About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2009


Missa pro defunctis. Mort et résurrection de l'auteur en droit français, Matthieu Forlodou

2009 Poverty Levels and Federal Tax Thresholds, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Accounting for public pensions, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Accounting for public pensions, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Expanding unemployment benefits to stimulate the economy, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Expanding unemployment benefits to stimulate the economy, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Expanding unemployment benefits to stimulate the economy, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


Funding Public Pension Plans, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Inside the IRS Puzzle Palace, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

New, expanded refundable tax credits, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

New, expanded refundable tax credits, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


New Tax Legislation for Low Income Taxpayers, JONATHAN B. FORMAN



Reform on health care, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Reform on health care, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


Rethinking Teacher Retirement Benefit Systems (discussant), JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Shaming tax cheats, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Shaming tax cheats, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


Should We Replace the Current Pension System with a Universal Pension System?, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


Social Security: How It Works and How to Fix It, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Tax Hikes for Health Care, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

The death tax lives, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

The death tax lives, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


The Future of Tax Expenditures and Entitlements in the Era of Hyper-Deficits, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


The New Laches: Creating Title Where None Existed, Kathryn E. Fort

Mediation and Conflict in Health Care Setting, Susan S. Fortney

Supporting Empirical Research on the Legal Profession, Susan S. Fortney

Taking Empirical Research Seriously, Susan S. Fortney


Australian Marriage Law from a Biblical perspective, Neil J. Foster

Book Review: Digital Copyright and the Consumer Revolution: Hands off My iPod by Matthew Rimmer, Neil J. Foster


Defamation and Vilification: Rights to Reputation, Free Speech and Freedom of Religion at Common Law and under Human Rights laws, Neil J. Foster


Freedom of Religion and Discrimination- Two important UK cases, Neil J. Foster


Individual Liability of Company Officers, Neil J. Foster


NSW Court of Appeal: Is public liability created under OH&S legislation?, Neil J. Foster


“Recent Developments in Personal Liability of Company Officers for Workplace Safety Breaches – Australian and UK decisions” (Paper presented to the Seventh National OHS Regulatory Research Colloquium, Canberra, Feb 4 & 5, 2009.), Neil J. Foster


Statutory Construction and Biblical Hermeneutics- Law in the Service of the Gospel?, Neil J. Foster


What happened to the Resurrection?, Neil J. Foster

Google Book Search Litigation, Darin Fox


Grant Proposal (accepted) - Multimedia Study Rooms - Donald E. Pray Law Library, Darin Fox


MALLCO: Sharing Resources and Information from the Badlands to the Red River, Darin Fox


State Documents Bibliography - Oklahoma: A Guide to Legal Research in Oklahoma, Darin Fox


What is Web 2.0?, Darin Fox


Negotiation as a Post-Modern Process, Kenneth H. Fox

The Government Contractor Defense and Superior Orders in International Human Rights Law, Jill M. Fraley


Minor Defects in Construction Projects: A Comparative Approach, Eric Franco


Regulating Privatized Government Through Section 1983, Richard Frankel


Negotiating in the Shadow of “Bad Faith” Refusal to Settle: A Game Theory Model of Medical Malpractice Pre-Trial Settlements and Insurance Limits, Theodore H. Frank and Marie Gryphon


Improvement on the Commission?: The UN Human Rights Council’s Inaction on Darfur, Rosa A. Freedman


The United States and the UN Human Rights Council: An Early Assessment., Rosa A. Freedman


A Comment on James Grimmelmann’s Saving Facebook, Susan Freiwald


Das Gerechtigkeitsmanagement nach EAC Standard 30000 ff., Hartmut H. Frenzel

Rechtsökonomische Analyse des AGG unter arbeitsrechtlichem Blickwinkel, Hartmut H. Frenzel

Rechtsökonomische Analyse des Falles GEMA – unter Berücksichtigung des AGG, Hartmut H. Frenzel


Case Studies in Abandoned Empiricism and the Lack of Peer Review, Rob M. Frieden


Case Studies in Abandoned Empiricism and the Lack of Peer Review, Rob M. Frieden

Case Studies in Abandoned Empiricism and the Lack of Peer Review, Rob M. Frieden


Incentivize Me!—How Incumbent Carriers in the United States Attempt to Extract Greater Deregulation and Incentives in Exchange for Making Next Generation Network Investments, Rob M. Frieden


Invoking and Avoiding the First Amendment: How Internet Service Providers Leverage Their Status as Both Content Creators and Neutral Conduits, Rob M. Frieden


Invoking and Avoiding the First Amendment: How Internet Service Providers Leverage Their Status as Both Content Creators and Neutral Conduits, Rob M. Frieden


The Robust Efficiency of Comparative Negligence, Ezra Friedman

A Tale of Two Courts: Litigation in Alameda and San Benito Counties, Lawrence M. Friedman and Robert V. Percival

The Processing of Felonies in the Superior Court of Alameda County 1880-1974, Lawrence M. Friedman and Robert V. Percival

The Roots of Justice: Crime and Punishment in Alameda County, California, 1870-1910, Lawrence M. Friedman and Robert V. Percival

Who Sues for Divorce? From Fault through Fiction to Freedom, Lawrence M. Friedman and Robert V. Percival


The Animal Activist's Handbook, Bruce Friedrich and Matt Ball


The Legal Ramifications of Microchipping People in the United States of America- a State Legislative Comparison, Angelo Friggieri, K. Michael, and M.G. Michael


Outstanding Academic Title 2008, Christian Fritz


Whom Do You Trust? Lying, Truth Telling, and the Question of Enforcement, Bruce P. Frohnen

Lawyers, Loyalty, and the Question of Citizenship: Perspectives from the Classroom and from Catholic Social Thought, Bruce P. Frohnen and Kevin P. Lee


Lawyers, Loyalty, and the Question of Citizenship: Perspectives from the Classroom and from Catholic Social Thought, Bruce P. Frohnen and Kevin P. Lee


Why Typefaces Proliferate Without Copyright Protection, Blake Fry


Democracy and Chaos, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Laura Jane Durfee


Goodbye Boiler-Plate: Practical Advice for Drafters of Domestic and International Arbitration Agreements, Pamela Fulmer, Noel Rodriguez, and M. Anderson Berry

Patient Rights and Health Care Providers: The Link Between Health Law and Bioethics, Barry Furrow


Patient Safety and the Fiduciary Hospital: Sharpening Judicial Remedies, Barry R. Furrow


The History of Wisconsin’s Alcohol Laws: A Drunk Culture or Lobbyists Drunk with Power?, Mark Gaber


Cyber Apocalypse Now: Securing the Internet Against Cyberterrorism and Using Universal Jurisdiction as a Deterrent, Kelly Gable


Cyber Apocalypse Now: Securing the Internet Against Cyberterrorism and Using Universal Jurisdiction as a Deterrent, Kelly Gable


Human Rights and Human Trafficking: Quagmire or Firm Ground? A Response to James Hathaway, Anne T. Gallagher


Prosecuting and Adjudicating Trafficking in Persons Cases in Australia: Obstacles and Opportunities, Anne T. Gallagher


Law Enforcement Cooperation in Anti-trafficking Cases, Anne T. Gallagher and Paul Holmes


Chatterjee v. Ontario: Property, Crime and Civil Proceedings, Michelle Gallant

Uncertainties Collide: Lawyers and Money Laundering, Terrorist Finance Regulation,, Michelle Gallant


Driving Through Arkansas? Have Your DNA Sample Ready, Brian Gallini


From Philly to Fayetteville: Reflections on Teaching Criminal Law in the First Year, Brian Gallini

From Philly to Fayetteville: Reflections on Teaching Criminal Law in the First Year, Brian Gallini


Help Wanted: Seeking One Good Appellate Brief That Forces the Arkansas Supreme Court to Clarify its Criminal Discovery Jurisprudence, Brian Gallini


Step Out of the Car: License, Registration, and DNA Please, Brian Gallini


Antitrust in a Globalized Economy: The Unique Challenges of Small and of Developed Economies", Michal Gal

Antitrust in a Globalized Economy: The Unique Enforcement Challenges Faced by Small Economies, Michal Gal

Antitrust in a Globalized Economy: The Unique Enforcement Challenges Faced by Small Economies, Michal Gal


When the Going Gets Tight: Institutional Solutions When Antitrust Enforcement Resources are Scarce, Michal Gal

On the Limits of Criminal Sanctions in Antitrust (in Hebrew), Michal Gal and Amir Israeli


Coping through California's Budget Crises in Light of Proposition 13 and California's Fiscal Constitution, David Gamage


Which is Worse, Tax Fluctuations or Spending Fluctuations?, David Gamage

Robo-Ethicists Want to Revamp Asimov’s 3 Laws, Priya Ganapati

「ロボット倫理学」の現在:ロボットの責任や精神病もテーマに, Priya Ganapati, Mayumi Hirai, and Hiroko Gohara


International Trade and Right to Development, Preeti Gandhi and Swati Chauhan


Appointing Foxes to Guard Henhouses: The European Posted Workers' Directive, Aravind Ganesh


Modern Culture: Is there a liberty interest furthered by protecting the freedom of religion?, Aravind Ganesh