The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Products Liability--The Cause of Action, William E. Crawford
The Constitutional Authority Giving Our Appellate Courts Jurisdiction of Fact Should Be Repealed, William E. Crawford
Torts, William E. Crawford
Torts: Louisiana Cases and Materials, William E. Crawford
Torts: Recent Developments, William E. Crawford
West's Louisiana Statutes Annotated Code of Civil Procedure, William E. Crawford
Hearsay and Non-Hearsay as Reflected in Louisiana Criminal Cases, William E. Crawford and Thomas N. Frisby
New Code of Civil Procedure in France, Book 1, William E. Crawford and Francoise Grivart de Kerstrat
Louisiana State Law Institute Recognizes 70-year Milestone: Origin, History, and Accomplishments, William E. Crawford and Cordell H. Haymon
Product Liability for Design in Louisiana, William E. Crawford and Jesse D. McDonald
Louisiana Civil Procedure I: Cases and Materials, William E. Crawford and Donald J. Tate
Louisiana Civil Procedure II: Cases and Materials, William E. Crawford, Donald J. Tate, and Warren L. Mengis
Hastening Death: Comparing How Courts and Mental Health Professionals Treat the Request to Die by Death Row Inmates and Terminally Ill Persons, Phyllis L. Crocker
A Matter of Discretion: The De Facto Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty in Barbados - A Study of the Boyce and Joseph Cases, Jane E. Cross
Families Redefined: Kinship Groups that Deserve Benefits, Jane E. Cross, Nan Palmer, and Charlene L. Smith
Families Redefined: Kinship Groups that Deserve Benefits, Jane Cross, Nan Palmer, and Charlene Smith
Extraterritoriality, Immunity and Sovereign Debt, Karen Halverson Cross
Extraterritoriality, Immunity, and Sovereign Debt, Karen Halverson Cross
Extraterritoriality, Immunity, and Sovereign Debt, Karen Halverson Cross
Sovereign Arbitration, Karen Halverson Cross
"The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement", Karen Halverson Cross
The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement, 12 Berkeley Bus. L.J., Karen Halverson Cross
The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement, Fourth Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) Working Paper No. 2014/28, Karen Halverson Cross
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Certiorari and Affirms Discovery in Bondholder Litigation against Argentina, Karen Halverson Cross
Does UNDRIP Matter?: Indian Law in the United States and the International Right to Self-Determination, Kevin Crow
A Cop May Be Following You Everywhere, Catherine Crump
Invasion of the Data Snatchers: Big Data and the Internet of Things Means Surveillance of Everything, Catherine Crump and Matthew Harwood
Bankruptcy Taxation: Congress's Role in Bankruptcy Tax Policy: A Roundtable Discussion, Steven J. Csontos and Jack F. Williams
After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: 'The Great Invisible' Reveals What Happened to the Victims, John G. Culhane
Are Parents Obliged to Pay for College? Strangely, It May Depend on Whether They’re Divorced, John G. Culhane
Bespoke Babies: A White Woman Was Accidentally Impregnated with a Black Donor’s Sperm. Now She’s Suing, John G. Culhane
Casinos for Seniors: Full of Sound and Light, Signifying Emptiness, John G. Culhane
Don't Lose Sight of the Goal of Obamacare, John G. Culhane
How to Fix Baseball’s Replay Mess, John G. Culhane
How to Sue Over the Christie Bridge Scandal and Win, John G. Culhane
In Pennsylvania, the State Can’t Bring Itself to Justify Its Gay Marriage Ban, John G. Culhane
Michael Sam Understands That Football Is a Business, That’s Why He Felt Comfortable Coming Out, John G. Culhane
Pay Up, BP: It’s Outrageous for the Company to Wriggle out of the Settlement for the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, John G. Culhane
The Doomed Sandy Hook Lawsuit, John G. Culhane
U.S. v. Windsor Must Be This Generation’s Brown v. Board of Education, Not Its Roe v. Wade, John G. Culhane
What Today’s Gay Marriage Victory in Pennsylvania Means for the Rest of America, John G. Culhane
What We’re Losing When We Lose Giovanni’s Room, John G. Culhane
Let’s Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah! : Teaching Students Purposefully Placement of Individual Sentences to Maximize Paragraph Cohesion., Leslie P. Culver
Affirmative Action: Comparative Policies and Controversies, Clark D. Cunningham
Affirmative Action: India's Example, Clark D. Cunningham
After Grutter Things Get Interesting! The American Debate over Affirmative Action is Finally Ready for Some Fresh Ideas from Abroad, Clark D. Cunningham
A Linguistic Analysis of the Meanings of "Search" in the Fourth Amendment: A Search for Common Sense, Clark D. Cunningham
A Tale of Two Clients: Thinking About Law as Language, Clark D. Cunningham
Bringing Linguistics into Judicial Decision-Making, Clark D. Cunningham
But What is Their Story?, Clark D. Cunningham
Evaluating Effective Lawyer-Client Communication: An International Project Moving from Research to Reform, Clark D. Cunningham
Hearing Voices: Why the Academy Needs Clinical Scholarship, Clark D. Cunningham
"How Can We Give Up Our Child?" A Practice-Based Approach to Teaching Legal Ethics, Clark D. Cunningham
How to Explain Confidentiality?, Clark D. Cunningham
Lawyer as Translator Representation as Text: Towards an Ethnography of Legal Discourse, Clark D. Cunningham
Learning From Law Students: A Socratic Approach to Law and Literature?, Clark D. Cunningham
Legal Ethics in a Gandhian Perspective, Clark D. Cunningham
Lessons on Affirmative Action from India, Clark D. Cunningham
Professional Responsibility, Clark D. Cunningham
Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India: A Study in Light of the American Experience, Clark D. Cunningham
Rethinking Equality in the Global Society, Clark D. Cunningham
Rethinking the Licensing of New Attorneys - An Exploration of Alternatives to the Bar Exam: Introduction, Clark D. Cunningham
Should American Law Schools Continue to Graduate Lawyers Whom Clients Consider Worthless?, Clark D. Cunningham
The Lawyer as Translator, Representation as Text: Towards an Ethnography of Legal Discourse, Clark D. Cunningham
The World's Most Powerful Court: Finding the Roots of India's Public Interest Litigation Revolution in the Hussainara Khatoon Prisoners Case, Clark D. Cunningham
Using Social Science Methods to Improve Lawyer-Client Communication, Clark D. Cunningham
What Do Clients Want from Their Lawyers, Clark D. Cunningham
What Do Clients Want From Their Lawyers?, Clark D. Cunningham
What is Meaning in a Legal Text?, Clark D. Cunningham
Why American Lawyers Should Go to India: Retracing Galanter's Intellectual Odyssey, Clark D. Cunningham
Developing Professional Judgment: Law School Innovations in Response to the Carnegie Foundation's Critique of American Legal Education, Clark D. Cunningham and Charlotte S. Alexander
Developing Professional Judgment: Law School Innovations in Response to the Carnegie Foundation's Critique of American Legal Education, Clark D. Cunningham and Charlotte S. Alexander
The National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism, Clark D. Cunningham and Charlotte S. Alexander
The National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism, Clark D. Cunningham and Charlotte S. Alexander
Taking the Punishment Out of the Process: From Substantive Criminal Justice through Procedural Justice to Restorative Justice, Clark D. Cunningham and Brenda Sims Blackwell
Using Common Sense: A Linguistic Perspective on Judicial Interpretations of "Use a Firearm", Clark D. Cunningham and Charles J. Filmore
Passing Strict Scrutiny: Using Social Science to Design Affirmative Action Programs, Clark D. Cunningham, Glenn C. Loury, and John David Skrentny
Taking It to the Streets: Putting Discourse Analysis to the Service of a Public Defender's Office, Clark D. Cunningham and Bonnie S. Mcelhinny
Race, Class, Caste...? Rethinking Affirmative Action, Clark D. Cunningham and N.R. Madhava Menon
Information Environmentalism: a governance framework for intellectual property rights, Robert Lee Cunningham
Achieving the American Bar Association's Pedagogy Mandate: Empowerment in the Midst of a Perfect Storm, Cara Cunningham Warren
The Crisis in Legal Education: Empowerment in the Midst of a Perfect Storm, Cara Cunningham Warren
Empowerment in the Midst of a "Perfect Storm"--A Framework to Improve Teaching Effectiveness, Cara L. Cunningham Warren
Concurrent Session 6E. Using the Movement to Develop Learning Outcomes to Put "Cultural Sensibility" Skills into the Curriculum, Andi Curcio and Tanya Washington
A Better Bar: How and Why the Existing Bar Exam Should Change, Andrea A. Curcio
Assessing Differently and Using Empirical Studies to See If It Makes a Difference: Can Law Schools Do It Better?, Andrea A. Curcio
Breaking the Silence: Using Notification Penalty and Other Notification Measures in Punitive Damage Cases, Andrea A. Curcio
Civil Claims for Uncivilized Acts: Filing Suit Against the Government for American Indian Boarding School Abuses, Andrea A. Curcio
Courtroom Visits as a Way to Learn Evidence, Andrea A. Curcio
Evidence Exams Using a Case File, Andrea A. Curcio
Moving in the Direction of Best Practices and the Carnegie Report: Reflections on Using Multiple Assessments in a Large-Section Doctrinal Course, Andrea A. Curcio
Painful Publicity, an Alternative Punitive Damage Sanction, Andrea A. Curcio
Pre-Trial Motion Practice, Andrea A. Curcio
Rule 412 Laid Bare: A Procedural Rule that Cannot Adequately Protect Sexual Harassment Plaintiffs from Embarrassing Exposure, Andrea A. Curcio
Society of American Law Teachers Statement on the Bar Exam, Andrea A. Curcio
The Georgia Roundtable Discussion Model: Another Way to Approach Reforming Rape Laws, Andrea A. Curcio
Using Real-Life Context and Writing Exercises in Substantive Courses, Andrea A. Curcio