The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Domestic Violence: Does the African Context Demand a Different Approach?, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Legal Treatment of Cohabitation in the United States, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Luther and the Justifiability of Resistance to Legitimate Authority, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Race and Gender in the Law Review, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Smith v. Hussman Refrigerator Company: Fair Representation and the Erosion of Collective Values, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Social Science and Legal Policy: The Case of Heterosexual Cohabitation, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Spectral Evidence: the Ramona Case: Incest, Memory, and Truth on Trial in Napa Valley, by Moira Johnston [Book Review], Cynthia Grant Bowman
Street Harassment and the Informal Ghettoization of Women, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Arrest Experiments: A Feminist Critique, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Development of the Lutheran Theory of Resistance: 1523-1530, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Law of Patronage at a Crossroads, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Manipulation of Legal Remedies to Deter Suits by Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Theories of Domestic Violence in the African Context, Cynthia Grant Bowman
"We Don't Want Anybody Anybody Sent": The Death of Patronage Hiring in Chicago, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Women in the Legal Profession from the 1920s to the 1970s: What Can We Learn From Their Experience About Law and Social Change?, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Wife Murder in Chicago: 1910-1930, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Ben Altman
Praxis and Pedagogy: Domestic Violence, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Eden Kusmiersky
Legal Limbo of the Student Intern: The Responsibility of Colleges and Universities to Protect Student Interns Against Sexual Harassment, Cynthia Grant Bowman and MaryBeth Lipp
A Dangerous Direction: Legal Intervention in Sexual Abuse Survivor Therapy, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth Mertz
Attorneys as Gatekeepers to the Court: The Potential Liability of Attorneys Bringing Suits Based on Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth Mertz
What Should the Courts Do About Memories of Sexual Abuse? Toward a Balanced Approach, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth Mertz
Race and Gender in the Law Review, Cynthia Grant Bowman, Dorothy E. Roberts, and Leonard S. Rubinowitz
Feminist Legal Theory, Feminist Lawmaking, and the Legal Profession, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth M. Schneider
Countesses in Court: Elite Women, Creativity, and Power in Northern Spain, 900-1200, Jeff Bowman
Mitigating Foul Blows: Rethinking Procedural Barriers to Prosecutorial Misconduct Claims, Mary N. Bowman
Charitable Deductions for Rail-Trail Conversions: Reconciling the Partial Interest Rule and the National Trails System Act, Scott Andrew Bowman and Danaya C. Wright
Muddying the Waterfall: How Ambiguous Liability Statutes Distort Creditor Priority in Condominium Foreclosures, Andrea Boyack and William E. Foster
Legal Writing for the Real World: A Practical Guide to Success, 46 J. Marshall L. Rev. 487 (2013), Megan Boyd and Adam Lamparello
Law, Environment, and the “Nondismal” Social Sciences, William Boyd, Douglas Kysar, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Incorporating a class analysis within the national question: rethinking ethnicity, class and nationalism in Cyprus, Umut Bozkurt and Nicos Trimikliniotis
Gerry Bradley authored an op-ed article "The Pope Francis Challenge to Notre Dame" in the National Review Online on January 30., Gerard V. Bradley
Gerry Bradley was quoted in the NCR article Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Squall in Seattle on January 14, Gerard V. Bradley
Judge in gay marriage case subject to speculation - The Associated Press (Quotes: Gerard Bradley) August 6, 2010, Gerard V. Bradley
What Kind of Justice Would Kagan Be? (Quotes: Gerard Bradley) - National Catholic Register, June 28, 2010, Gerard V. Bradley
Why Has Media Ignored Judge's Possible Bias In California's Gay Marriage Case? - FOXNews (Opinion: By: Gerard Bradley) August, 4, 2010, Gerard V. Bradley
Editorial Introduction, Gerard V. Bradley and John M. Finnis
Critiques, William T. Braithwaite and George Anastaplo
"What's Love Got to Do With It?" Incarceration in the United States and Conditions of Confinement, Lynn S. Branham
For Law Review Citations, Are All Citators Created Equal? A Comparison of Four Citators, Pamela C. Brannon
Note, Reforming Copyright to Foster Innovation: Providing Access to Orphaned Works, Pamela C. Brannon
The AALL Annual Meeting: Always a Learning Experience, Pamela C. Brannon
Law, objectives of government and regimes of truth: Foucault’s understanding of law and the transformation of the law of the EU internal market, Leila Brännström
A Primer on Kentucky Intestacy Laws, Carolyn S. Bratt
Cooperative Apartments: A Survey of Legal Treatment and an Argument for Homestead Protection, Carolyn S. Bratt
Family Protection Under Kentucky's Inheritance Laws: Is the Family Really Protected?, Carolyn S. Bratt
Incest Statutes and the Fundamental Right of Marriage: Is Oedipus Free to Marry?, Carolyn S. Bratt
Joint Custody, Carolyn S. Bratt
Kentucky Law Survey: Education, Carolyn S. Bratt
Kentucky Law Survey: Property, Carolyn S. Bratt
Kentucky's Doctrine of Advancements: A Time for Reform, Carolyn S. Bratt
Privacy and the Sex BFOQ: An Immodest Proposal, Carolyn S. Bratt
Surface Mining in Kentucky, Carolyn S. Bratt
Kentucky Law Survey: Environmental Law, Carolyn S. Bratt and Carolyn M. Brown
A Framework for an Informed Study of the Realistic Role of Tax in a Development Agenda, Yariv Brauner
An International Tax Regime in Crystallization, Yariv Brauner
Brain Drain Taxation as Development Policy, Yariv Brauner
Integration in an Integrating World, Yariv Brauner
International Trade and Tax Agreements May Be Coordinated, But Not Reconciled, Yariv Brauner
The Non-Sense Tax: A Reply to New Corporate Income Tax Advocacy, Yariv Brauner
Value in the Eye of the Beholder: The Valuation of Intangibles for Transfer Pricing Purposes, Yariv Brauner
Nuevas tendencias en la resolución de disputas de construcción, Jonnathan Bravo
La Fatalidad de los Reclamos en los Contratos de Construcción FIDIC: A propósito de los Dispute Boards, Jonnathan Bravo and Jaime Gray
New Trends in Construction Dispute Resolution in Peru: Implementation of Dispute Boards, Juan Jonnathan Bravo, Jaime Gray, César Guzmán-Barrón, and Rigoberto Zúñiga
Will the “Nexus” Requirement of Apple v. Samsung Preclude Injunctive Relief in the Majority of Patent Cases?: Echoes of the Entire Market Value Rule, Daniel Harris Brean
Abortion, Religion, and the Accusation of Establishment: A Critique of Justice Stevens’ Opinions in Thornburgh, Webster, and Casey, John M. Breen
Action as the Fruit of Contemplation: A Reply to Bryce, Donnelly, Kalscheur, and Nussbaum, John M. Breen
Actoevoerders zijn geen criminele bende, Eva Brems, Serge Gutwirth, Paul De Hert, Patrick Humblet, and Dirk Voorhoof
Implementing Religious Law in Modern Nation-States: Reflections from the Catholic Tradition, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Tax Expenditures, Social Justice and Civil Rights: Expanding the Scope of Civil Rights Laws to Apply to Tax-Exempt Charities, David A. Brennen
Treasury Regulations and Judicial Deference In The Post-Chevron Era, David A. Brennen
A Randomized, Controlled Trial to Evaluate Topical Anesthetic for 15 Minutes Before Venipuncture in Pediatrics, Scott Brenner MD, FAAP; Valerie Rupp RN, BSN; Jenny Boucher PharmD, JD, BCPS; Kevin Weaver DO; Stephen Dusza DrPH; and Joanna Bokovoy DrPH, RN
The Price of Crisis: Eminent Domain, Local Governments, and the Value of Underwater Mortgages, Raymond H. Brescia and Nicholas Martin
Crisis Management: Principles That Should Guide the Disposition of Federally Owned, Foreclosed Properties, Raymond Brescia, Elizabeth A. Kelly, and John Travis Marshall
A Novel Approach to Using LLCs for Quasi-Charitable Endeavors (a/k/a "Social Enterprise"), Cassady V. Brewer
A Novel Approach to Using LLCs for Quasi-Charitable Endeavors (A/K/A "Social Enterprise"), Cassady V. Brewer
Contributor, Cassady V. Brewer
Do Pending Treasury Studies Affect Your Organization?, Cassady V. Brewer
Eliminate Stingy Benevolence, Cassady V. Brewer
Gift Horses, Choosy Beggars, and Other Reflections on the Role and Utility of Social Enterprise Law, Cassady V. Brewer
Report from Chair of Partnership Committee, Cassady V. Brewer
Seven Ways to Strengthen and Improve the L3C, Cassady V. Brewer
Applying ASC 740-10 to Reporting by Tax-Exempt Organizations - Part 1, Cassady V. Brewer, Marc A. Azar, and Katherine D. Morris
Applying ASC 740-10 to Reporting by Tax-Exempt Organizations - Part 2, Cassady V. Brewer, Marc A. Azar, and Katherine D. Morris
The Brownfield Exemption from the Unrelated Business Tax, Cassady V. Brewer and George E. Hibbs
The Brownfield Exemption Under the Unrelated Business Income Tax, Cassady V. Brewer and George E. Hibbs
Business and Tax Planning with Controlled Organizations, Cassady V. Brewer and Sean J. Reynolds
Using the "L3C" for Program-Related Investments, Cassady V. Brewer and Michael J. Rhim
Health Care Reform Supplements Community Benefit Standard for Tax-Exempt Hospitals, Cassady V. Brewer and Amita Sanghvi
Cracking the Cable Conundrum: Government Regulation of A La Carte Models in the Cable Industry, Jade Brewster
The Unexamined Life in the Era of Big Data: Toward a UDAAP for Data, Sean Brian
In the BP case, the rule of law is on trial, Lester Brickman
The BP oil spill and the rule of law (or the rule of lawyers), Lester Brickman
Overcoming Defiance of the Constitution: The Need for a Federal Role in Protecting the Right to Counsel in Georgia, Stephen B. Bright and Lauren Sudeall Lucas
Chicago Catholic Schools -- Stake a Claim to Neighborhoods (Quotes: Margaret "Peg" Brinig) Huffington Post Chicago -- September 4, 2012, Margaret F. Brinig
Single-Dad Courtroom Wins Show Greater Embrace of New Families (Quotes: Margaret "Peg" Brinig) Bloomberg News -- July 25, 2011, Margaret F. Brinig
The Public Choice of Driving Competence Regulations, Margaret F. Brinig
Revisiting Mary Ann Glendon: Abortion, Divorce, Dependency, and Rights Talk in Western Law, Margaret F. Brinig and Linda C. McClain
What Does Convenant Mean for Relationships, Margaret F. Brinig and Steven L. Nock
Mediation: The Future of Legal Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution, Neda Brisport