The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Ideological Drift among Supreme Court Justices: Who, When, and How Important, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jeffrey A. Segal
Ideological Drift among Supreme Court Justices: Who, When, and How Important, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jeffrey A. Segal
The Bush Imprint on the Supreme Court: Why Conservatives Should Continue to Yearn and Liberals Should Not Fear, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jeffrey A. Segal
David P. Currie (1936-2007) In Memoriam, Richard A. Epstein, Gerhard Casper, David Gossett, and Herma Hill Kay
37th Annual Health Law Professors Conference: Health Care & Happiness, Wendy Netter Epstein
Chicago Junior Faculty Workshop 2014: Facilitating Incomplete Contracts, Wendy Netter Epstein
Chicago Junior Faculty Workshop 2014: Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, Wendy Netter Epstein
DePaul Faculty Workshop 2014: Facilitating Incomplete Contracts, Wendy Netter Epstein
Facilitating Incomplete Contracts, Wendy Netter Epstein
Indiana University School of Law Faculty Workshop: Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, Wendy Netter Epstein
Ninth International Conference on Contracts: Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, Wendy Netter Epstein
Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, Wendy Netter Epstein
Marriage Rights for Transgender People in Hong Kong: Reading the W Case, John Nguyet Erni
Patent Exhaustion for the Exhausted Defendant: Should Parties be Able to Contract Around Patent Exhaustion in Settling Patent Litigation?, Samuel F. Ernst
Religious Freedom, Church-State Separation, & the Ministerial Exception, Carl H. Esbeck, Thomas C. Berg, Kimberlee Wood Colby, and Richard W. Garnett
Restricciones personales a la actividad minera: El caso de Carmen Omonte, Francisco Escajadillo Ch.
El Registro de Aeronaves en el Derecho Peruano, Francisco J. Escajadillo
Argentine Legislation and Climate Change - Legislación Argentina y Cambio Climático, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco
Cambio Climatico ECEFI.pdf, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco
Legislación y Cambio Climático - ECEFI 2014 - Educación en Ciencias Empíricas en Facultades de Ingeniería -, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco
Observaciones al Reglamento APOT.docx, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco
Measuring Judicial Ideal Points in New Democracies: The Case of the Philippines, Laarni Escresa, Nuno Garoupa, and Lucia Dalla Pellegrina
Modeling Persuasion within Small Groups, with an Application to a Deliberative Field Experiment on U.S. Fiscal Policy, Kevin M. Esterling, Archon Fung, and Taeku Lee
Specialty Certification as an Incentive for Increased Professionalism: Lessons from Other Disciplines and Countries, Adrian Evans and Clark D. Cunningham
Young Children’s Difficulty with Indirect Speech Acts: Implications for Questioning Child Witnesses, Angela D. Evans, Stacia Stolzenberg, Kang Lee, and Thomas D. Lyon
39. Young Children’s Difficulty with Indirect Speech Acts: Implications for Questioning Child Witnesses, Angela D. Evans, Stacia N. Stolzenberg, Kang Lee, and Thomas D. Lyon
The Origins of Affirmative Fiscal Action, Mirit Eyal-Cohen
Streaming While Teaching: The Legality of Using Person Streaming Video Accounts for the Classroom, Jonathan I. Ezor
Filosofía de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual: Un llamado al debate, Jorge Luis Fabra
2014 SERI OUTREACH - Eremo Monte Giove May 30-31, 2014, michele faioli
Decentralized Collective Bargaining in France, Germany, Italy - 17 gennaio 2014, michele faioli
Deprivazione materiale, assistenza sociale e diritti sulle cose, michele faioli
EU Unemployment Benefit Scheme - Un sistema europeo di sostegno al reddito per disoccupazione (Jobs Compact). Idee e avvio della ricerca, michele faioli
Expert Seminar The employment relationship beyond EU and across national borders - challenges and responses Tuesday 11 March 2014, 09.15-16.00, michele faioli
Il patto tra generazioni nel sistema di previdenza degli agenti di commercio, michele faioli
Jobs Act e futuro del mercato del lavoro in Italia, michele faioli
Terza Giornata della Bilateralità, michele faioli
TTIP Call For Papers in E&L 2015, michele faioli
TTIP Conference - Rome, michele faioli
Workshop Libro Verde Bilateralità 26.5.14 Roma, michele faioli
Big Data, Big Problems: Emerging Issues in the Ethics of Data Science and Journalism, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Smart Contracts, Bitcoin Bots, and Consumer Protection, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Digital Innocence, Joshua A.T. Fairfield and Erik Luna
Digital Innocence, Joshua A.T. Fairfield and Erik Luna
The Discrimination between National and Foreign Investors in the Lebanese Corporate Law, khodr fakih
The Discrimination between National and Foreign Investors in the Lebanese Corporate Law, khodr fakih
Constitutional Labour Rights in Canada: Farm Workers and the Fraser Case, Fay Faraday, Judy Fudge, and Eric Tucker
International Law and the Disaster Cycle, Daniel A. Farber
Social, Economic, and Ethical Concepts and Methods, Daniel A. Farber
The First Amendment, Daniel A. Farber
Environmental Law in a Nutshell, Daniel A. Farber and R. Findley
Achieving the Potential: The Future of Federal E-Rulemaking, Report of the Committee on the Status and Future of Federal e-Rulemaking, Cynthia Farina
Achieving the Potential: The Future of Federal e-Rulemaking: A Report to Congress and the President, and Cynthia R. Farina
Blackletter Statement of Federal Administrative Law: Standing, Cynthia R. Farina
Conceiving Due Process, Cynthia R. Farina
Deconstructing Nondelegation, Cynthia R. Farina
Escape from Cruel and Unusual Punishment: A Theory of Constitutional Necessity, Cynthia R. Farina
Faith, Hope, and Rationality or Public Choice and the Perils of Occam's Razor, Cynthia R. Farina
False Comfort and Impossible Promises: Uncertainty, Information Overload, and the Unitary Executive, Cynthia R. Farina
Getting from Here to There, Cynthia R. Farina
How Separation of Powers Protects Individual Liberties, Cynthia R. Farina
Judicial Review of Petitions, Cynthia R. Farina
Keeping Faith: Government Ethics & Government Ethics Regulation, Cynthia R. Farina
On Misusing “Revolution” and “Reform”: Procedural Due Process and the New Welfare Act, Cynthia R. Farina
Statutory Interpretation and the Balance of Power in the Administrative State, Cynthia R. Farina
The "Chief Executive" and the Quiet Constitutional Revolution, Cynthia R. Farina
The Consent of the Governed: Against Simple Rules for a Complex World, Cynthia R. Farina
Undoing the New Deal through the New Presidentialism, Cynthia R. Farina
Better Inputs for Better Outcomes: Using the Interface to Improve e-Rulemaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Claire Cardie, Thomas R. Bruce, and Erica Wagner
Knowledge in the People: Rethinking "Value" in Public Rulemaking Participation, Cynthia R. Farina, Dmitry Epstein, Josiah Heidt, and Mary J. Newhart
Regulation Room: Getting "More, Better" Civic Participation in Complex Government Policymaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Dmitry Epstein, Josiah Heidt, and Mary J. Newhart
RegulationRoom: Field-Testing An Online Public Participation Platform During USA Agency Rulemakings, Cynthia R. Farina, Josiah Heidt, Mary J. Newhart, Joan-Josep Vallbé, and
Rulemaking in 140 Characters or Less: Social Networking and Public Participation in Rulemaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Paul Miller, Mary J. Newhart, Claire Cardie, Dan Cosley, and Rebecca Vernon
Rulemaking 2.0: Understanding and Getting Better Public Participation, Cynthia R. Farina and Mary J. Newhart
Rulemaking 2.0, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Claire Cardie, Dan Cosley, and
Rulemaking vs. Democracy: Judging and Nudging Public Participation That Counts, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, and Josiah Heidt
Rulemaking vs. Democracy: Judging and Nudging Public Participation that Counts, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Josiah Heidt, and
Balancing Inclusion and “Enlightened Understanding” in Designing Online Civic Participation Systems: Experiences from Regulation Room, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Josiah Heidt, and Jackeline Solivan
Foreword: Post-Public Choice, Cynthia R. Farina and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Foreword: Post-Public Choice, Cynthia R. Farina and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Getting Beyond Cynicism: New Theories of the Regulatory State. Foreword: Post-Public Choice?, Cynthia R. Farina and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Getting Beyond Cynicism: New Theories of the Regulatory State. Foreword: Post-Public Choice?, Cynthia R. Farina and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Registering Offense: The Prohibition of Slurs as Trademarks, Christine Haight Farley
Territorial Exclusivity in U.S. Copyright and Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley
Trips-Plus Trade and Investment Agreements: Why More May Be Less for Economic Development, Christine Haight Farley
China's Role in Well-Known Marks Protection: It's Now or Never...or Dilution, Ava Farshidi
Texas Supreme Court Rejects “Any Exposure” Causation in Asbestos Litigation, Richard O. Faulk
There's Nothing "New" Abut "Lone Pine" Orders for Active Case Management, Richard O. Faulk
¿Crecimiento o Prosperidad?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Review: Albert W. Dzur, Punishment, Participatory Democracy, and the Jury, Malcolm M. Feeley
The New Penology: Notes on the Emerging Strategy of Corrections and Its Implications, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
Avoiding Marriage Tunnel Vision, Jessica R. Feinberg
Coming of Age for the Federal Circuit, Robin C. Feldman
Ending Patent Exceptionalism & Structuring the Rule of Reason: The Supreme Court Opens the Door for Both, Robin C. Feldman
Patent Demands & Startup Companies: The View from the Venture Capital Community, Robin C. Feldman
Transparency, Robin C. Feldman
Patent Trolling--Why Bio & Pharmaceuticals Are at Risk, Robin C. Feldman and W. Nicholson Price II
Constitutional Interpretation and History: New Originalism or Eclecticism?, Stephen M. Feldman