The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Reconsidering Corporate Tax Privacy, Joshua D. Blank
When Less Paperwork Means No Science: The Paperwork Reduction Act and Unintended Consequences for Public Health Research, Michael B. Blank, Patrick S. Sullivan, and Paul A. Lombardo
Abortion in South Africa and the United States: An Integrative, Contrastive Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Legal and Cultural Influences on Implementation of Abortion Rights, Danielle Y. Blanks
Organizing for the Modern Workforce, Danielle Y. Blanks
Acquisition Costs for Credit Card Receivables Must Be Capitalized, Ronald W. Blasi
A Proposal for an Elective Tax Benefits Transfer System, Ronald W. Blasi
Bank Taxation, Ronald W. Blasi
Columns, Ronald W. Blasi
Core Deposit Amortization, Ronald W. Blasi
Electing Tax Benefits in Leasing Transactions, Ronald W. Blasi
Federal Income Taxation of Banks, Ronald W. Blasi
How Financial Institutions Can Spin off a Business Segment Without Paying Tax, Ronald W. Blasi
Impact of Conformity Election Remains Unclear, Ronald W. Blasi
Proposed Regulations Perpetuate Income Distortion, Ronald W. Blasi
Service Reverses Position on Mutual Fund Bail-Out Payments in Recent TAM, Ronald W. Blasi
Sweeping Changes in Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits Create Opportunities and Problems, Ronald W. Blasi
The Banking Industry, Ronald W. Blasi
Understanding the New Fringe Benefit Law, Ronald W. Blasi
U.S. Master Bank Tax Guide, Ronald W. Blasi
Tax Strategies for Community Bankers, Ronald W. Blasi and Mark Baran
The Art of Tax Efficiency in Community Banks, Ronald W. Blasi, Jay Brew, and Michelle Gula
Avoiding Disallowance of Earmarked Charitable Contributions, Ronald W. Blasi and Richard A. Denesha
Regulations Overstep Authority: Application of Special Bank Rules to S Banks, Ronald W. Blasi and J. Ensminger
Bank Shares Taxes: Another Trap for the Unwary Draftsman, Ronald W. Blasi and Daniel P. Joyce
The Franchise Tax Exception to the Federal Exemption Statute, Ronald W. Blasi and Daniel P. Joyce
Banking Institutions, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson
Ineffective and Inequitable: The Section 265(a) Interest Disallowance, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson
Supreme Court Provides Guideline for Taxing of Federal Securities by States, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson
New Capitalization Rules: Their Sweeping Effect on Financial Institutions, Ronald W. Blasi and Debra Lee
Bankrecht in Einem Weltweiten Bankenmarkt, Ronald W. Blasi and Uwe H. Schneider
The Hottest Issues in Bank Taxation, Ronald W. Blasi and Melbert E. Schwarz
ABA Ethics Opinion Guides Lawyers in Outsourcing, Lisa Radtke Bliss
ABA Supports Retooling Immigration Court System, Lisa Radtke Bliss
A Civil Right to Counsel, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Class Action Challenge to N.Y. Public Defender System Moves Forward, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Colorado Denies Privilege for Guardian Ad Litem, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Lawyers Heed Call to Volunteer Pro Bono Service, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Lessons Learned from Teaching Clinical Legal Education in Thailand, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Looking at the Initial Client Meeting through an Interdisciplinary Lens: Applying Lessons from the Medical Profession to Law Teaching and Practice, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Manufacturer and Supplier Fail to Establish Joint Privilege, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Moving Into the Future: Legal Education in Thailand, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Putting Best Practices Into Practice: Implementing Change One Step at a Time, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Representing Clients with Limited English Proficiency, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Restrictions on Legal Aid Organizations Do Not Violate First Amendment, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Using the Internet to Save on Legal Research Costs, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Exploring Cultural Competence in the Context of Medical-Legal Partnership, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Culture and Controversy, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Sylvia B. Caley
Medical-Legal Partnerships to Improve the Health and Well-being of Patients: Promising Collaborative Initiatives, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Sylvia B. Caley
Medical-Legal Partnerships to Improve the Health and Well-being of Patients: Promising Collaborative Initiatives, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Sylvia B. Caley
A Model for Interdisciplinary Clinical Education: Medical and Legal Professionals Learning and Working Together to Promote Public Health, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
A Model for Interdisciplinary Clinical Education: Medical and Legal Professionals Learning and Working Together to Promote Public Health, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
Bridging the Quality Gap with Medical-Legal Partnerships, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
Bridging the Quality Gap with Medical-Legal Partnerships, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
Client and Patient Relationships: Understanding Cultural and Social Context, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
Client and Patient Relationships: Understanding Cultural and Social Context, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, and Robert Pettignano
Preparing Law Students for Global Practice: An Innovative Model for Teaching Lawyering Skills and Social Justice in a Large Enrollment Law Course, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Supamas Chinvinijkul
ABA Ethics Opinion Guides Lawyers in Outsourcing, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Jeffrey R. Teeters
The Promise of International Law in Developing a Global Foundation for Social Justice, Robert C. Blitt
The Theoretical Constitutional Shape (and Shaping) of American National Security Law, Robert F. Blomquist
Cases on Criminal Procedure: 2015-2016, Robert M. Bloom
Dog Sniffs and the Fourth Amendment, Robert M. Bloom
Panelist, CNN Panel discussing the film Whitey: USA v. James J. Bulger, Robert M. Bloom
The Future of Legal Education, Robert M. Bloom
The Fourth Amendment Fetches Fido: The Future of Dog Searches, Robert M. Bloom and Dana L. Walsh
AEDPA: The "Hype" and the "Bite", John H. Blume
An Introduction to Post-Conviction Remedies, Practice and Procedure in South Carolina, John H. Blume
Deadly Force in Memphis: Tennessee v. Garner, John H. Blume
Killing the Willing: "Volunteers," Suicide and Competency, John H. Blume
Plea Bargaining and the Right to the Effective Assistance of Counsel: Where the Rubber Hits the Road in Capital Cases, John H. Blume
Ten Years of Payne: Victim Impact Evidence in Capital Cases, John H. Blume
The Dance of Death or (Almost) "No One Here Gets out Alive": The Fourth Circuit's Capital Punishment Jurisprudence, John H. Blume
The Dilemma of the Criminal Defendant with a Prior Record - Lessons from the Wrongfully Convicted, John H. Blume
Twenty-Five Years of Death: A Report of the Cornell Death Penalty Project on the "Modern" Era of Capital Punishment in South Carolina, John H. Blume
Sentencing the Mentally Retarded to Death: An Eighth Amendment Analysis, John H. Blume and David Bruck
Unwell: Indiana v. Edwards and the Plight of Mentally Ill Pro Se Defendants, John H. Blume and Morgan J. Clark
Judicial Politics, Death Penalty Appeals, and Case Selection: An Empirical Study, John H. Blume and Theodore Eisenberg
Post-McCleskey Racial Discrimination Claims in Capital Cases, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Post-McCleskey Racial Discrimination Claims in Capital Cases, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Explaining Death Row's Population and Racial Composition, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, and Martin T. Wells
Harmless Error in Federal Habeas Corpus After Brecht v. Abrahamson, John H. Blume and Stephen P. Garvey
Harmless Error in Federal Habeas Corpus After Brecht v. Abrahamson, John H. Blume and Stephen P. Garvey
Future Dangerousness in Capital Cases: Always "At Issue", John H. Blume, Stephen P. Garvey, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Future Dangerousness in Capital Cases: Always "At Issue", John H. Blume, Stephen P. Garvey, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Future Dangerousness in Capital Cases: Always "At Issue", John H. Blume, Stephen P. Garvey, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Future Dangerousness in Capital Cases: Always at Issue, John H. Blume, Stephen P. Garvey, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Future Dangerousness in Capital Cases: Always at Issue, John H. Blume, Stephen P. Garvey, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
The Unexonerated: Factually Innocent Defendants Who Plead Guilty, John H. Blume and Rebecca K. Helm
Every Juror Wants a Story: Narrative Relevance, Third Party Guilt and the Right to Present a Defense, John H. Blume, Sheri L. Johnson, and Emily C. Paavola
Every Juror Wants a Story: Narrative Relevance, Third Party Guilt and the Right to Present a Defense, John H. Blume, Sheri L. Johnson, and Emily C. Paavola
Killing the Non-Willing: Atkins, the Volitionally Incapacitated, and the Death Penalty, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Killing the Non-Willing: Atkins, the Volitionally Incapacitated, and the Death Penalty, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
The Fourth Circuit's "Double-Edged Sword": Eviscerating the Right to Present Mitigating Evidence and Beheading the Right to the Assistance of Counsel, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
The Fourth Circuit's "Double-Edged Sword": Eviscerating the Right to Present Mitigating Evidence and Beheading the Right to the Assistance of Counsel, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Back to a Future: Reversing Keith Simpson's Death Sentence and Making Peace with the Victim's Family through Post-conviction Investigation, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Back to a Future: Reversing Keith Simpson's Death Sentence and Making Peace with the Victim's Family through Post-conviction Investigation, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Don't Take His Eye, Don't Take His Tooth, and Don't Cast the First Stone: Limiting Religious Arguments in Capital Cases, John H. Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Education and Interrogation: Comparing Brown and Miranda, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Ross Feldmann
Convicting Lennie: Mental Retardation, Wrongful Convictions, and the Right to a Fair Trial, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Susan E. Millor
Convicting Lennie: Mental Retardation, Wrongful Convictions, and the Right to a Fair Trial, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Susan E. Millor
An Empirical Look at Atkins v. Virginia and its Application in Capital Cases, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Christopher Seeds