The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship in Search of a Paradigm, Charles W. Collier
Terrorism as an Intellectual Problem, Charles W. Collier
The New Logic of Affirmative Action, Charles W. Collier
The Use and Abuse of Humanistic Theory in Law: Reexamining the Assumptions of Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship, Charles W. Collier
Environmental justice: a legal research guide, Lauren M. Collins
Law for Visual Artists, Maureen B. Collins
Training the Dragon: Using Voice-Recognition Software in the Legal Writing Classroom, Maureen B. Collins
Aesthetic Functionality and Genericism, Charles E. Colman
Post-Kirtsaeng, 'Material Differences' Between Copyright and Trademark Law's Treatment of Gray Goods Persist, Charles E. Colman
The TTAB's Dangerous Dismissal of 'Doubt', Charles E. Colman
Trademark Law and the Prickly Ambivalence of Post-Parodies, Charles E. Colman
Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia: Cases and Commentary, Eric Colvin, John McKechnie, and Jodie O'Leary
Individual Differences in Personality Predict Externalizing Versus Internalizing Outcomes Following Sexual Assault, Jessica L. Combs, Carol E. Jordan, and Gregory T. Smith
N.I.G.G.A., SLUMDOG, DYKE, JAP, and HEEB: Reconsidering Disparaging Trademarks in a Post-racial Era, Amanda E. Compton
Chipping away at workers' participation rights, Aline Conchon, Stefan Clauwaert, Jan Drahokoupil, Aline Hofmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Sigurt Vitols
Chipping away at workers' participation rights, Aline Conchon, Stefan Clauwaert, Jan Drahokoupil, Aline Hofmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Sigurt Vitols
Chipping away at workers' participation rights, Aline Conchon, Stefan Clauwaert, Jan Drahokoupil, Aline Hofmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Sigurt Vitols
Is the Supreme Court Disabling the Enabling Act, or is Shady Grove Just Another Bad Opera?, Robert J. Condlin
'No passport necessary' : music, record covers and vicarious tourism in post-war Hawai'i, John Connell and Christopher R. Gibson
Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Access to Health Services for Adolescents Under 18 Engaged in Selling Sex in Asia Pacific, Brendan M. Conner Esq. and
A New First Amendment Goal line Defense – Stopping the Right of Publicity Offense, Mark A. Conrad
Get Your Students Talking: Emphasizing Speaking Skills in LWR Courses for Foreign Lawyers, Lurene Contento
Reading Cases Globally: Strategies for Case Reading and Interpretation, Lurene Contento
Speaker, Lurene Contento
Writing Across Cultures & Languages: Teaching ESL/EFL Students, Lurene Contento
It’s Not Justice If It’s Not Equal – Preserving Access to Civil Legal Aid, Celestina Contreras
Moderated panel discussion on domestic violence awareness, Celestina Contreras
Presentations for Law Clinic Grants from Texas Access to Justice Foundation, Celestina Contreras
Secretos de Estado. Transparencia y Seguridad Nacional, Pablo Contreras
Regional Differences and Race Effects in Mental Health Symptoms Among Juvenile Offenders, Nathan E. Cook, Gina M. Vincent, and Thomas Grisso
Walking the Legal Tightrope: Solutions for Achieving a Balanced Life in Law, Leslie L. Cooney
Educational Opportunity: A Workable Consitutional Test for State Financial Structures, John E. Coons III, William H. Clune, and Stephen D. Sugarman
First Appraisal of Serrano, A, John E. Coons, Wm H. Clune, and Stephen D. Sugarman
Balancing the Scales: Adhuc Sub Judice li est or "Trial by Media", Casey J. Cooper
Balancing the Scales: Adhuc Sub Judice li Est or Trial by Media, Casey J. Cooper
We Must Honor the Rule of Law for Desperate Children at the U.S. Border, Michael D. Cooper, Esq.; Lenni Benson; and Farrin R. Anello
Australia PM says new terror laws will not invade privacy, Madeleine Coorey and Katina Michael
The Falcon's Gyre: Law and Growth Economics, Robert D. Cooter
A Disruption Mechanism for Bribes, Robert D. Cooter and Nuno Garoupa
Lapses of Attention in Medical Malpractice and Road Accidents, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
Psychopathic traits modulate brain responses to drug cues in incarcerated offenders, Lora M. Cope, Gina M. Vincent, Justin L. Jobelius, Prashanth K. Nyalakanti, Vince D. Calhoun, and Kent A. Kiehl
An Historical View of Harvard Law School and U.S. Legal Education, Daniel R. Coquillette
Panelist, The Legacy of James M. Landis, Daniel R. Coquillette
Science is Power: Politics and Knowledge in the Thought of Francis Bacon, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Crisis in American Legal Education Today, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Major Political and Legal Papers of Josiah Quincy Junior, Volume 6: Correspondence and Published Political Writings, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Political and Professional Context of Rule Making, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Saga of the Harvard Law School, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Significance of the History of Legal Education in Today's Legal World, Daniel R. Coquillette
Portrait of a Patriot: The Major Political and Legal Papers of Josiah Quincy Junior, Volume 6, Correspondence and Published Political Writings, Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
A Proposal for Procedural Limitations on Hiring Permanent Striker Replacements: "A Far, Far Better Thing" Than the Workplace Fairness Act, William Corbett
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Keeping the Gate in Employment Discrimination Cases, William Corbett
Of Babies, Bathwater, and Throwing Out Proof Structures: It is Not Time to Jettison McDonnell Douglas, William Corbett
Of Power and Lies: At the Intersection of Employment Discrimination and Employment at Will, William Corbett
Taking the Employer's Gun and Bargaining About Returning It: A Reply to "A Law, Economic, and Negotiations Approach" to Striker Replacement Law, William Corbett
The National Labor Relations Act: A Valuable Source of Protection for Nonunion Workers, William Corbett
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law: Cases and Materials, William Corbett, Roger Blanpain, Susan Bisom-Rapp, Hilary K. Josephs, and Michael J. Zimmer
Working Group on Chapter 2 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: Employment Contracts: Termination, William Corbett, Matthew W. Finkin, Lea Vander Velde, and Stephen F. Befort
Tort Law: The American and Louisiana Perspectives, William Corbett, Frank L. Maraist, and John M. Church
Tort Law: The American and Louisiana Perspectives, William Corbett, Frank L. Maraist, and John M. Church
Hotness Discrimination: Appearance Discrimination as a Mirror for Reflecting on the Body of Employment-Discrimination Law, William R. Corbett
Labor-Management Relations: Strikes, Lockouts and Boycotts, William Corbett, Douglas E. Ray, and Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Seek Justice, Not Just Deportation: How to Improve Prosecutorial Discretion in Immigration Law, Erin B. Corcoran
Seek Justice, Not Just Deportation: How to Improve Prosecutorial Discretion in Immigration Law, Erin B. Corcoran
Admiralty Law Bibliography, Christine Corcos
A Man for All Reasons: The Uses of Alexis de Tocqueville's Writings in U.S. Judicial Opinions, Christine Corcos
An International Guide to Law and Literature Studies, Christine Corcos
A Tocqueville Bibliography, Christine Corcos
Columbo Goes to Law School: Or, Some Thoughts on the Uses of Television in the Teaching of Law, Christine Corcos
Damages: The Truth is Out There, Christine Corcos
EEC Law: A Practical Guide, Christine Corcos
Essays in Honour of Judge Taslim Olawale Elias (book review), Christine Corcos
Essentials of Environmental Law (Book Review), Christine Corcos
Federal Admirality Judges and Courts: A Bibliography, Christine Corcos
Flux (Book Review), Christine Corcos
From Agnatic Succession to Absolute Primogeniture: The Shift to Equal Rights of Succession to Thrones and Titles in the Modern European Constitutional Monarchy, Christine Corcos
George Carlin, Constitutional Law Scholar, Christine Corcos
"Ghostwriters": Spiritualists, Copyright Infringement, and the Right of Publicity, Christine Corcos
"I Am Not a Number! I Am a Free Man!" Physical and Psychological Imprisonment in Science Fiction, Christine Corcos
Index to Periodical Articles Related to Law: Thirty Year Cumulation Volumes 1-30 (1958-1988) (book review), Christine Corcos
Law and Magic: A Collection of Essays, Christine Corcos
Law and Silence in the Legal Drama: Rumpole of the Bailey, Christine Corcos
Law on Display (book review), Christine Corcos
Lawyers for Marianne: The Nature of Discourse on the Entry of French Women into the Legal Profession, 1894-1926, Christine Corcos
Legal Fictions: Irony, Storytelling, Truth, and Justice in the Modern Courtroom Drama, Christine Corcos
Legal Research, Christine Corcos
Le "right of privacy" aux Etats-unis: Histoire et problemes, Christine Corcos
Magical Images in Law, Christine Corcos
Portia and Her Partners in Popular Culture: A Bibliography, Christine Corcos
Portia Goes to Parliament: Women and Their Admission to Membership in the English Legal Profession, Christine Corcos
Power of Attorney, Christine Corcos
Presuming Innocence: Alan Pakula and Scott Turow Take on the Great American Legal Fiction, Christine Corcos
"Prosecutors and Psychics On the Air: Does a "Psychic Detective Effect" Exist?", Christine Corcos
Prosecutors, Prejudices and Justice: Observations on Presuming Innocence in Popular Culture and Law, Christine Corcos
Sea TV: Admiralty Law on Television, Christine Corcos
Some Thoughts on Chuck Lorre: "Bad Words" and "The Raging Paranoia of our Network Censors", Christine Corcos