About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Preliminary or Summary Proceedings: Scope and Importance, Janet Walker and Garry Watson

Class Actions in Canada : Cases, Notes, and Materials, Janet Walker and Garry D. Watson

New Trends in Procedural Law: New Technologies and the Civil Litigation Process, Janet Walker and Garry D. Watson

The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition, Janet Walker and Garry D. Watson

The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, 7th Edition, Janet Walker, Garry D. Watson, Allan C. Hutchinson, and Timothy Pinos

The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, 7th Edition, Janet Walker, Garry D. Watson, Allan C. Hutchinson, and Timothy Pinos

Biomedical Experimentaion Involving Elderly Subjects: The need to balance limited, benevolent protection with the recognition of a long history of autonomous decision-making, Janet Walker, David N. Weisstub, and S. Verdun-Jones

Biomedical Experimentation with Children: Balancing the needs for protective measures with the need to respect children's developing ability to make significant life decisions for themselves, Janet Walker, David N. Weisstub, and S. Verdun-Jones

Legal Pluralism and Legal Universalism in a Global Context, Neil Walker and Peer Zumbansen

Using video link to take forensic evidence - lessons from an Australian case study, Anne Wallace

Reconceputualising security strategies for courts: developing a typology for safer court environments, Anne Wallace, Deborah Blackman, and Emma Rowden


US Supreme Court to Weigh Future of "No Harm" Class-Action Menace, David L. Wallace


Business, Human Rights, and Extraterritoriality in American Law, David L. Wallace and Stephane Brabant


Minding the Specter of CSR-Reporting Liability, David L. Wallace and Stephane Brabant

Minding the Specter of CSR-Reporting Liability, David L. Wallace and Stephane Brabant


US Court Says RICO Statute Has Extraterritorial Application, David L. Wallace and Jonathan Cross


US Supreme Court to Address RICO Extraterritoriality, David L. Wallace and Jonathan Cross


Litigation Targeting Trans Fat Stayed: A Bump in the Road or Something More?, David L. Wallace and Michael R. Kelly


On the Modern American Class Action: A Tale of Faux Classes and Fake Imbeciles, David L. Wallace and Michael R. Kelly

Climate Change, Fiduciary Duty, and Corporate Disclosure: Are Things Heating up in the Boardroom, Perry Wallace

Characterization of High-Power Rocket and Jet Noise Using Near-Field Acoustical Holography, Alan T. Wall, Kent L. Gee, Michael D. Gardner, and Michael M. James

Characterization of Rocket and Jet Noise using Near-Field Acoustic Holography Methods, Allan T. Wall, Kent L. Gee, Michael D. Gardner, and Michael M. James


Spinoza on Conatus and Persistence through Time, Jason Waller

Spinoza on the Incoherence of Self-Destruction, Jason Waller

Spinoza on the persistence of bodies, Jason Waller

Brands, Competition Law and IP, Spencer Weber Waller, Devan R. Desai, and Ioannis Lianos


Canadian Stock Exchange Checklist, Tiffany C. Walsh

Disqualification of Those Engaged in the Management of Companies and Financial Institutions, Adrian J. Walters

Giving Effect to Foreign Restructuring Plans in Anglo-U.S. Private International Law, Adrian J. Walters

Statutory Erosion of Secured Creditors' Rights: Some Insights from the United Kingdom, Adrian J. Walters

Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook, Adrian J. Walters and Michael H. Schwartz


Everything Is Presumed in Texas, Benjamin Walther

Amending WTO Rules to Alleviate Constraints on Renewable Energy Subsidies, Rick A. Waltman


Assessing EPA’s Authority to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Clean Air Act Section 111 (d) & the Clean Power Plan, Rick A. Waltman

Contribution Arguments in Commercial Law, Steven Walt and Emily Sherwin

Four Concepts of Validity: Further Reflections on the Inclusive/Exclusive Positivism Debate, Will Waluchow, Leslie Green, Michael Guidice, and François Tanguay-Renaud

Actions and Remedies Against Government Units and Public Officers for Nonfeasance, 11 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 101 (1979), Paul Wangerin

Deemed Security Interests, Depaul J. Bus. L. (forthcoming 2015), Paul Wangerin

The Hierarchy of Priority, Pepperdine J. Bus. L. (forthcoming 2015), Paul Wangerin

A Beginner's Guide to Business-Related Aspects of United States Immigration Law, Paul T. Wangerin

A Beginner's Guide to Business-Related Aspects of United States Immigration Law, 5 Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 844 (1983), Paul T. Wangerin

Action Research in Legal Education, 33 Willamette L. Rev. 383 (1997), Paul T. Wangerin

Actions and Remedies Against Government Units and Public Officers for Nonfeasance, Paul T. Wangerin

Alternative Grading in Large Section Law School Classes, 6 U. Fla. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 53 (1993), Paul T. Wangerin

A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Structure of Persuasive Arguments, 16 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 195 (1993), Paul T. Wangerin

Calculating Rank-in-Class Numbers: The Impact of Grading Differences among Law School Teachers, 51 J. Legal Educ. 98 (2001), Paul T. Wangerin

Damages for Reliance across the Spectrum of Law: Of Blind Men and Legal Elephants, 72 Iowa L. Rev. 47 (1986), Paul T. Wangerin

Law School Academic Support Programs, 40 Hastings L.J. 771 (1989), Paul T. Wangerin

Learning Strategies for Law Students, 52 Alb. L. Rev. 471 (1988), Paul T. Wangerin

Objective, Multiplistic, and Relative Truth in Developmental Psychology and Legal Education, 62 Tul. L. Rev. 1237 (1988), Paul T. Wangerin

"Plain Error" and "Fundamental Fairness": Toward a Definition of Exceptions to the Rules of Procedural Default, Paul T. Wangerin

“Plain Error” and “Fundamental Fairness”: Toward a Definition of Exceptions to the Rules of Procedural Default, 29 DePaul L. Rev. 753 (1980), Paul T. Wangerin

Restitution for Intangible Gains, Paul T. Wangerin

Restitution for Intangible Gains, 54 La. L. Rev. 339 (1993), Paul T. Wangerin

Skills Training In "Legal Analysis": A Systematic Approach, Paul T. Wangerin

Skills Training in “Legal Analysis”: A Systematic Approach, 40 U. Miami L. Rev. 409 (1986), Paul T. Wangerin

Teaching and Learning in Law School: An “Alternative” Bookshelf for Law School Teachers, 29 Gonz. L. Rev. 49 (1994), Paul T. Wangerin

Technology in the Service of Tradition: Electronic Lectures and Live-Class Teaching, 53 J. Legal Educ. 213 (2003), Paul T. Wangerin

The Political and Economic Roots of the Adversary System of Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution, 9 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 203 (1994), Paul T. Wangerin

The Problem of Parochialism in Legal Education, 5 S. Cal. Interdisc. L.J. 441 (1997), Paul T. Wangerin

The Strategic Value of Restitutionary Remedies, Paul T. Wangerin

The Strategic Value of Restitutionary Remedies, 75 Neb. L. Rev. 255 (1996), Paul T. Wangerin

Directors’ Defence of Reliance on Professional Advisers under Anglo-Australian Law, Wai Yee Wan

Regulatory and legislative protections for consumers in complementary medicine: Lessons from Australian policy and legal developments, Jon Wardle, Michael Weir, Brenda Marshall, and Eloise Archer

Regulatory and legislative protections for consumers in complementary medicine: Lessons from Australian policy and legal developments, Jon Wardle, Michael Weir, Brenda Marshall, and Eloise Archer

Regulatory and legislative protections for consumers in complementary medicine: Lessons from Australian policy and legal developments, Jon Wardle, Michael Weir, Brenda Marshall, and Eloise Archer


Debt, Poverty, and Personal 'Financial Distress', Stephen Ware


Judicial Elections, Judicial Impartiality and Legitimate Judicial Lawmaking: Williams-Yulee v. the Florida Bar, Stephen Ware


The Glucose Model of Mediation: Physiological Bases of Willpower as Important Explanations for Common Mediation Behavior, Stephen Ware

The Glucose Model of Mediation: Physiological Bases of Willpower as Important Explanations for Common Mediation Behavior, Stephen Ware

Somebody's Watching Me: FCPA Monitorships and How They Can Work Better, F. Joseph Warin, Michael S. Diamant, and Veronica S. Root

The Harm in Merely Knowing: Privacy, Complicity, Surveillance, and the Self, Richard Warner and Robert H. Sloan


The Self, the Stasi, the NSA: Privacy, Knowledge, and Complicity in the Surveillance State, Richard Warner and Robert H. Sloan

The Self, the Stasi, the NSA: Privacy, Knowledge, and Complicity in the Surveillance State, Richard Warner and Robert H. Sloan



Unnecessary, Avoidable, Unfair, and Unjust: [En]gendered Access to Care in the PPACA Era and the Case for a New Public Policy, Keegan Warren-Clem

Unnecessary, Avoidable, Unfair, and Unjust: [En]gendered Access to Care in the PPACA Era and the Case for a New Public Policy, Keegan Warren-Clem

Contemporary Issues in Water Resources: U.S. Mexico Water, Food and Energy Nexus, Gina Warren

Due Process - Prosecutorial Implications of a Victim's Rightr to Be Heard: Court Upholds Victim's Right to Be Heard at Important Criminal Justice Hearings, Gina Warren

Energy and Water Implications of the Clean Power Plan, Gina Warren

Executive Summary (2012), Gina Warren

Executive Summary (2013), Gina Warren

Executive Summary (2014), Gina Warren

Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Disclosure: Do We Have a Right to Know?, Gina Warren

Hydropower: It's a Small World after All, Gina Warren

Hydropower: Time for a Small Makeover, Gina Warren

Increasing the Potential of Small Hydropower Generation, Gina Warren

Pooling Clauses and Statutes, Gina Warren

Regulating Pot to Save the Polar Bear: Energy and Climate Impacts of the Marijuana Industry, Gina Warren

Regulating Pot to Save the Polar Bear: Energy and Climate Impacts of the Marijuana Industry, Gina Warren

Roundtable on Environmentalism and Animal Advocacy, Gina Warren

Small Hydropower, Big Potential, Gina Warren

The Future of Energy: The European and American Approaches -- The American Approach, Gina Warren

Vanishing Power Lines and Emerging Distributed Generation, Gina Warren

Two Years after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Decision in Belden & Blake Corp. v. Commonwealth Department of Conservation & Natural Resources: The Commonwealth's Struggle to Protect State Lands, Gina Warren and Krista Baron

Executive Summary (2014), Gina S. Warren

Vanishing Power Lines and Emerging Distributed Generation, Gina S. Warren

Pooling Clauses and Statutes, Gina Warren and Mark Walston

How Much Diversity Can the US Constitution Stand?, Tanya Washington