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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014


Food Law & Policy: The Fertile Field's Origins and First Decade, Emily M. Broad Leib


Run to Win: The Mongoose System, Coaching Middle School & Youth Basketball, Beau James Brock, Karen Recurt Kyler, and L. Thomas Szekely

Federal Search & Seizure What to do When the Government Raids the Plant or any Business, Beau James Brock, Dorothy M. Taylor, and Pauline Hardin

Poverty Law, Policy and Practice, Juliet Brodie, Clare Pastore, Ezra Rosser, and Jeffrey Selbin

Predatory Pricing: Competing Economic Theories and the Evolution of Legal Standards, Joseph F. Brodley and George A. Hay

Federation as a Reputational Mechanism: The U.S. Law of Same-Name Nonprofit Organizations 1, Evelyn Brody

Chapter 5: An Unrelated Income Tax for Australia?, Evelyn Brody, Oonagh B. Breen, Myles McGregor-Lowndes, and Matthew Turnour

Infusing Cultural Narratives Into a Time of Change in Legal Education, Susan L. Brody and Julie Spanbauer

Infusing Cultural Narratives Into a Time of Change in Legal Education, Susan L. Brody and Julie Spanbauer


Encouraging Cooperation: Harmonizing the Battle of Association and Mortgagee Lien Priority in America’s Common Interest Communities, Christian J. Bromley

Rathkopf's the Law of Zoning & Planning, Sara Bronin and Dwight Merriam


Historic Preservation Law in a Nutshell, Sara Bronin and Ryan Rowberry

Human rights, regulation, and national security (introduction), Simon Bronitt and Katina Michael

Happiness and the Law, John Bronsteen

Welfare as Happiness, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan S. Masur

Comparative Economics: Responses to the Assurance Game in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans Using Equivalent Procedures, Sarah F. Brosnan, Audrey Parrish, Michael J. Beran, Timothy Flemming, Lisa Heimbauer, Catherine Talbot, Susan P. Lambeth, Steven J. Schapiro, and Bart J. Wilson

Old World Monkeys are More Similar to Humans Than New World Monkeys When Playing a Coordination Game, Sarah F. Brosnan, Bart J. Wilson, and Michael J. Beran


Behavioral International Law, Tomer Broude


My World 2015 and mobiles, Linda Margaret Broughton





AALL Special Interest Section Recommended Reading Lists: Social Responsibilities SIS, Camille Broussard and Meg Butler


Picture [Im]Perfect: Photoshop Redefining Beauty in Cosmetic Advertisements, Giving False Advertising a Run for the Money, Ashley R. Brown

Criminal Process and the Market, Darryl K. Brown


Penal Modernism in Theory and Practice, Darryl K. Brown


Public Welfare Offenses, Darryl K. Brown


The Perverse Effects of Efficiency in Criminal Process, Darryl K. Brown

The Perverse Effects of Efficiency in Criminal Process, Darryl K. Brown

The Blacks Who "Got Their Forty Acres": A Theory of Black West Indian Migrant Asset Acquisition, Eleanor M. Brown


A Preliminary Look at State Structures for Regulating Financial Services, Elizabeth F. Brown

The Significance of the Distinction Between Children and Adults for Consumer Protection, M. Neil Browne and Lauren Biksacky

Unconscionability and the Contingent Assumptions of Contract Theory, M. Neil Browne and Lauren Biksacky

Advertising to Children and the Commercial Speech Doctrine: Political and Constitutional Limitations, M. Neil Browne, Lauren Frances Biksacky, and Alex Frondorf

Contingent Ethics of Market Transactions, M. Neil Browne and Facundo Bouzat

American Medical Tourism: Regulating a Cure That Can Damage Consumer Health, M. Neil Browne, Chelsea K. Brown, and Facundo Bouzat

Impact of Market Ideology on Transnational Contract Law, M. Neil Browne and Jennifer Coon

Many Paths to Justice: The Glass Ceiling, the Looking Glass, and Strategies for Getting to the Other Side, M. Neil Browne and Andrea Giampetro-Meyer

Overriding Importance of Market Characteristics for the Selection of Pay Equity Strategies: The Relative Efficacy of Collective Bargaining and Litigation in the Nursing Industry, M. Neil Browne and Andrea M. Giampetro-Meyer

Legal Tolerance toward the Business Lie and the Puffery Defense: the Questionable Assumptions of Contract Law, M. Neil Browne, Kathleen M.S. Hale, and Maureen Cosgrove

Putting Expert Testimony in Its Epistemological Place: What Predictions of Dangerousness in Court Can Teach Us, M. Neil Browne and Ronda R. Harrison-Spoerl

Rare, but Promising, Involvement of Faculty in Residence Hall Programming, M. Neil Browne, Spencer Headworth, and Kandice Saum

The Challenge to Critical Thinking Posed by Gender-Related and Learning Styles Research, M. Neil Browne, Nancy K. Kubasek, and Julie A. Harris

Individualism and the Market Determination of Women's Wages in the United States, Canada, and Hong Kong, M. Neil Browne and Michael D. Meuti

Concealment of Information in Consumer Transactions in the United States, Sweden, and China: A Window to the Relationship between Individualism and Regulation, M. Neil Browne, Justin Rex, and Curtis Bunner

Concealment of Information in Consumer Transactions in the U.S., Sweden, and China: A Window to the Relationship between Individualism and Regulation, M. Neil Browne, Justin Rex, and Curtis Bunner

Potential Tension Between a "Free Marketplace of Ideas" and the Fundamental Purpose of Free Speech, M. Neil Browne, Justin Rex, and David L. Herrera

Mobbing in the Workplace and Individualism: Antibullying Legislation in the United States, Europe and Canada, M. Neil Browne and Mary Allison Smith


Punishing Terrorists: Congress, The Sentencing Commission, The Guidelines, and the Courts, George D. Brown


Ohana Ho‘opakele: The Politics of Place in Corrective Environments, Marilyn Brown and Sarah Marusek

Contract for Purchase and Sale 1: Formation and Terms, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Contract for Purchase and Sale 2: Remedies and the Merger Doctrine, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Financing Real Estate Transactions: A Basic Introduction, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Mortgage Notes, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Mortgages: Theories and Redemption, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Negotiable Instruments That Have Been Destroyed, Lost or Stolen, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Negotiable Instruments: The Benefits of Being a Holder in Due Course, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Negotiable Instruments: What is a Negotiable Instrument?, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Negotiable Instruments: Who is a Holder in Due Course?, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Real Estate Brokerage Relationships, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Real Estate Brokers 2: Commissions & Types of Listing Agreements, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Relations Between Co-Tenants, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Rule Against Perpetuities 1: Common Law Rule Against Perpetuities, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Rule Against Perpetuities 2: Reforms - Cy Pres and Wait-and-See Doctrines, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

The Cast of Characters in Negotiable Instruments, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

The Travel of a Negotiable Instrument, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Federal Legislation for Public Sector Collective Bargaining: A Minimum Standards Approach, Ronald C. Brown

Justice Story, Bankruptcy Injunctions, and the Anti-Injunction Act of 1793, Ralph Brubaker

Facilitating Issue Categorization & Analysis in Rulemaking, Thomas R. Bruce, Claire Cardie, Cynthia R. Farina, and Stephen Purpura

Improving Bankruptcy Sales by Raising the Bar: Imposing a Preliminary Injunction Standard for Objections to § 363 Sales, Matthew A. Bruckner

Basa Village Project, Lillian Brummet and Jeff Rasley

World of Writing with Jeff Rasley, Lillian Brummet and Jeff Rasley

Family Voice with Informed Choice: Coordinating Wraparound with Research-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents, Eric J. Bruns, Janet S. Walker, Adam Bernstein, Eric Daleiden, Michael D. Pullman, and Bruce F. Chorpita

Mutual Funds, Fairness, and the Income Gap, Samuel D. Brunson

Taxing Polygamy, Samuel D. Brunson

The U.S. as Tax Haven? Aiding Developing Countries by Revoking the Revenue Rule, Samuel D. Brunson

University and Employees' Inventions in Europe and the United States, Niklas Bruun and Michael B. Landau

Problems of Proof When There's a Computer Goof: Consumers Versus ATMs, 2 Computer L.J. 49 (1980), Mark Budnitz

Arbitration of Disputes Between Consumers and Financial Institutions: A Serious Threat to Consumer Protection, Mark E. Budnitz

Buyer Beware: Georgia Consumers Can't Rely on the Fair Business Practices Act, Mark E. Budnitz

Chapter 11 Business Reorganizations and Shareholder Meetings: Will the Meeting Please Come to Order, or Should the Meeting Be Cancelled Altogether?, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Banking and Payments Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Issues in Revised Articles 3 and 4 of the UCC, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Payment Products and Systems: The Need for Uniformity and the Risk of Political Defeat, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Payment Systems: New Products and Services, New Laws and New Problems, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Privacy in Electronic Commerce: As the Millennium Approached, Minnesota Attacked, Regulators Refrained, and Congress Compromised, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumers Surfing for Sales in Cyberspace: What Constitutes Acceptance and What Legal Terms and Conditions Bind the Consumer?, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Consumer Arbitration Case Law: 1997 - April 2000, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Payments Law 2008, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Payment Systems Law 2005-2006, Mark E. Budnitz

Electronic Money in the 1990's: A Net Benefit or Merely a Trade-Off?, Mark E. Budnitz

Ensuring the Future, Mark E. Budnitz

Federal Regulation of Consumer Disputes in Computer Banking Transactions, Mark E. Budnitz

Fees of Professionals and Expenses of Members Appointed to Official Committees in Chapter 11 Cases, Mark E. Budnitz

Home Banking Agreements: Don't Bank on Them, Mark E. Budnitz

Implementation of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, Mark E. Budnitz

Mobile Banking: Gaps in the Law Impede Risk Assessment, Mark E. Budnitz

Mobile Financial Services: The Need for a Comprehensive Consumer Protection Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Note, Criminal Law - Statutory Offenses - Vagrancy Laws Invalid as Too Vague and as Improper Exercise of Police Power, Mark E. Budnitz

Payment Systems Update 2005, Mark E. Budnitz