lifting the Veil: Pressures Mount for Climate Change Disclosures, Richard Faulk
Negotiating With Someone Else's Money: Shifting the Responsibility for Climate Change Funding, Richard Faulk
The "Climategate" Controversy: A Tree Falls in the Forest -- But Is Copenhagen Listening?, Richard Faulk
The Crucible of Common Sense: Real and Illusory Expectations in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
The Crucible of Common Sense: Real and Illusory Expectations in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
The First "Official" Draft of the Copenhagen Agreement: Blanks, Brackets, Chewing Gum, and Baling Wire, Richard Faulk
The Insolence of Office: Exposing the Politics of Perception in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
The Queer Case of the Quarelsome Convocation: Allies, Adversaries, Indifference and Exaggeration in Copenhagen, Richard Faulk
Premature Burial? The Resuscitation of Public Nuisance Litigation, Richard Faulk and John Gray
The Expanding Use of the Alien Tort Statute in International Human Rights Enforcement, Richard O. Faulk
A Lawyer's Look at the Science of Global Climate Change, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Expropiación, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Expropriation, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Fair and Equitable Treatment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
IED y Clima de Inversión en México, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
IED y Competitividad en América Latina, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
La Mano Visible, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
NAFTA Fifteen Years After: Successes, Failures and Future Prospects for Chapter XI, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
National Treatment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Problemas con la Desregulación "Base Cero", Boletín de la Red Mexicana de Competencia y Regulación del CIDAC, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Trato de la Nación más Favorecida: aspectos sustantivos, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Crisis, Complexity and Problem-Solving Courts: The Expanding Role of Courts in the Administrative State, Malcolm M. Feeley
Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Compromise, Malcolm M. Feeley
Review presentation, Science in the Courts, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Making of the Process is the Punishment, Malcolm M. Feeley
Three Hypotheses about Penal Populism in Japan, Malcolm M. Feeley
Friends as Co-Parents, Jessica R. Feinberg
And The Ban Plays On . . . For Now: Why Courts Must Consider Religion in Marriage Equality Cases, Matthew E. Feinberg
Divided We Fall: Religion, Politics, and the Lemon Entanglements Prong, Stephen M. Feldman
Postmodernism and Law, Stephen M. Feldman
The Incentives Matrix: The Comparative Effectiveness of Rewards, Liabilities, Duties and Protections for Reporting Illegality, Yuval Feldman
Beginning Legal Writers in Their Own Words: Why the First Weeks of Legal Writing are So Tough and What We Can Do About It, Miriam E. Felsenburg and Laura P. Graham
Living Safely with Robots, Beyond Asimov's Laws (in Chinese), Weidong Feng
The Dramas of Criminal Law: Chapter [?] of The Symbols of Governance: Thurman Arnold and Post-Realist Legal Theory, Mark Fenster
The Stubborn Incoherence of Regulatory Takings, Mark Fenster
Table 1 Causes and Effects of Child Labor in Agriculture, Irina Feofanova
Table 1 Causes and Effects of Child Labor in Agriculture, Irina Feofanova
Table 2. International Standards of Child Labor in Agriculture, Irina Feofanova
Table 2. International Standards of Child Labor in Agriculture, Irina Feofanova
Table 3. Causes of negative v. causes of positive impacts of TNCs, Irina Feofanova
Table 3. Causes of negative v. causes of positive impacts of TNCs, Irina Feofanova
Table 4. Ethical practices of TNCs: failures or success, Irina Feofanova
Table 4. Ethical practices of TNCs: failures or success, Irina Feofanova
Firms' global patent strategies in an emerging technology, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas
Public support to private innovation in multi-level governance systems: an empirical investigation, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas
Technological diversity, scientific excellence and the location of inventive activities abroad: the case of nanotechnology, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas and Philip Shapira
The role of national and regional-level innovation programs in stimulating international cooperation in innovation, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas and Philip Shapira
A Case for Internationally Adopting a Modified US-Style Approach to Claim Construction, Ronald S. Fernando
The tie between hedge funds and financial stability: is the current financial crisis a call for regulation?, Domenico Ferrari
Breve recensão: "Il nuovo diritto societario" [Book review: "New Italian company law"], Bruno Ferreira
“Mecanismos de Garantias em Project Finance” [Credit enhancement mechanisms in Project Finance], Bruno Ferreira
“Passaporte Comunitário Bancário: Sucursal e livre prestação de serviços” [EU Banking passport: branch and freedom to provide services], Bruno Ferreira
“Passaporte Comunitário Bancário: Sucursal e livre prestação de serviços” [EU Banking passport: branch and freedom to provide services], Bruno Ferreira
“Reforma do Direito das sociedades comerciais em Espanha” [Company law reform in Spain], Bruno Ferreira
A Kairicidade do Pensamento Neohelénico: a Obra de Evanghélos Moutsopoulous, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Carta sobre a Tese a um Mestrando Bolonhês, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Constituição, Utopia e Utopismo - O Exemplo da Constituição Cidadã Brasileira, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Do Direito Natural ao Direito Fraterno, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Eduardo Lourenço, Socialismo e Heterodoxia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Hermenêutica Constitucional entre Savigny e o Neoconstitucionalismo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Hermenêutica Constitucional entre Savigny e o Neoconstitucionalismo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Ideologia e utopias nas mais recentes constituintes brasileira e portuguesa: algumas linhas de leitura, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Neoconstitucionalismo: de Espectro a Realidade, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
O que é a Justiça? Arqueologia e Heurística de uma Noção de Justiça a partir um passo de um Sermão de Santo António do 4.º Domingo depois da Páscoa, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
O que é uma Universidade?, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Politeia and Arete. Archeology of Senses and Hellenic Legacy, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Reflexões sobre o Direito Contemporâneo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Valores e Virtudes no Aprofundamento do Estado de Direito – uma Perspectiva Luso-Brasileira, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Atomic Power, Fossil Fuels, and the Environment: Lessons Learned and The Lasting Impact of the Kennedy Energy Policies, Joshua P. Fershee
The Rising Tide of Climate Change: What America’s Flood Cities Can Teach Us About Energy Policy and Why We Should Be Worried, Joshua P. Fershee
Hollow Promises for Pregnant Students – How the Regulations Governing Title IX Fail to Protect them from Discrimination in School, Kendra H. Fershee
Hollow Promises for Pregnant Students – How the Regulations Governing Title IX Fail to Prevent Pregnancy Discrimination in School, Kendra Huard Fershee
The Law of Doctoring: A Study of the Codification of Medical Professionalism, Andrew J. Fichter
The Role of Traditional Justice in Uganda, given Rwanda's Experience of Gacaca, Jean-Rodolphe W. Fiechter LL.M.
Aiding suicide: a modern moral dilemma, David Field
Desperate housewives get legal backing, David Field
Evidence law in Queensland, David Field
"Judge not, lest ye be judged" The Corby case - can it happen in Australia?, David Field
Legal writing, David Field
Plead Guilty Early and Convincingly to Avoid Disappointment, David Field
Political free speech - how far does it extend?, David Field
The insurance crisis - Don't forget the victims, David Field
The Perils of Pauline, David Field
I Drink Your Milkshake: The Status of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in the Wake of Coastal v. Garza, Caleb A. Fielder
I Drink Your Milkshake: The Status of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in the Wake of Coastal v. Garza, Caleb A. Fielder
A Proposed Ethical Framework for Vaccine Mandates: Competing Values and the Case of HPV, Robert I. Field and Arthur L. Caplan