About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Copyright Reform, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright: Robertson v Thomson, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2011, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2012, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2012, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2013, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2014, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Update 2015, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Users' Rights in International Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2005, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2006, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2011, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2011, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2013, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop 2013, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Copyright Workshop - April 2006, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Current Canadian Copyright Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Educational Preparation of Health Librarians, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Extending Freedom of Information and Privacy Legislation to Municipalities in Ontario, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Fair Dealing Law & The Contractual Environment, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Fair Dealing Law & The Contractual Environment, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

"Filtering the Flow from the Fountains of Knowledge: Access and Copyright in Education and Libraries, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Freedom of Information Issues, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Freedom of Information: What's it all about?, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Future Knowledge: A Public Policy Framework for the Information Highway, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law in Canada 2009, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law in Canada 2009, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law in Canada 2013, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genealogy and the Law in Canada [Genealogist's Reference Shelf Series], Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Genie in the Bottle: Intellectual Property Legislation and the Flow of Information, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

How the Law Affects You, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Imagining the Knowledge-based Economy: Soon-to-be labour force entrants predict the future of work, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Information Issues and Technology, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Information Policy 1993, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Information Sources used by Lawyers in Problem Solving: An Empirical Exploration, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Information Sources Used by Lawyers in Problem-solving: An Empirical Exploration, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property and Other Issues on the Internet, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property Rights in the Canada-United States Relationship, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property, the Internet and Personal Data Protection, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Introduction to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Ontario and its implications for District Health Councils, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Introduction to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Ontario and its implications for Municipalities, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Introduction to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Ontario and its implications for Municipalities [revised], Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Issues in the Study of Privacy, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Keeping Up with Copyright, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

La nouvelle economie du savoir: predictions des nouveaux venus sur le marche due travail, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Le droit d'auteur dans le contexte de la propriete intellectuelle: une analyse des politiques universitaires canadiennes, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Legal Ethics Research, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Legislative Research and Legal Issues: The Legal Context of Law Reform with respect to Records Management, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Medical Research: Reconciling Public and Private Sector Interests through Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Medical Research: Reconciling Public and Private Sector Interests through Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Municipal Freedom of Information, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Municipalities and Archives: Responsibility for Freedom of Information/Privacy Legislation, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

National Copyright Administration Conference, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

National Treatment, National Interest and the Public Domain, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Negotiation Exercise, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Negotiation Exercise, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Not Really Unloved or Unwanted (Editor's Title), Margaret Ann Wilkinson

OLA Copyright Update 2010, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

OLA Copyright Update 2010, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

OLA Copyright Workshop, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

OLA Spring Copyright Symposium, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

On Copyright, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

On Copyright, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Perceptual Differences in Approaches to Censorship Information Intermediaries and the Implementation of Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Personal Data Protection as an Information Policy Issue, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Presentation of Research, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Presentation of Research, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Presentation of Research, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Principles and Problems of Freedom of Information and Privacy Legislation, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Privacy, Access and the Public Interest, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Privacy and Personal Data Protection: Albatross for Access?, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Privacy Interests in Health, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Protecting the Personal Information of Alumnae Donors: Privacy and Security Imperatives, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Protecting the Personal Information of Alumnae Donors: Privacy and Security Imperatives, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Protect Yourself from Liability, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Public Health Professionals as Users and Creators of Information: Understanding Canadian Copyright is Key, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Public Health Professionals as Users and Creators of Information: Understanding Canadian Copyright is Key, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Public Library Services to Seniors in Southwestern Ontario, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Rights, not Gifts, for Trusted Intermediaries, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Rights or Licenses, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Searching the Oxford English Dictionary for Evidence of the History of Libraries: Report of a Pilot Study, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Mediated Way to Law Students and Laywers, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Challenges of Coping with Intellectual Property Regime Implementation: Observations on Canada and Vietnam, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Confidentiality of Seclusion: Studying Information Flows to Test Intellectual Property Paradigms, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Context of the Supreme Court's Copyright Cases, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Copyright Regime and Data Protection Legislation, Margaret Ann Wilkinson


The Impact of the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1987 upon affected organizations, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Implications of the New Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for Personnel Managers, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Law Affecting Genealogy, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Law Affecting Genealogy, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Nadir of Napster, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The New Information Triangle: How Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Affect the Public Library, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Public Interest in Moral Rights Protection, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Role of the Librarian in Information Policy, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

The Supreme Court of Canada and the Place of the Public Interest in Intellectual Property, Margaret Ann Wilkinson