The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Innovation & Intellectual Property: Collaborative Dynamics in Africa
International Poverty Law: A Response to Economic Globalization
Justice and the Outsider: Jurisdiction over Non-Members in Tribal Legal Systems
Market Conduct Supervisors and their Interactions with Prudential Authorities
Moderator, Big Data and the Paradigm of Insurance
Moderator, Regulation: Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI) Designations
"Native Christians Massacred": The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians During World War I
New evidence of hedge funds’ positive impact on Chapter 11 reorganization
Program Review: F4 Just in Time: Models of Demand-Driven Acquisitions for E-Books
Protecting and Promoting Diversity with Intellectual Property Laws (co-editor) (forthcoming 2014)
Shifting sources of law on characterizing debt as equity
Systemic Risk Oversight and the Shifting Balance of State and Federal Authority Over Insurance
The Cultural and Intellectual Property Interests of the Indigenous Peoples of Turkey and Iraq
The Home Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis: Lessons Learned
The Home Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis: Lessons Learned
The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading: An Economic Reinterpretation of the Case Law
“The Protective Function of Automobile Insurance from the Perspective of Judicial Adjudication
YouTube from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe: Tyrannize Locally, Censor Globally
Comparative Outcomes of Laminectomy and Radiotherapy for Spinal Metastatic Disease
Comparative Outcomes of Laminectomy and Radiotherapy for Spinal Metastatic Disease
Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Courtroom: A Guide to Forensic Testimony
Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Courtroom: A Guide to Forensic Testimony
Economy of Mutuality: Merging Financial and Social Sustainability
Economy of Mutuality: Merging Financial and Social Sustainability
Islam and Gender in the Thought of a critical-progressive Muslim scholar activist Ziba Mir Hosseini
Islam and Gender in the Thought of a critical-progressive Muslim scholar activist Ziba Mir Hosseini
Matevosyan NR (2014). Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Courtroom
New York's Taxable Lap a Strip Club Near You!
New York's Taxable Lap a Strip Club Near You!
The Battered Woman Syndrome: Perspectives in Criminal Law and Clinical Psychology
The Battered Woman Syndrome: Perspectives in Criminal Law and Clinical Psychology
Thymus and fertility: New insights of thymic-gonadal-relaxin axis
Thymus and fertility: New insights of thymic-gonadal-relaxin axis
Environmental Law Outside the Canon, Todd S. Aagaard
Using Non-Environmental Law To Accomplish Environmental Objectives, Todd S. Aagaard
Tackling Climate Change: Don't Forget Energy Efficiency, Todd S. Aagaard and Joel B. Einen
Demonstrating the potential for covert policing in the community: five stakeholder scenarios, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, and M G. Michael
Location Based Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, and M.G. Michael
The Regulatory Considerations and Ethical Dilemmas of Location-Based Services (LBS): A Literature Review, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, and M.G. Michael
Emerging forms of covert surveillance using GPS-enabled devices, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M G. Michael, and Anas Aloudat
The current state of commercial location-based service offerings in Australia, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M. G. Michael, and Anas Aloudat
Sketching and validating the location-based services (LBS) regulatory framework in Australia, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M G. Michael, and Rob Nicholls
The regulatory considerations and ethical dilemmas of location-based services (LBS): A literature review, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, and Michael G. Michael
The Unintended Consequences of Safety Regulation, Sherzod Abdukadirov
Regulation of Chemical Risks: Lessons for TSCA Reform from Canada and the European Union, Adam Abelkop and John D. Graham
Banding Together: Reflections of the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights, Jamie R. Abrams and Daniela Kraiem
Mediation Representation: Representing Clients Anywhere, Harold Abramson
Protocols for International Arbitrators Who Dare to Settle Cases, Harold Abramson
Time to Try Mediation of International Commercial Disputes, Harold Abramson
Final Offer Arbitration, Harold I. Abramson
A-Rod is Unrepentant and Vows Appeal, Roger I. Abrams
Change the Rules of the Games, Roger I. Abrams
'Whatever They Need, We Will Get Them', Roger I. Abrams
When Men Were Men, Roger I. Abrams
The Lessons from Libor for Detection and Deterrence of Cartel Wrongdoing, Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz and D. Daniel Sokol
Brasil, Lucas Abreu Barroso
Contemporary legal theory in Brazilian civil law, Lucas Abreu Barroso
El derecho agrario en los tiempos de crisis de la modernidad, Lucas Abreu Barroso
Direito Civil II, Lucas Abreu Barroso, Girolamo Domenico Treccani, and Joyceane Bezerra de Menezes
O dano psíquico nas relações civis e de consumo, Lucas Abreu Barroso and Eini Rovena Dias
The Rural Environmental Cadastre (CAR) as a tool for environmental regularization in land reform settlements, Lucas Abreu Barroso and Guilherme Viana de Alencar
All Assemble: Order and Disorder in Law, Politics, and Culture, Tabatha Abu El-Haj
Friends, Associates and Associations: Theoretically and Empirically Grounding the Freedom of Association, Tabatha Abu El-Haj
Third Party Access to Infrastructure in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf: An unhappy mix of Heavy-Handed Regulation and Light-Handed Regulation, Yanal Abul Failat
Supreme Court Year in Review, Arthur Acevedo
Affirming the Law of Nations in U.S. Courts: The Karadzic Litigation and the Yugoslav Conflict, William Aceves
Economic Analysis of International Law: Transaction Cost Economics and the Concept of State Practice , William J. Aceves
Institutionalist Theory and International Legal Scholarship, William J. Aceves
Litigating the Arab-Israeli Conflict in U.S. Courts: Critiquing the Lawfare Critique, William J. Aceves
Lost Sovereignty? The Implications of the Uruguay Round Agreements, William J. Aceves
Symposium Introduction: Scholarship as Evidence of International Law, William J. Aceves
The Tattered Tapestry of International Law, William J. Aceves
The Life Cycle of Immigration: A Tale of Two Migrants, William J. Aceves and James M. Cooper
Comentarios sobre la regulación de la prescripción en la Ley del Contrato de Seguro, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo and Pedro Eduardo Richter Valdivia
El caso Pratt & Whitney vs. Malev Hungarian Airlines: ¿se trató realmente de una compraventa internacional?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Matrimonio civil y matrimonio natural, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Ocupación temporal de la propiedad privada?, Jorge Adame Goddard
"¿Qué arreglaron los arreglos ?", Jorge Adame Goddard
An Economic Justification for Corporate Reorganizations, Charles Adams
Final Offer Arbitration: Time for Serious Consideration by the Courts, Charles Adams
Highlights of Changes Made by the Oklahoma Pleading Code, Charles Adams
Indirect Infringement From a Tort Law Perspective, Charles Adams
Legal Issues Involving Digital Forensics, Charles Adams
Legal Requirements for the Use of Keystroke Loggers, Charles Adams
Let's Adopt the Proposed Oklahoma Pleading Code, Charles Adams
New Capital for Bankruptcy Reorganizations: It's the Amount That Counts,, Charles Adams