About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2012

Contractual Structure of Structured Notes and Legal Characterisation of Non-Discretionary Trust, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

Equity Swaps and Disclosure of Shareholding of Major Shareholders, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

Information Disclosure, Risk Trading and the Nature of Derivative Instruments: From Common Law Perspective, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

Product Due Diligence And the Suitability Of Minibonds: Taking the Benefit of Hindsight, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

Regulation of Speculation in the Financial Market: Focusing on Derivative Instruments, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

Structured Notes Fiasco in the Courts: A Study of Relevant Judgments in Taiwan between 2009 and 2010, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

The Boundary of Futures Regulation: From U.K. And U.S. Judgments Regarding Commodity Forward Contracts, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

The Construction of Suitability Obligation of Financial Institutions when Selling Structured Products: From Comparative Law Perspective, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN

The Landscape of Singapore’s Insurance Contract Law: Initial Findings on the Use of Authorities of Reported Singapore Judgments regarding Insurance Disputes from 1965 to 2010, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN


Regulation of Over-the-Counter Derivatives: A Comparative Study of Proposals in Singapore and Hong Kong, Christopher Chao-hung Chen

Corporate Governance and the New Trend of Directors in Company Law in Other Countries, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN and Shuaisheng HUANG

Investment Protection of Wealth Management Business: From the Case of UBS Auction-Rate Securities, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN and Shuaisheng HUANG


The Aesthetics of Copyright Adjudication, Glen Cheng


The National Residency Exchange: A Proposal to Restore Primary Care in an Age of Microspecialization, Glen Cheng


授予法理下的公共财产保护:新加坡实践经验的借鉴 [Safeguarding Public Property under Givings Jurisprudence: A Comparative Study of Singapore and China], Jianlin Chen and Jiongzhe Cui


Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit: Bureaucratic Incorporation of Immigrants in Federal Workplace Agencies, Ming H. Chen

Book Review of Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code, Siyuan CHEN

Book Review of "Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective", Siyuan Chen

Book Review of Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective, Siyuan CHEN

Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law [Book review], Siyuan CHEN

Hart v Finnis: How will Positivism and Natural Law Account for the Socio-Legal Paradigm in Wikipedia, Siyuan CHEN

Prosecutorial Discretion Revisited, Siyuan CHEN

Review of The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Siyuan Chen

Review of The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Siyuan Chen

Review of The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Siyuan Chen

The Division of Matrimonial Assets: A Mathematical Methodology as a "Check"?, Siyuan CHEN

The expanding limits of prosecutorial discretion, Siyuan CHEN

The Fundamental Question when Applying the Welfare Principle: "Who will be the Better Parent or Guardian"?, Siyuan CHEN

The Judicial Discretion to Exclude Relevant Evidence: Perspectives from an Indian Evidence Act Jurisdiction, Siyuan CHEN

The Judicial Duty to Give Reasoned Decisions, Siyuan Chen

The Meaning of Life Imprisonment in the Context of a Presidential Commutation Order, Siyuan CHEN

The Prosecution's Duty of Disclosure in Singapore, Siyuan Chen

Wrongful Convictions in Singapore: A General Survey of Risk Factors, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA

Knowledge and Possession under the Misuse of Drugs Act, Siyuan CHEN and Nathaniel Khng

Recent Developments in the Hearsay Rule, Siyuan CHEN and Nathaniel KHNG

Natural Justice: A Case for Uniform Rigour, Siyuan CHEN and Lionel Leo

Reliability and Relevance as the Touchstones for Admissibility of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas Poon

The Inadmissibility of Unreliable Self-inculpatory Statements, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas Poon

The Judicial Duty to Give Reasons, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas Poon

Void Marriages, Maintenance, and Matrimonial Assets, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas Poon

Nonprofit governance and university art museums, Sue Chen




Privacy Issues and Solutions in Social Network Sites, Xi Chen and Katina Michael


The Foundation of Rectification in the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine, xueping chen


回避法定知情权的开放政府——香港政府信息公开制度评析 [Open government without a legislated right to know: A critical review of the access-to-information regime in Hong Kong], Yongxi Chen


From Trespasser to Homeowner: The Case Against Adverse Possession in the Post-Crash World, Kristine S. Cherek


After Privacy: The Rise of Facebook, the Fall of WikiLeaks, and Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act 2012, Simon Chesterman

An Altogether Different Order: Defining the Elements of Crimes Against Humanity, Simon Chesterman

An International Rule of Law?, Simon Chesterman

Does ASEAN Exist? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations as an International Legal Person, Simon Chesterman

Global Administrative Law (Working Paper for the S.T. Lee Project on Global Governance), Simon Chesterman

'I'll Take Manhattan': The International Rule of Law and the United Nations Security Council, Simon Chesterman

Intelligence Cooperation in International Operations: Peacekeeping, Weapons Inspections, and the Apprehension and Prosecution of War Criminals, Simon Chesterman

I Spy, Simon Chesterman

Lawyers, Guns, and Money: The Governance of Business Activities in Conflict Zones, Simon Chesterman

Leading from Behind': The Responsibility to Protect, the Obama Doctrine, and Humanitarian Intervention After Libya, Simon Chesterman

Leashing the Dogs of War: The Rise of Private Military and Security Companies, Simon Chesterman

Legal and Ethical Perspectives on Industry Support to Air Operations, Simon Chesterman

One Nation Under Surveillance: A New Social Contract to Defend Freedom Without Sacrificing Liberty (Introduction), Simon Chesterman

Ordinary Citizens or a License to Kill? The Turn to Law in Regulating Britain’s Intelligence Services, Simon Chesterman

Phone-Hacking, Muck-Raking, and the Future of Surveillance, Simon Chesterman

Review Essay: International Territorial Administration and the Limits of Law, Simon Chesterman

State-Building, the Social Contract, and the Death of God, Simon Chesterman

Swiss Security Policy Hearings 2009 - Neutrality and its Discontents, Simon Chesterman


The Outlook for UN Reform, Simon Chesterman

The Turn to Ethics: Disinvestment from Multinational Corporations for Human Rights Violations - The Case of Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund, Simon Chesterman

The United Nations and the Law of War: Power and Sensibility in International Law, Simon Chesterman

The UN Security Council and the Rule of Law, Simon Chesterman

UNaccountable? The United Nations, Emergency Powers, and the Rule of Law in Asia, Simon Chesterman

'We Can't Spy... If We Can't Buy!': The Privatization of Intelligence and the Limits of Outsourcing 'Inherently Governmental Functions', Simon Chesterman

Private Security, Public Order: The Outsourcing of Public Services and Its Limits (Introduction), Simon Chesterman and Angelina Fisher

From Mercenaries to Market: The Rise and Regulation of Private Military Companies (Introduction), Simon Chesterman and Chia Lehnardt






A Recipe for Change: Constitutional Reform in Saint Lucia, Amit Chhabra and Damian Greaves


No State Actor Left Behind: Rethinking Section 1983 Liability in the Context of Disciplinary Alternative Schools and Beyond, Emily Chiang

Rand Patents and Exclusion Orders: Submission of 19 Economics and Law Professors to the International Trade Commission, Colleen Chien, Richard J. Gilbert, Carl Shapiro, Thomas F. Cotter, Stefania Fusco, Shubha Ghosh, Eric Goldman, Dan L. Burk, Daniel R. Cahoy, Michael A. Carrier, Jorge L. Contreras, Joseph Scott Miller, Michael Risch, Jason Schultz, Ted M. Sichelman, Arti K. Rai, Katherine J. Strandburg, Esther Van Zimmerman, and Christal Sheppard

Transborder and Comparative Issues, Colleen V. Chien, Daniel C.K. Chow, John A. Rothchild, Irene Calboli, and Cynthia Ho

Book Review: Arbitration in China - a Practical Guide, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

Challenges to Criminal Law Making in the New Global Information Society: A Critical Comparative Study of the Adequacies of Computer-Related Criminal Legislation in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

Customary Internet-Ional Law: Creating a Body of Customary Law for Cyberspace, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

Lord of Your Domain, but Master of None: The Need to Harmonize and Recalibrate the Domain Name Regime of Ownership and Control, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

The Case for Sports Law Arbitration and Practice in Singapore, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

Us Jurisdictional Rules of Adjudication over Business Conducted Via the Internet – Guidelines and a Checklist for the E-Commerce Merchant, Kam Wai, Warren Bartholomew Chik

Better a Sword Than a Shield: The Case for Statutory Fair Dealing/Use Right as Opposed to a Defence in the Light of the Disenfranchising Effect of Digital Rights Management and Anti-Circumvention Laws, Warren B. CHIK

Bloggers Beware: The Five Commandments for Bloggers, Warren B. CHIK

Brief Notes: Recent International Legal Developments in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK

'Customary Internet-ional Law': Creating a Body of Customary Law for Cyberspace. Part 1: Developing Rules for Transitioning Custom into Law, Warren B. CHIK

‘Customary Internet-ional Law’: Creating a Body of Customary Law for Cyberspace. Part 2: Applying Custom as Law to the Internet Infrastructure, Warren B. CHIK

Harassment through Digital Media: A Cross-Jurisdictional Comparative Analysis on the Law on Cyberstalking, Warren B. CHIK

Legal Implications of Airline Alliances, Warren B. CHIK

Legal Implications of Airline Co-Operation: Some Legal Issues and Consequences Arising from the Rise of Airline Strategic Alliances and Integration in the International Dimension, Warren B. CHIK

Paying it Forward: The Case for a Specific Statutory Limitation on Exclusive Rights for User-Generated Content Under Copyright Law, Warren B. CHIK

Proposed Anti-Spam Legislation Model in Singapore - Are We Losing the War before Even Starting the Battle?, Warren B. CHIK

Recent Developments in International Commercial Arbitration in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK

Recent Developments in Singapore on International Commercial Arbitration, Warren B. CHIK

Recent International Law Developments in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK

Singapore and International Law, Warren B. CHIK

The Google Conundrum: Perpetrator or Facilitator on the Net? - Forging a Fair Copyright Framework of Rights, Liability and Responsibility in Response to Search Engine 2.0 - Part II: The Google Books Search Project, Warren B. CHIK