The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
An Evidence-Based Approach to International Investment, Susan D. Franck
An Evidence Based Approach to International Investment Disputes, Susan D. Franck
Boom, Bust or Business as Usual? Tracking Trends in Investment Disputes, Susan D. Franck
Collaboration on Empirical Research and the Costs of Investment Agreements, Susan D. Franck
Investment Treaty Arbitration by the Numbers, Susan D. Franck
Investment Treaty Arbitration by the Numbers, Susan D. Franck
Bridging the Divide Between Theory and Practice, Susan D. Franck and Leah D. Harhay
Illegal Emigration: The Continuing Life of Invalid Deportation Orders, Richard Frankel
Illegal Emigration: The Continuing Life of Invalid Deportation Orders, Richard H. Frankel
Political Culture and Constitutionalism, Daniel P. Franklin, Michael Baun, and Marcie J. Patton
Managing Content in Virtual Environments: from Music to Machinima, Tamiko R. Franklin
Much Ado About Something -- An Empirical Analysis of Trademarks as Keywords, David J. Franklyn and David Hyman
Much Ado About Something -- An Empirical Analysis of Trademarks as Keywords, David J. Franklyn and David Hyman
Trial Jurors and Variables Influencing Why They Return The Verdicts They Do -- A Guide For Practicing And Future Trial Attorneys, Mitchell J. Frank and Osvaldo F. Morera
Individualism and Collectivism in Agreement-making under Australian Labour Law, A. D. Frazer
Redundancy and Interpretation in Industrial Agreements: The Amcor Case, A. D. Frazer
Reconceiving labour law: the labour market regulation project, Andrew Frazer
Anti-discrimination law at mid-life crisis, Andrew D. Frazer
Industrial tribunals and the regulation of bargaining, Andrew D. Frazer
The Insider's Guide to the Supreme Court of the United States, David C. Frederick, Christopher J. Walker, and David M. Burke
Patent Infringement in the Context of Follow-on Biologics, Janet Freilich
Reforming Surveillance Law: The Swiss Model, Susan Freiwald and Sylvain Metille
Debunking The Myth that Insurance Coverage is Not Available or Allowed for Intentional Injuries or Damage, Chris French
The “Non-Cumulation Clause”: an “Other Insurance” Clause by Another Name, Chris French
Debunking The Myth that Insurance Coverage is Not Available or Allowed for Intentional Torts or Damages, Christopher French
Effizienzsteigerung des AGG - eine rechtsökonomische Analyse, Hartmut H. Frenzel
Algunos apuntes sobre la donación remuneratoria, Javier Frias Paira
Algunos apuntes sobre la donación remuneratoria, Javier Frías Paira
Algunos apuntes sobre la donación remuneratoria, Javier Frías Paira
Aporte sin aumento de capital? Hacia una correcta lectura de la reorganización simple en la LGS, Javier Frías Paira
The Mixed Blessing of a Deregulatory Endpoint for the Public Switched Telephone Network, Rob Frieden
AT&T and NEC Contract with Sweatshop Operators, Eli Friedman
External Pressure and Local Mobilization: Transnational Activism and the Emergence of the Chinese Labor Movement, Eli D. Friedman
The Lost Controversy Limitation of the Federal Arbitration Act, Stephen E. Friedman
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Stephen E. Friedman, Russell Hakes, and Jennifer S. Martin
A Problem of Power: The Impact of Modern Sovereignty on the Rule of Law in Comparative and Historical Perspective, Bruce P. Frohnen
Law's Virtue? Reconsidering Legal Purpose, Morality, and The Rule of Law, Bruce P. Frohnen
A Call for Stricter Appellate Review of Decisions on Forum Non Conveniens, Nicholas A. Fromherz
The Case for a Global Treaty on Soil Conservation, Sustainable Farming, and the Preservation of Agrarian Culture, Nicholas A. Fromherz
COMMUNIA and the European Public Domain Project: A Politics of the Public Domain, Giancarlo Francesco Frosio
COMMUNIA FINAL REPORT ON THE DIGITAL PUBLIC DOMAIN (report prepared for the European Commission on behalf of the COMMUNIA Network and the NEXA Center), Giancarlo Francesco Frosio
FDA Accelerated Approval Program: Why Brake When You Can Get a Mandate?, Keren Frumkin
FDA Accelerated Approval Program: Why Brake When You Can Get a Mandate?, Keren Frumkin
The Dialectic of Obscenity, Brian L. Frye
The Gray Lady's Guide to Avant-Garde Cinema, Brian L. Frye
The Peculiar Story of United States v. Miller, Brian L. Frye
Conditions of Pre-Trial Bail in Texas -- Oppressive and Excessive?, Charles B. Frye
Introduction to Defending Civil Forfeiture Cases Under Chapter 59, Charles B. Frye
Weak States and Terrorist Organizations: A Proposed Model of Intervention, Ilan Fuchs and Harry Borowski
Avances respecto del Derecho a ser juzgado por un Tribunal imparcial, Claudio Fuentes Maureira
Ausencia de un estándar de convicción en el proyecto de Código, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Military Justice / Justicia Militar, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Opinion about evidence jurisprudence in Family Law / Comentario de Fallo Derecho probatorio de Familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Opinion about evidence jurisprudence in Family Law / Comentario de Fallo Derecho probatorio de Familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Opinion about evidence jurisprudence in Family Law / Comentario de Fallo Derecho probatorio de Familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Opinion about evidence jurisprudence in Family Law / Comentario de Fallo Derecho probatorio de Familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira
Is This the End of the Second Reconstruction?, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
Actual Damages, Notional Damages and Loss of a Chance, Michael Philip FURMSTON
An English View of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Michael Philip FURMSTON
An Introduction to Banker's Commercial Credits, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Cancellation Clauses and Repudiation Breach, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Chapter on Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Chapter on Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Chapter on Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Cheshire and Fifoot's Cases on the Law of Contract., Michael Philip FURMSTON
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Computer Software Agreements, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Construction Law Reports (Vols 115,116,117,118,119,120), Michael Philip FURMSTON
Construction Law Reports (Vols 121,122,123,124,125,126), Michael Philip FURMSTON
Contractor's Guide to the I.C.E. Conditions of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Contract Planning: Liquidated Damages, Deposits & the Foreseeability Rule, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Croner's Model Business Contracts, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Departures in Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Drafting of Force Majeure Clauses, Michael Philip FURMSTON
English Building Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Ignorance of the Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Illegality and Banking Transactions, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Illegality: The limits of a Statute, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Infants' Contract: La Nouvelle Vague?, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Is there a Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith?, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Is There a Halfway House between Anns and Murphy, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Letter of Intent and Other Preliminary Agreement, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Misrepresentation and Fraud, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Mistaken Identity in the House of Lords, Michael Philip FURMSTON
New Zealand Illegal Contracts Act 1970: An English View, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Notes of Cases: Common Law Corporations and Ultra Vires, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Notes of Cases: Contract Frustrated - Then Performed!, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Notes of Cases: Retain and Transfer System Offside, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Notes of Cases: The Case of the Insistent Performer, Michael Philip FURMSTON
"Pay when Paid" in England, Michael Philip FURMSTON
Pirelli, Calendar without Picture, Michael Philip FURMSTON