About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2009


Show Me The Money, Aaron S. Edlin and Dwight Jaffee

Getting Serious about Job Creation: Part I, Aaron S. Edlin and Edmund Phelps

Is My Profile Open? When Teachers Post “Inappropriate” Material on Social Networking Sites., Cassaundra Edwards and Faye E. Jones


Stepping Up to the Plate: the Google-DoubleClick Merger and the Role of the Federal Trade Commission in Protecting Online Data Privacy, Eli Edwards

Attributes of Successful Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)—Sixty Years After the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, george e. edwards


Title: Attributes of Successful Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)—Sixty Years After the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights., george e. edwards


Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards

African States and Participation in Deep Seabed Mining: Problems and Prospects, Edwin E. Egede


The Mature Product Preemption Doctrine: The Unitary Standard and the Paradox of Consumer Protection, Jean M. Eggen


The Great Collapse: How Securitization Caused the Subprime Meltdown, Kurt Eggert

Towards a Behavioral Theory of Contract: Experimental Evidence of When and Why Individuals Comply with Form-Contracts, Zev J. Eigen


Opening the Doors to the Local Courthouse: Maryland's New Private Right of Action for Employment Discrimination, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg


Plaintiphobia in State Courts? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal, Theodore Eisenberg and Michael Heise


“Hostile Environment” Charges and the ABA/AALS Accreditation/Membership Imbroglio, Post-Modernism’s “No Country for Old Men”: Why Defamed Law Professors Should Go Gentle Into that Good Night, David A. Elder


Does the Constitutional Process Matter?, Zachary Elkins


Ancillary Powers of Constitutional Courts, Zachary Elkins and Tom Ginsburg

The Endurance of National Constitutions, Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg, and James Melton


Beyond the Model Rules: Aristotle, Lincoln, and the Lawyer's Aspirational Drive to an Ethical Practice, Billie J. Ellis and William T. Ellis


The NYSE Response to Specialist Misconduct: An Example of the Failure of Self-Regulation, Nan S. Ellis, Lisa M. Fairchild, and Harold D. Fletcher


Refining the Democracy Canon, Christopher S. Elmendorf


The Illegal Actions of the Federal Reserve: An Analysis of How the Nation’s Central Bank Has Acted Outside the Law in Responding to the Current Financial Crisis, Chad Emerson


Homeland Security Planning: What Victory Gardens and Fidel Castro Can Teach Us in Preparing for Food Crises in the U.S., A. Bryan Endres and Jody M. Endres


The Legal Needs of Farmers: An Analysis of the Family Farm Legal Needs Survey, A. Bryan Endres, Stephanie B. Johnson, Donald L. Uchtmann, and Anne H. Silvis


In Whose Best Interest? Florida’s Statutory Ban On Homosexual Adoption And The Arguments Set Forth In Support Of An Absolute Ban, Represent The Perceived Best Interest Of A Conservative Morality And Not Those Of The Children., Michael England


In Whose Best Interest? Florida’s Statutory Ban On Homosexual Adoption And The Arguments Set Forth In Support Of An Absolute Ban, Represent The Perceived Best Interest Of A Conservative Morality And Not Those Of The Children., Michael England


In Whose Best Interest? Florida’s Statutory Ban On Homosexual Adoption And The Arguments Set Forth In Support Of An Absolute Ban, Represent The Perceived Best Interest Of A Conservative Morality And Not Those Of The Children., Michael England


Aristotle, Law and Justice: The Tragic Hero, Eric A. Engle


Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology: Bases for a Comprehensive Theory of Law, Eric A. Engle


Incorporating the Criminal Law in Sport Studies, Adam Epstein


Sports Agent Litigation and the Regulatory Environment, Adam Epstein


Utilization of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Manual as a Teaching Tool, Adam Epstein


Gambling and Collegiate Athletics, Adam Epstein and Bridget Niland


Cross-Examination: Seemingly Ubiquitous, Purportedly Omnipotent, and “At Risk”, Jules Epstein


Electronically Stored Information: A Primer - A Litigator's Guide, Jules Epstein


Electronically Stored Information: A Primer for Litigators, Jules Epstein

Expert Testimony: Legal Standards for Admissibility, Jules Epstein


“Genetic Surveillance” - The Bogeyman Response to Familial DNA Investigations, Jules Epstein


It's Not All "CSI": Report Raises Forensic Evidence Questions, Jules Epstein

PowerPoint: Mental Health Evidence--Guilt-Innocence, Jules Epstein


The NAS Report: An Evidence Professor’s Perspective, Jules Epstein


The Case Against the Employee Free Choice Act, Richard A. Epstein


Reason Curve, Jury Competence and the English Criminal Justice System, Bethel G.A Erastus-Obilo


The Place of the Explained Verdict in the English Criminal Justice System, Bethel G.A Erastus-Obilo

Book Review - Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humanity’s Worst Criminals, and the Culture of Impunity, C. Peter Erlinder


Good call, County Attorney Gaertner; your turn, Legislature, C. Peter Erlinder


The Real Authors of the Congo Crimes. Nkunda has been arrested but who will arrest Kagame?, C. Peter Erlinder


We're still not doing right by our vets, C. Peter Erlinder


Case Dismissals: Adopt English Rules, also appearing as Commentary: The British Have a Better Way, Daniel H. Erskine

For Both Love and Money: Viviana Zelizer's "The Purchase of Intimacy", Martha M. Ertman

For Both Love and Money: Viviana Zelizer's "The Purchase of Intimacy", Martha M. Ertman


Must God Be Dead or Irrelevant: Drawing a Circle That Lets Me In., Richard M. Esenberg


The Lonely Death of Public Campaign Financing, Richard M. Esenberg


Permissible Product Hopping: Why A Per Se Legal Rule Barring Antitrust Liability Is Necessary To Protect Future Innovation In The Pharmaceutical Industry, Michelle L. Ethier


A Rotten System: Subsidizing Environmental Degradation and Poor Public Health with Our Nation's Tax Dollars, William S. Eubanks II


Damage Done? The Status of NEPA after Winter v. NRDC and Answers to Lingering Questions Left Open by the Court, William S. Eubanks II


North Carolina's Durational Residency Requirement for In-State Tuition: Violating the Constitution's Inherent Right to Travel, William S. Eubanks II


The Clean Air Act's New Source Review Program: Beneficial to Public Health or Merely a Smoke-and-Mirrors Scheme?, William S. Eubanks II


The Sustainable Farm Bill: A Proposal for Permanent Environmental Change, William S. Eubanks II

Editorial: Free Access Equals a Free Ride, Tonya M. Evans

An Analysis of the Concepts of 'Present Entitlement', Anna Everett

Dispute systems in the financial services industry — Part 1, Anna Everett

Dispute systems in the financial services industry — Part 2, Anna Everett


The Law and Economics of the FCC's Decency Standard, Brian J. Ewart


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the African Child Today: Progress or Problems?, Uche Ewelukwa

Work versus capital – An exercise in inverted thinking, Reinhold Fahlbeck

Labour and Employment Law in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck and Johann Mulder


«Decency at work»: della tensione del lavoro alla dignità, michele faioli

Fondamenti giuridici delle tutele dei lavoratori migranti. Raccolta normativa, michele faioli

Sull’inadempimento dell’obbligazione contributiva nella previdenza complementare, Michele Faioli


Self-Employment and Bogus Self-Employment in the European Construction Industry, Michele Faioli and Edoardo Ales

Anti-Social Contracts, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Contract Law: Morality, Efficiency and Corrective Justice, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Escape Into the Panopticon: Virtual Words and the Surveillance Society, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

The End of the Virtual World, or What the End of Worlds Can Tell Us About Their Beginnings, Joshua A.T. Fairfield


The God Paradox, Joshua A.T. Fairfield


A Broader View of the Immigration Adjudication Problem, Jill E. Family

Developments in the Immigration Courts, Jill E. Family


The Evolution of the Chinese Merger Guidelines: A Work in Progress Integrating Global Consensus and Domestic Imperatives, Susan Beth Farmer


State Authority to Regulate Toxins in Children's Consumer Products, Doug Farquhar

Corporations Law Workbook Second Edition by Lorraine Griffiths, The Law Book Company, Sydney, 1994, John Farrar

A Brief Thematic History of Corporate Governance, John H. Farrar

A Note on Dealing with Self Interested Transactions by Directors, John H. Farrar

Closely Held Companies – Legal and Tax Issues by Robert Dugan, Peter Mckenzie QC and David Patterson, John H. Farrar

Corporate Governance, John H. Farrar

Corporate Governance and the Judges, John H. Farrar

Doctrine and Reputation, John H. Farrar

Frankenstein Incorporated or Fools’ Parliament? Revisiting the Concept of the Corporation in Corporate Governance, John H. Farrar

Introduction, John H. Farrar

Owen Dixon by Philip Ayres, John H. Farrar

Professor David Allan AM, John H. Farrar

Professor Mary Hiscock, John H. Farrar

Reasoning by Analogy in the Law, John H. Farrar

The Personal Liability of Directors for Corporate Torts, John H. Farrar

Corporate governance: Theories, principles and practice, John H. Farrar

Reasoning by analogy in the law, John H. Farrar

Reasoning by analogy in the law, John H. Farrar

Salmond and corporate theory, John H. Farrar

The codification of commercial law, John H. Farrar

The corporate governance of SMEs and unlisted companies, John H. Farrar

Minority Shareholder Remedies - Shifting Dispute Resolution Paradigms, John H. Farrar and Laurence Boulle