About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

The Fifth Auxiliary Right (book review), Raymond T. Diamond and Robert J. Cottrol

Brown v. Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution, Raymond T. Diamond, Robert J. Cottrol, and Leland B. Ware

NAACP v. Jim Crow: The Legal Strategy That Brought Down "Separate but Equal" by Toppling School Segregation, Raymond T. Diamond, Robert J. Cottrol, and Leland B. Ware

The Decline of the Idea of Caste: Setting the Stage for Brown v. Board, Raymond T. Diamond, Robert J. Cottrol, and Leland B. Ware

Panel on Federalism in Practice -- National and Local Perspectives on States' Use of Criminal Law to Regulate Undocumented or Unauthorized Migration, Raymond T. Diamond, Ingrid Eagly, and Hiroko Kusuda


Commercial arbitration between China and the Portuguese-speaking world, Fernando Dias Simões


Commercial arbitration in the Portuguese-speaking world: opportunities and challenges, Fernando Dias Simões

Do Direito do Consumidor à Ética de Consumo, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.


Os contratos de adesão nas relações comerciais entre a China e Moçambique (Standard contracts in the trade between China and Mozambique), Fernando Dias Simões


Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Macau, Fernando Dias Simões


SMEs in the Common European Sales Law, Fernando Dias Simões

La reparación integral a víctimas LGBT de desplazamiento forzado y de abuso sexual en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano, Yessica Tatiana Díaz Botia


La conciliación extrajudicial como requisito de procedibilidad y sus "verdaderos" efectos en la congestión judicial. El caso de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa, David Díaz Guzmán and Andrés Felipe García Ávila

Inclusionary Eminent Domain, Gerald S. Dickinson

The Consumer Bankruptcy Panel: Views from the Bench - Five Years of BAPCPA, M. G. Diehl and Jack F. Williams


Why Do Cities Innovate in Public Health? Implications of Scale and Structure, Paul Diller



Beyond Rules, Larry A. DiMatteo and Samuel Flaks

Contracts in Context and Contracts as Context, Larry A. DiMatteo and Blake D. Morant

Comparative Efficiency in International Sales Law, Larry A. DiMatteo and Daniel Ostas

A Consent Theory of Unconscionability: An Empirical Study of Law in Action, Larry A. DiMatteo and Bruce L. Rich

Accountability before the Fact, Michael R. Dimino Sr.


God and Guns: The Free Exercise of Religion Problems of Regulating Guns in Churches and Other Houses of Worship, John M. A. DiPippa

In Honor of Steven P. Frankino, John Dobbyn

Securities Exchange Act—Treatment of Intrastate Use of Telephone.—Rosen v. Albern Color Research, Inc.—and Nemitz v. Cunny, John F. Dobbyn

Judicial Broken-Field Running Perl v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., John F. Dobbyn

Anonymous Tips and Erratic Driving Offenses: What Kind of Corroboration Gives Reasonable Suspicion to Make a Stop?, Mark Dobson


The Fair Income Tax, Joseph M. Dodge


Party Subordinance in Federal Litigation, Scott Dodson


The Short Paper, Scott Dodson


Mapping Supreme Court Doctrine: Civil Pleading, Scott Dodson and Colin Starger


Protecting the Sender: Liability Protection for the Senders of Electronic Communication, Meredith W. Doherty

2006 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2008 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2009 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2010 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2011 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Acing Federal Income Tax, Samuel A. Donaldson

A Hitchhiker's Guide to International Estate Planning: Estate Planning for United States Citizens with Assets Abroad and for Nonresidents with United States Assets, Samuel A. Donaldson

Federal Income Taxation of Individuals: Cases, Problems & Materials, Samuel A. Donaldson

Federal Tax Update: Important Developments in Federal Income, Estate & Gift Taxation Affecting Individuals - August, 2006 to August, 2007, Samuel A. Donaldson

Income Tax Aspects of Family Limited Partnerships, Samuel A. Donaldson

Liquidation of the Family Partnership: The Taming of the Shrewd, Samuel A. Donaldson

Recent Developments - 2009, Samuel A. Donaldson

Recent Developments - 2010, Samuel A. Donaldson

Recent Developments - 2011, Samuel A. Donaldson

Super-Recognition and the Return-to-Sender Exception: The Federal Income Tax Problems of Liquidating the Family Limited Partnership, Samuel A. Donaldson

The Easy Case Against Tax Simplification, Samuel A. Donaldson

The Estate Planner's Guide to S Corporations, Samuel A. Donaldson

Understanding Grantor Trusts, Samuel A. Donaldson

Federal Income Tax: a Contemporary Approach, Samuel A. Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Federal Income Tax: a Contemporary Approach, Samuel A. Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Federal Income Tax: A Contemporary Approach, Samuel A. Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Teacher's Manual to Federal Income Tax, a Contemporary Approach, Samuel A. Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Teacher's Manual to Federal Income Tax, a Contemporary Approach, Samuel A. Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Federal Income Tax: A Contemporary Approach, 2d ed., Samuel Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Federal Income Tax: A Contemporary Approach, 2d ed., Samuel Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin

Human Rights Enforcement in the Twenty-First Century, Douglas L. Donoho


An Empirical Evaluation of the Connecticut Death Penalty System since 1973: Are There Unlawful Racial, Gender, and Geographic Disparities?, John J. Donohue


An Empirical Evaluation of the Connecticut Death Penalty System Since 1973: Are There Unlawful Racial, Gender, and Geographic Disparities?, John J. Donohue

“Capital Punishment in Connecticut, 1973-2007: A Comprehensive Evaluation from 4600 murders to One Execution”, John J. Donohue

Drones, Guns, Race & Superheroines, John J. Donohue


John J. Donohue was on Morning Bloomberg Law Brief to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling in Abramski v. United States, which upholds the ban on firearm straw purchasers., John J. Donohue

John J. Donohue was on Morning Bloomberg Law Brief to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling in Abramski v. United States, which upholds the ban on firearm straw purchasers., John J. Donohue


The 10-day waiting period is reasonable, John J. Donohue


Gun Policy Debate, John J. Donohue and

The Impact of Right to Carry Laws and the NRC Report: The Latest Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy, John J. Donohue, Abhay Aneja, and Alexandria Zhang

Allocating Resources among Prisons and Social Programs in the Battle Against Crime, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman


On Writing with Adverbs, James M. Donovan


Order Matters: Typology of Dual-Degreed Law Librarians, James M. Donovan

Digital Commons and SSRN: Turning Perceived Conflict into Real Synergy, James M. Donovan and Carol A. Watson

International Encyclopedia of Communication, Wolfgang Donsbach and Jeremy Harris Lipschultz

A Proposed Undergraduate Bioinformatics Curriculum for Computer Scientists, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer, Dan E. Krane, and Oscar Garcia

Rethinking Adversariness in Nonjury Criminal Trials, Sean Doran, John D. Jackson, and Michael L. Seigel


Deja Vu All Over Again? The Internal Affairs Rule and Entity Law Convergence Patterns in Europe and the United States, Matthew G. Dore


Negligence and Accommodation: On Taking Others as They Really Are, Avihay Dorfman


On Trust and Transubstantiation: Mitigating the Excesses of Ownership, Avihay Dorfman


Private Ownership and the Standing to Say So, Avihay Dorfman


Elder guardianship in Israel, Israel Doron Prof. and Yael Waksman

Federal Income Tax Sum & Substance Outstanding Professor Series, West Academic, Sixth Edition, Frank J. Doti

Virtual Trademarks, Candidus Dougherty and Greg Lastowka

The Foundational Importance of Voting: A Response to Professor Flanders, Joshua A. Douglas

The Right to Vote Under State Constitutions, Joshua A. Douglas


Protecting the Seafarer: an Insight on the Maritime Labour Convention, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry

What We Should Learn from the Hill vs. Thomas Fiasco, David R. Dow and Richard A. Westin


On the Public-Law Character of Competition Law: A Lesson of Asian Capitalism, Michael Dowdle

Masculinities and Feminist Legal Theory, Nancy Dowd

Asking the Man Question: Masculinities Analysis and Feminist Theory, Nancy E. Dowd

Boys, Masculinities and Juvenile Justice, Nancy E. Dowd

Bringing the Margin to the Center: Comprehensive Strategies for Work/Family Policies, Nancy E. Dowd

Fatherhood and Equality: Reconfiguring Masculinities, Nancy E. Dowd

Foreword - A Dedication to Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Nancy E. Dowd

Liberty vs. Equality: In Defense of Privileged White Males, Nancy E. Dowd

Maternity Leave: Taking Sex Differences Into Account, Nancy E. Dowd

Multiple Parents/Multiple Fathers, Nancy E. Dowd

Parentage at Birth: Birthfathers and Social Fatherhood, Nancy E. Dowd

Race, Gender, and Work/Family Policy, Nancy E. Dowd

(Re)Constructing The Framework of Work/Family, Nancy E. Dowd

The "F" Factor: Fineman as Method and Substance, Nancy E. Dowd

The Metamorphosis Of Comparable Worth, Nancy E. Dowd