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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Complex Litigation: Problems in Advanced Civil Procedure, Jay Tidmarsh and Roger H. Trangsrud.


Extract from Ronald D. Rotunda & John E. Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedure § 8.12 n.2 & n.7.10 (5th ed. Supp. 2015), citing Tillman's Originalism & The Scope of the Constitution's Disqualification Clause, Seth Tillman


Advice to the Allies—1945, Seth Barrett Tillman


After Paris, questions for us all, Seth Barrett Tillman


Byron F. Egan, Choice of Entity Decision Tree: Choice and Acquisition of Entities in Texas, TexasBarCLE and the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas 304 n.1211 (San Antonio, Tex., May 22, 2015), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Byron F. Egan, How Recent Fiduciary Duty Cases Affect Advice to Directors and Officers of Delaware and Texas Corporations, 37th Annual Conference on Securities Regulation and Business Law (Dallas, Tex., Feb. 13, 2015), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation list to Advice to the Allies—1945, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to Lincoln and Merryman, Seth Barrett Tillman

Equity and Trusts, Seth Barrett Tillman


Establishment Clause, Wikipedia (last visited September 3, 2015), citing Tillman's "Blushing Our Way Past Historical Fact And Fiction", Seth Barrett Tillman


Ex Parte Merryman: A Short Reply to Andrew Hyman and Others, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from 1 John R. Vile, Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789-2015 (4th ed. 2015) citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Derek T. Muller, Scrutinizing Federal Electoral Qualifications, Indiana Law Journal (2015), citing Tillman's Why Our Next President May Keep His or Her Senate Seat, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from George Brown, Applying Citizens United to Ordinary Corruption, Notre Dame L. Rev. (forthcoming circa Dec. 2015), Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Heidi Kitrosser, Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the US Constitution (2015), citing Bailey-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Jennifer Anglim Kreder, The “Public Trust” (2015), citing multiple Tillman-authored publications, Seth Barrett Tillman

Extract from John O. McGinnis, The Roberts Court’s Normalization of Campaign Finance Jurisprudence (2005) (citing Teachout-Tillman exchange) (on file with author), Seth Barrett Tillman

Extract from Luke Beck, When Is an Office or Public Trust ‘Under the Commonwealth’ for the Purposes of the Religious Tests Clause of the Australian Constitution?, Monash U. L. Rev. (2015), citing Tillman's Response to Chafetz, and Teachout-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Marshall J. Breger & Gary J. Edles, Independent Agencies in the United States: Law, Structure, and Politics (2015), citing Prakash-Tillman Exchange, and Teachout-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman

Extract from Richard L. McCormick, Anti-Corruption in American History, J. Gilded Age & Progressive Era (2015) (peer reviewed), citing Tillman's Citizens United and the Scope of Professor Teachout's Anti-Corruption Principle, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Richard W. Southgate & Donald W. Glazer, Massachusetts Corporation Law & Practice (2d ed. Cum. Supp. 2015), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman

Extract from Roy E. Brownell II, Coping With Vice Presidential Incapacity (2015), citing Teachout-Tillman Exchange (on file with author), Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Roy E. Brownell II, Part 2, A Constitutional Chameleon: The Vice President’s Place within the American System of Separation of Powers: Political Branch Interpretation and Counterarguments, Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y (2015), citing multiple Tillman publications, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Sandra Fredman et al., Public Access to Court Documents: Research Prepared for the Legal Resources Centre, South Africa (Oxford Pro Bono Publico Programme Paper, Jan. 2015) (peer reviewed) (draft), citing Tillman's Opinion Editorial on Access to Court Documents, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Stephen F. Knott & Tony Williams, Washington and Hamilton: The Alliance That Forged America (2015), citing Tillman's The Puzzle of Hamilton's Federalist No. 77, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Service, Section on Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 (LexisNexis 2013 & forthcoming 2016), citing Tillman's Response to Chafetz, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from William J. Rich, Modern Constitutional Law (3d ed. Supp. Dec. 2015), citing Tillman's Response to Lessig, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Yasmin Dawood, Campaign Finance and American Democracy, Annual Review of Political Science (2015) (peer reviewed), citing Tillman's Response to Lessig, Seth Barrett Tillman


JUDICIAL OPINION: OptimisCorp v. Waite, Civ. A. No. 8773-VCP, slip op. at 191 n.589, 2015 WL 5086342, at *74 n.589, 2015 Del. Ch. LEXIS 222, at *254 n.589 (Del. Ch., Aug. 26, 2015) (Parsons, V.C.), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Konstantinos G. Margaritis, The Treaty of Lisbon and the protection of fundamental rights in the European Union (2015) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Law School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), citing Tillman & Tillman's Fragment on Shall & May, Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter from Seth Barrett Tillman to UKIP in regard to UKIP's supporting the British Veterinary Association (“BVA”) and Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (“RSPCA”) in calling for a ban on non-stun slaughter (7 March 2015), Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to a Young Social Justice Warrior Who Requested a Formal Apology, Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to the Editor, from Seth Barrett Tillman, Responding to Hal Brinton's Does Censorship Have a Role in a Civilised Society?, Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to the Editor of Claremont Review of Books from Seth Barrett Tillman, commenting on Mackubin Thomas Owens’ General of the Lost Cause (Spring 2015), Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to the Editor: Raif Badawi wins EU’s Sakharov human rights prize, Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to the Editor, Responding to Headteacher faces jail for sex with teenage boys—23 June 2015 17.10 BST, Seth Barrett Tillman


Letter to the Editor, Responding to Rory Carroll et al., San Bernardino shooting suspects raised few red flags before ‘horrendous’ crime, The Guardian, Dec. 3, 2015, 20:08 GMT, Seth Barrett Tillman


Madison’s Letter to Pendleton on Presidential Succession: A Reevaluation (2015) (not yet drafted), Seth Barrett Tillman


President Lincoln and Ex Parte Merryman, Seth Barrett Tillman


Response to Professor Brian Kalt’s A better line to the Oval Office, Seth Barrett Tillman


Sanford Levinson, Argument Open to All: Reading The Federalist in the 21st Century (2015), citing Tillman on the Incompatibility Clause, Seth Barrett Tillman


Secretary Clinton Can Relax Because Section 2071 Disqualification Does Not Apply To The Presidency: A Response to Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Cause of Action, Seth Barrett Tillman


Seth Barrett Tillman, Letter to the Editor, “Occupy the Syllabus” fails to note complexity of adding diversity to syllabi, The Daily Californian (Feb. 10, 2015), Seth Barrett Tillman

Syllabi: Global Constitutional Law (2014-2015), Religion & State (2014-2015), Introduction to the American Legal System (2014-2015), Seth Barrett Tillman

Today with Sean O’Rourke, RTÉ Radio 1 (Jan. 15, 2015) (panellist), Seth Barrett Tillman

Yen-tu Su, The Partisan Ordering of Candidacies and the Pluralism of the Law of Democracy: The Case of Taiwan, Election Law Journal (2016) (peer reviewed), citing Tillman's Originalism and the Scope of the Constitution's Disqualification Clause, Seth Barrett Tillman

North Carolina's Reincarnated Joint Tenancy: Oh Intent, Where Art Thou, Daniel R. Tilly

North Carolina's Reincarnated Joint Tenancy: Oh Intent, Where Art Thou, Daniel R. Tilly and Patrick K. Hetrick

Sexual Harassment and Disparate Impact: Should Non-Targeted Workplace Sexual Conduct Be Actionable Under Title VII?, Kelly Cahill Timmons

Article 8: Preservation of a Childs Identity, John Tobin and Jonathan Todres

There Can Only Be One, Jennifer Todd


Whose Goodwill is it? The Taxation of Goodwill in Owner-Entity Transactions, Timothy M. Todd

Analyzing the Opposition to the U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres

Beyond the Bedside: A Human Rights Approach to Adolescent Health, Jonathan Todres

Children's Rights and Women's Rights: Interrelated and Interdependent, Jonathan Todres

Comparing Human Rights Practice, Jonathan Todres

Extradition, Jonathan Todres

Health Care and Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres

Human Rights and Justice for Juveniles, Jonathan Todres

Human Rights and the Social Determinants of Health, Jonathan Todres

Human Trafficking and Film: How Popular Portrayals Influence Law and Public Perception, Jonathan Todres

Incorporating Experiential Learning in Health Law Courses, Jonathan Todres

Is law enforcement alone enough to reduce human trafficking?, The Great Debate: Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres

Law Permitting World War II Slave Labor Victims to Sue Held Unconstitutional: Deutsch v. Turner Corp., Jonathan Todres

Legal Glitch Means Trafficking Transparency Law Isn't So Transparent, Jonathan Todres

The Elephant in the Playroom: The U.S. Government's Role in Advancing Children's Rights, Jonathan Todres

The Portrayal of Rights in Children's Literature Teaches Important Lessons, Jonathan Todres

The Right to Health under the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres

The Value of the Human Rights Treaty Reporting Process, Jonathan Todres

Tobacco Related Harms Extend to Children Who Harvest It, Jonathan Todres

UN Holds Special Session on Children, Jonathan Todres

Human Rights in Children's Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law, Jonathan Todres and Sarah Higinbotham

What the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Says (and Doesn't Say) about Abortion and Family Planning, Jonathan Todres and Louise Howe

The Optional Protocols to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Impact of U.S. Ratification, Jonathan Todres and Cris Revaz

Overview, Jonathan Todres, Mark Wojcik, and Cris Revaz

The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Treaty Provisions and Implications of U.S. Ratification, Jonathan Todres, Mark Wojcik, and Cris Revaz

Biobanking - Relational Obligations, Valmaine Toki

Introduction: Mapping the contours of East Asian commercial law for the Asian century, Roman Tomasic and Leon Wolff


INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ANTIQUITY, Caique Tomaz Leite da Silva and João Paulo de Almeida Lenardon

American Legal History in Retrospect and Prospect: Reflections on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Morton Horwitz's Transformation of American Law Review Symposium on the 25th Anniversary of Horwitz's Transformation I, Christopher Tomlins

Book Review - The Unfolding of American Labor Law: Judges, Workers and Public Policy across Two Political Generations, 1790–1850, by Jeffrey Kahana., Christopher Tomlins

Demonic Ambiguities: Enchantment and Disenchantment in Nat Turner’s Virginia, Christopher Tomlins

Foreword: “Law As . . .” II, History As Interface for the Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Christopher Tomlins

Framing the Field of Law's Disciplinary Encounters: A Historical Narrative , Christopher Tomlins

History in the American Juridical Field: Narrative, Justification, and Explanation , Christopher Tomlins

History in the American Juridical Field: Narrative, Justification, and Explanation, Christopher Tomlins

In a Wilderness of Tigers: Violence, the Discourse of English Colonizing, and the Refusals of American History Writing Legal History, Christopher Tomlins

In This Issue , Christopher Tomlins

Legal Cartography of Colonization, the Legal Polyphony of Settlement: English Intrusions on the American Mainland in the Seventeenth Century, The Symposium: Colonialism, Culture, and the Law, Christopher Tomlins

Politics, Police, Past and Present: Larry Kramer's The People Themselves A Symposium on the People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review: I: Article, Christopher Tomlins

Revolutionary Justice in Brecht, Conrad, and Blake , Christopher Tomlins

The Consumption of History in the Legal Academy: Science and Synthesis, Perils and Prospects, Review Essay, Christopher Tomlins

The Presence and Absence of Legal Mind: A Comment on Duncan Kennedy’s Three Globalizations, Christopher Tomlins

Threepenny Constitution (and the Question of Justice), The Legal History Symposium Honoring Professor Wythe Holt, Christopher Tomlins

Transplants and Timing: Passages in the Creation of an Anglo-American Law of Slavery Histories of Legal Transplantations, Christopher Tomlins

Walter Johnson, River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom Book Review, Christopher Tomlins

What Would Langdell Have Thought? UC Irvine’s New Law School and the Question of History, Christopher Tomlins

"Law As…": Theory and Practice in Legal History, Christopher Tomlins and John Comaroff

Law As... Theory and Practice in Legal History Law As...: Theory and Method in Legal History, Christopher Tomlins and John Comaroff

A Mirror Crack'd? The Rule of Law in American History, Christopher L. Tomlins