About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

The First Claim: The Burr Trial, United States v. Niwon, and Presidetial Power, John C. Yoo

The Judicial Safeguards of Federalism, John C. Yoo

The New Sovereignty and the Old Constitution: The Chemical Weapons Convention and the Appointments Clause, John C. Yoo

The Status of Soldiers and Terrorists under the Geneva Conventions, John C. Yoo

Treaty Interpretation and the False Sirens of Delegation, John C. Yoo

UN Wars, US War Powers, John C. Yoo

Paris Climate Conference: Without Congress' Support, John C. Yoo and John Bolton

Why Obama Must Defer to Congress on Gitmo, John C. Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty

Marshall's Plan: The Early Supreme Court and Statutory Interpretation, John Choon Yoo

Our Declaratory Ninth Amendment, John Choon Yoo

Who Measures the Chancellor's Foot--The Inherent Remedial Authority of the Federal Courts, John Choon Yoo

Conservative Critique of the Federal Marriage Amendment, A, John Choon Yoo and Anntim Vulchev

Transferring Terrorists, John Yoo and Minn Chung

What Are the Limits of Presidential Power?, John C. Yoo and Neil J. Kinkopf

Judicial Safeguards of Federalism and the Environment: Yucca Mountain from a Constitutional Perspective, John C. Yoo and Jennifer L. Koester

The Issue of Birthright Citizenship Has Been Settled, John C. Yoo and David Rivkin

Less than Bargained for: The Use of Force and the Declining Relevance of the United Nations, John C. Yoo and Will Trachman

The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Model for International Cooperation, John Yoo and Glenn Sulmasy

Searching for Governing Dynamics in the Real World: Market Benchmark Jurisprudence in the SCM Agreement, Kwanghyuk Yoo

A “Modern” Interpretation of the 3rd Amendment: Unconstitutional Militarized Police, Sarah York

All Along the Watchtower: Arbitrary Detention and the Police Function, Alan Young

Book Review: Convicting the Innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong, by Brandon L. Garrett, Alan Young

Deprivations of Liberty: The Impact of the Charter on Substantive Criminal Law, Alan Young

News from the Front--The War on Obscenity and the Death of Doctrinal Purity, Alan Young

Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the "Living Tree" [Part 1], Alan N. Young

Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the "Living Tree" [Part 2], Alan N. Young

Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the' Living Tree' - Part 2, Alan N. Young

Advocates For The Wrongly Convicted, Lawyers, A Forensic Scientist And A Police Officer Weigh In On How To Fix The System, Alan N. Young

Appellate Court Sentencing Principles for Young Offenders, Alan N. Young

A step into freedom after 12 years lost; Leighton Hay was wrongfully convicted in murder that hinged on dubious evidence and a witness who was ’80 per cent sure’, Alan N. Young

Bedford lawyer Alan Young to brief senators on prostitution bill rewrite, Alan N. Young

Canada’s new prostitution law takes effect amidst backlash from media, Ontario’s premier, Alan N. Young

Catching Copyright Criminals: R. v. Miles of Music Ltd., Alan N. Young

Crime Victims and Constitutional Rights, Alan N. Young

Done Nothing Wrong: Fundamental Justice and the Minimum Content of Criminal Law, Alan N. Young

Fake pot laws raise host of problems, say lawyers, Alan N. Young

From Elvis's Pelvis to As Nasty as They Wanna Be: Freedom of Expression and Contemporary Popular Music, Alan N. Young

Fundamental Justice and Political Power: A Personal Reflection on Twenty Years in the Trenches, Alan N. Young

Grassroots Movement Spurred Shift on Marijuana, Alan N. Young

Greffe: A Section 8 Triumph or a Thorn in the Side of Law Enforcement, Alan N. Young

Guilty verdict overturned after judge consults Google Street View, Alan N. Young

How to Wake a Sleeping Giant, Alan N. Young

John Ivison: Provinces Could Kill New Prostitution Law by Refusing to Enforce It, Alan N. Young

Justice Defiled: Perverts, Potheads, Serial Killers and Lawyers, Alan N. Young

Law for the Modern Idiot, Alan N. Young

New prostitution laws unlikely to be challenged soon, legal experts say, Alan N. Young

"Not Waving But Drowning": A Look at Waiver and Collective Constitutional Rights in the Criminal Process, Alan N. Young

Rough, Painful, Consensual Sex is 'Murky' Legal Area: Experts, Alan N. Young

Search and Seizure in 2004 - Dialogue or Dead-End?, Alan N. Young

Some Observations on the Many Faces of Criminal Justice, Alan N. Young

"Son of Sam" and his Legislative Offspring: The Constitutionality of Stripping Criminals of Their Literary Profits, Alan N. Young

Study shows ease of inducing false confessions, Alan N. Young

The Charter of Rights as a Murderer's Best Friend, Alan N. Young

The Charter, The Supreme Court of Canada and the Constitutionalization of the Investigative Process, Alan N. Young

The Rise and Fall of the Charter Empire, Alan N. Young

These laws are the worst!, Alan N. Young

The State that Cried Wolf, Alan N. Young

'This ain't Canada right now': G20 police violated Charter rights, court rules, Alan N. Young

Tory prostitution bill gets Senate approval, Alan N. Young

Two Scales of Justice: A Reply, Alan N. Young

When Titans Clash - The Limits of Constitutional Adjudication, Alan N. Young

Why it’s so hard to keep bad forensics out of the courtroom, Alan N. Young

Tight-lipped Ghomeshi lawyer Marie Henein ‘leaves no stone unturned’, Alan N. Young and Jonathan Rosenthal


Valuing Land in Dispute Resolution: Using Coefficient of Variation to Determine Unit of Measurement, Bryan Younge

Adjudication and Economic and Social Rights, Katharine G. Young

A Public Law of Gender?, Katharine G. Young

Current Issues in Adjudicating Social and Economic Rights, Katharine G. Young

Minimum Standards and Economic and Social Rights, Katharine G. Young

On What Matters, Katharine G. Young

On What Matters in Comparative Constitutional Law, Katharine G. Young

Panelist, Fidelity and Change in Constitutional Interpretation, Katharine G. Young

Proportionality and Economic and Social Rights, Katharine G. Young

Queue-Jumping: On Distributive Contestation in the Age of Rights, Katharine G. Young

Rights and Queues: On Distributive Contests in the Modern State, Katharine G. Young


The Avoidance of Substance in Constitutional Rights, Katharine G. Young

California Appellate Court Bars Equitable Indemnity Claim Against Design Professional Where Only Economic Damages Are Involved, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr


General Rules for Contract Deviation for Sale Ownership, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr


Insurance Agent Who Provided Carrier's Valuation and Two Competing Quotes Did Not Counsel the Insured and Create a Special Relationship, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr




latest Surveys and polls on bascule of religion and belief in both the United Kingdom and Iran, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr

Restriction for Will Sovereignty in Relation with Mutual and Unilateral Sale, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr


Theory of capitalism and its effects in society, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr


NATURE OF DEPOSITE CONTARCT IN IRAN CIVIL LAWS, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani Mr and Shohre Kananizadeh

COMMENTARY— LIMITS OF JUSTICE: THE COURTS' ROLE IN SCHOOL DESEGREGATION. By Howard I. Kalodner and James J. Fishman. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger 1978, Mark G. Yudof

Effective Schools and Federal and State Constitutions: A Variety of Opinions, Mark G. Yudof

Equal Educational Opportunity and the Courts, Mark G. Yudof

Equal Protection, Class Legislation, and Sex Discrimination: One Small Cheer for Mr. Herbert Spencer's Social Statics, Mark G. Yudof

Implementation Theories and Desegregation Realities, Mark G. Yudof

International Human Rights and School Desegregation in the United States, Mark G. Yudof

Intramural Musings on Academic Freedom: A Reply to Professor Finkin, Mark G. Yudof

Introduction to Education Symposium, Mark G. Yudof

Legalization of Dispute Resolution, Distrust of Authority, and Organizational Theory: Implementing Due Process for Students in the Public Schools, Mark G. Yudof

Liability for Constitutional Torts and the Risk-Averse Public School Official, Mark G. Yudof

Library Book Selection and the Public Schools: The Quest for the Archimedean Point, Mark G. Yudof

Personal Speech and Government Expression, Mark G. Yudof

Plato's Ideal and the Perversity of Politics, Mark G. Yudof

Reflections on Private Repossession, Public Policy and the Constitution, Mark G. Yudof

Religious Liberty in the Balance, Mark G. Yudof

School Desegregation: Legal Realism, Reasoned Elaboration, and Social Science Research in the Supreme Court, Mark G. Yudof

School Finance Reform: Don't Worry, Be Happy, Mark G. Yudof