The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Un nuevo códigto civil para el siglo XXI: un ejercicio académico, Juan Javier del Granado, Alejandro Guzmán Brito, Alfredo Bullard González, Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Carlos Pablo Márquez, Crispulo Marmolejo Gonzáles, Dante Haro Reyes, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo, Eduardo Andrés Pigretti, Félix Huanca Ayaviri, Fernando Castillo Cadena, Francisco González de Cossío, Francisco Reyes Villamizar, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Luciano Bennetti Timm, María del Pilar Bonilla, Mateo Miró, Maximiliano Marzetti, Mónika Infante Henríquez, Pablo Alejandro Iannello, Rafael Mery Nieto, and Santiago Montt
Un nuevo códigto civil para el siglo XXI: un ejercicio académico, Juan Javier del Granado, Alejandro Guzmán Brito, Alfredo Bullard González, Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Carlos Pablo Márquez, Crispulo Marmolejo Gonzáles, Dante Haro Reyes, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo, Eduardo Andrés Pigretti, Félix Huanca Ayaviri, Fernando Castillo Cadena, Francisco González de Cossío, Francisco Reyes Villamizar, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Luciano Bennetti Timm, María del Pilar Bonilla, Mateo Miró, Maximiliano Marzetti, Mónika Infante Henríquez, Pablo Alejandro Iannello, Rafael Mery Nieto, and Santiago Montt
Un nuevo códigto civil para el siglo XXI: un ejercicio académico, Juan Javier del Granado, Alejandro Guzmán Brito, Alfredo Bullard González, Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Carlos Pablo Márquez, Crispulo Marmolejo Gonzáles, Dante Haro Reyes, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo, Eduardo Andrés Pigretti, Félix Huanca Ayaviri, Fernando Castillo Cadena, Francisco González de Cossío, Francisco Reyes Villamizar, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Luciano Bennetti Timm, María del Pilar Bonilla, Mateo Miró, Maximiliano Marzetti, Mónika Infante Henríquez, Pablo Alejandro Iannello, Rafael Mery Nieto, and Santiago Montt
Un nuevo códigto civil para el siglo XXI: un ejercicio académico, Juan Javier del Granado, Alejandro Guzmán Brito, Alfredo Bullard González, Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Carlos Pablo Márquez, Crispulo Marmolejo Gonzáles, Dante Haro Reyes, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo, Eduardo Andrés Pigretti, Félix Huanca Ayaviri, Fernando Castillo Cadena, Francisco González de Cossío, Francisco Reyes Villamizar, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Luciano Bennetti Timm, María del Pilar Bonilla, Mateo Miró, Maximiliano Marzetti, Mónika Infante Henríquez, Pablo Alejandro Iannello, Rafael Mery Nieto, and Santiago Montt
El análisis económico del razonamiento jurídico, Juan Javier del Granado and Maximiliano Marzetti
La genialidad del Derecho romano, una perspectiva desde el análisis económico del Derecho, Juan Javier del Granado and Maximiliano Marzetti
Érték és valóság. Gondolatok a jóerkölcsbe ütköző szerződések semmisségét kimondó generális klauzuláról [On the Good Morals Clause], Gergely Deli LL.M (NYU), Ph.D
Using Dogs for Emotional Support of Testifying Victims of Crime, Myanna Dellinger
Winds of Change? A Review of International Climate Change Litigation, Myanna Dellinger
A Plea for Familiarity and Estrangement: Beyond Norms and Normativity in the Study of Social Life, Maksymilian Del Mar
Breaking the Spell: The Education of Attention and Encounter in Law Schools and Law Firms, Maksymilian Del Mar
Learning and Unlearning in the Legal Academy, Maksymilian Del Mar
Social Normativity: What's at Stake?, Maksymilian Del Mar
Straw-People, Straw-Lives: Guidance and Compliance in Theories of Normativity, Maksymilian Del Mar
Two Models of Normativity, Maksymilian Del Mar
What is a Contract?, Sidney W. DeLong
Navigating Policy by the Stars: The Influence of Celebrity Entertainers on Federal Lawmaking, Linda Demaine
U.S. Felon Disenfranchisement: Parting Ways with Western Europe, Nora V. Demleitner
Prosecuting Domestic Violence: A Philosophical Analysis, Michelle Dempsey
"Hey! Teachers! Leave Them Kids Alone", Brannon P. Denning
Publius for All of Us, Brannon P. Denning
Heller, High Water(mark)? Lower Courts and the New Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds
The "New Protectionism" and the American Common Market, Brannon P. Denning and Norman R. Williams
Building a New Law School: A Story from the Trenches, Roger Dennis
Justice without power is inefficient ; power without justice is tyranny, Rajesh Deoli
Modernization of European Antitrust Enforcement: The Economics of Regulatory Competition, Ben Depoorter and Francesco Parisi
Fragmentation of Property Rights: A Functional Interpretation of the Law of Servitudes, Ben W. F. Depoorter and Francesco Parisi
Copyright and cultural heritage - transcripts from BILETA conference 30 March 2009, Estelle Derclaye
La Belgique : un pays de cocagne pour les créateurs de dessins et modèles ?, Estelle Derclaye
Progress Toward Sustainability: A Report Card and a Recommended Agenda, John Dernbach
Agenda for a Sustainable America, John C. Dernbach
Agenda for a Sustainable America, John C. Dernbach
An Agenda for Sustainable Communities, John C. Dernbach
Book Review (reviewing Kenneth P. Murchison, The Snail Darter Case: TVA Versus The Endangered Species Act, 2007), John C. Dernbach
National Governance: Still Stumbling Toward Sustainability, John C. Dernbach
Smart Use of Resources Makes Good Economic Sense, John C. Dernbach
Sustainable America is Achievable in Our Lifetime, John C. Dernbach
Sustainable Trends Offer Reason for Hope in Pennsylvania and Nation, John C. Dernbach
Writing Essay Exams to Succeed in Law School (Not Just to Survive), John C. Dernbach
The Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Energy Consumption, John C. Dernbach and Donald A. Brown
"Taxnapping": How Murphy v. IRS Used Direct Taxation to Steal the Tax Reform Debate, Jason A. Derr
Antwerp commercial legislation in Amsterdam in the 17th century. Legal transplant or jumping board?, Dave De ruysscher
‘Naer het Romeinsch recht alsmede den stiel mercantiel’. Handel en recht in de Antwerpse rechtbank (16de-17de eeuw) (Prix Charles Duvivier), Dave De ruysscher
Copyright After Death, Deven R. Desai
Copyright’s Hidden Assumption: A Critical Analysis of the Foundations of Descendible Copyright, Deven R. Desai
A Universalist History of the 1987 Philippine Constitution (I), Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Justiciability of Socio-Economic Rights: Comparative Powers, Roles, and Practices in the Philippines and South Africa, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Postcolonial International Law Discourse on Regional Developments in South and Southeast Asia, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
The Presidential Veil of Administrative Authority over Foreign-Financed Public Contracts in the Philippines, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Universalist Constitutionalism in the Philippines: Restricting Executive Particularism in the form of Executive Privilege, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Universalizing Core Human Rights in the New ASEAN: A Reassessment of Culture and Development Justifications against the Global Rejection of Impunity, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
El otro sendero: la revolución informal, Hernando de Soto, Enrique Ghersi, and Mario Ghibellini
L’affaire Harry. Petite scientifiction, Vinciane Despret and Serge Gutwirth
A Critical Discussion of the Disinvestment/ Privatization Process in India Since the Start of the Economic Reforms in 1991, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Saptarshi Ghosh
ADRs Nível 1 - A mudança na Rule 12g3-2(b) e suas implicações para companhias abertas no Brasil, Luiz Rafael de Vargas Maluf
Procuring Permission: The Case for Organ Transplant Tax Credits, Jurgen De Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton
Universal Basic Income: Reconsidering the Administrative Factor, Jurgen De Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton
Waardering van intellectuele eigendomsrechten, Severin de Wit
Waardering van Intellectuele Eigensomsrechten, Severin de Wit
Rethinking "Insurance," Especially after A.I.G., Bobby L. Dexter
Tenure Buyouts: Employment Death Taxes and the Curious Obesity of "Wages", Bobby L. Dexter
'Collective Action Clauses: Sovereign Bondholders Cornered?', Joy Dey
Efficiency of Takeover Defence Regulations, Joy Dey
Belief in a Just World, Blaming the Victim, and Hate Crime Statutes, Dhammika Dharmapala, Nuno Garoupa, and Richard McAdams
Beyond the Berle and Means Paradigm: Private Equity and the New Capitalist Order, Stephen F. Diamond
Marca do distribuidor e responsabilidade por produtos (Private label products and liability for products), Fernando Dias Simões Prof.
O Novo Regime de Prescrição dos Créditos por Serviços Públicos Essenciais – Algumas Dúvidas de Direito Transitório, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.
Anti-Social Norms, Risky Behavior, Reza Dibadj
Networks of Heightened Scrutiny in Corporate Law, Reza Dibadj
An Economic Assessment of Patent Settlements in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Bret Dickey, Jonathan Orszag, and Laura Tyson
A Comparative Examination of the Purpose of the Criminal Justice System, James W. Diehm
The (almost) redundant civil accessorial liability provisions of the Trade Practices Act, Joachim Dietrich
Stopping for Death: Re-Framing our Perspective on the End of Life, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
Child Welfare and Future Persons, Carter Dillard
Do Markets Work Better Than Legal Restraints? A Response to Clayton Gillette's "Fiscal Home Rule", Paul Diller
The Partly Fulfilled Promise of Home Rule in Oregon, Paul Diller
An Overview of Tolls To Statutes of Limitations On Account of War: Are They Current and Relevant in the Post-September 11th Era?, Hon. Mark Dillon
Mortgage Market Regulation and Moral Hazard: Equity Stripping Under Sanction of Law, Vincent Di Lorenzo
Policing Limited Liability Companies Under Contract Law, Larry DiMatteo
Conservative Legal Realism, Nathan Isaacs, Jewish Law, and Modern Legal Theory, Larry A. DiMatteo and Samuel Flaks
Police Paternalism: Community Caretaking, Assistance Searches, and Fourth Amendment Reasonableness, Michael R. Dimino
We Have Met the Special Interests, and We Are They, Michael R. Dimino
Of Guilt, Defiance, and Repentance: Evidence from the Texas Death Chamber, Danielle Dirks, S.K. Rice, and J.J. Exline
Abuse of Rights: The Continental Drug and the Common Law, anna di robilant
Obscenity In Japan: Moral Guidance Without Legal Guidance, Amanda Dobbins
Structure and Precedent, Jeffrey C. Dobbins
Neon Dragon, John Dobbyn
Challenging the Doctrine of Consular Non-Reviewability in Immigration Cases, Donald S. Dobkin
Economic Impact of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan, Charles Edward Doering
The New Legal Pyramid of Global Law, Rafael Domingo
Trampling the Public Trust, Debra L. Donahue
Protecting the Playground: Options for Confronting the Iranian Regime, Christopher C. Donaldson and Dr. Bryan P. Schwartz
A Popular Approach to Popular Constitutionalism: The First Amendment, Civic Education, and Constitutional Change, Thomas G. Donnelly
Our Forgotten Founders: Reconstruction, Public Education, and Constitutional Heroism, Thomas G. Donnelly
Breaking the Supreme Court Deadlock: A New Approach to State Sovereign Immunity, Justin Donoho
Assessing the Relative Benefits of Incarceration: The Overall Change Over the Previous Decades and the Benefits on the Margin, John Donohue
Yet Another Refutation of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis – With Some Help From Moody and Marvell, John Donohue and Ian Ayes