The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
The Biological Basis for the Recognition of the Family, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The Biological Basis for the Recognition of the Family, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The Biological Basis for the Recognition of the Family, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The Meaning of Equality: Towards Revised Constitutional Principles, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The History and Rationale for a Separate Bank Resolution Process, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV, Moira Kearney-Marks, and James B. Thomson
Cost as a Sentencing Factor: Missouri's Experiment, Chad W. Flanders
RLUIPA: A Double-Faced Problem and a Proposed Return to Turner v. Safely Modified, Brett J. Fleisher
Accountability for Sexual Violence Crimes Committed During the 1971 War of Liberation: The Need for Victim and Witness Protection and Support, Laurel E. Fletcher
Colloquium on Accountability of Sexual Violence Crimes and Experience of the International Tribunals, Laurel E. Fletcher
Sexual Diversity in El Salvador: A Report on the Human Rights Situation of the LGBT Community, Laurel E. Fletcher and
Comparative Analysis of the Prac tice of Precautionary Measures Among International Human Rights Bodies, Laurel E. Fletcher, Roxanna Altholz, , and
Comparative Analysis of the Prac tice of Precautionary Measures Among International Human Rights Bodies, Laurel E. Fletcher, Roxanna Altholz, , and
The Debate Continues on Whether to Remand Family Law Cases with Inadequate Findings, Larry R. Fleurantin, Esq.
'El derecho a la intimidad': inferencias normativas sobre un clásico, Carlos Alberto Flores Hernández
Un atisbo a 'Transcendental non sense and the functional approach' de Felix S. Cohen, Carlos Alberto Flores Hernández
Tribal Adjudicative Powers and the Limits of Uniqueness: Recharacterizing the Jurisdiction of Tribal Courts, Katherine J. Florey
Tribal Adjudicative Powers and the Limits of Uniqueness: Recharacterizing the Jurisdiction of Tribal Courts, Katherine J. Florey
50th Anniversary of Hart’s The Concept of Law., Imer B. Florez and Jorge Luis Fabra
De vuelta a la economía política, KATHERINE FLOREZ PINILLA
Regulatory Blowout: How Regulatory Failures Made the BP Disaster Possible, and How the System Can Be Fixed to Avoid a Recurrence, Alyson Flournoy, William Andreen, Rebecca Bratspies, Holly Doremus, Victor Flatt, Robert Glicksman, Joel Mintz, Daniel Rohlf, Amy Sinden, Rena I. Steinzor, Joseph Tomain, Sandra Zellmer, and James Goodwin
ACTA's Constitutional Problem: The Treaty Is Not a Treaty , Sean Flynn
ACTA's Constitutional Problem: The Treaty That Is Not a Treaty (Or An Executive Agreement), Sean Flynn
Special 301 and Access to Medicine in the Obama Administration, Sean Flynn
Public Interest Analysis of the US TPP Proposal for an IP Chapter, Sean Flynn, Margot E. Kaminski, Brook K. Baker, and Jimmy H. Koo
ACTA and Access to Medicines, Sean Flynn and Bijan Madhani
Untold Stories in South Africa: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture for Documentary Filmmakers, Sean M. Flynn and Peter A. Jaszi
Race, rape, and injustice: documenting and challenging death penalty cases in the civil rights era, Barrett J. Foerster
Low-Income Taxpayer Clinicians Meet with Service Representatives, T. Keith Fogg
Women Experiencing Psychological Abuse: Are They a Homogenous Group?, Diane Follingstad and M. Jill Rogers
Factors Predicting Relationship Satisfaction, Investment, and Commitment When Women Report High Prevalence of Psychological Abuse, Diane R. Follingstad, M. Jill Rogers, and Jamieson L. Duvall
International Business Transactions: a Problem-Oriented Coursebook. 11th edition, Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John A. Spanogle, Peter L. Fitzgerald, and Michael P. Van Alstine
International Business Transactions: Foreign Investment (Special Break-out edition), Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John A. Spanogle Jr., Peter L. Fitzgerald, and Michael P. Van Alstine
International Business Transactions in a Nutshell, 9th edition, Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John A. Spanogle Jr., and Michael P. Van Alstine
International Trade and Economic Relations in a Nutshell, 5th edition, Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John A. Spanogle Jr., and Michael P. Van Alstine
International Business Transactions: Contracting Across Borders (Special Break-out edition), Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John H. Spanogle Jr., Peter L. Fitzgerald, and Michael P. Van Alstine
International Business Transactions: Trade and Economic Relations (Special Break-out edition), Ralph H. Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John H. Spanogle Jr., Peter L. Fitzgerald, and Michael P. Van Alstine
For Your Eyes Only? A "Do Not Track" Proposal, Galina I. Fomenkova
Chapter 11 Reorganization and the Fair and Equitable Standard: How the Absolute Priority Rule Applies to All Nonprofit Entities, Pamela Foohey
A National Systemic Risk Clearinghouse?, Cristie L. Ford and Hardeep Gill
Clickwrap agreements, signed documents and the objective test for contract formation, Jay Forder
Tribute to Chief Justice Durham: The "Special Responsibility" of Lawyers and Judges, Brigham A. Fordham
Copy Game for High Score: the First Video Game Lawsuit, William K. Ford
ProCD: Tidying Up After the Stranger on the Street, William K. Ford
Convicts, Thieves, Domestics and Wives in Colonial Australia: The Rebellious Lives of Ellen Murphy and Jane New, Caroline A. Forell
Passing through the World: A story of Childhood, Curiosity and Perplexity, Amin G. Forji
Le malade et la loi japonaise, Matthieu Forlodou
Le travail sur les catégories juridiques : tracer les frontières d'humanité ?, Matthieu Forlodou
Une anatomie juridique du corps humain ?, Matthieu Forlodou
Optimal Distribution Rules for Defined Contribution Plans: What Can the United States and Australia Learn from Other Countries?, Jonathan B. Forman
Optimal Distribution Rules for Defined Contribution Plans: What Can the United States and Australia Learn from Other Countries?, Jonathan B. Forman
Optimal Distribution Rules for Defined Contribution Plans: What Can the United States Learn from Other Countries?, Jonathan B. Forman
Not Getting Hired Because you are Obese, but not Getting Fired Because you are Obese: How the New Changes to the ADA Have Set a Double Standard, and What’s to Prevent Companies From Trimming the Fat at the Office, Joshua Benjamin Forman
Not Getting Hired Because you are Obese, but not Getting Fired Because you are Obese: How the New Changes to the ADA Have Set a Double Standard, and What’s to Prevent Companies From Trimming the Fat at the Office, Joshua Benjamin Forman
Not Getting Hired Because you are Obese, but not Getting Fired Because you are Obese: How the New Changes to the ADA Have Set a Double Standard, and What’s to Prevent Companies From Trimming the Fat at the Office, Joshua Benjamin Forman
Celebrating Iqbal Day, David Forte
Homer Plessy and the Living Constitution, David Forte
Islam's Trajectory, David Forte
May It Please The Court, David Forte
Natural Law and the Rule of Law, David Forte
Sources for The Establishment Clause, David Forte
The New Civil War, David Forte
The Role of the Clear and Convincing Standard of Proof in Right to Die Cases, David Forte
What Does the Supreme Court Owe the Founders?, David Forte
Apostasy and Blasphemy in Pakistan, David F. Forte
A Sign of Contradiction, David F. Forte
A Sure Thing?, David F. Forte
Avoiding Catastrophe, Skirting Disaster, David F. Forte
Bad News, Good News for the First Amendment, in Supreme Court Review of the 1993-94 Term,, David F. Forte
Case Summaries, Comments, and Research Reports on Admiralty Law, David F. Forte
Case Summaries, Comments, and Research Reports on Medical Malpractice, David F. Forte
Child Abuse: Should You Report It?, David F. Forte
Church cannot back down on its fundamental beliefs, David F. Forte
Conservatism and the Rehnquist Court, David F. Forte
Egyptian Land Law: An Evaluation, David F. Forte
Encicliche Sociali, Capitalismo e Socialismo, David F. Forte
Eve without Adam: What Genesis Can Teach America about the Natural Law, David F. Forte
Faith and Ideology, David F. Forte
Faith, Ideology and Politics, David F. Forte
Free Speech for Plutocrats: One Year Later, David F. Forte
Getting Rid of the Vegetables, David F. Forte
Houses of Worship: A Faith in Debate, David F. Forte
Ideology and History, David F. Forte
Islam and Politics, David F. Forte
Islamic Law in American Courts, David F. Forte
Islamic Law: The Impact of Joseph Schacht, David F. Forte
It's Still Evil, Stupid, David F. Forte
It's the Regime, Not the Religion, David F. Forte
John Marshall and the Moral Basis for Judicial Review, David F. Forte
L'atteggiamento del URSS verso il Mercato Commune, David F. Forte
Letter: Religion and the Marriage Discourse, David F. Forte
Liberty and the Good Life, David F. Forte
Lincoln, Marshall and the Judicial Role, David F. Forte
Lincoln... or Buchanan?, David F. Forte
Love, Justice, and Power, David F. Forte
Lunch With Frank Battisti, David F. Forte
Marbury's Travail: Federalist Politics and William Marbury's Appointment as Justice of the Peace, David F. Forte