The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Tratamiento jurídico de la desigualdad, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Why Not Adopt a Loser-Pays-All Rule in Criminal Litigation?, Luciana Echazu and Nuno Garoupa
International, European and US Perspectives on the Negotiation and Adoption of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), Christina Eckes, Elaine Fahey, and Machiko Kanetake
Building a Bridge Between China and the U.S., Robert A. Eckhart
Protecting A Hidden Treasure: The U.N International Law Commission and the International Law of Transboundary Ground Water Resources , Gabriel E. Eckstein
A Hydrogeological Approach to Transboundary Ground Water Resources and International Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
The Economics of Network Neutrality, Nicholas Economides and Benjamin Hermalin
Network Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market Analysis, Nicholas Economides and Joacim Tag
Law & Society: On Canons, Disciplines, and Big Tents, Lauren Edelman
The Random Horror of the Death Penalty, NY Times editorial board
Affirmative Action and the Rights Rhetoric Trap, Christopher Edley Jr
Color at Century's End: Race in Law, Policy, and Politics, Christopher Edley Jr
Fiat Flux: Evolving Purposes and Ideals of the Great American Public Law School, Christopher Edley Jr.
Keynote Address, Christopher Edley Jr
Reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, Christopher Edley Jr
The Governance Crisis, Legal Theory, and Political Ideology, Christopher Edley Jr.
Introduction: Lawyers and Education Reform, Christopher F. Edley
Asbestos: A Multi-Billion-Dollar Crisis, Christopher F. Edley and Paul C. Weiler
The Economists' Voice 2.0: The Financial Crisis, Health Care Reform, and More, Aaron Edlin
Predatory Pricing, Aaron S. Edlin
A Selection-Corrected Estimate of Chevron’s Impact on Agency Deference, Griffin S. Edwards
Corporate Governance: Principles and Practices, Walter A. Effross
Piracy,Privacy, and Privatization: Fictional and Legal Approaches to the Electronic Future of Cash , Walter A. Effross
Tax Policy and the Obesity Epidemic, Rafi Efrat
Africa and the Extended Continental Shelf under the Law of the Sea Convention(LOSC) 1982, Edwin E. Egede
Einige ökonomische Aspekte der Europäischen Verbrauchsgüterkauf - Richtlinie und ihrer Umsetzung in deutsches Recht, Thomas Eger
Kommentar zu Avery W. Katz: Vertragsrecht in der Zeit des Internet: eine ökonomische Perspektive, Thomas Eger
Kommentar zu Gerhard Wagner - Schadensersatz bei Kartelldelikten, Thomas Eger
Kommentar zu Stephan Weth: Die Rolle des Anwalts, Thomas Eger
Opportunistic Termination of Employment Contracts and Legal Protection Against Dismissal in Germany and the USA, Thomas Eger
Zur markenrechtlichen Schutzfähigkeit von Eventmarken aus rechtsökonomischer Sicht. Einige Bemerkungen zur aktuellen Rechtsprechung anlässlich der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006, Thomas Eger and Petra Ebermann
Limits to the private enforcement of antitrust law, Thomas Eger and Peter Weise
Implied Preemption of Medical Device ‘Parallel Claims’, Jean M. Eggen
Nanotechnology and the Environment: What's Next?, Jean M. Eggen
Toward a Neuroscience Model of Tort Law: How Functional Neuroimaging Will Transform Tort Doctrine, Jean M. Eggen and Eric J. Laury
An Assessment of Community Self-help efforts in the Development of Emuhi Community in South-South Region, Nigeria, S E. Ehisuoria (PhD) and F O. Akhimien (PhD)
Duties of the Executive After Lesley v. Veterans Land Bd., Monika Ehrman
Duties of the Executive After Lesley v. Veterans Land Bd., Monika Ehrman
Petroleum Exploration and Production Operations, Monika Ehrman
On the Welfare Effects of Exclusive Distribution Arrangements, Jürgen Eichberger and Frank Mueller-Langer
Wal-Mart Stores v. Dukes: Lessons for the Legal Quest for Equal Pay, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
Stopped at the Starting Gate: the Overuse of Summary Judgment in Equal Pay Cases, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg
Taking a Stand on Taking the Stand: The Effect of a Prior Criminal Record on the Decision to Testify and On Trial Outcomes, Theodore Eisenberg and Valerie P. Hans
The Relation Between Punitive and Compensatory Awards: Combining Extreme Data with the Mass of Awards, Theodore Eisenberg, Valerie P. Hans, and Martin T. Wells
Is Turkey Realigning? A Three Dimensional Investigation of Turkish-Iranian Security Rapprochement., Doç.Dr. Behsat Ekici
The extend to which demographic characteristics determine international drug courier’s profile, Doç.Dr. Behsat Ekici
Clinical Decision-Making about Psychopathy and Violence Risk Assessment in Public Sector Mental Health Settings, Eric B. Elbogen, Matthew T. Huss, Alan Tomkins, and Mario J. Scalora
From the Psychiatric Hospital to the Community: Integrating Conditional Release and Contingency Management, Eric B. Elbogen and Alan Tomkins
Documentation of Violence Risk Information in Psychiatric Hospital Patient Charts: An Empirical Examination, Eric B. Elbogen, Alan J. Tomkins, Antara P. Pothuloori, and Mario Scalora
Approaching Rule of Law in Post-Revolution Egypt, Ahmed Eldakak
Is The Middle East Moving Toward Islamism After The Arab Spring? The Case Study of the Egyptian Commercial and Financial Laws, Ahmed Eldakak and Radwa S. Elsaman
The New Immigration Federalism, Stella Burch Elias
Renewable Energy: A Solution with Its Own Problems, Michael L. Elion
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun! Balancing Patent Law & Trade Secret Law Under the America Invents Act, Stephen J. Elkind
California Standing Doctrine: The Enigma Explained, Tawnda Elling and Damien Schiff
Informing Consent: Voter Ignorance, Political Parties, and Election Law, Christopher S. Elmendorf and David Schleicher
A Dedication to Randall P. Bezanson, John Elrod, Mark Grunewald, Lewis LaRue, J. Marion, Doug Rendleman, and Allan Vestal
In Defense Of Taxpayer Funded Lobbying: Securing An Affirmative Right To Intergovernmental Communication, Andrew Emerson
Unfettering the Grid: Spurring Transmission Investment by Reducing Regulatory Ambiguity, Andrew Emerson
Building Bio-based Supply Chains: Theoretical Perspectives on Innovative Contract Design, A. Bryan Endres, Jody M. Endres, and Jeremy J. Stoller
Necessity is the Mother, But Protection May Not Be the Father of Invention: The Limited Effect of Intellectual Property Regimes on Agricultural Innovation, A. Bryan Endres and Carly E. Giffin
Frayed Seams in the "Patchwork Quilt" of American Federalism: An Empirical Analysis of Invasive Plant Species Regulation, A. Bryan Endres, James S.N. McCubbins, Lauren D. Quinn, and Jacob N. Barney
Anachronistic Pollution Policy: The Case of Wildfire Smoke Regulation, Kirsten H. Engel
“An Existential Moment of Moral Perception”: Declarations of Life And the Capital Jury Re-Imagined, Rebecca T. Engel
Leaving equality behind: new directions in school finance reform, Peter Enrich
Race and money, courts and schools: tentative lessons from Connecticut, Peter D. Enrich
Race and money, courts and schools: tentative lessons from Connecticut, Peter D. Enrich
Legislating Inclusion, Lia Epperson
Go for the Gold by Utilizing the Olympics, Adam Epstein
From Legal Rationalism to Neurofunctionalism, Daniel Epstein
Irreparable Misidentifications and Reliability: Reassessing the Threshold for Admissibility of Eyewitness Identification, Jules Epstein
Should Delaware Execute its Death Row 'Volunteers'?, Jules Epstein
DNA for the Defense Bar, Jules Epstein and
22nd Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium: The “New” Rules of Class Certification (panelist), Wendy Netter Epstein
Arizona State University Legal Scholars Conference: Public-Private Contracts and the Failures of Contract Theory, Wendy Netter Epstein
Chicago-Kent Faculty Workshop: Contract Theory and the Failures of Public-Private Contracting, Wendy Netter Epstein
Law and Society Annual Conference: Public-Private Contracts and the Failures of Contract Theory, Wendy Netter Epstein
Seventh International Conference on Contracts: Public-Private Contracts and the Failures of Contract Theory, Wendy Netter Epstein
University of Illinois Faculty Workshop: Contract Theory and the Failures of Public-Private Contracting, Wendy Netter Epstein
The Basics of US Criminal Justice System, Bethel G.A Erastus-Obilo
Muslim clerics and leadership in human rights education in Muslim societies, Ahmad Erfani-Nasab and Mohammad Mahdi Meghdadi
Babies without Borders: Human Rights, Human Dignity and the Regulation of International Commercial Surrogacy, Yasmine Ergas
Babies without Borders: Human Rights, Human Dignity and the Regulation of International Commercial Surrogacy, Yasmine Ergas
Babies without Borders: Human Rights, Human Dignity and the Regulation of International Commercial Surrogacy, Yasmine Ergas
Annual Supplement to "Patents", Samuel F. Ernst
Slavery in the 21st Century, Jeffrey Erskine
Hawthorne's 'Spectacle of Guilt and Shame' and the Law of Adultery in Puritan New England: 1631-1694., joshua Erspamer Mr.
Exchange as a Cornerstone of Families, Martha M. Ertman
¿Propiedad sin Registro? Reflexiones en torno a la transmisión de la propiedad en el Perú, Francisco Escajadillo
Apuntes sobre el carácter absoluto del Derecho de Propiedad, Francisco J. Escajadillo