About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014


Table Annexed to Article: William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England In Machine Readable Text, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Colony-Making Power of Congress Priced in the Purchase of Alaska, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Doctrine of Semantic Purity: Madison’s Project (and its Difficulties) Introduced, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Doctrine of Stare Decisis in United States Supreme Court Opinions, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Geographic Center of the United States in a “Well Constructed Union”: James Madison’s Federalist No. 10 offers a “Tendency to Break and Control the Violence of Faction,”, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Great Divorce I: Was Wm. Blackstone’s Investigation of ‘Thirty-Five’ Gradual Improvements (in the Final Chapter of the Commentaries) a Scientific Enterprise?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Pace of Change in Civil Polity 1688-1765 As Cataloged in Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Reannexation of Alaska, By Russia, Reconsidered, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Settecento’s Fundamentals: Five Structures That Define ‘Constitutionalism’, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Significance of AS 8.08.207 and Marshall's McCulloch, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


The Significance of AS 8.08.207 and Marshall’s McCulloch, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


Unique Words in Constitutions I and II Surveyed, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


Using a Control Group to Measure Words of Science in Selected Works: An Introduction to Scoring Word Frequencies, Peter J. Aschenbrenner


William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England In Machine Searchable Text, Peter J. Aschenbrenner



American Legal Culture and Traditional Scholarly Order, Christian Atias and Alain A. Levasseur



Doing It Better Second Time Around, Bernadette Atuahene


Evaluating Mandela’s Legacy One Year Later, Bernadette Atuahene


Lack of Communication Is an Injustice in Land Restitution, Bernadette Atuahene

Limits of the Law: The Popela Community's Struggle to Regain their Land (forthcoming), Bernadette Atuahene


Nelson Mandela’s Uneven Legacy, Bernadette Atuahene


The Importance of Conversation in Transitional Justice: A Study of Land Restitution in South Africa, Bernadette Atuahene


We Must Learn from Mistakes Made in Land Restitution Process, Bernadette Atuahene


We Want What's Ours: Learning from South Africa's Land Restitution Program (Oxford University Press), Bernadette Atuahene

Forgotten but Not Gone: The Long-Term Fiscal Imbalance, Alan J. Auerbach and William G. Gale


Base Erosion and Profit Shifting: A Roadmap for Reform, Hugh J. Ault, Wolfgang Schoen, and Stephen E. Shay

The Effect of Sovereign Immunity on Environmental Protection Suits Against Government Officials, Richard Ausness

“After You, My Dear Alphonse!”: Should the Courts Defer to the FDA’s New Interpretation of § 360k(a) of the Medical Device Amendments?, Richard C. Ausness

An Insurance-Based Compensation System for Product-Related Injuries, Richard C. Ausness

Book Review | Agriculture Law by Julian C. Juergensmeyer & James B. Wadley (1982), Richard C. Ausness

Book Review: Riparian and Littoral Rights by Carroll Dunscombe (1970), Richard C. Ausness

Cigarette Company Liability: Preemption, Public Policy and Alternative Compensation Systems, Richard C. Ausness

Compensation for Smoking-Related Injuries: An Alternative to Strict Liability in Tort, Richard C. Ausness

Conspiracy Theories: Is There a Place for Civil Conspiracy in Products Liability Litigation?, Richard C. Ausness

"Fasten Your Seat Belt, Orville!": Exploring the Relationship Between State-of-the-Art, Technological and Commercial Feasibility, and the Restatement's Reasonable Alternative Design Requirement, Richard C. Ausness

Federal Preemption of State Products Liability Doctrines, Richard C. Ausness

From Caveat Emptor to Strict Liability: A Review of Products Liability in Florida, Richard C. Ausness

High-Level Radioactive Waste Management: The Nuclear Dilemma, Richard C. Ausness

Kentucky Law Survey: Torts, Richard C. Ausness

Kentucky Tort Law: Defamation and the Right of Privacy, Richard C. Ausness

Land Use Controls in Coastal Areas, Richard C. Ausness

Learned Intermediaries and Sophisticated Users: Encouraging the Use of Intermediaries to Transmit Product Safety Information, Richard C. Ausness

Libel Per Quod in Florida, Richard C. Ausness

Preemption of State Tort Law by Federal Safety Statutes: Supreme Court Preemption Jurisprudence Since Cipollone, Richard C. Ausness

Product Category Liability: A Critical Analysis, Richard C. Ausness

Product Liability's Parallel Universe: Fault-Based Liability Theories and Modern Products Liability Law, Richard C. Ausness

Products Liability in the Twenty-First Century: A Review of Owen’s Products Liability Law, Richard C. Ausness

Public Tort Litigation: Public Benefit or Public Nuisance?, Richard C. Ausness

Regulatory Takings and Wetland Protection in the Post-Lucas Era, Richard C. Ausness

Replacing Strict Liability with a Contract-Based Products Liability Regime, Richard C. Ausness

Retribution and Deterrence: The Role of Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litigation, Richard C. Ausness

Strict Liability for Chattel Leasing, Richard C. Ausness

Surrogate Immunity: The Government Contract Defense and Products Liability, Richard C. Ausness

Tell Me What You Eat, and I Will Tell Whom to Sue: Big Trouble Ahead for “Big Food"?, Richard C. Ausness

The Application of Product Liability Principles to Publishers of Violent or Sexually Explicit Material, Richard C. Ausness

The Case for a "Strong" Regulatory Compliance Defense, Richard C. Ausness

"The Disorderly Conduct of Words": Civil Liability for Injuries Caused by the Dissemination of False or Inaccurate Information, Richard C. Ausness

The Welding Fume Case and the Preemptive Effect of OSHA’s HazCom Standard on Common Law Failure-to-Warn Claims, Richard C. Ausness

The Offshore Asset Protection Trust: A Prudent Financial Planning Device or the Last Refuge of a Scoundrel?, Richard C. Ausness

“There's Danger Here, Cherie!”: Liability for the Promotion and Marketing of Drugs and Medical Devices for Off-Label Uses, Richard C. Ausness

The Right of Publicity: A "Haystack in a Hurricane", Richard C. Ausness

The Role of Litigation in the Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse, Richard C. Ausness

The Role of Trust Protectors in American Trust Law, Richard C. Ausness

The Supreme Court and the PPL Montana Case: Examining the Relationship Between Navigability and State Ownership of Submerged Lands, Richard C. Ausness

Tort Liability for Asbestos Removal Costs, Richard C. Ausness

Tort Liability for the Sale of Non-Defective Products: An Analysis and Critique of the Concept of Negligent Marketing, Richard C. Ausness

Unavoidably Unsafe Products and Strict Products Liability: What Liability Rule Should be Applied to the Sellers of Pharmaceutical Products?, Richard C. Ausness

Water Rights Legislation in the East: A Program for Reform, Richard C. Ausness

Water Rights, the Public Trust Doctrine, and the Protection of Instream Uses, Richard C. Ausness

Water Use Permits in a Riparian State: Problems and Proposals, Richard C. Ausness

When Warnings Alone Won’t Do: A Reply to Professor Phillips, Richard C. Ausness

Wild Dunes and Serbonian Bogs: The Impact of the Lucas Decision on Shoreline Protection Programs, Richard C. Ausness

Will More Aggressive Marketing Practices Lead to Greater Tort Liability for Prescription Drug Manufacturers?, Richard C. Ausness

Providing a Safe Harbor for Those Who Play by the Rules: The Case for a Strong Regulatory Compliance Defense, Richard C. Ausness, H. Lee Barfield, David A. King, Joshua R. Denton, and Stephen J. Jasper

Toward Justice in Tobacco Policymaking: A Critique of Hanson and Logue and an Alternative Approach to the Costs of Cigarettes, Richard C. Ausness and Paul A. LeBel

Administering State Water Resources: The Need for Long-Range Planning, Richard C. Ausness and Frank E. Maloney

A Modern Proposal for State Regulation of Consumptive Uses of Water, Richard C. Ausness and Frank E. Maloney

The Use and Legal Significance of the Mean High Water Line in Coastal Boundary Mapping, Richard C. Ausness and Frank E. Maloney

Water Quality Control: A Modern Approach to State Regulation, Richard C. Ausness and Frank E. Maloney

Global Aspects of HIV/AIDS (2014 Supplement), David Austin and Mark E. Wojcik


Robot jurisprudence: How to judge a ’bot; why it’s covered, E.C. Austin


Female Genital Mutilation and Designer Vaginas in Britain: Crafting an Effective Legal and Policy Framework, Lisa Avalos

Uniform Probate Code and Uniform Trust Code in a Nutshell, Lawrence H. Averill Jr. and Mary F. Radford


Incriminating the Bride of Christ: Assessing from a Balthasarian Perspective The Ecclesiological Impact of Redefining Marriage, Daniel Avila


Troubled Waters: Diana Nyad and the Birth of the Global Rules of Marathon sWIMMING, Hadar Aviram


The Future of Polyamorous Marriage: Lessons from the Marriage Equality Struggle, Hadar Aviram and Gwendolyn Manriquez Leachman


Unhappy Meals: Sex Discrimination in Toy Choice at McDonald’s, Ian Ayres


Improved Performance Guarantees, Ian Ayres and Quinn Curtis

The Economics of the Insurance Antitrust Suits: Toward an Exclusionary Theory, Ian Ayres and Peter Siegelman

Bringing Down an Uprising: Egypt's Stillborn Revolution, Sahar Aziz

Veiled Discrimination, Sahar F. Aziz

Ethics and Sample Size, Peter Bacchetti, Leslie E. Wolf, Mark R. Segal, and Charles E. McCulloch

Florida’s “Brave New World”: The Transition from Frye to Daubert Will Transform the Playing-Field for Litigants in Medical Causation Cases, Lara Bach and Erica W. Rutner

Novel Drugs: College Epidemic or Media Hype?, Joseph Bacot, Michael Singleton, Shanna N. Felix, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, and John M. Stogner

The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law of Rebellion: Its Significance to the Current International Humanitarian Law Discourse, Mohamed Badar

Influence Costs and the Scope of Board Authority, Adam Badawi

Lobbying, Pandering, and Information in the Firm, Adam Badawi

Rationality's Reach, Adam Badawi