The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Evidence: A Canadian Casebook, 3rd Edition, Hamish Stewart, Renalda Murphy, Steven Penney, Marilyn L. Pilkington, and James Stribopoulos
Evidence: A Canadian Casebook, 2nd Edition, Hamish Stewart, Marilyn L. Pilkington, Renalda Murphy, Steven Penney, and James Stribopoulos
The French Intervention in Mali, Counterterrorism, and the Law of Armed Conflict, Dan E. Stigall
Non-State Armed Groups and the Role of Transnational Criminal Law During Armed Conflict, Dan E. Stigall and Christopher L. Blakesely
Unaccountable Midnight Rulemaking? A Normatively Informative Assessment, Edward H. Stiglitz
Unitary Innovations and Political Accountability, Edward H. Stiglitz
The Hurricane Meets the Paper Chase: Innocence Projects New Emerging Role in Clinical Legal Education, Jan Stiglitz, Justin Brooks, and Tara Shulman
Death, Desuetude, and Original Meaning, John F. Stinneford
Dividing Crime, Multiplying Punishments, John F. Stinneford
Criminal Sanctions in Connecticut, Kate Stith and Laura Underkuffler
Facing the Unborn, Richard Stith
42. Repeated Self and Peer-Review Leads to Continuous Improvement in Child Interviewing, Stacia N. Stolzenberg and Thomas D. Lyon
Rethinking Workplace Regulation: Beyond the Standard Contract of Employment, Katherine V. W. Stone and Harry W. Arthurs
An Unobeyable Law is Not a Law, Timothy J. Stostad
An Unobeyable Law is Not a Law, Timothy J. Stostad
Agreeing to Disagree over Excessive Trading, Lynn A. Stout
Are Stock Markets Costly Casinos? Disagreement, Market Failure, and Securities Regulation, Lynn A. Stout
Are Takeover Premiums Really Premiums? Market Price, Fair Value, and Corporate Law, Lynn A. Stout
Bad and Not-so-Bad Arguments for Shareholder Primacy, Lynn A. Stout
Betting the Bank: How Derivatives Trading Under Conditions of Uncertainty Can Increase Risks and Erode Returns In Financial Markets, Lynn A. Stout
Derivatives and the Legal Origin of the 2008 Credit Crisis, Lynn A. Stout
Do Antitakeover Defenses Decrease Shareholder Wealth? The Ex Post/Ex Ante Valuation Problem, Lynn A. Stout
How Deregulating Derivatives Led to Disaster, and Why Re-Regulating Them Can Prevent Another, Lynn A. Stout
How Efficient Markets Undervalue Stocks: CAPM and ECMH under Conditions of Uncertainty and Disagreement, Lynn A. Stout
In Praise of Procedure: An Economic and Behavioral Defense of Smith v. Van Gorkom and the Business Judgment Rule, Lynn A. Stout
Judges as Altruistic Hierarchs, Lynn A. Stout
Killing Conscience: The Unintended Behavioral Consequences of "Pay for Performance", Lynn A. Stout
On Judges, Corporate Directors, and Other Hierarchs (Program), Lynn A. Stout
On the Nature of Corporations, Lynn A. Stout
On the Proper Motives of Corporate Directors (or, Why You Don't Want to Invite Homo Economicus to Join Your Board), Lynn A. Stout
On the Rise of Shareholder Primacy, Signs of Its Fall, and the Return of Managerialism (in the Closet), Lynn A. Stout
Regulate OTC Derivatives By Deregulating Them, Lynn A. Stout
Regulate OTC Derivatives By Deregulating Them: Response to Comments, Lynn A. Stout
Shareholder as Ulysses: Some Empirical Evidence on Why Investors in Public Corporations Tolerate Board Governance, Lynn A. Stout
Share Price as a Poor Criterion for Good Corporate Law, Lynn A. Stout
Some Thoughts on Poverty and Failure in the Market for Children's Human Capital, Lynn A. Stout
Technology, Transactions Costs, and Investor Welfare: Is a Motley Fool Born Every Minute?, Lynn A. Stout
The Investor Confidence Game, Lynn A. Stout
The Mechanisms of Market Inefficiency: An Introduction to the New Finance, Lynn A. Stout
The Mythical Benefits of Shareholder Control, Lynn A. Stout
The Shareholder Value Myth, Lynn A. Stout
The Toxic Side Effects of Shareholder Primacy, Lynn A. Stout
Uncertainty, Dangerous Optimism, and Speculation: An Inquiry Into Some Limits of Democratic Governance, Lynn A. Stout
Why We Should Stop Teaching Dodge v. Ford, Lynn A. Stout
Bremer's Gordian Knot: Transitional Justice and the US Occupation of Iraq, Eric Stover, Hanny Megally, and Hania Mufti
Introducing the Second Phase of the Common European Asylum System, Vladislava Stoyanova
Victims of Human Trafficking in the Asylum Procedure. A Legal Analysis of the Guarantees for 'Vulnerable Persons' under the Second Generation of EU Asylum Legislation, Vladislava Stoyanova
Patent I Panel: Commil USA v. Cisco, Mark Strachan, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, and Daryl Lim
An initial framework for a Brazilian constitutional theory of social security rights, Carlos Luiz Strapazzon
Scrutinizing Polygamy: Utah's Brown v. Buhman and British Columbia's Reference Re: Section 293, Maura I. Strassberg
Definitions, Religion, and Free Exercise Guarantees, Mark Strasser
Free Exercise and the Definition of Religion: Confusion in the Federal Courts, Mark Strasser
Schuette, Facial Neutrality and the Constitution, Mark Strasser
Global Economic Inequality and the Potential for Global Democracy: A Functionalist Analysis, Andrew L. Strauss
The Road to Paris: What Can We Expect from the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?, Andrew L. Strauss
The View from Academia, Andrew L. Strauss
Towards Global Peace, Justice and Conflict Resolution: What Would a Transition Strategy Look Like?, Andrew L. Strauss
Welcome Assembly: Osgoode Class of 2016, James Stribopoulos, Lorne Sossin, Dylan McGuinty, Kate Sutherland, Mya Bulwa, Louis Mirando, and Adam Del Gobbo
Welcome Assembly: Osgoode Class of 2016, James Stribopoulos, Lorne Sossin, Dylan McGuinty, Kate Sutherland, Mya Bulwa, Louis Mirando, and Adam Del Gobbo
Assignments to Barkan, Bintliff, and Whisner’s Fundamentals of Legal Research and Legal Research Illustrated Tenth Editions, Joan Stringfellow, Susan T. Phillips, and Wendy N. Law
Keeping The Constitution Inside The Schoolhouse Gate - Students' Rights Thirty Years After Tinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District, Nadine Strossen and Daniel Larner
Arms, Elbows, Fingers, Hand 2nd Amendment Misunderstood, 7 Stars, Atlantic Ocean Airplane Bridge, 3.67 Magic Number, Pluto as Comet, Titanic, 3rd Blue, James T. Struck
Article II Section II Clause 3 U.S. Constitution Suggests Releasing Former Illinois Governor Roderick Blagojevich, James T. Struck
Fermat's Last Theorem Disproved Over 7 Times By James T. STruck 2014 and 2015 3 Disproofs 2014 and 4 Disproofs 2015, James T. Struck
Fermat's Last Theorem Disproved Over 7 Times By James T. STruck 2014 and 2015 3 Disproofs 2014 and 4 Disproofs 2015, James T. Struck
Proof and Disproof at the Same Time-Beal Conjecture Case Study Proof 2015, Disproven 2015 and 2013 Beal Conjecture Disproven, James T. Struck
Proof and Disproof of Yang Mills from 2015-2018, James T. Struck
Void Cosmology-Better Explains What Happens First, Background Radiation, Voids in Space, Hydrogen Concentrations, James T. Struck
Void Cosmology-Better Explains What Happens First, Background Radiation, Voids in Space, Hydrogen Concentrations, James T. Struck
Void Cosmology-Better Explains What Happens First, Background Radiation, Voids in Space, Hydrogen Concentrations, James T. Struck
For Men Only: A Gap in the Rules Allows Sex Discrimination to Avoid Ethical Challenge, Michele N. Struffolino
Bringing a Knife to the Gunfight: The Academically Underprepared Law Student & Legal Education Reform, Susan Stuart and Ruth Vance
When Competition Fails to Optimise Quality: A Look at Search Engines, Maurice E. Stucke and Ariel Ezrachi
Emmanuel Francis: Prospects and Challenges of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Ubuntu Institute Students
Emmanuel Francis: The Prospects and Challenges of the Union Between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Ubuntu Institute Students
Magdalena Malima - Lessons drawn from refugees' problems, Ubuntu Institute Students
Mohammed Madai - Should the Government of Tanzania Ban Tobacco?: the Hard Answers, Ubuntu Institute Students
Mohammed Madai: Significance of the Earth Day, Ubuntu Institute Students
Prospects and Challenges of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Ubuntu Institute Students
Prospects and Challenges of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Ubuntu Institute Students
The Truth About Integrity Tests: The Validity and Utility of Integrity Testing for the Hospitality Industry, Michael C. Sturman Ph.D. and David Sherwyn J.D.
The Utility of Integrity Testing for Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs, Michael C. Sturman and David Sherwyn
Contesting a Contestation of Testing: A Reply to Richard Delgado, Dan Subotnik
Race Indeed Above All: A Reply to Professors Andrea Curcio, Carol Chomsky, and Eileen Kaufman, Dan Subotnik
Testing, Discrimination, and Opportunity: A Reply to Professor Harvey Gilmore, Dan Subotnik
Tyranny of the Meritocracy?: A Disputation over Testing with Professor Lani Guinier, Dan Subotnik
Scholarly Incentives, Scholarship, Article Selection Bias, and Investment Strategies for Today's Law Schools, Dan Subotnik and laura ross
Is it Unconstitutional to Prohibit Faith-Based Schools from Becoming Charter Schools?, Stephen D. Sugarman
To Help Smokers Quit, Make Them Vapers, Stephen D. Sugarman
Children’s Benefits in Social Security, Stephen D. Sugarman
Outcome-Based Regulatory Strategies for Promoting Greater Patient Safety, Stephen D. Sugarman
Torts in Law, Stephen D. Sugarman
Using Outcome Regulation to Contend with Lifestyle Risks in Europe, Stephen D. Sugarman