bepress Legal Repository | Scholarly Research from All Areas of Law
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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2015

Disclaiming an Inheritance as Fraudulent Transfer, Jack F. Williams

Disclaiming an Inheritance as Fraudulent Transfer, Jack F. Williams

Ethics Part I, Jack F. Williams

Ethics Part II, Jack F. Williams

Financial Handbook for Bankruptcy Professionals, Jack F. Williams

Homage to Professor Frank R. Kennedy, Jack F. Williams

Learning and Teaching, Jack F. Williams

Legislative Musings and the Sage of Bankruptcy Reform, Jack F. Williams

Managing Preference Claims, Jack F. Williams

Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice, Jack F. Williams

Of Disallowance, Disgorgement, and Malpractice: the Saga of SonicBlue, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part I, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part II, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part III, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part IV, Jack F. Williams

Proposed Retail Bankruptcy Legislation, Jack F. Williams

Reading the Bankruptcy Code (Part II), Jack F. Williams

Reading the Bankruptcy Code: United States v. Hall (Part I), Jack F. Williams

Section 503(b)(9) Claims, Jack F. Williams

Terrorist Threat Analysis: Shaping the Traditional Threat Formula, Jack F. Williams

The Archaeology of Professional Ethics in Bankruptcy (Part I), Jack F. Williams

The Archaeology of Professional Ethics in Bankruptcy (Part II), Jack F. Williams

The Case of the Missing Punctuation Mark, Jack F. Williams

TOUSA: The Importance of Reasonably Equivalent Value in Fraudulent Transfer Law, Jack F. Williams

What Constitutes a Tax Return for Bankruptcy Discharge Purposes?, Jack F. Williams

McQueen and Williams on Tax Aspects of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, Jack F. Williams and C. Richard McQueen

Bankruptcy and the Servicemember Civil Relief Act, Jack F. Williams and Susan H. Seabury

Financial Distress and the Culture of Sports, Jack F. Williams and Elizabeth Simmons

Manipulating and Hiding Terrorist Content on the Internet: Legal and Tradecraft Issues, Jack F. Williams, Marisa Urgo, and Tony Burns

Law Firms as Defendants: Family Responsibilities Discrimination in Legal Workplaces, Joan C. Williams, Stephanie Bornstein, Diana Reddy, and Betsy A. Williams

The COIN Paradox.docx, Joseph N. Williams II



Detection of Mycobacterium Ulcerans in the Environment Predicts Prevalence of Buruli Ulcer in Benin, Heather R. Williamson, Mark Eric Benbow, Lindsay P. Cambell, Christian R. Johnson, Ghislain Sopoh, Yves Barogui, Richard W. Merritt, and Pamela L. C. Small

A Practical Guide to Mooting, Sharon A. Williams and Janet Walker

Book review: New critical legal thinking: law and the political, Nathan Willis

Corporations, Taxes, and Religion: The Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Contraceptive Cases, Steven Willis


Lessons Learned: Mediation as a Healing Art, Penny L. Willrich and Jalae Ulicki


Lessons Learned: Mediation as a Healing Art, Penny L. Willrich and Jalae Ulicki


Gentrification and Urban Public School Reforms: The Interest Divergence Dillema, Erika Wilson


Inciting Genocide With Words, Richard Ashby Wilson


Does Propaganda Incite Violence?, Richard Ashby Wilson and Christine Lillie

‘Emaciated’ Defense or a Trend to Independence and Equality of Arms in Internationalized Criminal Tribunals?, Richard J. Wilson



Can You Hear Me Now?- Corporate Censorship and Its Troubling Implications for the First Amendment , William A. Wines and Terence J. Lau

Desperately Avoiding Bureaucracy: Modularity as a Strategy for Organisational Innovation, Johan Winkel, Daniel Moody, and


The Bankruptcy of the Securities Market Paradigm, Stephen P. Wink

John Roberts's Formalist Nightmare, Steven L. Winter

Co-organizer, Our Common Home: An Ethical Summons to Tackle Climate Change, David A. Wirth


Geographical Indications, Food Safety, and Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities, David A. Wirth

Geographical Indications, Food Safety, and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities, David A. Wirth

International Governance Issues, David A. Wirth

Moderator, Pope Francis’s Encyclical: An Ethical Summons to Tackle Climate Change, David A. Wirth

Participant, Water and Security in the 21st Century, David A. Wirth

Possibilities for a Binding International Agreement on Climate Change: the US Perspective, David A. Wirth

Specific Coverage Issues Implicating Climate Change, David A. Wirth

The Environment, David A. Wirth

The International and Domestic Law of Climate Change: A Binding International Agreement Without the Senate or Congress?, David A. Wirth


The International and Domestic Law of Climate Change: A Binding International Agreement Without the Senate or Congress?, David A. Wirth

The Legal Capacity of the United States to Accept Internationally Legally Binding Mitigation Targets, David A. Wirth

Book Review, Grand Theft and Petit Larceny: Property Rights in America, Patrick Wiseman

Law and the Internet: A Symposium for a New Millennium, Patrick Wiseman

Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research, Patrick Wiseman

The Virtual Teacher, Patrick Wiseman

This is Not a Casebook, Patrick Wiseman


Owning the New Economy: A Guide to Intellectual Property Management for Australia's Clean Technology Sector, Kane Wishart

The Rapid Rise of Delayed Notice Searches, and the Fourth Amendment “Rule Requiring Notice”, Jonathan Witmer-Rich

2015 State Of Criminal Justice, (ed.) (American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section), Mark E. Wojcik

Add an E to Your IRAC, 35 Student Law. 26 (2006), Mark E. Wojcik

Adding Foreign and Comparative Law to Your Course: Guidelines, Materials, and Practical Advice for New Law Professors, Mark E. Wojcik

AIDS and Funeral Homes: Common Legal Issues Facing Funeral Directors, 27 J. Marshall L. Rev. 411 (1994), Mark E. Wojcik

Attorney Fee Award Reduced from $13.4 Million to Less Than $30,000 in McKesson Corp. v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Mark E. Wojcik

Book Review: AIDS in the World, 16 Hous. J. Int'l L. 709 (1994), Mark E. Wojcik

Book Review: Essential Legal Skills: Legal Research, 27 J. Marshall L. Rev. 949 (1994), Mark E. Wojcik

Consular Notification for Dual Nationals, 38 S. Ill. U. L.J. 73 (2013), Mark E. Wojcik

Designing Writing and Research Courses for International Students, 14 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 83 (2006), Mark E. Wojcik

Discrimination After Death, 53 Okla. L. Rev. 389 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik

Don't Wait to Work Pro Bono, 38 Student Law. 20 (2010), Mark E. Wojcik

Get Published, 37 Student Law. 24 (2008), Mark E. Wojcik

Global Aspects of HIV/AIDS (2015 Supplement), Mark E. Wojcik

How to Pick a Foreign Study Program, 37 Student Law. 15 (2009), Mark E. Wojcik

Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility, 8 Tulsa. J. Comp. & Int'l L. 1 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik

International Criminal Law, 39 Int'l Law. 279 (2005), Mark E. Wojcik

International Health Law, 37 Int'l L. 589 (2003), Mark E. Wojcik

International Human Rights, 37 Int'l L. 597 (2003), Mark E. Wojcik

International Legal Developments Year in Review: 2011, 46 Int'l Law. 1 (2012), Mark E. Wojcik

Internet Defamation, Mark E. Wojcik

Introductory Note, 47 I.L.M. 281 (2008), Mark E. Wojcik

Lawyers Who Lie On-line: How Should the Legal Profession Respond to EBay Ethics, 18 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 875 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik

Mexico, 44 Int'l Law. 701 (2010), Mark E. Wojcik

Moderator, Mark E. Wojcik

Not Just a Cash Cow: Meeting the Needs of Non-U.S. Lawyers and Law Students, Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers, Mark E. Wojcik

On the Sudden Loss of a Human Rights Activist: A Tribute to Dr. Jonathan Mann's Use of International Human Rights Law in the Global Battle against AIDS, 32 J. Marshall L. Rev. 129 (1998), Mark E. Wojcik

Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Mackey v. Milam, 527 U.S. 1035 (Supreme Court of the United States of America 1999) (No. 98-1564), Mark E. Wojcik

Recent Developments in International Litigation, 48 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 343 (2012), Mark E. Wojcik

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, Mark E. Wojcik

Removing Nationality as a Punishment, Mark E. Wojcik

Scholarship, Teaching, and Service Abroad: How to Add a Global Experience to Your Academic Resume, Mark E. Wojcik

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 44 Int'l Law. 547 (2010), Mark E. Wojcik

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Under International Law, Mark E. Wojcik

Should You Be a Faculty Research Assistant?, 36 Student Law. 35 (2007), Mark E. Wojcik