The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
India’s State of Legal Education: The Road from NLSIU to Jindal, Deepa Badrinarayana
Transfer of Clean Technology: A Developing Nations Perspective on Compulsory Licensing and Capacity Building, Namit Bafna Mr. and Shambhavi Ravishankar Ms.
100 Years of LSU Law, 1906-2006: A Centennial Gloss, Paul R. Baier
An Evening with Justice Holmes, Act III, Paul R. Baier
A Sprig of Laurel for Chief Judge Redmann, Paul R. Baier
A Sprig of Laurel for Chief Justice Calogero, Paul R. Baier
Beyond Black Ink: From Langdell to the Oyez Project--the Voice of the Past, Paul R. Baier
Breach of the No-Strike Clause, Section 301, and the Availability of Injunctive Relief, Paul R. Baier
Chambers v. Florida, Paul R. Baier
Chief Judge Melvin Shortess: A Pencil Sketch from Life, Paul R. Baier
Commemorative Proceedings for the Bicentennial of the Supreme Court of the United States: Time and the Court, Paul R. Baier
Constitutional Law, Paul R. Baier
Constitutional Law, Paul R. Baier
Constitutional Law; Foreword: Of Alienage, Judicial Heroes, and Equal Protection, Paul R. Baier
Constitutional Law; I. Equal Protection, Paul R. Baier
Court Reports and Reporters of Decisions: From Edmundus Plowen to Henry Putzel, Jr., with Headnotes Biographical & Legal and a Syllabus, Paul R. Baier
"Cricket on the Hearth": Edward Douglass White and the Constitution, Paul R. Baier
Dedication; Chief Justice John Dixon: Twenty Years in Retrospect, Paul R. Baier
"Double Revolving Peripatetic Nitpicker": A Report on the Reporter, Paul R. Baier
Edward Douglass White, Paul R. Baier
Edward Douglas White: Frame for a Portrait, Paul R. Baier
Ethica Campea: The Ethics of Oral Argument, Paul R. Baier
"Father Chief Justice": E. D. White and the Constitution, A Play, Paul R. Baier
"Father Chief Justice": E.D. White and the Constitution, A Play by Paul R. Baier, Paul R. Baier
Forum Juridicum: Framing and Reviewing a Desegregation Decree - Of the Chancellor's Foot and Fifth Circuit Control, Paul R. Baier
Frederick Bernays Wiener, Paul R. Baier
Holmes and Honors Law at LSU - From the Great Hall to La Maison Française, Paul R. Baier
Honors Colleges and Law Schools: A Decennial Digest, Paul R. Baier
Hughes Court, Paul R. Baier
Hugo Black and Judicial Lawmaking: Forty Years in Retrospect, Paul R. Baier
In Homage to Saul Litvinoff, Paul R. Baier
Inside the Supreme Court: A Collage of Film, Radio, Television, and Talk in Four Parts, Paul R. Baier
Introduction and Dedication; Mr. Justice Black (1886-1971), a Centennial Reflection, Paul R. Baier
Introduction to Hugo Black: A Memorial Portrait, Paul R. Baier
Judges of Liberty: Readings for the Louisiana State Bar Association's Bill of Rights Section Program, Paul R. Baier
Justice Clark, the Voice of the Past, and the Exclusionary Rule, Paul R. Baier
Law in the Cajun Nation (Book Review), Paul R. Baier
Lawyers in the Great Tradition: The Ethics of Appellate Advocacy, Paul R. Baier
Lewis F. Powell, Jr., 1907-1998: Remembrances from LSU Law, Paul R. Baier
Lions Under the Throne: The Supreme Court in the Mirror of Chief Justices, Paul R. Baier
Lochner v. New York, Paul R. Baier
Modern Appellate Argument: Connecting the Books with Life--Oyez, Oyez, Oyez, Paul R. Baier
Mr. Justice and Mrs. Black: The Memoirs of Hugo L. Black and Elizabeth Black, Paul R. Baier
Mr. Justice Blackmun: Reflections from the Cours Mirabeau, Paul R. Baier
O'er the Land of the Free: Flag Burning and the First Amendment, Paul R. Baier
Of Bakke's Balance, Gratz and Grutter: The Voice of Justice Powell, Paul R. Baier
Of Judicial Freedom and Judicial Constraint: The Voice of Louisiana's Judge Albert Tate, Jr., Paul R. Baier
On Being Knighted by the Louisiana Bar Foundation: Distinguished Professor 2004, Paul R. Baier
On Law Clerking: A Comprehensive View, Paul R. Baier
On Law Clerking: A Missouri Supplement Annotated, Paul R. Baier
Overview of Cases and Case Analysis, Paul R. Baier
Procedure: Criminal Procedure I, Paul R. Baier
Procedure: Pretrial Criminal Procedure, Paul R. Baier
Proceedings on the Retirement of Chief Judge Melvin A. Shortess: Address, Paul R. Baier
Proceedings on the Retirement of Honorable John A. Dixon, Jr.: Address, Paul R. Baier
Proceedings on the Retirement of Honorable Luther F. Cole: Louisiana's Luther F. Cole: Achievement on the Wing, Paul R. Baier
Promoting the Past to Assure the Future: The Lure of Legal History, Paul R. Baier
Public Law: Administrative Law and Procedure, Paul R. Baier
Public Law: Administrative Regulation - Law and Procedure, Paul R. Baier
Report of the Louisiana Bar Foundation Conclave on Legal Education and Professional Development, Paul R. Baier
Rights Under a Collective Bargaining Non-Agreement: The Question of Monetary Compensation for a Refusal to Bargain, Paul R. Baier
Speeches, Paul R. Baier
Table Talk at the Hotel Bentley, Paul R. Baier
The Bill of Rights and Beyond: La Liberte en Louisiana, Remarks on the Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights, Paul R. Baier
The Blue and Gray as One: Holmes and White on the Supreme Court, Paul R. Baier
The Constitutionality of Minimum Age Requirements for Public Office: Reading Joseph Story on Constitution Day, Paul R. Baier
The Constitution and American Civilization: Cases and Materials, Paul R. Baier
The Court and Its Critics, Paul R. Baier
The Idea of Style in Appellate Judicial Opinions, Paul R. Baier
The Law Clerks: Profile of an Institution, Paul R. Baier
The Lawyer's Reason and the Soldier's Faith: Colonel Frederick Bernays Wiener, Paul R. Baier
The Pocket Constitutionalist, Paul R. Baier
The Pocket Constitutionalist (book review), Paul R. Baier
The Supreme Court, Justinian, and Antonin Scalia: Twenty Years in Retrospect, Paul R. Baier
The True Story of the Ohio Syllabus Rule, Paul R. Baier
The White Court, Paul R. Baier
Time and the Court, Paul R. Baier
What is the Use of a Law Book Without Pictures or Conversations, Paul R. Baier
What is the Use of a Law Book Without Pictures or Conversations?, Paul R. Baier
William Rehnquist, Sept. 3, 2005: The Chief at LSU Law, Paul R. Baier
William Rehnquist, Sept. 3, 2005: The Chief at LSU Law, Paul R. Baier
Constitutional Interpretation: Procedes d'Elaboration, Paul R. Baier and Harry A. Blackmun
German and American Constitutionalism: Some Observations and Comparisons from Berlin, Paul R. Baier and Harry A. Blackmun
Judicial Review in Louisiana: A Bicentennial Exegesis, Paul R. Baier and Georgia D. Chadwick
Judicial Review in Louisiana: A Bicentennial Minute Entry, Paul R. Baier and Georgia D. Chadwick
"The Justice from the Bayou: Chief Justice Edward Douglass White, a Centennial Reflection", Paul R. Baier and Georgia D. Chadwick
Lawyers in the Great Tradition: The Argument of an Appeal: Loyola Law School Skills Curriculum, Paul R. Baier and Harry T. Lemmon
In Aid of the Judicial Process: A Proposal for Law Curricular and Student Involvement, Paul R. Baier and T. John Lesinski
Separation of Powers and the Rule of Law, Paul R. Baier and Antonin Scalia
An Evening with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Chief Justice Edward Douglass White, Paul R. Baier and Jacob A. Stein
Watching Me: The War on Crime, Privacy, and the State, Kimberly D. Bailey
Future of Health Care in America: A Panel on the Presidential Candidates' Health Care Reform Plans, Heide Bajnrauh, Gwendolyn Majette, and Richard Teske
Corporate Power Unbound: Investor-State Arbitration of IP Monopolies on Medicines – Eli Lilly and the TPP, Brook K. Baker
Empowering patients and strengthening communities for real health workforce and funding targets, Brook K. Baker