The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Female Genital Cutting: The Pressures of Culture, International Attention, and Domestic Law on the Role of African Women, Aisha N. Davis
Arbitrary Justice: The Power of the American Prosecutor, Angela J. Davis
Basic Criminal Procedure, 5th ed., Angela J. Davis
Prosecution and Race: The Power and Privilege of Discretion, Angela J. Davis
The People v. Orenthal James Simpson: Race and Trial Advocacy, Angela J. Davis
When Good Prosectuors Go Bad: From Prosecutorial Discretion to Prosecutorial Misconduct, Angela J. Davis
Measure of a Man: A look at maleness, manhood, and masculinity., Charles H.F. Davis III
Voices for Progress: Intra-group dialogue and male engagement, Charles H.F. Davis III and Eddie Banks-Crosson
Social Media in Higher Education: A literature review and research directions., Charles H.F. Davis III, Regina Deil-Amen, Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, and Manuel Sacramento Gonzalez Canche
To Walk in Their Shoes: The Problem of Missing, Misrepresented, and Misunderstood Context in Judging Criminal Confessions, Deborah Davis and Richard Leo
Acute Suggestibility in Police Interrogation: Self-Regulation Failure as a Primary Mechanism of Vulnerability, Deborah Davis and Richard A. Leo
Jurisprudential Jujutsu, Joshua P. Davis
The Extraordinary Deterrence of Private Antitrust Enforcement: A Reply to Werden, Hammond, and Barnett, Joshua P. Davis and Robert H. Lande
Towards an Empirical and Theoretical Assessment of Private Antitrust Enforcement, Joshua P. Davis and robert H. Lande
Incorporating Social Justice Concerns into the New Law and Development Movement: The Importance of Insolvency Law, Julia M. Davis Ms.
The End of an Error: Replacing "Manifest Disregard" with a New Framework for Reviewing Arbitration Awards, Kenneth R. Davis
Abortion access in the global marketplace, Martha F. Davis
Human rights and the model rules of professional conduct: intersection and integration, Martha F. Davis
Human rights in the trenches: using international human rights law in "everday" legal aid cases, Martha F. Davis
International human rights and United States law: predictions of a courtwatcher, Martha F. Davis
In the interests of justice: human rights and the right to counsel in civil cases, Martha F. Davis
Learning to work: a functional approach to welfare and higher education, Martha F. Davis
Occupy Wall Street and international human rights, Martha F. Davis
Public rights, global perspectives, and common law, Martha F. Davis
The child exclusion in a global context, Martha F. Davis
The Equal Rights Amendment: then and now, Martha F. Davis
The marital home: equal or equitable distribution?, Martha F. Davis
The new paternalism: war on poverty or war on women?, Martha F. Davis
The pendulum swings back: poverty law in the old and new curriculum, Martha F. Davis
The social security decisions of Judge Frank Easterbrook, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Martha F. Davis
The social security decisions of Judge Frank Easterbrook, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Martha F. Davis
The spirit of our times: state constitutions and international human rights, Martha F. Davis
Upstairs, downstairs: subnational incorporation of international human rights law at the end of an era, Martha F. Davis
Valuing women: a case study, Martha F. Davis
Reproductive rights in the legal academy: a new role for transnational law, Martha F. Davis and Bethany Withers
Arrests of adolescent clients of a public mental health system during adolescence and young adulthood, Maryann Davis, Steven M. Banks, William H. Fisher, Bernice Gershenson, and Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr.
Longitudinal patterns of offending during the transition to adulthood in youth from the mental health system, Maryann Davis, Steven M. Banks, William H. Fisher, and Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr.
Justice system involvement into young adulthood: comparison of adolescent girls in the public mental health system and in the general population, Maryann Davis, William H. Fisher, Bernice Gershenson, Albert J. Grudzinskas, and Steven M. Banks
Design Defect Liability: In Search of a Standard of Responsibility, Mary J. Davis
On Preemption, Congressional Intent, and Conflict of Laws, Mary J. Davis
On Restating Products Liability Preemption, Mary J. Davis
Summary Adjudication in United States Civil Procedure, Mary J. Davis
The “New” Presumption Against Preemption, Mary J. Davis
Toward the Proper Role for Mass Tort Class Actions, Mary J. Davis
Unequal Burdens in EITC Compliance, Karie D. Davis-Nozemack
Paying the IRS Whistleblower: A Critical Analysis of Collected Proceeds, Karie D. Davis-Nozemack and Sarah Webber
The Eroding Preponderance Standard: The DC Circuit Strikes Back, Robert J. Davis
Institutional Repositories for Law Schools: Showcasing Your Faculty, Your Law Reviews, and other Vital Legal Scholarship, Michael Daw, Janet Fischer, Carol Watson, Billie Jo Kaufman, Mary Rich, Lauren Seney, and Linda Tesar
Institutional Repositories for Law Schools: Showcasing Your Faculty, Your Law Reviews, and other Vital Legal Scholarship, Michael Daw, Janet Fischer, Carol Watson, Billie Jo Kaufman, Mary Rich, Lauren Seney, and Linda Tesar
Reevaluating the Government’s Role in Parenting Older Foster Care Youth: An Analysis of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, Angelique G. Day
Reevaluating the Government’s Role in Parenting Older Foster Care Youth: An Analysis of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, Angelique G. Day and Maribeth Preston
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Adult Prison for Florida's Children, Mary E. Day
Endgame visions: how smoking became history: looking back to 2012, Richard A. Daynard
Roles of tobacco litigation in societal change, Richard A. Daynard
Strategic directions and emerging issues in tobacco control: allying tobacco control with human rights: invited commentary, Richard A. Daynard
Strategic directions and emerging issues in tobacco control: product liability, Richard A. Daynard and Eric LeGresley
The Affordable Care Act and Religious Freedom: The Next Battleground, Terri R. Day
Bleeeeep! The Regulation of Indecency, Isolated Nudity and Fleeting Expletives in Broadcast Media - An Uncertain Future for Pacifica v. FCC, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
Bleeeeep! The Regulation of Indecency, Isolated Nudity, and Fleeting Expletives in Broadcast Media - An Uncertain Future for Pacifica v. FCC, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
Bleeeep! The Regulation of Indecency, Isolated Nudity, and Fleeting Expletives in Broadcast Media - An Uncertain Future for Pacifica v. FCC, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
Medication Alliance: Enhancing adherance and therapeutic outcomes for people with psychosis, Frank P. Deane and Mitchell K. Byrne
To Cloak the Within: Protecting Employees from Personality Testing, Elizabeth De Armond
Continuity or regime change in the Netherlands: Consociationalism in a deterritorialized and post-secular world, Wouter H. de Been
Godsdienst als hype, Wouter H. de Been
The Quest for Neutrality and the Stench of History, Wouter H. de Been
Leaking by the Bucketload: The Nature of Database Leaks, Wouter H. de Been and Khaibar Sarghandoy
What Piece of Work is Man: Frans de Waal and Pragmatist Naturalism, Wouter H. de Been and Sanne Taekema
Copyright decisions will grow the market, Jeremy de Beer
Implementing International Trade Agreements in Federal Systems: A Look at the Canada-E.U. CETA’s Intellectual Property Issues, Jeremy de Beer
L’Accès au Savoir en Afrique: Le Rôle du Droit d’Auteur, Jeremy de Beer
New Forms of Governance for Digital Orphans: Copyright Litigation, Licenses and Legal Information, Jeremy de Beer
International Trade in Biofuels: Legal and Regulatory Issues, Jeremy de Beer and Stuart Smyth
A, B, & C v. Ireland: The Unborn and an Appreciation of the Margin of Appreciation, Shaun A. de Freitas esq
Interdictos en contra de contruccion de ductos de distribucion de gas natural., Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther
Exploring the Relationship Between International Law and National Legal Systems: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Malaysia and Indonesia, Alice de Jonge Dr
From Unequal Treaties to Common Goals via Differential Treatment, Alice de Jonge Dr
Returning to Fundamentals: Principles of International Law Applicable to Sovereign Debt Crises, Alice de Jonge Dr
Returning to Fundamentals: Principles of International Law Applicable to the Resolution of Sovereign Debt Crises, Alice de Jonge Dr
Faith-Based Organizations in a System of Behavioral Health Care, Mark DeKraai, Denise Bulling, Nancy C. Shank, and Alan J. Tomkins
Of Cops and Bumper Stickers: Notes Toward a Theory of Selective Prosecution, Richard Delgado
Race, Sex, and the Division of Labor: A Comment on Joan Williams’s Reshaping the Work-Family Debate, Richard Delgado
Rodrigo's Riposte: the Mismatch Theory of Law School Admissions, Richard Delgado
Shooting The Messenger, Richard Delgado
The Inward Turn in Outsider Jurisprudence, Richard Delgado
Trust Theory of Environmental Protection, and Some Dark Thoughts on the Possibility of Law Reform, Richard Delgado
You Are Living in a Gold Rush, Richard Delgado
Foreword: Latinos and the Law Symposium, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Imposition, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Scorn, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
The Social Construction of Brown: Law Reform and the Reconstructive Paradox, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
An economic analysis of the Andean ayllu, Juan Javier del Granado and Félix Huanca Ayaviri
Design And Development Of An Experimental Low-cost Internet-based Interactive TV Station, Ioannis Deliyannis, Anastasios Antoniou, and Panos Pandis