The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Sentencing: The Use of Psychiatric Information and Presentence Reports, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Stallion Syndicates as Securities, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The Impact of NSMIA on Small Issuers, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The Overwhelming Case for Elimination of the Integration Doctrine Under the Securities Act of 1933, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The Plight of Small Issuers (and Others) Under Regulation D: Those Nagging Problems that Need Attention, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Voluntary Recapitalization, Fairness, and Rule 10b-5: Life Along the Trail of Santa Fe, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Bumping Along the Bottom: Abandoned Principles and Failed Fiduciary Standards in Uniform Partnership and LLC Statutes, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The Insidious Remnants of State Rules Respecting Capital Formation, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The Plight of Small Issuers Under the Securities Act of 1933: Practical Foreclosure From the Capital Market, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Sentencing: The Good, the Bad, and the Enlightened, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr. and Bill Cunningham
Tribute to Paul Oberst, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr., William H. Fortune, Alvin L. Goldman, Edward T. Breathitt, John H. Garvey, and John Hatch
Tribute to Donald A. Winslow, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr., Elbert P. Tuttle, Patricia T. Morgan, W. Thomas Halbleib Jr., Susan Stockton, and Robert Weir
The Crisis of the American Law School, Paul Campos
Does the Individual Mandate Coerce?, Sergio J. Campos and Raphael Boleslavsky
The silent majority: who speaks at IRB meetings, Philip J. Candilis, Charles W. Lidz, Paul S. Appelbaum, Robert M. Arnold, William P. Gardner, Suzanne Myers, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., and Lorna J. Simon
Automatic Continuing Resolutions: A Cure Worse than the Ailment, Philip J. Candreva
Integrated Mathematics Proof of Pythagorean Theorem, Dean A. Cantalupo Esq.
Proposed Amendment XXVIII, Dean A. Cantalupo Esq.
The U.S. Constitution and the Commerce Clause Power, Dean A. Cantalupo Esq.
Masculinity and Title IX: Addressing the Real Sex Discrimination Confronting Boys in School, Nancy C. Cantalupo
Authors, copyright and the digital evolution, Francina Cantatore
A step too far in consumer credit protection: Are external dispute resolution schemes wielding the Sword of Damocles?, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall
Religion at Work: Evaluating Hostile Work Environment Religious Discrimination Claims, Jason A. Cantone
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions: Criminal 2D Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Governors! Seize the Law: A Call to Expand the Use of Pardons to Provide Relief from Deportation, Stacy Caplow
China's Evidentiary and Procedural Reforms, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Harmonization of Civil and Common Law, John J. Capowski
The Uniform Provisions of Evidence: A Major Reform that Maintains China’s Judicial Traditions, John J. Capowski
Globalization of Securities Enforcement: A Shift Toward Enhanced Regulatory Intensity in Brazil’s Capital Market?, Eugenio J. Cárdenas
ADN y filiación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Cómo obtener la tenencia sin ser el progenitor, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Cuando el título supletorio no suple, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Domicilio conyugal en la separación de hecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
El problema de la irrevocabilidad de la oferta contractual, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
El problema del costo de la prueba del ADN en la filiación extramatrimonial, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
¿Embargo tiene la calidad de bien inmueble?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Intervención exclusiva del notario en la facción del testamento abierto, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La ovodonación sustentada en el vacío, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La unión de hecho ante el registro, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La voluntad en la interpretación objetiva, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Madre alienante. Segundo caso de alienación parental ante la Corte Suprema, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Maternidad por ovodonación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Precario y relaciones familiares, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Recientes precisiones registrales: bloqueo y aporte de socios, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Rol del ADN en casos de hijos alimentistas, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Separación de hecho. A un año del Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Silencio en la contratación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Silencio en la contratación. Análisis del Código Civil peruano y de la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Una visión multidisciplinaria de la nulidad de oficio, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Un caso de adjudicación preferente de bien social, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Vía para impugnar acuerdos de juntas de propietarios, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Circolazione coloniale del costituzionalismo, Prof. Michele Carducci
Idee di giustizia e tradizioni giuridiche, Prof. Michele Carducci
Semantica storica dei formanti giuridici, Prof. Michele Carducci
The Sentence of the Court: Do the Judges Know What They are Doing?, Geoffrey Care
Contratto d'appalto: profili di un'eventuale responsabilità del committente, Giuseppe Caristena
Il termine per il reclamo ex art. 183 l. fall. avverso il decreto di omologazione, Giuseppe Caristena
La clausola c.d. “di delimitazione del rischio” nel contratto di assicurazione, Giuseppe Caristena
A New Look at the History of Title VII Disparate Impact Doctrine, Susan Carle
How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future, Susan Carle
John Dewey and the Early NAACP: Developing a Progressive Discourse on Racial Injustice, 1909–1921, Susan Carle
Theorizing Agency, Susan Carle
Conceptions of Lawyers' Agency in Legal Ethics Scholarship, Susan D. Carle
Introduction: Symposium on Lawyers’ Special Responsibilities as Public Citizens in a Rapidly Changing World , Susan D. Carle
Re-Envisioning Models for Pro Bono Lawyering: Some Historical Reflections, Susan D. Carle
Re-Valuing Lawyering for Middle-Income Clients, Susan D. Carle
Priceless Property, Kirsten Carlson
"Dignitizing" Free Speech in Israel: The Impact of the Constitutional Revolution on Free Speech Protection, Guy E. Carmi
Book Review: Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards, by Chan Leng Sun, SC (Academy Publishing, 2011) 6 World Arbitration and Mediation Review 695-698, David D. Caron
Five Insights, The American Society of International Law, David D. Caron
Framing the Work of ICSID Annulment Committees, David D. Caron
Images of the Arctic and the Directions in Leadership They Suggest, David D. Caron
Introduction and Dedication to Liber Amicorum Jose Maria Abascal, David D. Caron
Introduction -- Opening Remarks Delivered to the Symposium, David D. Caron
Of Discontinuities: Climate Change, the Oceans and the Law, David D. Caron
Emerging Economies After the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Brazil, Enrique R. Carrasco and Sean T. Williams
International Commercial Arbitration: Fifty Years After the New York Convention, Paul D. Carrington, Linda Silberman, Anne Marie Whitesell, Gabriel M. Wilner, George Bermann, Robert B. Davidson, William K. Slate III, Gary B. Born, Julian Davis Mortenson, Christopher M. Ryan, Maureen Weston, Brian White, C. Donald Johnson, and Peter B. Rutledge
‘A House Divided’: A Response to Professor Abbe Smith’s "In Praise of the Guilty Project: A Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Growing Anxiety about Innocence Projects", William T. Carrington
Perspectives on Open Access: Practice, Progress and Pitfalls (Webcast Screening), Michael Carroll, Matt Cooper, Maricel Kann, Carlos Rossel, and Neil Thakur
Perspectives on Open Access: Practice, Progress and Pitfalls (Webinar), Michael Carroll, Matt Cooper, Maricel Kann, Carlos Rossel, and Neil Thakur
Copyright's Creative Hierarchy in the Performing Arts, Michael W. Carroll
“One for All: The Problem of Uniformity Cost in Intellectual Property Law.” American University Law Review 55, no.4 (May 2006): 845-900., Michael W. Carroll
The Role of Copyright Law in Academic Journal Publishing, Michael W. Carroll
Workshop on Research and Resource Commons in Scientific Research: Final Report, Michael W. Carroll
The Need for and the Role of Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Behavioral-Science-and-Law Scholarship, David Carson and Alan Tomkins
Beyond Einstein and Edison: Claiming Space for Non-Faculty Inventors in Technology Transfer, Jennifer Carter-Johnson
Good Faith and Fairness in the Negotiation of Contracts Part 1, J. W. Carter and Michael Philip FURMSTON
The Border Community & Immigration Stress Scale and Associations to Health Outcomes, Scott Carvajal, Cecilia Rosales, Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith, Samantha Sabo, Maia Ingram, Debra Jean McClelland, Floribella Redondo, Emma Torres, Andrea Romero, Anna O. OLeary, Zoila Sanchez, and Jill deSapien
David P. Currie (1936-2007), Gerhard Casper, Richard A. Epstein, David Gossett, and Herma Hill Kay
Criminal Forfeiture Procedure in 2012: An Annual Survey of Developments in the Case Law, Stefan D. Cassella
Defense Conversion: Economic Planning and Democratic Participation, Kevin Cassidy
Military Dollars and Public Sense: Do Big Defense Budgets Help the Economy?, Kevin Cassidy and Kevin B. Bean
Real Security: Converting the Defense Economy and Building Peace, Kevin Cassidy and Gregory A. Bischak