The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
La Caja de Pandora: Improving Access to Hospice Care among Hispanic and African-American Patients, Kathy L. Cerminara and Alina M. Perez
Schiavo Revisited? The Struggle for Autonomy at the End of Life in Italy, Kathy L. Cerminara, Federico Gustavo Pizzetti, and Watcharin H. Photangtham
Cleaning House: Congressional Commissioners for Standards, Josh Chafetz
Congress's Constitution, Josh Chafetz
Curing Congress’s Ills: Criminal Law as the Wrong Paradigm for Congressional Ethics, Josh Chafetz
Executive Branch Contempt of Congress, Josh Chafetz
Impeachment and Assassination, Josh Chafetz
It's the Aggregation, Stupid! [Book Review], Josh Chafetz
Leaving the House: The Constitutional Status of Resignation from the House of Representatives, Josh Chafetz
Multiplicity in Federalism and the Separation of Powers, Josh Chafetz
Social Reproduction and Religious Reproduction: A Democratic-Communitarian Analysis of the Yoder Problem, Josh Chafetz
The Phenomenology of Gridlock, Josh Chafetz
The Political Animal and the Ethics of Constitutional Commitment, Josh Chafetz
The Unconstitutionality of the Filibuster, Josh Chafetz
Whose Secrets?, Josh Chafetz
Is the Filibuster Constitutional?, Josh Chafetz and Michael J. Gerhardt
The Evolving and Multilayered European Union-India Investment Relations - Regulatory Issues and Policy Conjectures, Julien Chaisse
The regulation of investment in the TPP - Towards a defining international agreement for the Asia-Pacific region, Julien Chaisse
A PROPÓSITO DE LOS 30 AÑOS DEL CÓDIGO CIVIL: Aporte de Osterling Parodi al Derecho Civil Peruano., Abelardo De La Cruz Chalán
A PROPÓSITO DE LOS 30 AÑOS DEL CÓDIGO CIVIL: Aporte de Osterling Parodi al Derecho Civil Peruano., Abelardo De La Cruz Chalán Derecho
CIVIL XXI, Abelardo De La Cruz Chalán Derecho
DOMICILIO (ART.33- 41.C.C), Abelardo De La Cruz Chalán Derecho
The Real Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: An Empirical Critique of Richard Sander's Study, David L. Chambers, Timothy T. Clydesdale, William C. Kidder, and Richard O. Lempert
Remanding Multidistrict Litigation, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Revisiting the Government as Plaintiff, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Beyond Legal Writing: The Benefits of Engaging in Other Academic Organizations and Associations, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Black, White, or Other: Colorism in the Asian American Community, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Colonialism: Hawai'i, the Philippines, and Colonial Others; Educational Access and Affirmative Action, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Larceny, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Robbery, Kim D. Chanbonpin
The Flipside: Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark, and the Construction of Pilipin@ American Racial Identity in Legal Tests, Kim D. Chanbonpin
The Flipside: Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark, and the Construction of Pilipin@ American Racial Identity in Legal Tests, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Theorizing Identity in Post-Identity Classrooms, Kim D. Chanbonpin
Class 4 form of aggravated unlawful use of weapons is ruled unconstitutional on its face. Possession of handguns by minors falls outside of the scope of second amendment protection, Kim D. Chanbonpin and Blair J. Pooler
Management Regimes and its impact on the wetland fisheries management in Assam, Ganesh Chandra
Sentencing's Wild Ride Continues, Steven L. Chanenson
At Issue: Should Mandatory Sentences be Abolished?, Steven L. Chanenson and Douglas A. Berman
Post-Adjudicatory Juvenile Defense Attorneys: More Thoughts on Reimaging Juvenile Justice, Megan F. Chaney
Eyes on the Road Program in Taiwan―Information Privacy Issues under the Taiwan Personal Data Protection Act, Chen-Hung Chang
California Putative Spouses: The Innocent, the Guilty, and the Law, Helen Y. Chang
Regulating the Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice, Tracey E. Chan
The Infringement Continuum, Bernard H. Chao
Canadian Experience with Predictive Testing for Huntington Disease: Lessons for Genetic Testing Centers and Policy Makers, Marguerite Chapman
Ensuring Consumer Safety. Predictive Testing for Huntington Disease: Response to Dr. Seymour Kessler, "Reinventing the Wheel", Marguerite Chapman
Predictive Testing for Adult-Onset Genetic Disease: Ethical and Legal Implications of the Use of Linkage Analysis for Huntington Disease, Marguerite Chapman
The Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act: Too Little, Too Late?, Marguerite Chapman
Where East Meets West in Water Law: The Formulation of an Interstate Compact to Address the Diverse Problems of the Red River Basin, Marguerite Chapman
Defining Muslim Civil Rights in a Post-9/11 World, Guy-Uriel Charles, Natsu Saito, Gwen Alexis, and Peter Danchin
In Memoriam: John M. Brumbaugh, Howard S. Chasanow, Frederic N. Smalkin, Susan Leviton, Tanya Washington, Edward S. Abrams, and Alan D. Hornstein
A Canada Evidence Code Should Replace the Canada Evidence Act, Ken Chasse Mr.
Solving the High Cost of the "Review" Stage of Electronic Discovery, Ken Chasse Mr.
Revisiting Hallaq’s Sharīʿa: Between Legal Orientalism and a Rule of Islamic Law, Faisal Chaudhry
Lift the Blackout, Erwin Chemerinsky and Eric J. Segall
Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises: An empirical survey of the model of Temasek Holdings in Singapore, Chao-Hung Chen
Regulation of Over-The-Counter Derivatives: A Comparative Study of Proposals in Singapore and Hong Kong, Chao-hung Christopher CHEN
Measuring the Transplantation of English Commercial Law in a Small Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study of Singapore’s Insurance Judgments between 1965 and 2012, Christopher CHEN
Following English Footsteps? An Empirical Study of Singapore's Reported Insurance Judgments and Disputes between 1965 and 2012, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN
Enforcement of the Duties of Directors by the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center in Taiwan, Christopher Chao-hung Chen
The Construction of Morals, Daniel L. Chen and Susan Yeh
Deconstructing the Religious Free Market, Jianlin Chen
Money and Power in Religious Competition: A Critique of the Religious Free Market, Jianlin Chen
More Market-Oriented Than U.S. And More Socialist Than China: A Comparative Public Property Story of Singapore, Jianlin Chen and Jiongzhe Cui
Admitting Previously Undiscovered Evidence in Subsequent Proceedings as Permissible Hearsay Evidence, Siyuan CHEN
Expert Evidence: Rethinking our Conventional Paradigms?, Siyuan CHEN
Jurisdiction, Power, Inherent Jurisdiction, and Inherent Power, Siyuan CHEN
Singapore's New Discretionary Death Penalty for Drug Couriers: Public Prosecutor v Chum Tat Suan, Siyuan CHEN
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen’s Indian Evidence Act of 1872: On the Verge of Abolition in Singapore?, Siyuan CHEN
The Future of the Similar Fact Rule in an Indian Evidence Act Jurisdiction: Singapore, Siyuan CHEN
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Civil Procedure (Singapore), Siyuan CHEN and Eunice Chua
Singapore Civil Procedure, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice Chua
The Right to Appeal Against a Decision Made on an Interlocutory Application: The Immediate Aftermath of the 2010 Amendments, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA
A Rare Interpretation of s 33 of the Evidence Act, Siyuan CHEN and Zhaoxiang Daniel Liu
Recent Developments in Discovery in Singapore: Teo Wai Cheong v Credit Industriel et Commercial [2013] SGCA 33, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas POON
Further Clarification from the High Court on the Limits to the Constitutional Right to Counsel: James Raj s/o Arokiasamy v PP [2014] SGHC 10, Siyuan CHEN and Kenneth TAN
Privacy issues and solutions in social network sites, Xi Chen and Katina Michael
Real Name Registration of Chinese Internet Users: Imbalance between Personal Data Protection and Surveillance, Yongxi Chen
ANALYSIS: Human Microchipping Poses Dangers to Health, Privacy, Lyudmila Chernova, Katherine Albrecht, and Katina Michael
Maternal-Fetal Conflicts, The Social Construction of Maternal Deviance, and Some Thoughts About Love and Justice, April L. Cherry
Nurturing in the Service of White Culture: Racial Subordination, Gestational Surrogacy, and the Ideology of Motherhood, April L. Cherry
Roe's Legacy: The Nonconsensual Medical Treatment of Pregnant Women and Implications for Female Citizenship, April L. Cherry
Roe's Legacy: The Nonconsensual Medical Treatment of Pregnant Women and Implications for Female Citizenship, April L. Cherry
State Legislation Imposing Civil and Criminal Sanctions on Expectant Mothers in an Effort to Protect the Fetus, April L. Cherry
The Detention, Confinement, and Incarceration of Pregnant Women for the Benefit of Fetal Health, April L. Cherry
The Free Exercise Rights of Pregnant Women Who Refuse Medical Treatment, April L. Cherry
The Rise of the Reproductive Brothel in the Global Economy: Some Thoughts on Reproductive Tourism, Autonomy, and Justice, April L. Cherry
Welfare Reform and the Use of State Power in the Prostitution of Poor Women , April L. Cherry
Welfare Reform and the Use of State Power in the Prostitution of Poor Women, April L. Cherry
Designing Classrooms to Maximize Student Achievement, Sapna Cheryan, Sianna A. Ziegler, Victoria C. Plaut, and Andrew N. Meltzoff
Sentencing as a Human Process by John Hogarth: An International Review Symposium, Simon Chester, Glendon Schubert, Alfred P. Murrah, Graham Parker, John M. Finnis, Leslie T. Wilkins, Judge R. G. Groom, and John Hogarth
Road to Nowhere: Hong Kong's Democratisation and China's Obligations Under Public International Law, Alvin Y.H. Cheung
A Classicist Goes to Work in Silicon Valley, Kristina Chew