The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
A Global Law of Jurisdiction and Judgments: Views from the United States and Japan, Kevin M. Clermont
Civil Procedure’s Five Big Ideas, Kevin M. Clermont
Class Certification's Preclusive Effects, Kevin M. Clermont
Class Certification’s Preclusive Effects, Kevin M. Clermont
Common-Law Compulsory Counterclaim Rule: Creating Effective and Elegant Res Judicata Doctrine, Kevin M. Clermont
Death of Paradox: The Killer Logic Beneath the Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont
Death of Paradox: The Killer Logic beneath the Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont
Decisional Sequencing: Limitations from Jurisdictional Primacy and Intrasuit Preclusion, Kevin M. Clermont
Federal Habeas Corpus, Kevin M. Clermont
Integrating Transnational Perspectives into Civil Procedure: What Not to Teach, Kevin M. Clermont
Jurisdictional Fact, Kevin M. Clermont
Jurisdictional Salvation and the Hague Treaty, Kevin M. Clermont
Jurisdictional Salvation and the Hague Treaty , Kevin M. Clermont
Litigation Realities Redux, Kevin M. Clermont
Procedure's Magical Number Three: Psychological Bases for Standards of Decision, Kevin M. Clermont
Procedure’s Magical Number Three Psychological Bases for Standards of Decision, Kevin M. Clermont
Restating Territorial Jurisdiction and Venue for State and Federal Courts, Kevin M. Clermont
Reverse-Erie, Kevin M. Clermont
Sequencing the Issues for Judicial Decisionmaking: Limitations from Jurisdictional Primacy and Intrasuit Preclusion, Kevin M. Clermont
Standards of Proof in Japan and the United States, Kevin M. Clermont
Standards of Proof Revisited, Kevin M. Clermont
Surveying Work Product, Kevin M. Clermont
Teaching Civil Procedure Through its Top Ten Cases, Plus or Minus Two, Kevin M. Clermont
The Repressible Myth of Shady Grove, Kevin M. Clermont
The Role of Private International Law in the United States: Beating the Not-Quite-Dead Horse of Jurisdiction, Kevin M. Clermont
Three Myths About Twombly-Iqbal, Kevin M. Clermont
Improving on the Contingent Fee, Kevin M. Clermont and John D. Currivan
Anti-Plaintiff Bias in the Federal Appellate Courts, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Appeal from Jury or Judge Trial: Defendants' Advantage, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
CAFA Judicata: A Tale of Waste and Politics, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Do Case Outcomes Really Reveal Anything About the Legal System? Win Rates and Removal Jurisdiction , Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Do Case Outcomes Really Reveal Anything About the Legal System? Win Rates and Removal Jurisdiction, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Exorcising the Evil of Forum-Shopping, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Foreigners' Fate in America's Courts: Empirical Legal Research, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Judge Harry Edwards: A Case in Point!, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Litigation Realities, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Plaintiphobia in the Appellate Courts: Civil Rights Really Do Differ from Negotiable Instruments, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Simplifying the Choice of Forum: A Reply, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Trial by Jury or Judge: Transcending Empiricism, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Trial by Jury or Judge: Transcending Empiricism , Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Xenophilia in American Courts, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Xenophilia or Xenophobia in American Courts? Before and After 9/11, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
How Employment-Discrimination Plaintiffs Fare in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Kevin M. Clermont, Theodore Eisenberg, and Stewart J. Schwab
Why Law Teachers Should Teach Undergraduates, Kevin M. Clermont and Robert A. Hillman
Exorbitant Jurisdiction, Kevin M. Clermont and John R.B. Palmer
French Article 14 Jurisdiction, Viewed from the United States, Kevin M. Clermont and John R.B. Palmer
Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs in Federal Court: From Bad to Worse?, Kevin M. Clermont and Stewart J. Schwab
How Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs Fare in Federal Court, Kevin M. Clermont and Stewart J. Schwab
A Comparative View of Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont and Emily Sherwin
Inventing Tests, Destabilizing Systems, Kevin M. Clermont and Stephen C. Yeazell
Constitutional Privileging, Michael Coenen
Of Speech and Sanctions: Toward a Penalty-Sensitive Approach to the First Amendment, Michael Coenen
Original Jurisdiction Deadlocks, Michael Coenen
Rhapsody in Blue: An Ode to The Bluebook, Michael Coenen
Rules Against Rulification, Michael Coenen
Spillover Across Remedies, Michael Coenen
The Significance of Signatures: Why the Framers Signed the Constitution and What They Meant By Doing So, Michael Coenen
Administrative Channeling under the Medicare Act Clarified: Illinois Council, Section 45(h), and the Application of Congressional Intent, John Aloysius Cogan Jr. and Rodney A. Johnson
Countering Hate on the Internet, raphael cohen-almagor
Countering Hate on the Internet, raphael cohen-almagor
First Do No Harm: Euthanasia of Incompetent Patients in Belgium, raphael cohen-almagor
Is Israel’s Operation Protective Edge Justified?, raphael cohen-almagor
Reconciling Liberalism and Judaism? Human Rights in Israel, raphael cohen-almagor
Open-Minded Listening, Jonathan R. Cohen
Reasoning Along Different Lines: Some Varied Roles of Rationality in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Jonathan R. Cohen
Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Deliberations: Two Models of Judicial Deliberations in Courts of Last Resort, Mathilde Cohen
Les cours souveraines et leur nouveau public, Mathilde Cohen
Truth in Adjudication—A Civil/Common Law Divide, Mathilde Cohen
Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Appellant, James Townsend v. Midland Funding, LLC, Stuart Robert Cohen and Peter A. Holland
Assuming Facts Not In Evidence: A Response to Russell M. Coombs, Reforming New Jersey Evidence Law on Fresh Complaint of Rape, Sherry F. Colb
A World Without Privacy: Why Property Does Not Define the Limits of the Right Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures, Sherry F. Colb
Breakfast with Justice Blackmun, Sherry F. Colb
Freedom from Incarceration: Why is This Right Different from All Other Rights?, Sherry F. Colb
Innocence, Privacy, and Targeting in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Sherry F. Colb
Insane Fear: The Discriminatory Category of "Mentally Ill and Dangerous", Sherry F. Colb
Oil and Water: Why Retribution and Repentance Do Not Mix, Sherry F. Colb
Probabilities in Probable Cause and Beyond: Statistical Versus Concrete Harms, Sherry F. Colb
Profiling With Apologies, Sherry F. Colb
Some Thoughts on the Conduct/Status Distinction, Sherry F. Colb
Standing Room Only: Why Fourth Amendment Exclusion and Standing Can No Longer Logically Coexist, Sherry F. Colb
Stopping a Moving Target, Sherry F. Colb
The Conviction of Andrea Yates: A Narrative of Denial, Sherry F. Colb
The Qualitative Dimension of Fourth Amendment "Reasonableness", Sherry F. Colb
To Whom Do We Refer When We Speak of Obligations to "Future Generations"? Reproductive Rights and the Intergenerational Community, Sherry F. Colb
What is a Search? Two Conceptual Flaws in Fourth Amendment Doctine and Some Hints of a Remedy, Sherry F. Colb
"Whodunit" Versus "What Was Done": When to Admit Character Evidence in Criminal Cases, Sherry F. Colb
Why is Torture Different and How Different Is It?, Sherry F. Colb
Words that Deny, Devalue, and Punish: Judicial Responses to Fetus-Envy?, Sherry F. Colb
Food for Thought: Genetically Modified Seeds as De Facto Standard Essential Patents, Benjamin M. Cole, Brent J. Horton, and Ryan G. Vacca
The Future of the Law: Improving Access to Justice in the United States through Innovative Approaches to Education and Empowerment, Flynn M. Coleman
Bridging the Gap between Policy and Practice: Using Negotiated Rulemaking to Build Consensus on Assessments in Special Education, Franciska A. Coleman
Phases and Faces of the Duke Lacrosse Controversy: A Conversation, James E. Coleman Jr., Angela Davis, Michael Gerhardt, K. C. Johnson, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, and Howard M. Wasserman
Note to Athletes, NFL, and NBA: Dog Fighting is a Crime, Not a Sport, Phyllis G. Coleman
Scuba Diving Buddies: Rights, Obligations, and Liabilities, Phyllis G. Coleman
Intimacy, Mutuality, and Domestic Violence among Immigrant Latino Men in a Batterer Intervention Program, Charles D. Jean-Pierre Collier
Constitutionality of Statutory Renegotiation, Charles S. Collier