About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

The Google Conundrum: Perpetrator or Facilitator on the Net? - Forging a Fair Copyright Framework of Rights, Liability and Responsibility in Response to Search Engine 2.0 - Part I: The Google Images Search Engine, Warren B. CHIK

The Law of International Commercial Arbitration in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK

The Lion, the Dragon and the Wardrobe Guarding the Doorway to Information and Communications Privacy on the Internet: A Comparative Case Study of Hong Kong and Singapore: Two Differing Asian Approaches, Warren B. CHIK

US Jurisdictional Rules of Adjudication over Business Conducted via the Internet: Guidelines and a Checklist for the E-Commerce Merchant, Warren B. CHIK

Information Technology, Warren Bartholomew Kam Wai Chik

Opportunity Lost? Revisiting RecordTV v MediaCorp TV, Warren B. CHIK and Cheng Lim SAW


The Ontological Function of the Patent Document, Andrew Chin

Complexity Theory and the Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions of State Responsibility, Mark A. Chinen


Competing Conceptions of Legal Objectivity: An Ignored Publicity Versus a Surprisingly Unhelpful Naturalism, Kenneth K. Ching




Would Jesus Kill Hitler? Bonhoeffer, Church, and State, Kenneth K. Ching


Would Jesus Kill Hitler? Bonhoeffer, Church, and State, Kenneth K. Ching


Would Jesus Kill Hitler? Bonhoeffer, Church, and State, Kenneth K. Ching

Adult Stem Cell Therapies: Regulatory Pathways, Mary Ann Chirba

A Healthy Debate – The Affordable Care Act and the State of Healthcare in America, Mary Ann Chirba

Challenges in Teaching Legal Analysis: When Courts & Facts Collide: SCOTUS, Obamacare’s Individual Mandate, & “Facts”, Mary Ann Chirba

Emerging Federal and International Guidelines for Stem Cell Research: Increased Funding Increases the Need for Consensus, Mary Ann Chirba

Health Care Reform Treatise, Mary Ann Chirba

Panelist, Adult Adipose Stem Cell Therapies: Advances and Challenges, Mary Ann Chirba

Physician Reimbursement and Other Payment Reforms under the Affordable Care Act, Mary Ann Chirba

The Supreme Court and Election Year Politics: Myths vs. Reality in the Healthcare Debate, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

The [Sur]Reality of Mental Health Parity for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, Mary Ann Chirba

Drawing Lines in Shifting Sands: The U.S. Supreme Court's Mixed Messages on ERISA Preemption Imperil Health Care Reform, Mary Ann Chirba

ERISA Preemption of Provider Reimbursement Litigation Post-PPACA:Some Things (Unfortunately) Never Change, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble


Life is a Highway: Severability of the Affordable Care Act, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble


On the Individual Mandate Argument: Beyond Uncompensated Care, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

An Uncertain Risk and an Uncertain Future: Assessing the Legal Implications of Mercury Amalgram Fillings., Mary Ann Chirba and Carolyn M. Welshhans


Cross-Border Service Payments Under EU Fair Competition and Sepa Rules, Anca Daniela Chirita


Recent abuse of dominance and cartel cases, Anca Daniela Chirita


Beyond Rationality: A Sociological Construction of the World Trade Organization, Sungjoon Cho

No More Zeroing?: The United States Changes its Antidumping Policy to Comply with the WTO, Sungjoon Cho

Promises and Perils of New Global Governance: A Case of the G20 (with C. Kelly), Sungjoon Cho


Reconstructing World Politics: Norms, Discourse, and Community, Sungjoon Cho

The Law of the World Trade Organization Through Cases (with Joseph H.H. Weiler, Isabel Feichtner & Ari Afilalo) (electronic casebook), Sungjoon Cho


Promises and Perils of New Global Governance: A Case of the G20 (with C. Kelly), Sungjoon Cho and Claire R. Kelly

Civil War, Ceasefire, Constitution: Some Preliminary Notes, Sujit Choudhry

Group Rights in Comparative Constitutional Law: Culture, Economics, or Political Power?, Sujit Choudhry

How To Do Comparative Constitutional Law in India: Naz Foundation, Same Sex Rights, and Dialogical Interpretation, Sujit Choudhry

Method in Comparative Constitutional Law: A Comment on Law & Versteeg, Sujit Choudhry


The Globalization of the Canadian Constitution, Sujit Choudhry

Independent or Dependent? Constitutional Courts in Divided Societies, Sujit Choudhry and R. Stacey

Reasonableness in the 21st Century: Negligence and Adults with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny C. Chriscoe and Lisa Lukasik

Reasonableness in the 21st Century: Negligence and Adults with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny C. Chriscoe and Lisa Lukasik


Trade Dress Rights as Instruments of Monopolistic Competition: Towards a Rejuvenation of the Misappropriation Doctrine in Unfair Competition Law and a Property Theory of Trademarks, Apostolos Chronopoulos


Offensive Venue: The Curious Use of Declaratory Judgment to Forum Shop in Patent Litigation, Chester S. Chuang


The U.S. Au Pair Program: Labor Exploitation and the Myth of Cultural Exchange, Janie A. Chuang

Batterers as Agents of the State: Challenging the Public/Private Distinction in Intimate Partner Violence-Based Asylum Claims, Marisa Cianciarulo

Batterers as Agents of the State: Challenging the Public/Private Distinction in Intimate Partner Violence-Based Asylum Claims, Marisa S. Cianciarulo


Neither Persons nor Associations: Why Recent Corporate Law Scholarship Undercuts Citizens United and the Constitutional Rights of Corporations, David Ciepley


Neither Persons nor Associations: Why Recent Corporate Law Scholarship Undercuts Citizens United and the Constitutional Rights of Corporations, David Ciepley

Son of Sam; Son of Sam Laws, Herb Cihak


Temptations of the Sirens: Ethical Issues in Libraries, Herbert Cihak and Joan Howland

Building Information Modeling, Integrated Project Delivery, and Collaborative Contract Trends in the Construction Industry, Carl J. Circo

The Evolving Role of Relational Contract in Construction Law, Carl J. Circo




Hate Crimes, Cyberbullying & the Rutgers Spy Cam Case, Danielle Keats Citron

The Case of the Retired Justice: How Would Justice John Paul Stevens Have Voted in J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. v. Nicastro?, Rodger D. Citron

The Last Common Law Justice: The Personal Jurisdiction Jurisprudence of Justice John Paul Stevens, Rodger D. Citron

A Balancing Act? The Rights of Donor-conceived Children to know their Biological Origins, Brigitte J. Clark Dr and Brigitte Jennifer Clark Dr

"'The Spirit of the Law': Religious Voices and the Constitution in Modern America", Elizabeth A. Clark

Advice and Consent vs. Silence and Dissent? The Contrasting Roles of the Legislature in U.S. and U.K. Judicial Appointments, Mary Clark

Judicial Retirement and Return to Pratice: A comparison of U.S. Article III and English/Welsh Approaches, Mary Clark

Carter's Groundbreaking Appointment of Women to the Federal Bench: His Other "Human Rights" Record, Mary L. Clark

The Founding of the Washington College of Law: The First Law School Established by Women for Women, Mary L. Clark

Women Lawyers as Leaders, Mary L. Clark


Objection Overruled: The Binding Nature of the International Norm Prohibiting Discrimination Against Homosexual and Transgendered Individuals,, Sophie M. Clavier

Armed with an Attitude: Validation of the Mental Health Attitude Survey for Police (MHASP), Jonathan C. Clayfield, Kenneth E. Fletcher, and Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr.

Development and validation of the Mental Health Attitude Survey for Police, Jonathan C. Clayfield, Kenneth E. Fletcher, and Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr.

E Pluribus Unum: Creating a Multi-Organizational Structure for Serving Arrestees with Serious Mental Illness, Jonathan C. Clayfield, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., William H. Fisher, and Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski

Crisis Intervention and Risk Management Training for Police: De-Escalating Offenders in Crisis While Maintaining Public Safety, Jonathan C. Clayfield, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Maurice H. Richardson, William H. Fisher, and Kristen M. Roy-Bujnowski


Modern Marriage and Judgmental Liberalism: A Reply to George, Girgis, and Anderson, Matthew L. Clemente


An Econometric Analysis of the Death Penalty and Other Measures of Punishment, Woody R. Clermont


Child Labor and International Trade, Woody R. Clermont

Hitting the Reset Button on the Religion Clauses: All in All It's Just Another Brick in the Wall, Woody R. Clermont

Three-Decade Survey of Litigation of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals: Lessons in Pride and Prejudice, Woody R. Clermont


Your Lethal Injection Bill: A fight to the death over an expensive yellow jacket, Woody R. Clermont


Mark Cuban y la Negociación en base a Información Privilegiada (on-line essay), Steven J. Cleveland

The NYSE as State Actor?: Rational Actors, Behavioral Insights & Joint Investigations, Steven J. Cleveland

Does Rule 41(d) Authorize an Award of Attorney's Fees?, Edward X. Clinton Jr.

Professional Resume - Andrew M. Coats, Andrew M. Coats


Service and Positions Held, Andrew M. Coats


Can Voter ID Laws Be Administered in a Race-Neutral Manner? Evidence from the City of Boston in 2008, Rachael V. Cobb, D. James Greiner, and Kevin M. Quinn


Debtor’s Prison in the Neoliberal State: “Debtfare” and the Cultural Logics of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Linda E. Coco


Debtor’s Prison in the Neoliberal State: “Debtfare” and the Cultural Logics of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Linda E. Coco


Standing in the Way of Taxpayer Lawsuits: A Call for the Abolition of the Injury Element in Federa lStanding Doctrine, Scott Code and Alexander H. Cohen

Freedom of Expression, Internet Responsibility and Business Ethics: The Yahoo! Saga and Its Aftermath, raphael cohen-almagor


Regulating Data Mining Post-Sorrell: Using HIPAA to Restrict Marketing Uses of Patients' Private Medical Information, Beverly Cohen



Apology and Organizations: Exploring an Example from Medical Practice, Jonathan R. Cohen

Coping with Lasting Social Injustice, Jonathan R. Cohen


Legislating Apology: The Pros and Cons, Jonathan R. Cohen

Let's Put Ourselves Out of Business: On Respect, Responsibility, and Dialogue in Dispute Resolution, Jonathan R. Cohen

The Culture of Legal Denial, Jonathan R. Cohen