The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Direction of Antitrust in the Decade Ahead: Some Predictions—Panel Discussion, Donald I. Baker, Thomas E. Kauper, William F. Baxter, Gordon B. Spivack, James T. Halverson, Robert Pitofsky, George A. Hay, and Alan H. Silberman
Irrational, Ineffective and Unethical: Breed Specific Legislation Defies Common Sense, Elizabeth J. Baker
Irrational, Ineffective, and Unethical: Breed Specific Legislation Defies Common Sense, Elizabeth J. Baker
Antitrust Enforcement and Sectoral Regulation: The Competition Policy Benefits of Concurrent Enforcement in the Communications Sector, Jonathan Baker
Beyond Schumpeter vs. Arrow: How Antitrust Fosters Innovation, Jonathan Baker
Market Definition: An Analytical Overview, Jonathan Baker
Reinvigorating Horizontal Merger Enforcement, Jonathan Baker
The Case for Antitrust Enforcement, Jonathan Baker
Channeling and Contending with Bill Kovacic, Jonathan B. Baker
Competitive Price Discrimination: The Exercise of Market Power Without Anticompetitive Effects (Comment on Klein and Wiley), Jonathan B. Baker
Exclusion as a Core Competition Concern, Jonathan B. Baker
Merger Simulation in an Administrative Context, Jonathan B. Baker
Sector-Specific Competition Enforcement at the FCC, Jonathan B. Baker
Empirical Methods in Merger Analysis: Econometric Analysis of Pricing in FTC v. Staples, Jonathan B. Baker
The Competitive Consequences of Most-Favored-Nation Provisions, Jonathan B. Baker and Judith A. Chevalier
A Turning Point in Merger Enforcement: Federal Trade Commission v. Staples, Jonathan B. Baker and Robert Pitofsky
Between Politics and Science: The Dilemma of Reason, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker and Zoran S. Nikolić
You Want Insurance With That? Using Behavioral Economics to Protect Consumers from Add-On Insurance Products, Tom Baker and Peter Siegelman
Third-party punishment and counter-punishment in one-shot interactions, Loukas Balafoutas, Kristoffel Grechenig, and Nikos Nikiforakis
A Theory of Existence of the Fourth Control Branch of the Government: A Comparative Analysis, Gabriel Balayan
Situación de la dogmática jurídica en el debate entre Positivismo Jurídico y Neoconstitucionalismo, José Balcázar Quiroz
Sobre la necesidad de erradicar el concepto de “peligro en la demora” como fundamento de la tutela cautelar, José Balcázar Quiroz
The Transaction Cost Problem in International Intellectual Property Exchange and Innovation Markets, Sonia Baldia
American Overreach: Strategic Interests and Millennial Ambitions in the Middle East, Asli Bâli and Aziz Rana
Pax Arabica?: Provisional Sovereignty and Intervention in the Arab Uprisings, Asli Bâli and Aziz Rana
Public Reason as Higher Law, Gordon D. Ballingrud
I take them with me - reflexivity in sensitive research, Tova Band-Winterstein Dr., Israel Doron Prof., and Sigal Naim
Material Conditions for the Law of Democracy: the Problem of Information Asymmetry in Voting Decisions., Rafael E de O Baptista
Drugs and Violence, Shima Baradaran
A History of GATT Unfair Trade Remedy Law--Confusion of Purposes, John J. Barceló III
Antidumping Laws As Barriers to Trade--The United States and the International Antidumping Code, John J. Barceló III
Anti-Foreign-Suit Injunctions to Enforce Arbitration Agreements, John J. Barceló III
Burden of Proof, Prima Facie Case and Presumption in WTO Dispute Settlement, John J. Barceló III
Canada and the United States: A Changing Relationship in a Changing World, Panel Discussion and Prognostications, John J. Barceló III
Developing Countries and the WTO, John J. Barceló III
ECJ Review of Member State Measures for Compliance with Fundamental Rights, John J. Barceló III
Expanded Judicial Review of Awards After Hall Street and in Comparative Perspective, John J. Barceló III
Harmonizing Preferential Rules of Origin in the WTO System, John J. Barceló III
Product Standards to Protect the Local Environment--The GATT and the Uruguay Round Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement, John J. Barceló III
Subsidies and Countervailing Duties--Analysis and a Proposal, John J. Barceló III
Subsidies, Countervailing Duties and Antidumping After the Tokyo Round, John J. Barceló III
Symposium The International Legal Regime for Antarctica: Introduction, John J. Barceló III
The Antidumping Law: Repeal It or Revise It, John J. Barceló III
The Paradox of Excluding WTO Direct and Indirect Effect in U.S. Law, John J. Barceló III
The Status of WTO Rules in U.S. Law, John J. Barceló III
Who Decides the Arbitrators' Jurisdiction? Separability and Competence-Competence in Transnational Perspective, John J. Barceló III
International Law at the Cornell Law School, John J. Barceló III and Lee E. Teitelbaum
A Tribute to Paul Szasz, John J. Barceló III and David Wippman
What the Experiences of the Recent Past Tell Us About the Labor and Employment Law Issues of the Future (Roundtable Discussion), Catherine Barnard, Willard Carr, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, and Alvin Goldman
"Pennies on the Dollar": Reallocating Risk and Deficiency Judgment Liability, Kristen Barnes
FCC v. Fox Television Moot Court, Robert Barnes, Joan Biskupic, John H. Blume, Erwin Chemerinsky, Thomas C. Goldstein, Linda Greenhouse, John Oldham McGinnis, David G. Savage, Paul M. Smith, William W. Van Alstyne, and Timothy Zick
Presenter: Correcting a False Step: Rethinking the “Actual Expenses” Affirmative Defense to the Texas Constructive Trust Fund Act, Wayne R. Barnes
Presenter, panel discussion on Professor Nancy Kim’s new book, “Wrap Contracts: Foundations and Ramifications”, Wayne R. Barnes
Presenter: Render Unto Rawls: Law, Gospel, and the Evangelical Fallacy, Wayne R. Barnes
Certification Drag: The Opinion Puzzle and Other Transactional Curiosities, Jonathan Barnett
Dynamic Analysis of Intellectual Property: Theory, Evidence and Policy, Jonathan Barnett
Hollywood Deals: Soft Contracts for Hard Markets, Jonathan Barnett
The Fashion Lottery: Cooperative Innovation in Stochastic Markets, Jonathan Barnett, Gilles Grolleau, and Sana El Harbi
Copyright Without Creators, Jonathan M. Barnett
From Patent Thickets to Patent Networks: The Legal Infrastructure of the Digital Economy, Jonathan M. Barnett
Intellectual Property as a Law of Organization, Jonathan M. Barnett
Intermediaries Revisited: Is Efficient Certification Consistent with Profit Maximization?, Jonathan M. Barnett
Is Intellectual Property Trivial?, Jonathan M. Barnett
Property as Process: How Innovation Markets Select Innovation Regimes, Jonathan M. Barnett
The Host's Dilemma: Strategic Forfeiture in Platform Markets for Informational Goods, Jonathan M. Barnett
What's So Bad About Stealing?, Jonathan M. Barnett
The Illusion of the Commons, Jonathan M. Barnett
Compulsory Water Fluoridation: Justifiable Public Health Benefit or Human Experimental Research Without Informed Consent, Rita F. Barnett
Informed Consent, Psychotropic Medications, and a Prescribing Physician's Duty to Disclose Safer Alternative Treatments, Rita F. Barnett
Credit for Good Time, David Barnhizer
Defending the Rule of Law in an Era of Cultural Fragmentation and Cynicism, David Barnhizer
Law School Enrollments and Adaptive Strategies, David Barnhizer
Preface, David Barnhizer
Self-Interest and Sinecure: Why Law School can’t be “Fixed” from within, David Barnhizer
Surveillance, Speech Suppression and Degradation of the Rule of Law in the “Post-Democracy Electronic State”, David Barnhizer
Survival Strategies for "Ordinary" Law Schools, David Barnhizer
The Aging of the American Law Professoriate, David Barnhizer
Abandoning an "Unethical" System of Legal Ethics, David R. Barnhizer
The Purposes of the University in the First Quarter of the Twenty-First Century, David R. Barnhizer
Faculty Colloquia, Spring 2010 Series, Royce de Rohan Barondes, Kimberle Crenshaw, Chris Elmendorf, Michael Kang, Oliver Moreteau, Deborah Pearlstein, Richard Peltz, Nirej Sekhon, Stephanie Stern, Lee-Ford Tritt, and Michael J. Zimmer
Associate Professor Amy Coney Barrett, Diploma Ceremony Address, Amy Coney Barrett
SOX and the Regulation of the Accounting Industry, Matthew Barrett, Lawrence A. Cunningham, Mark S. Demilio, and Catherine Shakespeare
Associate Professor Matthew J. Barrett '82, '85 J.D., Diploma Ceremony Address, Matthew J. Barrett
Contort: Tortious Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Noninsurance Commercial Contracts--Its Existence and Desirability, Matthew J. Barrett
Untangling the Debate on Signing Statements, David Barron and Neil J. Kinkopf
Da Desconfiança à Aliança: Portugal e a África do Sul na defesa do “Reduto Branco”, Luís Fernando Machado Barroso
Imagination and Formalism in Law, Paulo Barrozo
Law and Imagination in Latin America, Paulo Barrozo
Law as Moral Imagination (forthcoming), Paulo Barrozo
The Jurisprudence of Cruelty in Criminal Law, Paulo Barrozo
What are Transitions For? Atrocity, International Criminal Justice, and the Political, Paulo Barrozo
Reconstructing Constitutional Punishment, Paulo D. Barrozo
Preface, Robert Bartlett
The Institutional Framework for Cost Benefit Analysis in Financial Regulation: A Tale of Four Paradigms?, Robert P. Bartlett III
Municipal Courts Manual, Rex Barton, Melissa Ashburn, and Karen Beyke
Two Dogmas of Originalism, Ian C. Bartrum