The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Cleveland and the Three Major Leagues: How the Recently Agreed NFL, NBA and MLB Collective Bargaining Agreements Will Help (or Hurt) Our Hometown Teams Win a Championship, Peter Carfagna, Neil Cornrich, Andy Simms, James Juliano Jr., David Stearns, Brad Seymour, Jason Hillman, Michael Blackstone, and Mark Termini
Precisazioni sul ricorso avverso il decreto esecutivo dello stato passivo, Giuseppe Caristena
Responsabilità dell'amministratore di s.r.l. privo di delega, Giuseppe Caristena
Hiding the Ball: The Sidestepping of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permitting Requirements by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Adam S. Carlesco
Conceptions of Agency in Social Movement Scholarship: Mack on African American Civil Rights Lawyers [comments], Susan Carle
Conceptions of Agency in Social Movement Scholarship: Mack on African American Civil Rights Lawyers [comments], Susan Carle
Conceptions of Agency in Social Movement Scholarship: Mack on African American Civil Rights Lawyers [comments], Susan Carle
Conceptions of Agency in Social Movement Scholarship: Mack on African American Civil Rights Lawyers [comments], Susan D. Carle
What it Means to Be a Lawyer in These Uncertain Times: Some Thoughts on Ethical Participation in the Legal Education Industry, Susan D. Carle
The Truth About the New Value Exception to Bankruptcy's Absolute Priority Rule, David Gray Carlson and Jack F. Williams
Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and the Coming Uncertainty in Oceanic Boundaries: A Proposal to Avoid Conflict, David D. Caron
Finding Out What the Oceans Claim: The 1991 Gulf War, the Marine Environment, and the United Nations Compensation Commission, David D. Caron
Rethinking Private International Law, David D. Caron
Teaching of law must reflect realities of a transnational world, David D. Caron
Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (IDRL Guidelines), David D. Caron, Michael J. Kelly, and Anastasia Telesetsky
The international law of disaster relief, David D. Caron, Michael J. Kelly, and Anastasia Telesetsky
UN Draft Articles on Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, David D. Caron, Michael J. Kelly, and Anastasia Telesetsky
The Great Straits Debate: The Conflict, Debate and Compromise that Shaped the Straits Articles of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, David D. Caron and Nilufer Oral
Chapter One Assessing the Impact of the Nuclear Age on the Oceans and Its Legal Regime, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
Religious Freedom is a Human Right -- For Family Businesses Too, Paolo G. Carozza
The Place of Freedom of Religion in Human Rights, Paolo G. Carozza
"They are our brothers, and Christ gave His life for them": The Catholic Tradition and the Idea of Human Rights in Latin America, Paolo G. Carozza
The Catholic Church, Human Rights, and Democracy: Convergence and Conflict with the Modern State, Paolo G. Carozza and Daniel Philpott
Rupert Murdoch and Climate Change Denial, Kylee Carpenter and Matthew Rimmer
Oral Health Access and Service Utilization of Foster Care Alumni, Ann Carrellas and Angelique G. Day
Amiri Baraka (1934-2014): Mean to Be Free, Greg Carr
Black History Month, Day 1: Lessons for Institutionalizing Carter G. Woodson’s Vision, Greg Carr
Chokwe Lumumba (1947-2014): Long Distance Runner, Greg Carr
Howard University Professor Isn’t Super Impressed with Pharrell Williams’ ‘New Black’ Comments, Greg Carr
James Dimon Comes to Howard, Greg Carr
Literacy, Liberation and Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Greg Carr
Against Cyberproperty, Michael A. Carrier and Greg Lastowka
Discrimination in Baby Making: The Unconstitutional Treatment of Prospective Parents Through Surrogacy, Andrea B. Carroll
Cracks in the Cost Structure of Agency Adoption, Andrea B. Carroll
Discrimination in Baby Making: The Unconstitutional Treatment of Prospective Parents Through Surrogacy, Andrea B. Carroll
Examining a Comparative Law Myth: Two Hundred Years of Riparian Misconception, Andrea B. Carroll
Incentivizing Divorce, Andrea B. Carroll
Louisiana Civil Jury Instruction Companion Handbook, Andrea B. Carroll
Rehabilitating Adoption, Andrea B. Carroll
Re-Regulating the Baby Market: A Call for a Ban on Payment of Birth Mother Living Expenses, Andrea B. Carroll
Reviving Proxy Marriage, Andrea B. Carroll
The International Trend Toward Requiring Good Cause for Tenant Eviction: Dangerous Portents for the United States?, Andrea B. Carroll
The Superior Position of the Creditor in the Community Property Regime: Has the Community Become a Mere Creditor Collection Device, Andrea B. Carroll
The Superior Position of the Creditor in the Community Property Regime: Has the Community Become a Mere Creditor Collection Device?, Andrea B. Carroll
Louisiana Matrimonial Regimes: Cases and Materials, Andrea B. Carroll and Elizabeth Carter
Louisiana Civil Law Treatise Series: Matrimonial Regimes, Andrea B. Carroll and Richard D. Moreno
Louisiana Matrimonial Regimes: Cases and Materials, Andrea B. Carroll and Katherin Shaw Spaht
Ghosts of the Past and Hopes for the Future: Article 466 and Societal Expectations, Elizabeth Carter
New Life for the Death Tax Debate, Elizabeth Carter
Tipping the Scales in Favor of Charitable Bequests: A Critique, Elizabeth Carter
Copyright's Hand Abstractions Test for Patent's Section-101 Subject-Matter Eligibility, Mark R. Carter J.D., Ph.D.
A Layperson's Guide to Fair Housing Law (2014), F. Willis Caruso, Michael P. Seng, Allison Bethel, and
A Layperson's Guide to Fair Housing Law (2014), F. Willis Caruso, Michael P. Seng, Allison Bethel, and
A Tributação Estratégica. Introdução à Teoria dos Jogos no Direito Tributário., Cristiano Carvalho
Kaleidoscopic Chaos: Understanding the Circuit Courts’ Various Interpretations of § 2255’s Savings Clause, Jennifer L. Case
The New Corporate Web, Anthony J. Casey
Can Ex-Somali Official Living in U.S. Be Sued for Torture? – ABC News – March 3, 2010, Douglass Cassel
Civil Rights and Human Rights: A Call for Closer Collaboration, Douglass Cassel
Doug Cassel was quoted in the Bankok Post article Thaksin’s dream of exile government faces hurdles on June 1, Douglass Cassel
Guatemala full of questions after genocide conviction annulled - (Quotes: Douglass Cassel) LA Times, May 21, 2013, Douglass Cassel
Honduras: Coup d’Etat in Constitutional Clothing?, Douglass Cassel
Op-ed: What Went Wrong? in The Mark News on March 6, 2014, Douglass Cassel
Pretrial and Preventative Detention of Suspected Terrorists: Options and Constraints under International Law, Douglass Cassel
The United States Supreme Court Rulings on Detention of "Enemy Combatants" - Partial Vindication of the Rule of Law, Douglass Cassel
Universal Criminal Jurisdiction, Douglass Cassel
Washington's "War Against Terrorism" and Human Rights: The View from Abroad, Douglass Cassel
Was the deal to free Bowe Bergdahl justified? - June 2, Douglass Cassel
Criminal Forfeiture in 2014: An Annual Survey of Developments in the Law, Stefan D. Cassella
Arizona SCR 1015, Daniel Cassidy
North America Time for a New Focus, Daniel Cassidy
Grand Jury Gag Orders: Are there any Ties that Bind?, R. Michael Cassidy
Keynote Address, Criminal Justice Policy in America, R. Michael Cassidy
(Ad)ministering Justice: A Prosecutor's Ethical Duty to Support Sentencing Reform, R. Michael Cassidy
Can Law Schools Prepare Students to be Practice Ready?, R. Michael Cassidy
Ignorance of the Law: A Maxim Reexamined, Ronald A. Cass
Looking With One Eye Closed: The Twilight of Administrative Law, Ronald A. Cass
Privatization: Politics, Law and Theory, Ronald A. Cass
Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement between the United States and the Republic of China, Ronald A. Cass
Recent Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases Involving the Republic of China: A Harbinger of Things to Come, Ronald A. Cass
Panel I: The Future of Sports Television, Ronald A. Cass, Mark Abbott, Irwin Kishner, and Brad Ruskin
The Presidential Signing Statements Controversy, Ronald A. Cass and Peter L. Strauss
Protecting Software and Information on the Internet, Ronald Cass, Steve Bauer, Pamela Samuelson, and Maureen O'Rourke
Los sindicatos, la convención colectiva y el derecho a la pensión en el marco constitucional actual, Fernando Castillo Cadena
La pensión familiar en Colombia: ¿Una Solución al déficit pensional colombiano?, Fernando Castillo Cadena and Ana María Muñoz Segura
Inconstitucionalidad del Cobro del Impuesto Sobre la Renta de Jubilaciones, Pensiones y Haberes de Retiro. Violación a Derechos Humanos: El Caso Mexicano, Guillermo Castorena
Topics for Our Times: Justice Blackmun and Legal Abortion--A Besieged Legacy to Women's Reproductive Health, Willard Cates Jr., David A. Grimes, and L. Lynn Hogue
Idealized Images of Science in Law: The Expert Witness in Trial Movies, David S. Caudill
Law’s Virtues: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society, David S. Caudill
Is This a Profession? Establishing Educational Criteria for Law Librarians, Elizabeth Caulfield
Contextualizing ADR in Managed Care: A Proposal Aimed at Easing Tensions and Resolving Conflict, Kathy L. Cerminara
Critical Essay: Musings on the Need to Convince Some People with Disabilities That End-of-Life Decision-Making Advocates Are Not out to Get Them, Kathy L. Cerminara
Hospice and Health Care Reform: Improving Care at the End of Life, Kathy L. Cerminara
Pandora's Dismay: Eliminating Coverage-Related Barriers to Hospice Care, Kathy L. Cerminara
Taking a Closer Look at the Managed Care Class Actions: Impact Litigation as an Assist to the Market, Kathy L. Cerminara