The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Law after the Welfare State: Formalism, Functionalism and the Ironic Turn of Reflexive Law, Peer Zumbansen
Law and Legal Pluralism: Hybridity in Transnational Governance, Peer Zumbansen
Law as a Social System, by Niklas Luhmann, Peer Zumbansen
Law of Contracts, Peer Zumbansen
Law's Knowledge and Law's Effectiveness: Reflections from Legal Sociology and Legal Theory, Peer Zumbansen
Law’s Knowledge and Law’s Effectiveness: Reflections from Legal Sociology and Legal Theory, Peer Zumbansen
Liability Within Corporate Groups (Bremer Vulkan) - Federal Court of Justice Attempts the Overhaul, Peer Zumbansen
Neither ‘Public’ Nor ‘Private’, ‘National’ Nor ‘International’: Transnational Corporate Governance from a Legal Pluralist Perspective, Peer Zumbansen
Neither Public Nor Private, National Nor International: Transnational Corporate Governance from a Legal Pluralist Perspective, Peer Zumbansen
New Governance in European Corporate Law Regulation as Transnational Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen
New Governance' in European Corporate Law Regulation as Transnational Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen
No Need To Be Italian: ECJ [European Court of Justice] Hands Down Third Case Related To Nationality Requirements For Private Security Guards, Peer Zumbansen
Note to Bundesgerichtshof - Federal Court of Justice, Decision of 18 May 2000 - IX ZR 43/99 (BGH NJW 2000, 2501), Peer Zumbansen
Paving the Way for Cyberlaw: Two FCJ Decisions on Domain Names (note on Bundesgerichtshof – Federal Court of Justice, 17 May 2001 – I ZR 216/99), Peer Zumbansen
Piercing the Legal Veil: Commercial Arbitration and Transnational Law, Peer Zumbansen
Quod Omnes Tangit: Globalization, Welfare Regimes and Entitlements, Peer Zumbansen
Rethinking the Nature of the Firm: The Corporation as a Governance Object, Peer Zumbansen
Semantics of European Law, Peer Zumbansen
Sociological Jurisprudence 2.0: Updating Law's Interdisciplinarity in a Global Context, Peer Zumbansen
Spaces and Places: A Systems Theory Approach to Regulatory Competition in European Company Law, Peer Zumbansen
Spiegelungen von Staat und Gesellschaft: Governance-Erfahrungen in der Globalisierungsdebatte, Peer Zumbansen
State and Market, Peer Zumbansen
The Conundrum of Corporate Social Responsibility: Reflections on the Changing Nature of Firms and States, Peer Zumbansen
The Conundrum of Order: The Concept of Governance from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Peer Zumbansen
The Evolution of the Corporation: Organization, Finance, Knowledge and Corporate Social Responsibility, Peer Zumbansen
The Future of Legal Theory, Peer Zumbansen
The Ins and Outs of Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Legitimacy, Accountability, Effectiveness and a New Concept of "Context", Peer Zumbansen
The Law of Society: Governance through Contract, Peer Zumbansen
The New Embeddedness of the Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Knowledge Society, Peer Zumbansen
The Politics of Relevance: Law, Translation and Alternative Knowledges, Peer Zumbansen
The Privatization of Company Law? Corporate Governance Codes and Commercial Self Regulation, Peer Zumbansen
The Regulatory Landscape of Global Governance and Transnational Legal Authority, Peer Zumbansen
The State as Black Box and the Market as Regulator: A Comment, Peer Zumbansen
Towards a Deliberative Model of Free Speech, Peer Zumbansen
Transitional Justice in a Transnational World: The Ambiguous Role of Law, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Comparisons: Theory and Practice of Comparative Law as a Critique of Global Governance, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Law, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Law and Societal Memory, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Law, Evolving, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Legal Discourse: Reflections on My Time with the German Law Journal, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Ambiguities of Public Authority and Private Power, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Ambiguities of Public Authority and Private Power , Peer Zumbansen
What Lies Before, Behind and Beneath a Case? Five Minutes on Transnational Lawyering and the Consequences for Legal Education, Peer Zumbansen
Why Global Law Is Transnational: Remarks on the Symposium around William Twining's Montesquieu Lecture, Peer Zumbansen
The Forgetfulness of Noblesse: A Critique of the German Foundation Law Compensating Slave and Forced Laborers of the Third Reich, Peer Zumbansen and Libby Adler
The BCE Decision: Reflections on the Firm as a Contractual Organization, Peer Zumbansen and S. B. Archer
Ausländerrecht und internationales Familienrecht [Immigration Law and International Family Law], Peer Zumbansen and Kilian Bälz
Private Law (Contracts): Die falsch ausgelieferten Heizkörperregler, Peer Zumbansen and Kilian Bälz
Approximating Law and Development, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, Peer Zumbansen and Ruth Buchanan
Comparative Law's Coming of Age?: Twenty Years after Critical Comparisons, Peer C. Zumbansen
The Incurable Constitutional Itch: Transnational Private Regulatory Governance and the Woes of Legitimacy, Peer C. Zumbansen
Law, Economics and Evolutionary Theory, Peer Zumbansen and Gralf-Peter Calliess
Law, Economics, and Evolutionary Theory: State of the Art and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Peer Zumbansen and Gralf-Peter Calliess
American and European Constitutionalism Compared: A Report from the UNIDEM Conference in Göttingen, 23-24 May 2003, Peer Zumbansen and Morag Goodwin
Gemeinwohl und Privatinteresse – Expertenhaftung am Scheideweg? [Common Public Interest and Private Interest – Expert Liability at a Crossroads?], Peer Zumbansen and Bernd Kannowski
The Risk of Reverse Convertible Bonds: German Capital Market Law and Investor Protection, Peer Zumbansen and Sung-Kee Kim
Zur Gleichbehandlung von Lohnentgelt und Trinkgeld aus steuer- und arbeitsrechtlicher Sicht [Taxation and Employment Law Issues related to Tipping], Peer Zumbansen and Sung-Kee Kim
Die Geheimhaltungspflicht des Vorstands bei der Due Diligence: Neubewertung im globalisierten Geschäftsverkehr, Peer Zumbansen and Constantin M. Lachner
Obituary - Cornelia Vismann, Peer Zumbansen, Russell Miller, and Alexandra Kemmerer
The ECJ, Volkswagen and European Corporate Law: Reshaping the European Varieties of Capitalism, Peer Zumbansen and Daniel Saam
Iura Novit Curia: Rechtsanspruch auf Entschädigung für NS-Zwangsarbeit vor deutschen Gerichten [iura novit curia: compensation claims before German courts], Peer Zumbansen and Christoph Safferling
Rechtsentfremdungen: Über den gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert des zwölften Kamels, Peer Zumbansen and Gunther Teubner
Transnational Law and Legal Pluralism: Methodological Challenges, Peer Zumbansen, Robert Wai, and François Tanguay-Renaud
Transnational Law and Legal Pluralism: Methodological Challenges, Peer Zumbansen, Robert Wai, and François Tanguay-Renaud
Transnational Law and Legal Pluralism: Methodological Challenges, Peer Zumbansen, Robert Wai, and François Tanguay-Renaud
The Embedded Firm: Corporate Governance, Labor, and Finance Capitalism, Peer Zumbansen and Cynthia A. Williams
The Embedded Firm: Corporate Governance, Labor, and Finance Capitalism, Peer Zumbansen and Cynthia A. Williams
Incident of drunk man kicking humanoid robot raises legal questions, Lisa Zyga
The Law and Economics of Consumer Debt Collection and Its Regulation, Todd J. Zywicki
چرا روبات ها باید توانایی ” نافرمانی ” داشته باشند, اصغرزاده امید
Documents from 2014
An Interview with Dean J. Rich Leonard of Campbell Law School
Building Universal Digital Libraries: An Agenda for Copyright Reform
Citation List to Why Professor Lessig's Dependence-Corruption is not a Founding-Era Concept
Cloudy with a chance of ethical problems: Cloud computing and the practice of law
Commercial debt buyers, latent defects and aggravated insolvency risk
Countercyclical Regulation and Its Challenges
Cyberspace Law: Censorship and Regulation of the Internet
De la Escuela Nacional Unificada a la subsidiariedad del Estado en materia educacional
Digitizing Murder: Content and Platform Considerations
Digitizing Murder: Inventory, Platform Choices, and Web Sites, Oh My!
Extraterritorial limits of the long arm of US bankruptcy law
Genocide in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire, Iraq, and Sudan
Innovation & Intellectual Property: Collaborative Dynamics in Africa