The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Of Moby Dick and Tartar Sauce: The Academically Underprepared Law Student and the Curse of Overconfidence, Ruth C. Vance and Susan Stuart
Addressing the Tension between Directors' Duties and Shareholder Rights - A Tale of Two Regimes, Sean Vanderpol and Edward J. Waitzer
Mediating Rights and Responsibilities in Control Transactions, Sean Vanderpol and Edward J. Waitzer
The ISIS Crisis and The Development of International Humanitarian Law, Johan D. van der Vyver
, The Law School Of The Future: How The Synergies Of Convergence Will Transform The Very Notion Of “Law Schools” During The 21st Century From “Places” To “Platforms”, Jeffrey A. Van Detta
Optimal estimation for global ground-level fine particulate matter concentrations, Aaron van Donkelaar, Robert Spurr, Eason Drury, Lorraine Remer, Robert Levy, Jun Wang, , and Randall Martin
A Critique of Investment Treaties and Investor-State Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
Analysis shows European Commission’s ‘improved’ corporate sovereignty model would actually make things much worse, Gus Van Harten
Analyst: ISDS model is Australia, not Canada, Gus Van Harten
A parade of ISDS reforms: The Commission’s new float, Gus Van Harten
A Parade of Reforms: The European Commission's Latest Proposal for ISDS, Gus Van Harten
Arbitrator Behaviour in Asymmetrical Adjudication: An Empirical Study of Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
A Report on the Flawed Proposals for Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in TTIP and CETA, Gus Van Harten
Beware the discretionary power of arbitrators, Gus Van Harten
Breaking down the harm to Canada done by treaty with China, Gus Van Harten
Canada a world leader in surrendering its sovereignty, Gus Van Harten
Canada: From energy superpower to world colony?, Gus Van Harten
Charkaoui and Secret Evidence, Gus Van Harten
Comments on the European Commission’s approach to investor-state arbitration, 55pp, Gus Van Harten
Comments on the European Commission’s Approach to Investor-State Arbitration in TTIP and CETA, Gus Van Harten
Contributions and Limitations of Empirical Research on Independence and Impartiality in International Investment Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
Creative accounting and the sales pitch for ISDS, Gus Van Harten
Doubts over EU’s proposals for saving US trade deal, Gus Van Harten
EU Trade Pact Could Weaken Ottawa’s Power To Regulate Banks, Gus Van Harten
Fairness and Independence in Investment Arbitration: A Critique of Susan Franck's "Development and Outcomes of Investment Treaty Arbitration", Gus Van Harten
Five Justifications for Investment Treaties: A Critical Discussion, Gus Van Harten
Free trade deals highlight discord over investor protection, Gus Van Harten
Guatemala’s Peace Accords in a Free Trade Area of the Americas, Gus Van Harten
Investment Arbitrators’ Evident Lack of Restraint, Gus Van Harten
Investment Rules and the Denial of Change, Gus Van Harten
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public Law, Gus Van Harten
Investment Treaty Arbitration and the Policy Implications for Capital-Importing Countries, Gus Van Harten
Investment Treaty Arbitration, Procedural Fairness, and the Rule of Law, Gus Van Harten
Is Harper the worst prime minister in history? Part two, Gus Van Harten
Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Restraint Based on Relative Suitability, Gus Van Harten
Judicial Supervision of NAFTA Chapter 11 Tribunals, Gus Van Harten
Law prof to discuss European-Canadian trade agreement in Burlington, Gus Van Harten
MEPs and trade ministers reject EU trade commissioner’s corporate rights reforms, Gus Van Harten
NAFTA Investor-State Dispute Resolution: Pope & Talbot and the Minimum Standard of Treatment, Gus Van Harten
Notes on the German Economy and Energy Ministry's Proposal for Reformed Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Gus Van Harten
OceanaGold vs El Salvador: Foreshadowing ‘trade’ under the TPP?, Gus Van Harten
Only bottom line matters in trade, Gus Van Harten
Ottawa ratifies foreign investment deal with China despite tensions, Gus Van Harten
Politics faded out the constitutional effectiveness of trade agreements, Gus Van Harten
Private Authority and Transnational Governance: The Contours of the International System of Investor Protection, Gus Van Harten
Public Inquiries: Independence is the Key, Gus Van Harten
Reforming the NAFTA Investment Regime, Gus Van Harten
Reform of Investor-State Arbitration: A Perspective from Canada, Gus Van Harten
Six tough questions about the China trade deal, Gus Van Harten
Sold down the Yangtze: the story of Canada’s FIPA with China, Gus Van Harten
Sovereign Choices and Sovereign Constraints: Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
The Boom in Parallel Claims in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
The European Commission's Push to Consolidate and Expand ISDS: An Assessment of the Proposed Canada-Europe CETA and Europe-Singapore FTA, Gus Van Harten
The FIPA with China restricts Canada’s options on climate change, Gus Van Harten
The (Lack of) Women Arbitrators in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
The Public-Private Distinction in the International Arbitration of Individual Claims Against the State, Gus Van Harten
The US-EU trade treaty that could let corporations sue governments, Gus Van Harten
Thinking Twice About a Gold Rush: PacRim Cayman LLC v. El Salvador, Gus Van Harten
Truth Before Punishment: A Defence of Public Inquiries, Gus Van Harten
TWAIL and the Dabhol Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
Weaknesses of Adjudication in the Face of Secret Evidence, Gus Van Harten
Why Stephen Harper’s ‘trade’ deals are losing their cachet: Walkom, Gus Van Harten
Why the big secret?, Gus Van Harten
Administrative Law: Cases, Text, and Materials, 6th Edition, Gus Van Harten, Gerald Heckman, and David Mullan
Investment Treaty Arbitration as a Species of Global Administrative Law, Gus Van Harten and Martin Loughlin
Half-baked China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is lopsided, Gus Van Harten and Kyla Tienhaara
Atomism and Automation, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Author Autonomy and Atomism in Copyright Law, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Bumping around in Culture: Creativity, Spontaneity, and Physicality in Copyright Policy, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Communications' Copyright Policy, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Cultivating Open Information Platforms: A Land Trust Model, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Cultural Environmentalism and Constructed Commons, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Cultural Environmentalism and the Constructed Commons, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Distributive Values in Copyright, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Land Recording and Copyright Reform, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Making Copyright Work for Authors Who Write to Be Read, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
The New Servitudes, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Touching and concerning Copyright: Real Property Reasoning in MDY Industries, Inc. v. Blizzard Entertainment, inc, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
Touching and concerning Copyright: Real Property Reasoning in MDY Industries, Inc. v. Blizzard Entertainment, inc., Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
On Editing, Jonathan Van Patten
The Authoritarian Logic of Regulatory Pluralism: Understanding China's New Environmental Actors, Benjamin van Rooij, Rachel E. Stern, and Kathinka Furst
Constructing 'Health', Defining 'Choice': Legal and Policy Perspetives on the Post-PGD Embryo in Four Jurisdictions, Estair Van Wagner and Roxanne Mykitiuk
23 aprile: in Cataluña si festeggia Sant Jordi, Luis González Vaqué
Case "Herbaria Kräuterparadies", Luis González Vaqué
Colombia: il Presidente Santos lancia una nuova soluzione per la sicurezza alimentare, Luis González Vaqué
Desarmar al populismo, un nuevo objetivo en la Unión Europea, Luis González Vaqué
Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices and Its Application to Food-Related Consumer Protection, Luis González Vaqué
El Acuerdo de adhesión de la UE al Convenio europeo para la protección de los derechos humanos y de las libertades fundamentales, Luis González Vaqué
El desperdicio de alimentos en la Unión Europea: ¿un nuevo desafío para el Derecho agroalimentario?, Luis González Vaqué
El desperdicio de alimentos en la Unión Europea: ¿un nuevo desafío para el Derecho agroalimentario?, Luis González Vaqué
El insostenible desperdicio de alimentos: ¿qué podemos hacer los consumidores?, Luis González Vaqué
El retraso en la adopción de la Directiva relativa a los secretos comerciales: ¿Quién gana… quién pierde?, Luis González Vaqué
El TJUE confirma y precisa su jurisprudencia sobre la eficacia informativa de la lista de ingredientes: la sentencia “Teekanne” de 4 de junio de 2015, Luis González Vaqué
El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE se pronuncia a favor de una mayor transparencia en el acceso a los datos de la AESA (EFSA), Luis González Vaqué
Esistono altri modi di mangiare? Se ne è parlato a Barcellona, Luis González Vaqué
España: Confusión y desconcierto sobre la información relativa a los alimentos que se presentan sin envasar para la venta al consumidor final, Luis González Vaqué
España - Proyecto de Ley para la Defensa de la Calidad Alimentaria: pronóstico reservado, Luis González Vaqué
European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency in accessing EFSA data, Luis González Vaqué
Food Loss and Waste in the European Union: A New Challenge for the Food Law?, Luis González Vaqué