The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Patent and Disclosure by Best Method, Prantik Garai
The Doha Round, Justice, and the Transformative Power of Crisis, Frank J. Garcia
Three Takes on Globalization, Frank J. Garcia
Anticipating Colonialism: American Letters from Puerto Rico and Cuba, 1831-1835, Ivonne Garcia
Laboring to Globalize a First-Year Writing Program, Ivonne Garcia, Wendy Hesford, and Edgar Singleton
Mayorías sin democracia. Desequilibrio de poderes y Estado de derecho en Colombia, 2002-2009, Mauricio García-Villegas and Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
Race and Disability, Robert A. Garda Jr.
The White Interest in School Integration, Robert A. Garda
Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Responsible Government, Warner W. Gardner and Michael Greenberger
Animal Cruelty vs. Freedom of Speech, Alan E. Garfield
Do Kids Belong in Prison? The Answer Will Say a Lot About What Type of Society We Are, Alan E. Garfield
Foul Language and Free Speech, Alan E. Garfield
Separation of Santa and State is Smart, Fair, Alan E. Garfield
Should Race Matter When Rectifying Past Errors?, Alan E. Garfield
The Future of Local News Reporting, Alan E. Garfield
The Reality Behind Supreme Court Picks, Alan E. Garfield
Using Activism Appropriately, Alan E. Garfield
Amnesty for truth: a violation of human rights by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission?, Sam Boris Garkawe
Colin Tatz, With intent to destroy: reflecting on genocide, Sam Boris Garkawe
Revisiting the scope of victimology: how broad a discipline should it be?, Sam Boris Garkawe
The role and rights of victims at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, Sam Boris Garkawe
Victims and the International Criminal Court: three major issues, Sam Boris Garkawe
Indigenous human rights, Sam Boris Garkawe, Loretta Kelly, and Warwick G. Fisher
Criminal Law and Economics, Nuno Garoupa
Some Reflections on the Economics of Prosecutors: Mandatory v. Selective Prosecution, Nuno Garoupa
Judicial Independence and Party Politics in the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: The Case of Portugal, Nuno Garoupa, Sofia Amaral Garcia, and Veronica Grembi
Judicial Independence and Party Politics in the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: The Case of Portugal, Nuno Garoupa, Sofia Amaral Garcia, and Veronica Grembi
Judicial Independence and Party Politics in the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: The Case of Portugal, Nuno Garoupa, Sofia Amaral Garcia, and Veronica Grembi
Least Cost Avoidance: The Tragedy of the Common Safety, Nuno Garoupa and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Guarding the Guardians: Judicial Councils and Judicial Independence, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Judicial Audiences snf Reputation: Perspectives from Comparative Law, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
The Comparative Law and Economics of Judicial Councils, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
The Contributions of A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell for Law and Economics, Nuno Garoupa and Fernando Gómez
A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, Nuno M. Garoupa , Jonathan Klick, and Francesco Parisi
A Defense of the Public Domain: A Scholarly Essay, Laura N. Gasaway
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James Thuo Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James Thuo Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James Thuo Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James Thuo Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James Thuo Gathii
Commercializing War: Private Military and Security Companies, Mercenaries and International Law, James Thuo Gathii
Commercializing War: Private Military and Security Companies, Mercenaries and International Law, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Defining the Relationship Between Corruption and Human Rights, James Thuo Gathii
Jurisdiction to Prosecute Non-National Pirates Captured By Third States Under Kenyan and International Law, James Thuo Gathii
Jurisdiction to Prosecute Non-National Pirates Captured By Third States Under Kenyan and International Law, James Thuo Gathii
Slippages of the Public/Private in Resource Wars, James Thuo Gathii
Slippages of the Public/Private in Resource Wars, James Thuo Gathii
War's Legacy in International Investment Law, James Thuo Gathii
War's Legacy in International Investment Law, James Thuo Gathii
War's Legacy in International Investment Law, James Thuo Gathii
War's Legacy in International Investment Law, James Thuo Gathii
How do local-level legal institutions promote development?, Varun Gauri
How Do Local-level Legal Institutions Promote Development?, Varun Gauri
Public Interest Litigation in India: Overreaching or Underachieving?, Varun Gauri
Licensing Facially Religious Government Speech: Summum's Impact on the Free Speech and Establishment Clauses, Scott W. Gaylord
Economic Analysis of Plea-bargaining and prosecution, Oren Gazal-Ayal and Limor Riza
Decline to State: Diversity Talk and the American Law Student, Camille Gear Rich
Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason, Frederick Mark Gedicks
Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason, Frederick Mark Gedicks
Internal Poison Pills, George Geis
The Space Between Markets and Hierarchies, George Geis
Westboro Baptist and the Limits of Religious Speech, Lorin C. Geitner
Back to the Future: The Hope for Enactment of BATSA Legislation, Marjorie Gell
Film Production Tax Credits: Why We Like Them So Much, Marjorie Gell
What is The Probability Your Vote will Make a Difference?, Andrew Gelman, Nate Silver, and Aaron S. Edlin
The Dark Side of Shareholder Influence: Managerial Autonomy and Stakeholder Orientation in Comparative Corporate Governance, Martin Gelter
Noonan v. Staples: Libel Law’s Shocking New Precedent And What It Means For The Motion Picture Industry, Lindsee Blair Gendron
Bull’s-Eye View of Cooperation in Discovery, Steven S. Gensler
E-Discovery: Searching the Virtual File Cabinets, Steven S. Gensler
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Changes Effective December 1, 2009, Steven S. Gensler
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Rules and Commentary, Steven S. Gensler
Judicial Management Strategies to Encourage Cooperative, Non-Adversarial Discovery, Steven S. Gensler
Some Thoughts on the Lawyer’s E-volving Duties in Discovery, Steven S. Gensler
Some Thoughts on the Lawyer’s E-volving Duties in Discovery, Steven S. Gensler
The First Year of the Cooperation Proclamation, Steven S. Gensler
The Other Side of the CAFA Effect: An Empirical Analysis of Class Action Activity in the Oklahoma State Courts, Steven S. Gensler
Intellectual Property in the South Pacific, Alexandra E. George
Enforcing Judgments Across State and National Boundaries: Inbound Foreign Judgments and Outbound Texas Judgments, James P. George
Competition Law and the Institutional Embeddedness of Economics, David J. Gerber
Code, Crash, and Open Source: The Outsourcing of Financial Regulation to Risk Models and the Global Financial Crisis, Erik F. Gerding
The Subprime Crisis and the Link between Consumer Financial Protection and Systemic Risk, Erik F. Gerding
Sometimes Too Great a Notional: Measuring the “Systemic Significance” of OTC Credit Derivatives, Erik F. Gerding and Margaret M. Blair
Contracting Out of Liability for Deceit, Inadvertent Misrepresentation and Negligent Misstatement, Mark P. Gergen
Consumer Investment in Trademarks, Deborah R. Gerhardt
The Market for Securities and its Regulation Through Gatekeepers, Carsten J. Gerner-Beuerle
Estate and Gift Taxes: What to Expect Under the Obama Presidency, Richard Gershon
Panelist on Socioeconomics, Richard Gershon
Imputed Liability for Supervising Prosecutors: Applying the Military Doctrine of Command Responsibility to Reduce Prosecutorial Misconduct, Adam Gershowitz
Statewide Capital Punishment: The Case for Eliminating Counties' Role in the Death Penalty, Adam M. Gershowitz
The Myth of Strict Scrutiny, Evan Gerstmann and Christopher Shortell
Fairness and Public Confidence in Sentencing: A Novel Approach, Stephen A. Gerst