About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

On Capital Gains and Marginal Tax Rates, Deborah A. Geier

Only Congress Can Create Deductions, Deborah A. Geier

Op Ed: Loose Application of Depreciation Doctrine, Deborah A. Geier

Op Ed: Throwing Cold Water on Expensing of Assets, Deborah A. Geier

Power and Presumptions; Rules and Rhetoric; Institutions and Indian Law, Deborah A. Geier

Simplifying and Rationalizing the Federal Income Tax Law Applicable to Transfers in Divorce, Deborah A. Geier

Some Meandering Thoughts on Plaintiffs and Their Attorneys' Fees and Costs, Deborah A. Geier

Some Thoughts on the Incidence of Foreign Taxes, Deborah A. Geier

Symposium, Incremental Versus Fundamental Tax Reform and the Top One Percent, Deborah A. Geier

The Death of the "Death Tax"?: An Introduction, Deborah A. Geier

The Emasculated Role of Judicial Precedent in the Tax Court and Internal Revenue Service, Deborah A. Geier

The Myth of the Matching Principle as a Tax Value, Deborah A. Geier

The Payroll Tax Liabilities of Low and Middle Income TaxPayers, Deborah A. Geier

The Rich Don't Carry the Heaviest Burden, Deborah A. Geier

The Taxation of Income Available for Discretionary Use, Deborah A. Geier

The Tax Court, Article III, and the Proposal Advanced by the Federal Courts Study Committee: A Study in Applied Constitutional Theory, Deborah A. Geier

Tufts and the Evolution of Debt-Discharge Theory, Deborah A. Geier

Simon Says: A Liddle Night Music With those Depreciation Deductions, Please, Deborah A. Geier and Joseph M. Dodge

Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy, Deborah A. Geier; Joseph M. Dodge; and J. Clifton Fleming, Jr.

Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy, 3rd Edition, Deborah A. Geier; Joseph M. Dodge; and J. Clifton Fleming, Jr.


Broadcast Contracting, George Geis


Finding Safe Harbor: Protection, Prosecution, and State Strategies to Address Prostituted Minors, Darren Geist


Issues of Law and Religion in the News -- Amish Beard Cutters, Hate Crimes, and the Limits of the Commerce Clause, Lorin C. Geitner


Issues of Law and Religion in the News -- Hutterites, Lorin C. Geitner


Issues of Law and Religion in the News -- Mennonites, Lorin C. Geitner


Issues of Law and Religion, in the News -- Non-Catholic Teachers Fired for Fertility Treatments, Lorin C. Geitner


Social Architecture and the Law, Lorin C. Geitner

Falsus procurator y responsabilidad precontractual. A propósito de la tutela de los terceros contratantes de buena frente a un negocio jurídico ineficaz en sentido estricto, Ricardo Geldres Campos

Vicisitudes en torno al acto oculto en la simulación, Ricardo Geldres Campos

A national survey of "consumer empowerment" at the state level, Jeffrey L. Geller, Julie-Marie Brown, William H. Fisher, Albert J. Grudzinskas, and Thomas D. Manning

Involuntary outpatient treatment as "desintitutionalized coercion": the net-widening concerns, Jeffrey L. Geller, William H. Fisher, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Jonathan C. Clayfield, and Ted Lawlor

The efficacy of involuntary outpatient treatment in Massachusetts, Jeffrey L. Geller, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Melissa McDermeit, William H. Fisher, and Ted Lawlor

A competency-based approach to court-ordered outpatient treatment, Jeffrey L. Geller, Melissa McDermeit, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Ted Lawlor, and William H. Fisher

Against the grain? A reasoned argument for not closing a state hospital, Jeffrey L. Geller, Helen Shore, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., and Paul S. Appelbaum


A comparative analysis of anti-discrimination and data protection legislations, Raphael Gellert, Katja De Vries, Paul De Hert, and Serge Gutwirth


Beyond accountability, the return to privacy?, Raphael Gellert and Serge Gutwirth


Why do Shareholder Derivative Suits Remain Rare in Continental Europe?, Martin Gelter


Networks, Dialogue or One-Way Traffic? An Empirical Analysis of Cross-Citations between Ten European Supreme Courts, Martin Gelter and Mathias M. Siems


Networks, Dialogue or One-Way Traffic? An Empirical Analysis of Cross-Citations between Ten European Supreme Courts, Martin Gelter and Mathias M. Siems

Discretion to Deny Summary Judgments: Can Judges Just Say No?, Steven S. Gensler

Electronic Discovery: The Search for Reasonableness in Hindsight, Steven S. Gensler

New Approaches to Civil Case Management from Around the Country, Steven S. Gensler

Professional Service and Civic Activities, Steven S. Gensler

Social Media and the Continuing Evolution of the Discovery Rules, Steven S. Gensler


Special Rules for Social Media Discovery?, Steven S. Gensler


Managing Summary Judgment, Steven S. Gensler and Lee H. Rosenthal

Sixteen Reasons Why, Steven S. Gensler and Lee H. Rosenthal

Summary Judgment and Case Management: We Need to Talk, Steven S. Gensler and Lee H. Rosenthal

Moore's Federal Practice. Vol. 11 (Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56: Summary Judgement), Steven S. Gensler and Jeffrey W. Stempel


The Tiered Article V, Michael Gentithes


Insurance Structure and Health Investment, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos


Pyres, Haircuts, and CACs: Lessons from Greco-Multilateralism for Creditors, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos


Pyres, Haircuts, and CACs: Lessons from Greece’s Restructuring, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos


The Ralston-Landreth-Gustafson Harmony: A Security!, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos


Constructing Intellectual Property, Alexandra George


How the Internet is Used to Facilitate the Trafficking of Humans as Sex Slaves, Cheryl George Professor


How the Internet Is Used to Facilitate the Trafficking of Humans as Sex Slaves, Cheryl George Professor


Jailing the Johns--The Issue of Demand in Human Sex Trafficking, Cheryl George Professor


The Strong Arm of the Law is Weak: How the TVPA Fails to Effectively Assist Victims of the Sex Trade, Cheryl George Professor

Graduation Speaker, James P. George


Non-Retained Experts: Adding Credibility to Your Case, Tammy B. Georgelas, John S. Treu, and Melinda K. Bowen

No. 5 - International Trade under the Rule of Law: An American Society of International Law Centennial Regional Meeting, Dencho Georgiev, Stephen Kho, Peter J. Spiro, Amy S. Dwyer, C. Donald Johnson, Raj Bhala, Eduardo Perez Motta, Gabriel M. Wilner, William J. Davey, Kim Van der Borght, Nikolaos Zaimis, Daniel Bodansky, Charles Owen Verrill Jr., Marsha A. Echols, Donald M. McRae, and Rebecca H. White


Corporate governance in the EU: A Community dimension, Nikola S. Georgiev


Cultural differences or cultural clash? The future of International Commercial Arbitration, Nikola S. Georgiev


Future social, economic and political trends in the Arab world: opening the region, Nikola S. Georgiev

Facing New Challenges at the Crossroads Between Competition and Intellectual Property in Europe: The Example of Korean Innovators, Damien Geradin and Hee-Eun Kim

Models for Change: A Postmodern Initiative to Promote a Fair, Rational, and Effective Juvenile Justice System., Diane C. Geraghty

What Began as a Cause has Become a Profession: Reflections on the Role of Loyola's Civitas ChildLaw Center in the Development of Children's law as a Legal Specialty., Diane C. Geraghty

Comparative Law and Global Regulatory Convergence: The Example of Competition Law, David J. Gerber

Competencia global: Derecho, mercados y globalización, David J. Gerber


Regionalization, Development and Competition Law: Exploring the Political Dimension, David J. Gerber


Exclusion as Duty, Peter M. Gerhart


The Combined Impact of PRWORA, FMLA, IRC, FRD, DPPA, and BAPCPA on Single Mothers and Their Children, Pamela Gershuny

Litigating Same-Sex Marriage: Might the Courts Actually Be Bastions of Rationality?, Evan Gerstmann


Where is Equal Protection? Applying Strict Scrutiny to Use of Race by Law Enforcement., Evan Gerstmann


'Leveling the Playing Field' with Contract Principles, Stephen A. Gerst

Teaching Professional Skills and Values: An Alumni Assessment, Stephen A. Gerst and Maria L. Bahr


Teaching Professional Skills and Values: An Alumni Assessment, Stephen A. Gerst and Maria l. Bahr


Not All Defined Value Clauses Are Equal, Wendy Gerzog


Not All Defined Value Clauses Are Equal, Wendy Gerzog


Not All Defined Value Clauses Are Equal, Wendy Gerzog


Not All Defined Value Clauses Are Equal, Wendy Gerzog


Mensenrechtenschendingen in Bahrein: verbetering of status quo?, Maaike Geuens

Europees burgerinitiatief in de startblokken, Maaike Geuens and Helena Mampaey

Annual Report 2012 on Belgium (FRANET), Maaike Geuens, Jozefien Van Caeneghem, Karen Weis, Helena Mampaey, Mathias Holvoet, Marijke De Pauw, Ineke Casier, Christine Janssens, and Raphael Gellert


The Dimensions of Judicial Impartiality, Charles G. Geyh


Restoring the Vote: Former Felons, International Law, and the Eighth Amendment, John Mohammad Ghaelian


Restoring the Vote: Former Felons, International Law, and the Eighth Amendment, John Mohammad Ghaelian

The Economic Value of Fair Use in Copyright Law. Counterfactual Impact Analysis of Fair Use Policy On Private Copying Technology and Copyright Markets in Singapore, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert

The Economic Value of Fair Use in Copyright Law. Counterfactual Impact Analysis of Fair Use Policy On Private Copying Technology and Copyright Markets in Singapore, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert


Error in persona vel in objecto and aberratio ictus vel impitus: a transferred malice?, Khalid Ghanayim

Anticipating the future use of safeguards by the EU and the US on China's textiles & clothing exports, Umair H. Ghori

Attorney-General of Pakistan - A brief overview, Umair H. Ghori


Global Textiles and Clothing Trade - Trade Policy Perspectives, Umair H. Ghori Dr


The WTO Solution for Investor-State Disputes, Umair H. Ghori

Winner or Loser? A post-quota case study of Pakistan's Textiles and Clothing Exports, Umair H. Ghori Dr


Winner or loser? A post-quota case study of Pakistan's textiles and clothing exports, Umair H. Ghori


Gene Patents: Balancing the Myriad Issues Concerning the Patenting of Natural Products, Samantak Ghosh


Prometheus and the Natural Phenomenon Doctrine: Let’s not Lose Sight of the Forest for the Trees, Samantak Ghosh


Informing and Reforming the Marketplace of Ideas; the Public-Private Model for Data Production and the First Amendment, Shubha Ghosh