About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

School Finance Reform in Texas: The Edgewood Saga, Mark G. Yudof

Student Discipline in Texas Schools, Mark G. Yudof

Suspension and Expulsion of Black Students from the Public Schools: Academic Capital Punishment and the Constitution, Mark G. Yudof

Suspension and Expulsion of Black Students From the Public Schools: Academic Capital Punishment and the Constitution, Mark G. Yudof

Tea at the Palaz of Hoon: The Human Voice in Legal Rules, Mark G. Yudof

The Ad Volorem Property Tax and Productivity Values for Farm and Ranch Land: A Legal Policy in Search of Justification, Mark G. Yudof

The Property Tax in Texas under State and Federal Law, Mark G. Yudof

Three Faces of Academic Freedom, Mark G. Yudof

Tinker Tailored: Good Faith, Civility, and Student Expression, Mark G. Yudof

When Governments Speak: Toward a Theory of Government Expression and the First Amendment, Mark G. Yudof

Pennzoil v. Texaco, Mark G. Yudof and John L. Jeffers

Rodriguez v. San Antonio Independent School District: Gathering the Ayes of Texas—The Politics of School Finance Reform, Mark G. Yudof and Daniel C. Morgan

Access to Medicines, BRICS Alliances, and Collective Action, Peter K. Yu

Access to Medicines, BRICS Alliances, and Collective Action, Peter K. Yu

Anticircumvention and Anti-anticircumvention, Peter K. Yu

Anticircumvention and Anti-anticircumvention, Peter K. Yu

Are Developing Countries Playing a Better TRIPS Game, Peter K. Yu

Are Developing Countries Playing a Better TRIPS Game, Peter K. Yu

A Tale of Two Development Agendas, Peter K. Yu

A Tale of Two Development Agendas, Peter K. Yu

Bridging the Digital Divide: Equality in the Information Age, Peter K. Yu

Bridging the Digital Divide: Equality in the Information Age, Peter K. Yu

Cultural Relics, Intellectual Property, and Intangible Heritage, Peter K. Yu

Cultural Relics, Intellectual Property, and Intangible Heritage, Peter K. Yu

Currents and Crosscurrents in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright Enforcement Measures and Their Human Rights Threats, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright Reform and Legal Transplant in Hong Kong, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright Reform and Legal Transplants in Hong Kong, Peter K. Yu

Enforcement, Enforcement, What Enforcement?, Peter K. Yu

Enforcement, Enforcement, What Enforcement?, Peter K. Yu

Exploring Innovations and Positive Disruptions in the Supply Chain for Second Line Drugs, Peter K. Yu

Fictional Persona Test: Copyright Preemption in Human Audiovisual Characters, Peter K. Yu

Fictional Persona Test: Copyright Preemption in Human Audiovisual Characters, Peter K. Yu

Four Common Misconceptions about Copyright Piracy, Peter K. Yu

From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China, Peter K. Yu

From Pirates to Partners: Protecting Intellectual Property in China in the Twenty-First Century, Peter K. Yu

How China’s Exclusion from the TPP Could Hurt Its Economic Growth, Peter K. Yu

How Copyright Law May Affect Pop Music without Our Knowing It, Peter K. Yu

How Copyright Law May Affect Pop Music without Our Knowing It, Peter K. Yu

Improving the System: Problems and Solutions at the Intersection of Innovation and Intellectual Property Law, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and Asian Values, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and Asian Values, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and Human Rights in the Nonmultilateral Era, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and the Information Ecosystem, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and the Information Ecosystem, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Training and Education for Development, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Training and Education for Development, Peter K. Yu

International Enclosure, the Regime Complex, and Intellectual Property Schizophrenia, Peter K. Yu

International Enclosure, the Regime Complex, and Intellectual Property Schizophrenia, Peter K. Yu

Keynote: Chinese Copyright Law at 25, Peter K. Yu

Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu

Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu

Of Monks, Medieval Scribes, and Middlemen, Peter K. Yu

Of Monks, Medieval Scribes, and Middlemen, Peter K. Yu

Opportunities and Challenges for U.S.-China Film Co-Production and Other Media, Peter K. Yu

P2P and the Future of Private Copying, Peter K. Yu

P2P and the Future of Private Copying, Peter K. Yu

Piracy, Prejudice, and Perspectives: An Attempt to Use Shakespeare to Reconfigure the U.S.-China Intellectual Property Debate, Peter K. Yu

Piracy, Prejudice, and Perspectives: An Attempt to Use Shakespeare to Reconfigure the U.S.-China Intellectual Property Debate, Peter K. Yu

Reconceptualizing Intellectual Property Interests in a Human Rights Framework, Peter K. Yu

Reconceptualizing Intellectual Property Interests in a Human Rights Framework, Peter K. Yu

Region Codes and the Territorial Mess, Peter K. Yu

Region Codes and the Territorial Mess, Peter K. Yu

Sinic Trade Agreements, Peter K. Yu

Sinic Trade Agreements, Peter K. Yu

Six Secret (and Now Open) Fears of ACTA, Peter K. Yu

Six Secret (and Now Open) Fears of ACTA, Peter K. Yu

Still Dissatisfied after All These Years: Intellectual Property, Post-WTO China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility, Peter K. Yu

Still Dissatisfied After All These Years: Intellectual Property, Post-WTO China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility, Peter K. Yu

Succession by Estoppel: Hong Kong's Succession to the ICCPR, Peter K. Yu

Teaching International Intellectual Property Law, Peter K. Yu

Teaching International Intellectual Property Law, Peter K. Yu

Ten Common Questions about Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Peter K. Yu

Ten Common Questions about Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Peter K. Yu

The Alphabet Soup of Transborder Intellectual Property Enforcement, Peter K. Yu

The Alphabet Soup of Transborder Intellectual Property Enforcement, Peter K. Yu

The Copyright Divide, Peter K. Yu

The Copyright Divide, Peter K. Yu

The Escalating Copyright Wars, Peter K. Yu

The Escalating Copyright Wars, Peter K. Yu

The Graduated Response, Peter K. Yu

The Graduated Response, Peter K. Yu

The Harmonization Game: What Basketball Can Teach about Intellectual Property and International Trade, Peter K. Yu

The Harmonization Game: What Basketball Can Teach about Intellectual Property and International Trade, Peter K. Yu

The International Enclosure Movement, Peter K. Yu

The Middle Kingdom and the Intellectual Property World, Peter K. Yu

The Middle Kingdom and the Intellectual Property World, Peter K. Yu

The Objectives and Principles of the Trips Agreement, Peter K. Yu

The Objectives and Principles of the TRIPS Agreement, Peter K. Yu

The Origins of CCTLD Policymaking, Peter K. Yu

The Origins of ccTLD Policymaking, Peter K. Yu

The Political Economy of Data Protection, Peter K. Yu

The Right to Parody and User-Generated Content, Peter K. Yu

The Rise and Decline of the Intellectual Property Powers, Peter K. Yu

The Rise and Decline of the Intellectual Property Powers, Peter K. Yu

The Strategic and Discursive Contributions of the Max Planck Principle for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements, Peter K. Yu