About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015


Information to consumers on the absence or reduced presence of gluten in food: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 828/2014 / July 17, 2015, Luis González Vaqué


La Directiva 2005/29/CE relativa a las prácticas comerciales desleales: su aplicación en la protección de los consumidores de productos alimenticios, Luis González Vaqué


La mala calidad de la futura Ley para la Defensa de la Calidad Alimentaria, Luis González Vaqué


La prevención y represión de los fraudes alimentarios en la Unión Europea, Luis González Vaqué


Le gaspillage alimentaire dans l’Union européenne : un nouveau défi pour le droit de l’agro-alimentaire ?, Luis González Vaqué


Le informazioni sugli alimenti ai consumatori - Il Regolamento UE n. 1169/2011, Luis González Vaqué


Nuevas reglas para la utilización de las menciones “muy bajo en gluten” y “sin gluten” en el etiquetado y la publicidad de los alimentos, Luis González Vaqué


Nutritional labelling in France - Causes and implications of consumer confusion, Luis González Vaqué


Prólogo, Luis González Vaqué


Secrets d'affaires: l'urgente nécessité d'adopter une directive face a l'inefficacité de l'application de l'accord sur les ADPIC, Luis González Vaqué


Spagna: il “Proyecto de Ley para la Defensa de la Calidad Alimentaria” - Una legge che non protegge la qualità, Luis González Vaqué


Spagna: Ley 6/2015, de 12 de mayo, de Denominaciones de Origen e Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas de ámbito territorial supraautonómico, Luis González Vaqué


Transatlantic Trade and Investmente Partnership e le denominazioni d’origine europee, Luis González Vaqué


Lecciones de Derecho alimentario 2015-2016, Luis González Vaqué and Juan Mier Albert


Envisioning a future without food waste and food poverty, Luis González Vaqué and A. Arroyo Aparicio


European Food (Mis)Information to Consumers: Do Safety Risks Lie Just Around the Corner?, Luis González Vaqué and Corrado Finardi


Food Legislation: The “Teekanne” case of 4 June 2015, Luis González Vaqué, Sara Aparicio Hill, and Sebastián Romero Melchor


"En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc." [2015/1], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/10], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/2], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/3], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/4], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/5], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/6], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/7], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/8], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc. [2015/n9], Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez


The Impact of the Future Trade Secrets Directive on the Food Sector, Luis González Vaqué and Isabel Segura Roda


Alimentos vendidos a distancia, Luis González Vaqué, Silvia Bañares Vilella, Antoni García Gabarra, and Andrés Gavilán Bravo

A Trade Secret Approach to Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Deepa Varadarajan

Billboards and Big Utilities: Borrowing Land-Use Concepts to Regulate "Nonconforming" Sources Under the Clean Air Act, Deepa Varadarajan

Improvement Doctrines, Deepa Varadarajan

Tortious Interference and the Law of Contract: The Case for Specific Performance Revisited, Deepa Varadarajan

Trade Secret Fair Use, Deepa Varadarajan

Police Information Systems, Sean P. Varano, Jeffrey M. Cancino, James Glass, and Roger Enriquez


Navigating Legal Cultures: The limits of Self-help for Immigrants at a Law Clinic in Norway, Ana Maria Vargas Falla


Responsibility and the Limits of Conversation, Manuel Vargas


Desert, Responsibility, and Justification, Manuel R. Vargas


Separate and Unequal?: The Problematic Segregation of Special Populations in Charter Schools Relative to Traditional Public Schools, Julian Vasquez Heilig

A Century of Service with the Red Cross, Margaret H. Vath

Drama, Crafts, & Fun with Georgia Shakespeare, Margaret H. Vath

How to Manage Conflict, Margaret H. Vath

Legislative Update: Comply with the Pool Safety Act, Margaret H. Vath

Broad Are Nebraska's Rolling Plains: The Early Writings of George Bird Grinnell, Richard Vaughan

Climb to the Ice, Richard Vaughan

Expanding the Past: Indiana’s Digital Collection of Historic Documents, Richard Vaughan

To the Ice: George Bird Grinnell's 1887 Ascent of Grinnell Glacier, Richard Vaughan

Education of Lawyers Report and Recommendations, Robert Vaughn

Increase in Bank Robberies, Robert Vaughn

Kettering Planning to Install Cameras on Police Cars, Robert Vaughn

Ohio Appellate Practice, Robert Vaughn

Pedagogy: Taking Learning Outside the Classroom, Robert Vaughn

Spike in Dollar Store Robberies, Robert Vaughn

Taking Criminal Justice Students Abroad: Bridging the Divide, Robert Vaughn

The More Things Change: An Analysis of Recent Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Robert Vaughn

Initial Appearance, Robert Vaughn and J. Cencich

Abridgments and Abstracts: Copyright Implications, David Vaver

Authors' Moral Rights and the Copyright Law Review Committee's Report: W(h)ither Such Rights Now?, David Vaver

Authors' Moral Rights: Reform Proposals in Canada: Charter or Barter of Rights for Creators?, David Vaver

Being Old and Obvious: Apotex v. Sanofi SCC, David Vaver

Best Mode Disclosure in Canadian Patents, David Vaver

Brand Culture: Trademarks, Marketing and Consumption - Responding Legally to Professor Schroeder’s Paper, David Vaver

Canada, David Vaver

Canada Starts Reforming its Copyright Law, David Vaver

Can Intellectual Property be Taken to Satisfy a Judgement Debt?, David Vaver

Case Comment: Smyth v. Szep Unsettling Settlements: Of Unconscionability and Other Things, David Vaver

Chocolate, Copyright, Confusion: Intellectual Property and the Supreme Court of Canada, David Vaver

Clerical Errors in the Patent Office, David Vaver

Clipping Services and Copyright, David Vaver

Consent or No Consent: The Burden of Proof in Intellectual Property Infringement Suits, David Vaver

Copyright and the State in Canada and the United States, David Vaver

Copyright Defenses as User Rights, David Vaver

Copyright Developments in Europe: The Good, The Bad and the Harmonized, David Vaver

Copyright in Canada: The New Millennium, David Vaver

Copyright in Foreign Works: Canada's International Obligations, David Vaver

Copyright in Legal Documents, David Vaver

Copyright Inside the Law Library, David Vaver

Copyright Law, David Vaver

Copyright Law: Recent Canadian Developments, David Vaver

Copyright Phase 2: The New Horizon, David Vaver

Defining and Rewarding Invention: A Review and a Modest Proposal for Patent Law, David Vaver

Does Intellectual Property Have Personality? , David Vaver

Does the Public Understand Intellectual Property Law? Do Lawyers?, David Vaver

Dramatic and Musical Reproductions and Performances: Copyright and Performers' Rights and their Implications for Educators, David Vaver

General Introduction, David Vaver

Intellectual Property: 'Bargain' or Not?, David Vaver

Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents, Trade-Marks [First Edition], David Vaver

Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents, Trade-Marks, Second Edition, David Vaver

Intellectual Property Rights, David Vaver

Intellectual Property Today: Of Myths and Paradoxes, David Vaver

Issues of Current Concern in European Intellectual Property Law, David Vaver

Keeping Secrets, Civilly Speaking, David Vaver

Le Concept d’Invention en droit des Brevets: Bilan et Perspective, David Vaver

Limitations in Intellectual Property: "The Time is Out of Joint", David Vaver

Overdose de Medicaments Brevets: l’Europedans un ‘TRIPS’ Depuis Dix, David Vaver

Publishers and Copyright: Rights Without Duties?, David Vaver

Recent Copyright Law Developments: More Reform?, David Vaver

Record and Software Rentals: The Copright Spin, David Vaver

Reforming Intellectual Property Law: An Obvious and Not-so-obvious Agenda, David Vaver

Rejuvenating Copyright, David Vaver