The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Antitrust in High-Technology Industries: a Symposium Introduction, Michal Gal and Spencer Waller Weber
How Do Roles Generate Reasons? A Method of Legal Ethics, Stephen Galoob
How Do Roles Generate Reasons? A Method of Legal Ethics, Stephen Galoob
Conversations: David Gamage, David Gamage
Health care decision means more work for IRS, David Gamage
ObamaCare's costs to the working class, David Gamage
The Supreme Court's health care decision and the problem with relyng on the taxing power, David Gamage
Vendor Compensation as an Approach for State ‘Amazon’ Laws: Part 1, David Gamage and Devin J. Heckman
Vendor Compensation as an Approach for State ‘Amazon’ Laws: Part 2, David Gamage and Devin J. Heckman
On Tax Increase Limitations: Part II — Evasion and Transcendence, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
The Saga of State ‘Amazon’ Laws: Reflections on the Colorado Decision, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
Swiss Bank Accounts Held in Trust: The Swiss Bank Secrecy Reborn ?, Raphael Gani and Guillaume Grisel
HAMP: Doomed From the Start, Marc Gans
The “Labyrinth Of Impossibility” in the Tax Cases of the European Court of Justice: Is the Comparability Analysis a Way Out?, Carlo Garbarino
Has the time arrived for permanent investment tribunals?, Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar
Lack of Judicial Independence and its impact on transnational and international litigation, Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar
La noción de consumidor en el Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor, David García
Comment: Doha, Security and Justice – A Response to Prof. Raj Bhala, Frank J. Garcia
Committee Member, Frank J. Garcia
Developing a Normative Critique of International Trade Law, Frank J. Garcia
Teaching for Global Understanding in the 21st Century Keynote Address, Frank J. Garcia
Global Justice and International Economic Law: Opportunities and Prospects, Frank J. Garcia, Chios Carmody, and John Linarelli
Theories of Justice and International Economic Law, Frank J. Garcia and Lindita Ciko
El Fondo Monetario Internacional y la Promoción del Estado de Derecho en los Noventa: Condicionalidad y Estados de Excepción en Suramérica , Gabriel Garcia
IMF conditionality and rule of law: exceptional powers and banking in Malaysia and Venezuela, Gabriel Garcia
IMF standby arrangement: its role in the resolution of crises in the 1990s., Gabriel Garcia
Understanding IMF stand-by arrangements from the perspective of international and domestic law: the experience of Venezuela in the 1990s, Gabriel Garcia
The Gender Bind: Men as Inauthentic Caregivers, Kelli K. Garcia
The Gender Bind: Men as Inauthentic Caregivers, Kelli K. Garcia
Culture Clash: Special Education in Charter Schools, Robert A. Garda Jr.
Disabled Students' Rights of Access to Charter Schools under the IDEA, Section 504 and the ADA, Robert A. Garda Jr.
Progressive Legislation: Introducing ALICE & Innovative Model Laws to Support the Movement, Jackie Gardina, Tom Hucker, David Marcello, Jamin Raskin, Joel Rogers, Ian Weinstein, and Russ Whitesel
Nudging People to Become Organ Donors: An Opt-Out System That Does Not Presume Anyone’s Consent, Alex P. Garens
Multiplicity of Marriage Forms in Contemporary South Africa, Roberto A. Garetto Ph.D.
Affirmative Action in Education Weighed Again, Alan E. Garfield
Cheer on Separation of School, Religious Messages, Alan E. Garfield
Dropping F-Bombs at the Supreme Court, Alan E. Garfield
Health Care Back Where It Belongs, Before the Voters, Alan E. Garfield
Liberty Isn't the Issue in Health Care Case, Alan E. Garfield
Obama Didn't Deny Court's Right of Review, Alan E. Garfield
Religious Right Versus Government Interest, Alan E. Garfield
Supreme Court Ponders Drug-Detection Dog's 'Sniff Test', Alan E. Garfield
The Fight for Free Speech, Even if it's Offensive, Alan E. Garfield
To Swear or Not to Swear: Using Foul Language During a Supreme Court Oral Argument, Alan E. Garfield
What's Wrong with US Political System?, Alan E. Garfield
When Is a Lie an Affront to the Law?, Alan E. Garfield
Relocation disputes- has anything changed? in the matter of B and B: Family Law Reform Act 1995, Sam Garkawe
Restorative justice from the perspective of crime victims, Sam Garkawe
The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: a suitable model to enhance the role and rights of victims of gross violations of human rights?, Sam Boris Garkawe
Victim impact statements and sentencing, Sam Boris Garkawe
Victims at the ICC and the Nuremberg trials, Sam Boris Garkawe
60 Days to Pay – Has Medicare Reached the Point of No Return?, Craig B. Garner
Adjudicating Health Care Reform By Dissent, Craig B. Garner
Are We Fighting the Wrong Health Care Battle?, Craig B. Garner
Health Care Reform: A Time to Wait, or Expiate?, Craig B. Garner
Proceed With Caution: Matters to Consider for Business Lawyers Transitioning Into Health Care, Craig B. Garner
The Modern Day Compliance Program, Craig B. Garner
The Spectacular Aspect of Contemporary Health Care, Craig B. Garner
The Supreme Court Opens the Road to Health Care Reform, But Will California Meet the Challenge?, Craig B. Garner
The War on Health Care, Craig B. Garner
The Evolving Relationships Between Hospital, Physician and Patient in Modern American Healthcare, Craig B. Garner and David McCabe
Mortgaging the Meme: Financing and Managing Disruptive Innovation, Jon M. Garon
An Economic Analysis of Legal Harmonization: The Case of Law Enforcement within the European Union, Nuno Garoupa
The Economics of Prosecutors, Nuno Garoupa
Judicial Politics in Unstable Democracies: The Case of the Philippine Supreme Court, An Empirical Analysis 1986-2010, Nuno Garoupa and Laarni Escresa
Political Influence and Career Judges: An Empirical Analysis of Administrative Review by the Spanish Supreme Court, Nuno Garoupa, Marian Gili, and Fernando Gómez-Pomar
Economic Analysis and Comparative Law, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
The Efficiency of the Common Law: The Puzzle of Mixed Legal Families, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez
The Evolution of the Common Law and Efficiency, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez
The Fable of the Codes: The Efficiency of the Common Law, Legal Origins & Codification Movements, Nuno Garoupa and Andrew P. Morriss
The Fable of the Codes: The Efficiency of the Common Law, Legal Origins & Codification Movements, Nuno Garoupa and Andrew P. Morriss
Wrongful Convictions do Lower Deterrence,, Nuno Garoupa and Matteo Rizzolli
Université de Lausanne , Bibliographie sélective sur les droits de l'homme, David Garrison
Consumer Involvement in Research, Suzanne Garverich, Lorna J. Simon, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., James E. McDonald Jr., and John Grillo
Juror First Votes in Criminal Trials, Stephen P. Garvey, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, Nicole L. Mott, G. Thomas Munsterman, and Martin T. Wells
Human Rights as Demands for Communicative Action, Varun Gauri and Daniel M. Brinks
Human Rights Based Approaches to Development: Concepts, Evidence, and Policy, Varun Gauri and Siri Gloppen
The Curious Case of Tribunalization, Khagesh Gautam Prof.
Casey and a Woman's Right to Know: Ultrasounds, Informed Consent, and the First Amendment, Scott W. Gaylord and Thomas J. Molony
The Innocence Effect, Oren Gazal-Ayal and Avishalom Tor
Establishment Clause Incorporation: A Logical, Textual, and Historical Defense, Frederick Mark Gedicks
Administrative Procedure for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to the 2010 Model State Administrative Procedure Act, John L. Gedid
A Brilliant Instance of Flabby Thinking, Deborah A. Geier
Advance Trade Discounts: A Reprise, Deborah A. Geier
And the 1999 Award for the Worst Opinion in a Tax Case Goes to -, Deborah A. Geier
Another Take on the Mortgage Debt Relief Situation, Deborah A. Geier
Cognitive Theory and the Selling of the Flat Tax, Deborah A. Geier
Commentary: Textualism and Tax Cases, Deborah A. Geier
ERISA: Punitive Damages for Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Deborah A. Geier
"Expense" Deductions on "Personal" Gross Income, Deborah A. Geier
Expensing and the Interest Deduction, Deborah A. Geier
Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy, 1st Edition, Deborah A. Geier
Form, Substance, and Section 1041, Deborah A. Geier
Integrating the Tax Burdens of the Federal Income and Payroll Taxes on Labor Income, Deborah A. Geier
Interpreting Tax Legislation: The Role of Purpose, Deborah A. Geier
Murphy and the Evolution of "Basis", Deborah A. Geier
No Credit for Gross Withholding Taxes on Portfolio Investments?, Deborah A. Geier