bepress Legal Repository | Scholarly Research from All Areas of Law
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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Kids, Groups and Crime: Some Implications of a Well-Known Secret, Franklin E. Zimring

Kids, Guns, and Homicide: Policy Notes on an Age-Specific Epidemic, Franklin E. Zimring

Legal Perspectives on Family Violence, Franklin E. Zimring

Levels of Government, Branches of Government, and the Reform of Juvenile Justice, Franklin E. Zimring

Making the Punishment Fit the Crime: A Consumers' Guide to Sentencing Reform, Franklin E. Zimring

Measuring the Impact of Pretrial Diversion from the Criminal Justice System, Franklin E. Zimring

Of Doctors, Deterrence, and the Dark Figure of Crime--A Note on Abortion in Hawaii, Franklin E. Zimring

One Theme or Many?: The Search for a Deep Structure in Global Juvenile Justice, Franklin E. Zimring

On the Liberating Virtues of Irrelevance, Franklin E. Zimring

Penal Policy and Penal Legislation in Recent American Experience, Franklin E. Zimring

Plenary Address - Symbol and Substance in the Massachusetts Commission Report, Franklin E. Zimring

Populism, Democratic Government, and the Decline of Expert Authority: Some Reflections on Three Strikes in California, Franklin E. Zimring

Principles of Criminal Sentencing, Plain and Fancy, Franklin E. Zimring

Pursuing Juvenile Justice: Comments on Some Recent Reform Proposals, Franklin E. Zimring

Reflections on Firearms and the Criminal Law, Franklin E. Zimring

Sentencing Reform in the States: Some Sobering Lessons from the 1970's, Franklin E. Zimring

Symbol and Substance in the Massachusetts Commission Report, Franklin E. Zimring

The 1990s Assault on Juvenile Justice: Notes from an Ideological Battleground, Franklin E. Zimring

The Adolescent Homicide in Juvenile and Criminal Courts, Franklin E. Zimring

The American Jury Project and the Chicago Law School, Franklin E. Zimring

The Common Thread: Diversion in Juvenile Justice, Franklin E. Zimring

The Medium is the Message: Firearm Caliber as a Determinant of Death from Assault, Franklin E. Zimring

The Medium Is the Message: Firearm Caliber as a Determinant of Death from Assault, Franklin E. Zimring

The Multiple Middlegrounds between Civil and Criminal Law, Franklin E. Zimring

The Power Politics of Juvenile Court Transfer: A Mildly Revisionist History of the 1990s, Franklin E. Zimring

The Scale of Imprisonment in the United States: Twentieth Century Patterns and Twenty-First Century Prospects, Franklin E. Zimring

The Treatment of Hard Cases in American Juvenile Justice: In Defense of Discretionary Waiver, Franklin E. Zimring

The Unexamined Death Penalty: Capital Punishment and Reform of the Model Penal Code, Franklin E. Zimring

The Wages of Ambivalence: On the Context and Prospects of New York's Death Penalty, Franklin E. Zimring

The Youth Violence Epidemic: Myth or Reality, Franklin E. Zimring

Tough Crime Laws are False Promises, Franklin E. Zimring

Toward a Jurisprudence of Family Violence, Franklin E. Zimring

Toward a Jurisprudence of Youth Violence, Franklin E. Zimring

Where Do the New Scholars Learn New Scholarship, Franklin E. Zimring

Youth Homicide in New York: A Preliminary Analysis, Franklin E. Zimring

Punishing Homicide in Philadelphia: Perspectives on the Death Penalty, Franklin E. Zimring, Joel Eigen, and Shiela O'Malley

Punishing Homicide in Philadelphia: Perspectives on the Death Penalty, Franklin E. Zimring, Joel Eigen, and Shiela O'Malley

Punishing Homicide in Philadelphia: Perspectives on the Death Penalty, Franklin E. Zimring, Joel Eigen, and Shiela O'Malley

Punishing Homicide in Philadelphia: Perspectives on the Death Penalty, Franklin E. Zimring, Joel Eigen, and Shiela O'Malley

A Punishment in Search of a Crime: Standards for Capital Punishment in the Law Of Criminal Homicide, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Capital Punishment and the Eighth Amendment: Furman and Gregg in Retrospect, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Crime is Not the Problem: A Reply, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Crime, Justice, and the Savings and Loan Crisis, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Dangerousness and Criminal Justice, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Is American Violence a Crime Problem, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Is American Violence a Crime Problem?, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Murder, the Model Code, and the Multiple Agendas of Reform, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

On the Scale of Imprisonment: Downes's Contrasts in Tolerance, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Punishment in Search of a Crime: Standards for Capital Punishment in the Law of Criminal Homicide, A, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

The Growth of Imprisonment in California, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

Punishing Homicide in Philadelphia: Perspectives on the Death Penalty, Franklin Zimring, Joel Eigen, and Shiela O'Malley

Investigating the Continuity of Sex offending: Evidence from the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort, Franklin E. Zimring, Wasley G. Jennings, Alex R. Piquero, and Stephanie Hays

On the Comparative Study of Corruption, Franklin E. Zimring and David T. Johnson

Facts, Fallacies, and California's Three Strikes, Franklin E. Zimring and Sam Kamin

A Cite-Checker's Guide to Sexual Dangerousness, Franklin E. Zimring and Chrysanthi S. Leon

Cite-Checker's Guide to Sexual Dangerousness, A, Franklin E. Zimring and Chrysanthi S. Leon

Intimate Violence: A Study of Intersexual Homicide in Chicago, Franklin E. Zimring, Satyanshu K. Mukherjee, and Barrik Van Winkle

Selectivity and racial bias in a mandatory death sentence dispensation: a South African case study, Franklin E. Zimring, Johannes van Vuren, and Jan H. van Rooyen

Victim Injury and Death in Urban Robbery: A Chicago Study, Franklin E. Zimring and James Zuehl

Ideology and Euphoria in Crime Control, Franklin Zimring and Gordon Hawkins

A Physician's Apology: An Argument Against Statutory Protection, Nancy Zisk

A Physician's Apology: An Argument Against Statutory Protection, Nancy L. Zisk

Illinois Rejects Market Share Liability: A Policy Based Analysis of Smith v. Eli Lilly & Co., 79 Ky. L.J. 617 (1991), Kurt M. Zitzer and Marc Ginsberg

Session One: Limits on Misleading Conduct, Thomas Zlaket, William Reece Smith Jr., Nathan Crystal, and Amy R. Mashburn


The Brazilian Appellate Procedure Through Common Law Lenses: How American Standards of Review May Help Improve Brazilian Civil Procedure, Cesar Zucatti Pritsch

Identifying Uniform Employment-Termination Practices for Multinational Employers, James J. Zueh and David Sherwyn

Administrative Law's Global Dream: Navigating Regulatory Space between National and International, Peer Zumbansen

Beyond Territoriality: The Case of Transnational Human Rights Litigation, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: A Certain Constitutional History of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: After Enron: Improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US, by John Armour and Joseph A. McCahery, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Global Forces of Corporate Change and European Path Dependencies, A Review of After Enron (McCahery/Armour eds.), Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Heike Kuhn, DIE SOZIALE DIMENSION DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFT, Duncker & Humblot: Berlin 1996, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Negative Freiheitsrechte Und Gesellschaftliche Selbstorganisation by Karl-Heinz Ladeur (2000), Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Reforming Closely Held Corporations: Corporate Governance Writ Small? The Governance of Close Corporations and Partnerships (2004), Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Richard Posner, Legal Theory in the UK and USA, Oxford 1996, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Ringleb/Kremer/Lutter/V. Werder, DEUTSCHER CORPORATE GOVERNANCE KODEX, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Sustaining Paradox Boundaries: Perspectives on Internal Affairs in Domestic and International Law, Review of A. Claire Cutler's Private Power and Public Authority: Transnational Merchant Law in the Global Political Economy (2003), Peer Zumbansen

Carl Schmitt und die Suche nach politischer Einheit [Carl Schmitt and the Search for Political Unity], Peer Zumbansen

Comparative, Global and Transnational Constitutionalism: The Emergence of a Transnational Legal-Pluralist Order, Peer Zumbansen

Comparative Law’s Coming of Age?: Twenty Years after Critical Comparisons, Peer Zumbansen

Constitutional Control Of Marital Agreements II: The FCC Affirms Its Path-Breaking Decision (note on Bundesverfassungsgericht – Federal Constitutional Court, 29 March 2001 (NJW 2001, 2248), Peer Zumbansen

Contracting in the Internet: German Contract Law and Internet Auctions (Landgericht – Regional Court Münster, 21 January 2000 – 4 O 429/99 and Oberlandesgericht – Higher Regional Court Hamm, 14 December 2000 – 2 U 58/00), Peer Zumbansen

Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis: International Perspectives, Peer Zumbansen

Corporate Governance, Capital Market Regulation and the Challenge of Disembedded Markets, Peer Zumbansen

Das gesellschaftliche Gedächtnis des Rechts oder: Die juristische Dogmatik als Standeskunst [The social memory of law, or: legal doctrine as the lawyers’ state of art], Peer Zumbansen

Defining the Space of Transnational Law: Legal Theory, Global Governance and Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen

Defining the Space of Transnational Law: Legal Theory, Global Governance, and Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen

Die vergangene Zukunft des Völkerrechts [The Past Future of International Law], Peer Zumbansen

Drittschützende Wirkung eines Anwaltvertrages und verdeckte Sacheinlage [Third Party Protection of a Consultancy Contract and Corporate Finance], Peer Zumbansen

Europe's Darker Legacies; Notes on Mirror Reflections, the Constitution as Fetish, and Other Such Linkages between the Past and the Future Darker Legacies of Law in Europe; The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and Its Legal Traditions Edited, by Christian Joerges and Navraj Singh Ghaleigh (eds); European Constitutionalism beyond the State, by J. H. H. Weiler and Marlene Wind (eds), Peer Zumbansen

Federal Constitutional Court affirms Horizontal Effect of Constitutional Rights in Private Law Relations and Voids a Marital Agreement on Constitutional Grounds (Essay on Bundesverfassungsgericht – Federal Constitutional Court, 6 February 2001 (NJW 2001, 957), Peer Zumbansen

Federal Court of Justice (BGH) Convicts Foreigner for Internet Posted Racial Incitement to Racial Hatred (note on Bundesgerichtshof – Federal Court of Justice, 12 December 2000 (NJW 2001, 624), Peer Zumbansen

From the Outside Looking In: The Jehovas’ Witnesses’ Struggle for Quasi Public Status under Germany’s Incorporation Law (Essay on Bundesverfassungsgericht – Federal Constitutional Court, 19 December 2000), Peer Zumbansen

Germany Inc. Eroding? Board Structure, CEO and Rhenish Capitalism, Peer Zumbansen

Global Forces of Corporate Change and European Path-Dependencies: A Review of 'After Enron' (McCahery/Armour, eds.), Peer Zumbansen

Globalization and the Law: Deciphering the Message of Transnational Human Rights Litigation, Peer Zumbansen

Harry Arthurs and the Philosopher's Stone, Peer Zumbansen

Introduction, Private Ordering in a Globalizing World: Still Searching for the Basis of Contract, Peer Zumbansen

Knowledge in Development, Law and Regulation, or How are We to Distinguish between the Economic and the Non-Economic?, Peer Zumbansen

Knowledge in Development, Law and Regulation, or How are We To Distinguish Between the Economic and the Non-Economic?, Peer Zumbansen