The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Chroniques, Etats-Unis, La Session 1986-1987, Michael H. Davis
Etats Unis: Bref Resume des Developpements Recents en Droit Constitutionnel American au Sujet de l'Avortement, Michael H. Davis
Etats Unis: La Liberte d'Information: L'Approche Americaine, Michael H. Davis
Extending Copyright and the Constitution: "Have I Stayed Too Long", Michael H. Davis
Intellectual Property, Michael H. Davis
Les Juges Constitutionnels Etats-Unis, Michael H. Davis
L'experience americaine des "Independent Regulatory Commissions, Michael H. Davis
Principe d'Egalite et Droit de Suffrage Etats-Unis, Michael H. Davis
A Government By Judges: An Historical Re-View, Michael Henry Davis
Book Review, A Different Kind of Drug War, Michael Henry Davis
Continuing Patent Applications and Performance of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Michael Henry Davis
Death of a Salesman's Doctrine : A Critical Look at Trademark Use, Michael Henry Davis
Etats-Unis Le Droit de l'Audiovisuel, Michael Henry Davis
Etats-Unis Les Contentieux Administratifs, Michael Henry Davis
I Know It's Not Racism, But What Is It?, Michael Henry Davis
La Laicite des Ecoles Publiques aux Etats-Unis et l'Affaire des "Foulards" en France, Michael Henry Davis
New Jews, New Destruction, Michael Henry Davis
Patent Politics, Michael Henry Davis
Patents and the Human Genome Project, Michael Henry Davis
Patents in Health Care - Subsidy and Victimisation?, Michael Henry Davis
Some Realism about Indigenism, Michael Henry Davis
The Law/Politics Distinction, the French Conseil Constitutionnel, and the U.S. Supreme Court, Michael Henry Davis
The Screenwriter's Indestructible Right to Terminate Her Assignment of Copyright: Once a Story is 'Pitched' a Studio Can Never Obtain All Copyrights in the Story, Michael Henry Davis
Paying Twice for the Same Drugs, Michael Henry Davis and Peter S. Arno
Why Don't We Enforce Existing Drug Price Controls? The Unrecognized and Unenforced Reasonable Pricing Requirements Imposed upon Patents Deriving in Whole or in Part from Federally-Funded Research, Michael Henry Davis and Peter S. Arno
Rare Diseases, Drug Development and AIDS: The Impact of the Orphan Drug Act, Michael Henry Davis, Peter S. Arno, and Karen Bonuck
Legitimacy, Globally: The Incoherence of Free Trade Practice, Global Economics and their Governing Principles of Political Economy, Michael Henry Davis and Dana Neacsu
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell, Michael H. Davis and Arthur R. Miller
Chroniques, Etats-Unis, Michael H. Davis and Burt Neuborne
The Supreme Court Term 1987-88, Michael H. Davis and Burt Neuborne
Dead, the Lost, the Dreaming, Michael J. Davis
To the Promised Land: A Century of Wandering and a Final Homeland for the Due Process and Taking Clauses, Michael L. Davis and Michael Davis
Unregulated Investment in Certain Death: SEC v. Life Partners, Inc., Michael R. Davis
Small Island States and the LOS Convention 30 Years on: Have the Benefits Been Realised?, Ruth A. Davis and Quentin A. Hanich
Developing cross-system communication to promote educational well-being in foster care youth: Recommendations for a national research, practice, and policy agenda, Angelique G. Day
Foster Care Youth Stories of Trauma Before, During, and After Placement: Youth Voices to Build Trauma-Informed Systems of Care, Angelique G. Day and Joanne Riebschleger
Jeff Rasley, Author and Coach, Tekneshia Day and Jeff Rasley
All the Coal: Griffin v. Fairmont Coal Company and the Right to Contract, Robert C. Deal
Innovation, Intellectual Property and Development Narratives in Africa, Jeremy de Beer
Innovation, Intellectual Property and Development Narratives in Africa, Jeremy de Beer
Mapping the Outcomes of Multidisciplinary Intellectual Property Research: Lessons from the African Copyright Experience, Jeremy de Beer
Mapping the Outcomes of Multidisciplinary Intellectual Property Research: Lessons from the African Copyright Experience, Jeremy de Beer
Present Thinking About the Future of Intellectual Property: a Literature Review, Jeremy de Beer
Transatlantic copyright comparisons: making available via hyperlinks in the European Union and Canada, Jeremy de Beer and Mira Burri
Present Thinking on the Future of Intellectual Property, Jeremy de Beer, Alex Mogyoros, and Sean Stidwell
Current Realities of Collaborative Intellectual Property in Africa, Jeremy de Beer, Chidi Oguamanam, and Tobias Schonwetter
Current Realities of Collaborative Intellectual Property in Africa, Jeremy de Beer, Chidi Oguamanam, Tobias Schonwetter, and Chris Armstrong
INNOVATION AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: COLLABORATIVE DYNAMICS IN AFRICA, Jeremy de Beer, Chidi Oguamanam, Tobias Schonwetter, and Chris Armstrong
Frameworks for Analysing African Innovation: Entrepreneurship, the Informal Economy and Intellectual Property, Jeremy de Beer, Izabella Sowa, and Kristen Holman
Frameworks for Analysing African Innovation: Entrepreneurship, the Informal Economy and Intellectual Property, Jeremy de Beer, Izabella Sowa, and Kristen Holman
Question and Answer Time, Michael DeBoer, Carole Petersen, and April L. Cherry
Sustaining an Unsustainable Fuel Source: How Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Limitations Can Improve the Sustainability of the Tar Oil Industry, Brittany DeBord
Justice and Starvation in Cambodia: The Khmer Rouge Famine, Randle C. DeFalco
North American Bird Strike Advisory System, Russell DeFusco, Michel Hovan, James Harper, and Kurt Heppard
North American Bird Strike Advisory System: Strategic Plan, Russell P. DeFusco , USAF (ret.); Michel J. Hovan; James T. Harper , Lt. Col., USAF; and Kurt A. Heppard
Is it Time for the Court to Accept the O.F.F.E.R.? Applying Smith v. Organization of Foster Families for Equality and Reform to Promote Clarity, Consistency, and Federalism in the World of De Facto Parenthood, Eric A. DeGroff and Steven W. Fitschen
Acciones colectivas vs cláusula de arbitraje, Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther
Class actions suits vs. Arbitration clause (Mexico), Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther
Daños Punitivos en Mexico. Renacimiento de la responsabilidad civil, Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther
Punitive damages in Mexico, Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther
Reforma Sociedades Mercantiles y Prenda 2014, Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther and
Aspectos procesales de la Reforma Financiera en Mexico, Jorge E. De Hoyos Walther, Ignacio Ochoa, Karla S. Hernandez, and Rolando Escalante
A democracy's rite of passage: confronting the ghosts of its past, Matthew Deighton and Sam Garkawe
PRIMER PLENO CASATORIO CIVIL, Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú Derecho
QUINTO PLENO CASATORIO CIVIL, Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú
VI PLENO CASATORIO CIVIL, Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú Derecho
Desvelando los intereses ocultos: Neoliberalismo en la Nueva "Defensa Posesoria Extrajudicial", joshimar de la cruz aroni
"Desvelando los intereses ocultos: Neoliberalismo en la Nueva Defensa Posesoria Extrajudicial", joshimar de la cruz aroni
Ensayo sobre la Nueva Ley Universitaria 30220, joshimar de la cruz aroni
La rebeldía de J.Waldron: ¿es democrático el Control Judicial Constitucional?, joshimar de la cruz aroni
¿Razón, trabajo y corazón?: Los mitos de una ilusa conciliación (Comentario al nuevo régimen laboral juvenil), joshimar de la cruz aroni
The Athabaskan Petition: Where Accelerated Arctic Warming Meets Human Rights, Veronica de la Rosa Jaimes
Marriage Equailty: Why Laws Restricting Same-Sex Couples' Rights Should be Subject to Heightened Scrutiny under Equal Protection Challenges., Cory A. DeLellis
Marriage Equailty: Why Laws Restricting Same-Sex Couples' Rights Should be Subject to Heightened Scrutiny under Equal Protection Challenges., Cory A. DeLellis
Maestría (LL.M.) en Derecho Estadounidense, Juan Javier del Granado
Promoting law and economics indirectly, Juan Javier del Granado
Narrowed Constellations in a Supranational Climate Change Regime Complex: The “Magic Number” is Three, Myanna Dellinger
Principles to Guide the Office of Legal Counsel, Walter E. Dellinger and Neil J. Kinkopf
From Disability to Usability in Online Instruction, Susan deMaine
Salvaging the U.N. Collective Security System and the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy on the Kadi II Aftermath Through the Modified Solange II Approach, Vittorio de' Medici-Rodrigues
The State, Parents, Schools, "Culture Wars", and Modern Technologies: Challenges under the U.N. Convention on the Rights of a Child, Nora V. Demleitner
Stratification, Expansion, and Retrenchment: International Legal Education in U.S. Law Schools, Nora V. Demleitner
Sports-Talk Radio in America: Its Context and Culture, John M. Dempsey, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, and Michael L. Hilt
Decriminalizing Victims of Sex Trafficking, Michelle Madden Dempsey
Response to Commentators, Michelle Madden Dempsey
The New Law of Ideas, Robert C. Denicola
Price Waterhouse: Alive and Well Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, H. Lane Dennard Jr. and Kendall Kerew
Anti-Evasion Doctrines and the Second Amendment, Brannon P. Denning
One Toke Over the (State) Line: Constitutional Limits on "Pot Tourism" Regulations, Brannon P. Denning
One Toke Over the (State) Line: Constitutional Limits on "Pot Tourism" Restrictions, Brannon P. Denning
Wynne: Lose or Draw?, Brannon P. Denning
Anti-anti-evasion in Constitutional Law, Brannon P. Denning and Michael B. Kent Jr.
Anti-anti-evasion in Constitutional Law, Brannon P. Denning and Michael B. Kent Jr.