The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Prison Conditions Suits after Plata, Malcolm M. Feeley
Privatization as a Source of Innovation in the Criminal Justice System, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Political Theory of Federalism, Malcolm M. Feeley
Fates of Political Liberalism in the British Post-Colony: The Politics of the Legal Complex, Malcolm M. Feeley, Terry Halliday, and Lucien Karpik
Exposing the Traditional Marriage Agenda, Jessica R. Feinberg
Non-Marital Relationship Recognition in an Era of Marriage Equality Advancements, Jessica R. Feinberg
The Impact of Suicide Calls on Police, Barry N. Feldman, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Bernice Gershenson, Jonathan C. Clayfield, and Richard P. Cody
A Conversation on Judicial Decision-Making, Robin Feldman
Intellectual Property Wrongs, Robin C. Feldman
The GAO 500: Effects of Non-Practicing Entities on Patent Litigation, Robin C. Feldman, Sara Jeruss, and JJoshua Walder
The GAO 500: Effects of Non-Practicing Entities on Patent Litigation, Robin C. Feldman, Sara Jeruss, and Joshua Walker
Democracy and Dissent: Strauss, Arendt, and Voegelin in America, Stephen M. Feldman
Do the Right Thing: Understanding the Interest-Convergence Thesis, Stephen M. Feldman
Rescission, Restitution, And The Principle of Fair Redress: A Response to Professors Brooks and Stremitzer, Steven Feldman
Embedded Librarians: Teaching Legal Research as a Lawyering Skill, Vicenç Feliú and Helen Frazer
Outcomes Assessment and Legal Research Pedagogy, Vicenç Feliú and Helen Frazer
Disclosure's Effects: WikiLeaks and Transparency, Mark Fenster
Disabling Racial Repetition: Can We Fix the “No Child Left Behind” Fix?, Zanita Fenton
Congressional Disclosure of Time Spent Fundraising, Robert Brent Ferguson
Congressional Disclosure of Time Spent Fundraising, Robert Brent Ferguson
Congressional Disclosure of Time Spent Fundraising, Robert Brent Ferguson
La Obligación, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Confiscación sobre el producto indirecto del delito en el sistema de prevención del lavado de activos / Confiscation of indirect proceeds of crime in the anti-money laundering legal framework, Tadeo Leandro Fernandez
Tendências de Decisões do TJSP sobre Quebras de Contratos Privados, Marcelo P G Ferrante and Luciana L. Yeung
A Crise Económico-Financeira Europeia: Preconceitos e Realidades, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
A Flecha de Nemrod, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Avessos do Direito. Ensaios de Crítica da Razão Jurídica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Brisa de Anomia - Da Constituição Real ao Quotidiano Incompetente, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Burocracia Científica e Pluralismo Cultural, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Clima Anticonstitucional, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Comunicação Política, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Constituição e Política, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Contra-ataque humanístico – Da elaboração de um manual de Filosofia do Direito à importância formativa dos manuais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Da Universidade. Reflexão Jurídica em Tempo de Crise, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Derecho, Utopismo y Valores en la constitución "Ciudadana" Brasileña, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito à Língua Portuguesa e Lusofonia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito Constitucional, Património Cultural, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Do Jusracionalismo Luso-Brasileiro e da Unidade Essencial do Jusnaturalismo - Reflexão Problemática Filosófico-Histórica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Dos Princípios Positivos & dos Princípios Supremos, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Droit naturel et méthodologie juridique, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Ecos do Ipiranga. Autonomia, Cidadania e Justiça no Brasil, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Estudos Políticos: Para uma Epistemologia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Estudos Políticos: Para uma Epistemologia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Funcionários Públicos e Preconceitos Privados, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Impostos e Alternativas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Inconstitucionalidade do Orçamento do Estado. A Caminho de uma "Constituição" flexível infralegal?, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Individualismo, Massas e Direito, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Massa e Elite. Uma Lição da 'Renascença Portuguesa', Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
O Cidadão e o Estadista, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Os Cidadãos e o Sistema Político: Identificação ou Descontentamento?, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Os Perigosos Sábios do Sião I, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Os Perigosos Sábios do Sião II, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Paradigmas Jurídicos do Ter, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Principes constitutionnels herméneutiques, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Programa Mínimo para a Democracia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Proibição do Retrocesso e Reserva do Possível: Princípios Constitucionais para tempos de Crise, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Repensar a Teoria do Estado entre Pluralismo Ético e Globalização, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Rethinking Natural Law, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Rousseau, a Constituição de Cádis e a Renacença Portuguesa, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Promoting an All of the Above Approach or Pushing (Oil) Addiction and Abuse?: The Curious Role of Energy Subsidies and Mandates in U.S. Energy Policy, Joshua P. Fershee
The Oil and Gas Evolution: Learning from the Hydraulic Fracturing Experiences in North Dakota and West Virginia, Joshua P. Fershee
Property and Republicanism in the Northwest Ordinance, Matthew J. Festa
Criminal sentencing - The geographical lottery, David Field
Crime fighters and border guards: The Scottish law officers in comparative perspective, Iain Field
Crime fighters and border guards: The Scottish law officers in comparative perspective, Iain Field
Judicial mediation, the judicial process and Ch III of the Constitution, Iain Field
Evidence-based decision making for vaccines: the need for an ethical foundation., Robert I. Field
How the Government Created the Modern Pharmaceutical Industry, Robert I. Field
A Guide to the Federal Tort Claims Act, Paul F. Figley
In Defense of Feres: An Unfairly Maligned Opinion, Paul F. Figley
In Defense of Feres: An Unfairly Maligned Opinion, Paul F. Figley
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function, Maayan Filmar
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function: Optimizing The Exclusion Potential of Subject Matter Eligibility, Maayan Filmar- Perel
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function, Maayan Filmar-Perel
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function, Maayan Filmar-Perel
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function, Maayan Filmar-Perel
Reviving The Gatekeeping Function: Optimizing The Exclusion Potential of Subject Matter Eligibility, Maayan Filmar-Perel
Watching the Watchers: The Growing Privatization of Criminal Law and the Need for Limits on Neighborhood Watch Associations, Sharon Finegan
How the Global Financial Crisis is Affecting EU mortgage Laws, Francesca Fiorentini Prof.
A Supreme Court Clinic’s Place in the Supreme Court Bar, Jeffrey L. Fisher
Categorizing Temporal Patterns of Arrest in a Cohort of Adults with Serious Mental Illness, William H. Fisher, Steven M. Banks, Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, Albert J. Grudzinskas, Lorna J. Simon, and Nancy Wolff
Use of a state inpatient forensic system under managed mental health care, William H. Fisher, Barbara Dickey, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Ira K. Packer, Albert J. Grudzinskas, and Hocine Azeni
Crisis Intervention Teams as the Solution to Managing Crises Involving Persons with Serious Psychiatric Illnesses: Does One Size Fit All?, William H. Fisher and Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr.
Public policy and limits of diversion programs for reducing jail exposure of persons with serious mental illness, William H. Fisher, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, and Nancy Wolff
Managed mental health care's effects on arrest and forensic commitment, William H. Fisher, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Barbara Dickey, Ira K. Packer, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., and Hocine Azeni
Drug-Related Arrests among Persons with Serious Mental Illness, William H. Fisher, Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Jonathan C. Clayfield, and Steven M. Banks
Patterns and prevalence of arrest in a statewide cohort of mental health care consumers, William H. Fisher, Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, Albert J. Grudzinskas, Jonathan C. Clayfield, Steven M. Banks, and Nancy Wolff
Risk of Arrest Among Public Mental Health Services Recipients and the General Public, William H. Fisher, Lorna J. Simon, Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Nancy Wolff, Emily Crockett, and Steven M. Banks
Drug-related arrests in a cohort of public mental health service recipients, William H. Fisher, Nancy Wolff, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski, Steven M. Banks, and Jonathan C. Clayfield
Labor and the States' Fiscal Problems, Catherine Fisk and Brian Olney
The Class Action Rule, Owen M. Fiss and John Bronsteen
Dysfunctional Downlisting Defeated: Defenders of Wildlife v. Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, Edward A. Fitzgerald
Exxon v. Fischer: Thresher Sharks Protect the Coastal Zone, Edward A. Fitzgerald
The Waste War: Oregon Waste Systems, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Quality , Edward A. Fitzgerald
New South Walves v. Commonwealth: The Australian Tidelands Controversy, Edward A. Fitzgerald
Co-Organizer: International Conference on Extended and Extending Families, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Deeper Meaning of Equal Protection, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Civil Society and the Great Mendacity, Scott T. FitzGibbon