The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
The Subtlety of State Action in Privatized Child Welfare Services., Sacha M. Coupet
The Long Exception: Rethinking the Place of the New Deal in American History, Jefferson Cowie and Nick Salvatore
Pregnancy as "Disability" and the Amended Americans with Disabilities Act, Jeannette Cox
Avoiding Payne: An Analysis of Victim Impact Evidence, Randall Coyne
Criminal Procedure Update and Supreme Court Review, Randall T. Coyne
Legal and Community Service, Randall T. Coyne
Personal Reflections on the Importance of Grandparents, Randall T. Coyne
Teacher's Manual to Capital Punishment and the Judical Process: Cases and Materials, Randall T. Coyne
Toward a Modified Fair Use Defense in Right of Publicity Cases, Randall T.E. Coyne
2012-2013 Supplement to Capital Punishment and the Judicial Process, Randall T. Coyne and Lyn Entzeroth
Capital Punishment and the Judicial Process: Cases and Materials, Randall T. Coyne and Lyn Entzeroth
Cyberlaw: The Law of the Internet and Information Technology, Brian Craig
Running in the Shadows, joshua a. craven
Stapled Financing, joshua a. craven
The Volcker Rule, joshua a. craven
The Right to Defense Counsel in Tribal Court: A Tribal and Congressional Imperative, Barbara L. Creel
Exploring the Vitality of Stare Decisis in America, Zena D. Crenshaw-Logal
University of Baltimore Symposium Report: Debut of “The Matthew Fogg Symposia On The Vitality Of Stare Decisis In America”, Zena D. Crenshaw-Logal
Control of government action: text, cases and commentary, Robyn Creyke, John McMillan, and Rocque Reynolds
Are we all dopes? A Behavioral Law & Economics Approach to Legal Regulation of Doping in Sports, Shawn Crincoli
You Can Only Race if You Can’t Win? The Curious Cases of Oscar Pistorius & Caster Semenya, Shawn M. Crincoli
Kosher Without Law: The Role of Nonlegal Sanctions in Overcoming Fraud Within The Kosher Food Industry, S. Crincoli (Sigman)
The Language of the Roberts Court, Frank B. Cross
The Practical Meaning of Originalism, Frank B. Cross
Arbitration of Mass Sovereign Debt Claims: Abaclat v. Argentine Republic, Karen Halverson Cross
Restoring the Public Library Ethos: Copyright, E-Licensing, and the Future of Librarianship, William M. Cross
Panel 1: Distributional Consequences, Dennis Crouch J.D.; Eileen M. Kane J.D.; Cynthia Ho J.D.; and David Opderbeck J.D., LL. M.
Setting the Bar for "Injury" in Environmental Exposure Cases: How Low Can It Go?, John C. Cruden, Carla Burke, John Guttmann, and Robert V. Percival
The GPS Act Supports Legitimate Investigations and Protects Privacy (Op-Ed), Catherine Crump
Between “Metaphysics of the Stone Age” and the “Brave New World”: H.L.A. Hart on the Law’s Assumptions about Human Nature, Péter Cserne
Freedom of contract and paternalism: prospects and limits of an economic approach, Péter Cserne
Import, Export, and Multilateral Translation: Methodological Lessons from an Economic Analysis of Paternalism in Contract Law, Péter Cserne
National legal systems and globalization: New role, continuing relevance, Péter Cserne and Pierre Larouche
China, Wei Cui
China’s Tax Policy Response to the Global Financial Crisis, Wei Cui
Conceptual Objections to Taxing Resale of Residential Property under a VAT, Wei Cui
Conceptual Objections to Taxing Resale of Residential Property Under a VAT, Wei Cui
The Origin of the High Centralization of Tax Legislative Power, Wei Cui
Are the Norms of Marriage Worth Saving?, John G. Culhane
Civil Unions Reconsidered, John G. Culhane
Duty Per Se: Reading Child Abuse Statutes to Create a Common Law Duty in Favor of Victims, John G. Culhane
Have Gay Marriage Advocates Been Too Successful?, John G. Culhane
Implementation Questions Remain for Bradley Settlement, John G. Culhane
In the "Baby Veronica" Case, Shouldn't We Ask What's Best for the Child?, John G. Culhane
Not Just the NFL: Compensation, Litigation, and Public Health in Concussion Cases, John G. Culhane
No to Nuptials: Will Opposite-Sex Civil Unions Spell the End of Traditional Marriage?, John G. Culhane
Penn State’s Disaster Cleanup: What the University Can Learn from the BP Oil Spill, John G. Culhane
Sometimes a Great Notion: Panning for Gold in “The President’s Marriage Agenda for the Forgotten Sixty Percent”, John G. Culhane
Sue the Gun Makers, and the Sellers, Too: Congress Should Repeal the Bad Law That Shields Them from Liability, John G. Culhane
California Should Not Pass "Multiple Parents" Bill, John G. Culhane and Elizabeth Marquardt
Toward a Mature Doctrine of Informed Consent: Lessons from A Comparative Law Analysis, John G. Culhane, King-Jean Wu, Oluyomi Faparusi, and Eric J. Juray
Born in the Americas: Birthright Citizenship and Human Rights, Katherine Culliton
"All Eyez On Me": America's War on Drugs and the Prison Industrial Complex, andré douglas pond cummings
Reforming Legal Education: Law Schools at the Crossroads, Debra Moss Curtis and David M. Moss
Reforming Legal Education: Law Schools at the Crossroads, Debra Moss Curtis and David M. Moss
Brief of Respondents, Arlington Central School District Board of Education v. Murphy, No. 05-18 (U.S. Mar 28, 2006), Jillian M. Cutler and David C. Vladeck
Babies, Parents, and Grandparents: a Story in Two Cases, Karen Czapanskiy
Disabled Kids and Their Moms: Caregivers and Horizontal Equity, Karen S. Czapanskiy
Ensayos sobre Derecho Comparado y Constitución, Teresa M. G. Da Cunha Lopes
Pluralism and Perfectionism in Private Law, Hanoch Dagan
As Greece Goes, so Goes the E.U.: Defending Europe with a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Framework, Elizabeth H. Dahill
‘Needle and Stick’ save the world: Sustainable development and the universal child, Johan Dahlbeck and Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck
Notification and Risk Management for Victims of Domestic Violence, Jaime K. Dahlstedt
Contractualism in the Law of Treaties, Omar M. Dajani
The Impact of Transportation on the socio-economic Development of Rural Areas of Gwagwalada Area Council, Nigeria, S P. Dakyes PhD and L N. Ogbuli
Judicial Ideal Points in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, Nuno Garoupa, and Shirley Lin
Budget Numbers Affect People, Who Deserve Dignity, Erin Daly
Constitutional Protection for Environmental Rights: The Benefits of Environmental Process, Erin Daly
Health-care Law Puts Supreme Court Atop a Slippery Slope, Erin Daly
The Ecuadorian Exemplar: The First Ever Vindications of Constitutional Rights of Nature, Erin Daly
Vindicating Environmental Rights: Constitutional Protection for Present & Future Generations, Erin Daly and James May
Vindicating Environmental Rights: Constitutional Protection for Present & Future Generations, Erin Daly and James May
The Constitutional Right to Education in India: Horizontal Dimensions, Shubhankar DAM
The Singur Sham, Shubhankar DAM
Chapter 35: Law, Loyalty and Citizenship, Meir Dan-Cohen
Introduction: Dignity and its (Dis)content, Meir Dan-Cohen
Feminism unmodified [book review], Dan Danielsen
Law and violence, Dan Danielsen
Representing identities: legal treatment of pregnancy and homosexuality, Dan Danielsen
Shamans, software, and spleens: law and the construction of the information society [book review], Dan Danielsen
Gender, sexuality and power: is feminist theory enough?, Dan Danielsen, Brenda Cossman, Janet Halley, and Tracy Higgins
Gender, sexuality and power: is feminist theory enough?, Dan Danielsen, Brenda Cossman, Janet Halley, and Tracy Higgins
Busting bribery: sustaining the global momentum of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Dan Danielsen and David Kennedy
Testing the Effects of Striker Replacement and Employer Implementation of Final Offers on Employer and Union Bargaining Power, Ellen Dannin
Testing the Effects of Striker Replacement and Employer Implementation of Final Offers on Employer and Union Bargaining Power, Ellen Dannin
Developing a Student's "Thought Monitor", Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Developing Professional Identity Through Reflective Practice, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Good Faith: Balancing the Right to Manage with the Right to Represent, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
It's Not Just a Writing Problem, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
The New York State Bar Exam by the Issue, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus, Myra E. Berman, and John J. Cooney
Making IRAC Visible, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus and Nancy Ellen Chanin
Immigration Detention in Guantánamo Bay (Not Going Anywhere Anytime Soon), Azadeh Dastyari and Libbey Effeny
The Great Recession, the Resulting Budget Shortfalls, and the Attack on Public Sector Collective Bargaining in the United States, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt and Winston Lin
Submission on Exposure Draft New Offences Criminal Code (Forced Labour, Servitude, Forced Marriage, Deceptive Recruiting), Fiona M. David Ms and Anne T. Gallagher Dr
Art Crimes?: Theoretical Perspectives on Copyright Protection for Illegally-Created Graffiti Art, Jamison M. Davies