The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
News on the Internet, Robert C. Denicola
The Case Against Appointing Politicians to the Supreme Court, Brannon P. Denning
Anti-Evasion Doctrines in Constitutional Law, Brannon P. Denning and Michael B. Kent
The Education of Special Needs Children in Uganda: Lessons from the American Legal Environment, David Brian Dennison
Nuclear Criminal liability in India, Rajesh Deoli
From Stick to Carrot: an Endowment Account of Expressive Law, David E. DePianto
The Hedonic Impact of Stand-Alone Emotional Harms: an Analysis of Survey Data, David E. DePianto
Tort Damages and the (Misunderstood) Money-Happiness Connection, David E. DePianto
Mississippi may become first U.S. state with no abortion clinic, Esmé E. Deprez and Elizabeth Waibel
Eudemonic Intellectual Property:Patents and Related Rights as Engines of Happiness, Peace, and Sustainability, Estelle Derclaye
Recent French Decisions on Database Protection: Towards a More Consistent and Compliant Approach with the Court of Justice’s Case Law?, Estelle Derclaye
The role of copyright in the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change: is the current copyright system adequate?, Estelle Derclaye
Acting as if Tomorrow Matters: Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability, John C. Dernbach
It Takes a Global Sustainability Movement, John C. Dernbach
Next Generation Recycling and Waste Reduction: Building on the Success of Pennsylvania's 1988 Legislation, John C. Dernbach
Sustaining America, John C. Dernbach
The Unfinished Story of the Rio Plus 20 Conference, John C. Dernbach
When Will America, World Make Sustainability a Priority?, John C. Dernbach
From Usages of Merchants to Default Rules: Practices of Trade, Ius Commune and Urban Law in Early Modern Antwerp, Dave De ruysscher
From Usages of Merchants to Default Rules: Practices of Trade, Ius Commune and Urban Law in Early Modern Antwerp, Dave De ruysscher
La lex mercatoria contextualisée: tracer son parcours intellectuel, Dave De ruysscher
Bargained Justice: Plea Bargaining's Innocence Problem and the Brady Safety-Valve, Lucian E. Dervan
Global Bribery: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Lucian E. Dervan
Hearing on Stolen or Counterfeit Goods Legislation, Lucian E. Dervan
International White Collar Crime and the Globalization of Internal Investigations, Lucian E. Dervan
A Judicial David Versus Goliath: Prohibiting Capital Defendants from Proceeding Pro Se, Jonathan Z. DeSantis
Formulating a Soda Tax Fit for Consumption: A Pragmatic Approach to Implementing the Failed New York Soda Tax., Joseph Angelo DeSantis
lesson learn from saint augustine's writings, hekwe kitang'ita desderius des
Calibrating Human Rights and Investment during Economic Emergencies: Prospects of Treaty and Valuation Defenses, Diane A. Desierto
Calibrating Human Rights and Investment during Economic Emergencies: Prospects of Treaty and Valuation Defenses, Diane A. Desierto
ICESCR Minimum Core Obligations and Investment: Recasting the Non-Expropriation Compensation Model during Financial Crises, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Necessity and National Emergency Clauses: Sovereignty in Modern Treaty Interpretation, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Arbitrability and Vulnerability, Carolyn L. Dessin
Creating and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Guardianship Committees, Carolyn L. Dessin, Julia R. Nack, and Judge Thomas Swift
Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
"Give the Boys a Trade": Gender and Job Choice in the 1890s, Ileen A. DeVault
Introduction to United Apart: Gender and the Rise of Craft Unionism, Ileen A. DeVault
Narratives Serially Constructed and Lived: Ethnicity in Cross-Gender Strikes 1887-1903, Ileen A. DeVault
Samuel Gompers, Ileen A. DeVault
‘‘Too Hard on the Women, Especially’’: Striking Together for Women Workers’ Issues, Ileen A. DeVault
White Collar/Blue Collar, Ileen A. DeVault
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
The Power to Bind: Dicta in Theory and Practice, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Essay: Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision-Making, Neal E. Devins and David E. Klein
Challenges in Public and Private Domain Will Shape the Future of Intellectual Property, Severin de Wit
Challenges in Public and Private Domain Will Shape the Future of Intellectual Property, Severin de Wit
The Flaws of Stem Cell Legislation: Sherley, Brustle, and Future Policy Challenges Posed by Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Nicholas J. Diamond
Macau: A Seat for Sino-Lusophone Commercial Arbitration, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.
O Conceito de Consumidor no Direito Português (I), Fernando Dias Simões Prof.
O Conceito de Consumidor no Direito Português (II), Fernando Dias Simões Prof.
Lei dos Serviços Públicos Essenciais anotada e comentada (Public Essential Service Law – comments), Fernando Dias Simões and Mariana Pinheiro Almeida
The alternative forms of dispute settlement and the essential difference between these and arbitration, Michael Diathesopoulos
Minors & Cosmetic Surgery: An Argument for State Intervention, Derrick Diaz
(Mis)conceptions of the Corporation, Reza Dibadj
Reactionary Reform and Fundamental Error, Reza Dibadj
Would the Per Se Illegal Treatment of Reverse Payment Settlements Inhibit Generic Drug Investment?, Bret M. Dickey and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Liability for personal injuries from recreational services and the new Australian Consumer Law: Uniformity and simplification, or still a mess?, Joachim Dietrich
The Third Restatement of Restitution, the role of unjust enrichment and Australian Law, Joachim Dietrich
Addicted to Fault: Why Divorce Reform Has Lagged in New York, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
The Zombie Pandemic in Florida, Anita A. DiGiacomo Esq.
Empathy with Animals: A Litmus Test for Legal Personhood?, Carter Dillard
The Primary Right, Carter Dillard