The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Book Review: Law and Society (Fourth Edition: 1994), by Steven Vago, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall., Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Determining Hierarchy Between Conflicting Treaties: Are There Vertical Rules in the Horizontal System?, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Is Characterization of Treaties a Solution to Treaty Conflicts?, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Law and Practice of Foreign Arbitration and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Pakistan, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Thesis Summary: Treaty Conflicts in Investment Arbitration (Ahmad Ali Ghouri), Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Treaty Conflicts in Investment Arbitration, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Treaty Conflicts in Investment Arbitration, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Deciphering Pakistan’s Foreign Investment Policy: A Review of Pakistani BITs, Ahmad Ali Ghouri and Nida Mahmood
Slow Acid Drips and Evidentiary Nightmares: Smoothing Out the Rough Justice of Child Pornography Restitution with a Presumed Damages Theory, Mary Margaret Giannini
Operation Geronimo: The Legality of the Targeted Killing of Osama bin Laden, Amanda M. Gibbens
Love’s Labor’s Lost: Marry for Love, Copyright Work Made-for-Hire, and Alienate at your Leisure, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
ABC 774 Radio debate: That technology is ruining our lives (with Rafael Epstein and Lawrence Mooney), Rebecca Giblin
Australia's High Court rules on ISP's liability for user infringements, Rebecca Giblin
Megaupload in mega trouble (so back-up your online content), Rebecca Giblin
On the (new) New Zealand graduated response law (and why it’s unlikely to achieve its aims), Rebecca Giblin
Optus v NRL: A Seismic Shift for Time Shifting in Australia, Rebecca Giblin
Stranded in the Technological Dark Ages: Implications of the Full Federal Court’s Decision in NRL v. Optus, Rebecca Giblin
Submission to the ALRC's Review of Australian Copyright Exceptions, Rebecca Giblin
The P2P Wars: How Code Beat Law, Rebecca Giblin
Why copyright law needs fixing, Rebecca Giblin
Vertical Boilerplate, James Gibson
A Critique of BEST PRACTICES IN LEGAL EDUCATION: Five Things All Faculty Should Know, Michael T. Gibson
A Critique of Best Practices in Legal Education: Five Things All Law Professors Should Know, Michael T. Gibson
A Tragédia do Judiciário: subinvestimento em capital jurídico e sobreutilização do Judiciário, Ivo T. Gico Jr.
Tributação e desenvolvimento na China: transição e ajustes para um sistema compatível com os signatários da OMC, Ivo T. Gico Jr., Marcos Aurélio P. Valadão, and Wilson Almeida
O Custo Social das Obrigações Tributárias Acessórias, Ivo T. Gico Jr., Marcos Aurélio Pereira Valadão, and Hugo Mendes Plutarco
Legal services in rural communties: issues for clients and lawyers, Jeff Giddings, Barbara Hook, and Jennifer Nielsen
Sediment Geochemistry of River Okura: Implication to weathering and Transport, Y B. Gideon and F B. Fatoye
"Roads? Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads:" The Transformation of the Roadless Rule into an American Carbon Sink, Sam W. Gieryn
Alternative Litigation Finance and the Work Product Doctrine, Grace M. Giesel
End the Experiment: The Attorney-Client Privilege Should Not Protect Communications in the Allied Lawyer Setting, Grace M. Giesel
Wake Forest Law Review Alternative Litigation Finance.pdf, Grace M. Giesel
Coming Into Focus, Donald G. Gifford
Creating Opportunity, Donald G. Gifford
From One Generation to the Next, Donald G. Gifford
Legal Education for the 21st Century, Donald G. Gifford
Lessons of Change from Those Older and Wiser, Donald G. Gifford
The Constitutional Bounding of Adjudication: A Fuller(ian) Explanation for the Supreme Court's Mass Tort Jurisprudence, Donald G. Gifford
What's on First?: Organizing the Casebook and Molding the Mind, Donald G. Gifford, Joseph L. Kroart III, Brian Jones, and Cheryl Cortemeglia
A Case Study in the Superiority of the Purposive Approach to Statutory Interpretation: Bruesewitz v. Wyeth , Donald G. Gifford, William L. Reynolds, and Andrew M. Murad
A Case Study in the Superiority of the Purposive Approach to Statutory Interpretation: Bruesewitz v. Wyeth , Donald G. Gifford, William L. Reynolds, and Andrew M. Murad
Governare per differenza. Metodi europei di coordinamento, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 12 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 14 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 14 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 15 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 16 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 19 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 20 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 21 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 21 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 22 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 23 aprile 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 23 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 24 aprile 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 26 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 27 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 28 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 28 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 29 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 2 aprile 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 2 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 2 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 30 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 3 aprile 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 4 aprile 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 5 marzo, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 6 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 7 marzo 2012, Fabio Giglioni
Lezione di diritto amministrativo - 8-9 maggio 2012, Fabio Giglioni
L'integrazione per differenziazione dei servizi di interesse generale, Fabio Giglioni
Tecniche di integrazione europea amministrativa mediante differenziazione, Fabio Giglioni
The 'Guiding Hand' Model as a Technique of Regulation, Fabio Giglioni
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface , Lauren Gilbert, Ann Shalleck, and Claudio Grossman
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface , Lauren Gilbert, Ann Shalleck, and Claudio Grossman
We're Going to Make You Popular: Popular Collections in the Modern Academic Law Library, Jordan A. Gilbertson
Collaboration Station, What's Your Destination?- Teambox Collaboration App, Jordan A. Gilbertson, Liz Johnson, and Ellen Richardson
Cliff Jumping: Why the reward is worth the risk, Jordan A. Gilbertson and Katherine Marsh
Blueprint to the Bluebook: Creating LibGuides for Modular Learning in Legal Education, Jordan A. Gilbertson and Sara McNamee
Looking Up: Library Leadership and Management for the Perspective of New Librarians, Jordan A. Gilbertson and Joshua J. Pluta
From DIY to Semi-Homemade: Should You Integrate Third Party Applications Into Your Services, Jordan A. Gilbertson, Deborah E. Schander, and Austin M. Williams
From DIY to Semi-Homemade: Should You Integrate Third Party Applications Into Your Services, Jordan A. Gilbertson, Deborah E. Schander, and Austin M. Williams
From DIY to Semi-Homemade: Should You Integrate Third Party Applications Into Your Services, Jordan A. Gilbertson, Deborah E. Schander, and Austin M. Williams
Elect the Person or Elect the Party; a Comparative Analysis of the Differing Electoral Procedures of the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom., Rebecca D. Gilliland
American Constitutionalism: volume II: Rights & Liberties, Howard Gillman, Mark A. Graber, and Keith E. Whittington
American Constitutionalism: volume I: Structures of Government, Howard Gillman, Mark A. Graber, and Keith E. Whittington
Texas mill strikers hold out, Steven E. Gilmore and Jason Netek
Medical-Legal Issues in Radiology, Marc Ginsberg
The Law of Evidence, Marc Ginsberg
The Locality Rule Lives! Why?, Marc Ginsberg
Why Do Radiologists Get Sued? Communication Issues and Do The ACR Guidelines Represent the State of Care?, Marc Ginsberg
Courts and New Democracies: Recent Works, Tom Ginsburg
Deciding not to decide: Deferral in constitutional design, Tom Ginsburg and Rosalind Dixon
Getting to Rights: Treaty Ratification, Constitutional Convergence, and Human Rights Practice, Tom Ginsburg and Zachary Elkins
Comments on Law And Versteeg’s the Declining Influence of the United States Constitution, Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins, and James Melton
Hybrid Judicial Career Structures: Reputation vs. Legal Tradition, Tom Ginsburg and Nuno Garoupa
On the Interpretability of Law: Lessons from the Decoding of National Constitutions, Tom Ginsburg, James Melton, Zachary Elkins, and Kalev Leetaru